Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Clipped Wings ❯ Taisuke’s True Speciality: Sumiko’s Choice ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Chapter 4: Taisuke's True Speciality: Sumiko's Choice
“Water Style: Liquid Bullet Jutsu,” Kasumi yelled as she fired the compressed water at a nearby tree. It had been a week since Team 4 had their sparring match on water. Taisuke had began to teach them the ninjutsu he promised them shortly after their eighth mission.
“Good job, Kasumi,” Taisuke said clapping. “You really are improving.” Kasumi blushed.
“Ah, really think so?” she said scratching the back of her head with her eyes closed. He nodded.
“Wind Style: Drilling Air Bullet,” Hiroku yelled.
“Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu,” Sumiko joined.
Kasumi and Taisuke turned to see the two jutsus cross each other fighting for dominance over the other. The two jutsus eventually dissipated and died out.
“Well, you learned the technique in a week and all seven out of eight missions are done,” Taisuke said turning to his team. “We are making good progress. Let's go to Hokage Tower and give the Hokage our mission report then class will be dismissed.” They began moving from the training ground to the nearest house. They applied chakra to their feet and ran toward the tower.
“You know you three have improved greatly from when I first saw you,” Taisuke said trying to start a conversation as they ran to the Hokage Tower.
“Really,” Kasumi said.
“Yes. You three have great potential,” Taisuke said as they finally arrived at Hokage Tower. They walked in past the secretaries and into the main office.
“What's you're report?” the old Hokage said making eye contact with the shinobi as he stared out the window.
“The mission, saving Akiko-san's cat, was successfully completed,” Taisuke spoke up.
“Surely the mission couldn't have taken that long,” Sarutobi said turning to face them.
“I was training them for the chunin exam,” Taisuke said.
The Hokage raised an eyebrow. “So these three are participating in the chunin exams, huh.”
“Yes sir,” the three genin said respectfully. They watched as the Hokage grinned at them then turned to sit at his desk.
“Yes, Hokage-sama.”
“I have a mission for you.”
“What is it?”
“It is a C ranked mission. Recently, this revolves around getting alliances ready for the chunin exam. Your mission is to head to the Land of the Birds to secure an alliance between the Land of Claw and the Land of Fang.”
“Again?” Taisuke asked annoyed.
“Yes, I am afraid so.” Taisuke scratched his head.
“They will probably ally themselves for a couple of years and that'll be it,” Taisuke said. “Alright, I'll leave tomorrow morning.”
“Alright then...” the Hokage said before he was interrupted.
“What about us?” Kasumi blurted out.
“Show some respect,” Sumiko said hitting her in the back of the head.
“Ow, that hurt you know,” Kasumi said clutching her head.
“She's fine, Sumiko,” the Hokage said. He turned toward Kasumi. “So you want to go on a higher ranked mission?” Kasumi nodded. “What about you two,” he said referring to Hiroku and Sumiko. They nodded as well. “Well,” he said after a minute of thinking. “We could always use some young diplomats so I don't see why not,” he said finally stroking his beard.
“Thank you, Hokage-sama,” Kasumi said. She ran on the other side of the desk and gave the Hokage a hug.
“Energetic are we,” he said. Kasumi nodded happily before she turned to join her group. “Alright Team 7, I expect to here of your success.”
----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
“A diplomatic mission?” Hiroku's mother said calmly.
“Yes. We are leaving tomorrow,” Hiroku said.
“I see. Well, I have to go out. Take care of everything here,” Hiroku's mother said sitting up and heading for the door.
She headed out. As she exited her house, she activated her Byakugan.`Found you,' she thought after searching the town with her Byakugan. She applied chakra to her feet and ran off into the moonlight. She took to the roofs of the buildings hoping to be able to catch him faster. She stopped at an apartment complex and jumped off the building. She deactivated her Byakugan and stared at the full moon. She turned to the apartments and began running up the stairs. “Why does his place have to be so high up,” she said as she traveled staircase by staircase until she reached the house that had Shibata on the side of the door. She caught her breath then knocked on the door loudly.
Taisuke came to the door clad in a t-shirt and boxers. He rubbed his eyes as he opened the door. “Hitomi, what are you doing here?” he said somewhat surprised.
“There is something I need you to do when you go to the Land of Birds,” she said. Taisuke opened the door all the way.
“We can talk inside, it's cold out,” he said.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
“Okay, we're off,” Kasumi said loudly as the team left Kohona behind them. “Bye, Kohona,” she said waving goodbye to the guards at the watchtower by the exit.
“You're such a child,” Sumiko said.
“Of course. I'm 11. How do you expect me to act? I can't go with a scowl all day like you can; it'll mess up my lovely face,” Kasumi said stroking her cheek with her hand. Sumiko rolled her eyes.
“It's a three day trip to the Land of Birds, right?” Hiroku said walking toward Taisuke.
“Yes. We can cut it down to around two days if we take soldier pills,” Taisuke said putting his hands in his pockets. He pulled out his stopwatch. “Are we going to use the soldier pills?”
“I have