Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Cliche Guide to a Classic Romance ❯ Saving The Girl Part 4 - ??? ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
There a woman stood, red choppy hair to her shoulders green eyes glowing like a cats. Had it not been for the height difference Hinata could have sworn it was Minna, but this woman was taller by at least seven inches. Her once elegant silver dress had seen better days and she seemed to have abandoned her shoes a long time ago.

“. . .Takara. . .Your in trouble.”

The voice was nothing like Minna’s either. It was more low, dark, angry and drawled out. The scratching noised stopped as she reached the bed and removed her nails from the rocky walls. She slowly bent down feeling the bed, smiling when she found it was still warm. She looked around the room and smirked, her eyes landing on Hinata.

“ . . .your in bad shape. . .such a pity. . .I was hoping for more of a struggle while I killed you. . .” The voice started with a happier tone and slowly took on a dangerously calm voice.

Hinata’s eyes widened in a mixture of shock and fear. The older woman could see her, that was bad and she didn’t know how strong she was either. Though the way the woman stood, the way she carried herself, Hinata could see that the woman was stronger then she looked. “Who are you!” her voce sounded less courageous then she wanted it to, she just couldn’t seem to get that small trace of fear out of it. She watched as the woman walked closer to her, her feet gently touching the ground as she moved forward. Hinata side stepped away from the corner she was in, it wouldn’t be good if she let herself get cornered.

The woman’s soft and elegant way of closing in on her prey reminded her of a giant cat, swift and deadly. The Hyuuga girl went to reach for her kunai, and she inhaled sharply when she couldn’t find her small pouch. A quick image of herself handing it to the small girl before she started on the door flashed through her mind. She silently degraded herself for such a rookie mistake. How could she have forgotten something so important.

The red-headed female was quickly closing in, grinning. “You look so scared. . .They always do. . .” she said completely ignoring the younger females question as her bony fingers curled into a fist her nails digging into her palms causing a small steady flow of blood. Though the amount of it was enough to think that the woman was hurt, her face didn’t show any signs of pain. “. . .you can run if you like. . .it would make it more fun . . .for me anyway.”

“I’ll never run.” Hinata stated bluntly getting into a defensive stance, readying herself for an attack.”

The older woman’s face turned sour. “Fine! If you can‘t entertain me with a chase I‘ll just have prolong your suffering while I tear you apart!” she yelled lunging at Hinata, swinging her fist.

Hinata dodged to the right, the enemy’s fist grazing her face, Hinata felt the sharp pain and as soon as her feet hit the ground she jumped back again incase of a follow up attack. When she landed she seen the woman’s foot being slowly moved back in place from the spot she had chose to embed it in, the spot where Hinata had been just seconds ago.

“My, my, what a smart girl.” The woman muttered bitterly, running at her again.

Hinata stood straight getting into the same position and started blocking the hits and trying to find an opening to retaliate. She had to throw an attack of her own in soon if she kept defending she would run out of energy before she got to strike and wouldn’t have any chance of escape. Gathering up all her strength Hinata blocked another punch pushing it aside and brought her hand forward aiming for one of the many chakra points. The woman moved to the side before the hit made contact and threw a punch of her own, Hinata ducked down barely missing it. However she didn‘t have time dodge the foot that hit her in the side and sent her crashing into the jagged cave wall.

Hinata quickly stood glaring at the woman and took the initial move, running to the woman. The woman’s smirk grew wider as she swung her foot again., this time the hit didn’t land. Hinata had jumped up, her chakra flaring in her feet as she kicked the woman in the jaw. The woman flew back, flipping sloppily in the air and landing haphazardly on all fours and sliding backwards a few feet. She didn’t even wait till she was stable before charging forward.

Hinata quickly started working her chakra in her hands catching the woman’s attacks. It was hard predicting the older females moves. There was no discipline or pattern in the woman’s movements. It was like trying to keep up with a wild animal. It wasn’t just punches she had to block, the woman was kicking just as rapidly as she threw her punches. She was using her speed and flexibility to it’s fullest, turning in awkward angles and positions, making sure Hinata didn’t have any time for a counter attack.

Finally Hinata blocked one last hit and moved back right as the woman, who had wound up in an arch with her hands on the ground, swung her leg up for a kick followed by her other. The Hyuuga girl didn’t hesitate in taking her fist ad slamming it in the center of the woman’s back. She could feel the spine crack under her hand.

The enemy yelled in pain as she was hit in the back and knocked off balance. The woman was once again thrown back, this time however she couldn’t land, causing her to land on her side and roll across the ground.

Straightening her postured and looking around the younger girl tried to find an escape. She didn’t want to run but she could feel her chakra draining fast. She could have easily ran into the tunnel on the left side, that way she didn’t have to pass the woman who was struggling to get up. But then she would have a higher risk of getting lost or trapped at a dead end and the chances of the older female knowing her way around the rock maze was too high. Taking a deep breath Hinata ran forward, jumping over the woman on the ground. She almost touched ground when she was jerked back and slammed back down onto the ground, the woman hovering over her with a sneer.

The woman’s face showed nothing but complete annoyance and he body flared with the chakra. “Such a pest!”

Pale eyes widened as the woman brought her fist back. The only thing Hinata could think of at while the fist was coming at her was Naruto and the next thing she knew her forehead flared in pain as it connected with her opponent’s.

She hurriedly kicked the woman off and jumped up, kicking the older female one more time before switching back to the Hyuuga clans main fighting style and performing the traditional sixty-four palms.

Of course currently Hinata had the upper hand, but something about the woman worried her, a few things Hinata was noticing. For starters, the woman didn’t seem to be losing the ability to us her chakra which should of happened the first time she had struck her. Another was that the woman who was now smirking while being struck didn’t seem to be registering any type of pain. The last thing was that the woman seemed to a bit mentally unstable and seemed to be in her own little world as she stood there and took the hits with a half smile. There were just so many things wrong with this scene that Hinata couldn’t piece together.

As the Hyuuga went in for the last strike it met with the woman’s hand. Two opposing chakra’s seemed to fuse together, however inside the mix the two chakras fought fiercely. The chakra’s raged a short war for dominance, however neither succeeded and the result ending with an explosion that sent both people flying back into rocky walls.


“Hey we got their scent. Their not too far ahead.” Kiba informed the group watching Akamaru lift his head up from sniffing the ground.

Sakura gave a dramatic sigh. “Finally! Took you long enough.” she half complained and half teased.

“What’s that supposed to mean? would you like to get on all fours and start sniffing, cause I haven’t seen you do anything yet!” He snapped, giving the girl a small glare.

“That’s because my talents are in healing and fighting, not tracking. You on the other hand took way too long to track them down.” She snapped back, not even bothering to glare and instead just crossed her arms in front of her, looking bored.

Kiba growled at the girl and opened his mouth to yell at her when Shino walked in between them, shutting Kiba up and blocking sakura from his line of sight. “What‘s your problem?” he barked at his friend, the silence making him regret the words shortly after. He rolled his eyes looking away from Shino completely and took up glaring at nothing in particular as he waited for his answer.

After Kiba seemed to calm down a little Shino looked at him. “We need to move before they get too far away. . .I‘d rather not waste anymore time listening to you two bickering. ” The bug user said quietly, hoping this would defuse the argument long enough to cover some ground before the sun was fully up .

“She started it.” Kiba grumbled to himself starting to stomp off.

“Kiba, I don‘t care who started it. . .”

The teen looked back at the other male with an agitated smile. “ Let me guess, you’ll finish it.”

“No I was simply stating that I don’t care. I have no intentions of finishing anything except this mission. Now can we continue?” He asked calmly walking ahead of Kiba who stood there confused.

Kiba looked at his friend for a second before nodding slowly then shaking his a second after realizing Shino couldn‘t see him. When did Shino start asking?

Sakura looked between Kiba and Shino before stepping up next to Kiba and walking next to him. “Is Shino feeling okay?” she asked leaning in so she could whisper quietly without Shino hearing.

The boy was startled slightly be the girls sudden appearance next to him. “I don’t know, Either he’s really worried or he’s sick. . . I don’t know but he’s definitely something. He just asked a question.”

“You think he’s that worried about Hinata and Naruto, or do you think our squabbling are really getting to him?” She asked. Trying to keep her voice down.

Kiba shrugged, he honestly didn’t know what was wrong with his teammate. Usually when Shino asked a question it was to receive information. Other then that there was usually a command under that question that really didn’t leave any room for options. Slowly his mouth spread into a fanged grin. “ Maybe he’s finally accepting the fact that I -”

“No Kiba, Your not. ” Shino stated firmly cutting Sakura and Kiba’s conversation short.

Kiba ignored Sakura’s failed attempt at hidden laughter and glared at Shino’s back. If the man could hear every word that was being said he could have spoken up earlier. Stupid bug freak.


Hiashi watched with irritation as the blonde boy raced ahead of him. He knew Naruto was excited Hinata was alive and was in a hurry to see her again, but couldn’t he be a little more cautious while in the enemies territory? Not to mention the problem with him not being able to see in the dark. Maybe he shouldn’t have let the boy know Hinata was alright.

No, then the boy wouldn’t be focused at all on getting the scroll back. He heard Naruto stop for a second and drag his feet a bit before a loud crash of a door being kicked open made him inwardly cringe. He walked over to the broken door and looked into the room glaring at the boy. “Naruto, please remember where you are and what your doing.”

Naruto looked back at the Hyuuga leader and grinned. “I know. We’re looking for the scroll.” He said letting the man know he didn’t forget anything.

He walked around the room feeling around and trying to feel for the scroll. This had been the seventh room that Hiashi and himself had found, and it was the fifth room without light. A couple actually had small tiny window that let light through. He liked those rooms.

This room was completely cold, dark and empty.

“Yes Naruto we’re looking for that, but there might be someone here and making such loud noises will alert them that we’re here and neither of us is in any condition to fight.”

Naruto crossed his arm defiantly . “What are you talking about I’m fine!”

“You’ve been grabbing your side a lot, plus your movements are slowing down. Your injured and exhausted and I’m not any better. “ Hiashi said firmly, giving the boy a look o disapproval for denying his condition.

“fine, I feel like I’m going to pass out, but we really don’t have a choice, We need to get the scrolls back and find Hinata. Beside’s I don’t think anyone’s here. We’ve been walking around forever and we haven’t been attacked yet.”

Hiashi nodded silently to satisfy the younger male. However now that Naruto mentioned it, it was way too quiet. They hadn’t been attacked, no one was following them and they hadn’t even heard any noises coming from anywhere. Perhaps this was an abandoned base. They could have left when right after they stole the scroll.

No they had Hinata here so there had to have been someone here. . . Or maybe whoever was here had ran after Hinata when she escaped. From what Naruto told him there had been three people who had attack him outside and two of them were dead. So that left one person who would have had no choice but to chase after some one who knew where the hideout was, but if the last enemy was chasing after daughter was the scroll still here?

Should they leave and look for the enemy, or keep looking here? Even if they did catch the enemy what was the possibility that they had the scroll on them?

“Hey! Hey! I think I found something!” Naruto yelled waving a rolled up piece of paper in front of the mans face, much to the mans annoyance.

Taking the paper from the blonde he un rolled the paper and looked it over. He couldn’t of been happier by what he was on it. It was a map of the building, a blueprint. It could have only made him happier if the paper told him which room the scrolls were in, however being a Shinobi he was taught not to hope for too much.

“Well, what is it?!”

Hiashi looked at the boy from over the top of the paper appearing more calm then he actually was. “It a blueprint of this place. According to this there are underground tunnels. Some of them don‘t even fit on this page. They probably have allies outside of this area. . .” there went his idea of there only being one person left.

Naruto froze for a second before yelling. “What?!” He blanched thinking about having even more places to look in. his side was killing him, his feet were getting sore and he felt like he was going to get sick then just when he thought he was almost done, Wham, even more things he had to do. “Ugh! The one time I need a brake and I can’t get it.”

Although he would have worded it differently the older man nodded in agreement. He might have been a little unsure of the boy, but that would stop him from having the same line of thoughts during this situation. “First let me go over everywhere we’ve been then we’ll search the rest of this place.” Hiashi said kneeling on the ground and spreading out the blueprints.

Naruto let himself drop on the ground and leaned against the wall, watching the older man go over the paper. “What if it’s not up here? Are we really going to search the tunnels?”

“We don’t have a choice. “


Hinata grabbed the woman’s shoulder and flipped her self over turning around as she hit the ground and for the second time slammed her hands into the woman’s back. She could tell the woman was furious and in a way It made Hinata hopeful. If the woman was mad maybe it was because she was finding it difficult to defeat her.

The woman snarled and snatched younger girl’s wrist and spun quickly on her heels and flung the girl across the cavern causing her to loose her footing. The girl stumbled a little before she caught her self on the wall, ducking quickly as the woman came at her with another punch. The impact made a loud noise.

Hinata ignored the sound in favor of swinging her palm upward and landing a blow on the jaw forcing her back a few feet. Taking a quick glance back she looked at the wall. Her eye’s widening at the crater in the wall. It was no where near as big as the ones Sakura had made in the past but it was enough to finish her off if it hit.

She really had to run now. She couldn’t dodge forever. She had to try to get out before she got killed. But how could she, she didn’t have anything to cause a distraction, she had left her bag back at in that room. What could she do?

The red haired woman used the younger girls hesitation to her advantage and kicked the girls feet out from under her.

The fall knocked the air out of Hinata’s lungs and she was having a hard time trying to get it back as the woman started kicking her around the cave floor. Every time Hinata would start to lift herself off the ground the woman would slam her foot into her back digging her heel in her spine with a low chuckle.

The woman smiled kicking the girl onto her back and pressing her foot against her throat, playing with the pressure she applied till deciding to make the girls face turn a nasty shade of purple. Laughing the woman removed her foot before the girl could pass out.

Hinata gasped, taking in air once the foot left her neck. The woman watched in amusement at the girls desperate attempt to breath. “. . .Pathetic. . .”

Hinata rolled onto her side to glare at the woman, “Your pathetic. Having to steals others abilities to gain power. . .you should train like everyone else!” She sat up on her knees as she tried to yell but, instead it came out in a hoarse raspy whisper.

The glared back at the girl. “What are you talking about. . . .?” She asked sounding arrogant and angry.

Hinata got to her feet slowly her eye’s never leaving the older woman. “the scrolls you stole from my family!” she whispered harshly still finding it difficult to raise her voice. She flinched when the woman raised her hand.

However the was a pause when the woman had registered what the girl said, and she started chuckling again. “Those scrolls? Ha!. . . I have no use for them.. . . Stupid girl.”

“But why. . .”

“You would have to ask my son-in-law, I’m just here for the fun.” she said grinning and lashing out again.

Hinata grabbed the woman’s hand. “Your insane.” She stated bluntly binging her knee up into the woman’s stomach, hearing the familiar coughing noise as she brought her lag up for the second time kicking the woman as hard as she could.

The woman flew back, however as she went back she grabbed onto Hinata’s shirt pulling her along for the ride. As the hit the gound the rolled the older female ending up above of the Hyuuga girl. The woman immediately pinned her by the neck with one hand and started punching her with the other.

Hinata bit back a yell of pain as the fist repeatedly connected with her face, pausing once in a while to pull her head up and slam it back against the ground. She couldn’t stand feeling the blood drip from her mouth and nose, and she could swear her face was going numb. She tried shoving the woman off but failed miserably. Kicking didn’t seem to do anything but amuse the woman.

Finally as the woman paused Hinata got an idea, when she got up far enough, her hand shot up and she grabbed to fistfuls of hair. Cheap move? Yes, it was. But it worked didn’t it? The woman growled at Hinata and tried in vain to untangled her hand out of her hair. Hinata took a deep breathe and yanked forward, she heard a sharp sound as their foreheads collided. The woman fell to the side grabbing her head in pain.

Hinata got up quickly and darted out of the cavern.

Okay so maybe it didn’t turn out the way she planned, but at least she had a chance to get out now.

“Hey guys there‘s blood on the door. It‘s not that old either. ” Kiba said as they stopped in front of the door, examining the smeared blood. He watched akamaru sniff at the ground before wandering away from the door a few feet and bark. “Neji and Naruto’s scent stops here but Hinata’s goes farther off that way. . .It’s probably Hinata’s blood on the door. “

Sakura looked around the area, taking in every detail. Where could Hinata have gone. There wasn’t really any where to hide. The woods were very dense and could hide someone decently if they knew what they were doing, but it wouldn’t work forever. There were also caves, but they were to big and someone could easily get lost. “So what should we do? If the blood is Hinata’s then she’s obviously injured and most likely in danger. And we can’t be to sure of Hiashi and Naruto’s condition. However if Neji’s in there then Naruto already has someone with him, and Its highly possible that Hinat’s fathers in there as well. I think we should go after Hinata, then come back for Naruto. ” she said quickly. She knew Naruto could handle himself when it came down to actual fighting. He had proven that on too many occasions. But Hinata was already hurt, and if she was in danger it could be bad. “Shino?” she looked at him for an opinion.

It took him a few seconds of think be fore he answered. “We should split up. Kiba and You can go after Hinata. I’ll go and look for the other two in here. When your done, we’ll meet back here.”

Kiba looked at them bored. He already figured he wouldn’t get a say in who went where. All three of them were put together on the same team for a reason and while Kiba himself was blessed with common sense and average intelligence, he wasn‘t Smart like Sakura and he wasn’t as calm as shino. Besides, it made sense one of them would go and check on the others inside while him and Sakura went after Hinata. “Alright. Fine I’ll go Sakura but Take Akamaru with you. He should be able to lead you to Naruto and the others.”

“Will you be Okay without him” Shino asked looking over at the oversized dog.

“Come on shino I’ve worked with out him before and came out completely unharmed, besides I got the future Tsunade with me, I’ll be fine.” Kiba said with a smirk. He might not have gotten along with Sakura but he did respect her skills as a Ninja.

Sakura glared at Kiba from the corner of her eyes, but decided to take the remark as a compliment. “. . .Alright, but If one of us is back before the otheer should we go look for the other group?”

“Yes, but only if your well enough to fight.”

They all gave there own versions of agreement before taking off in they’re separate directions.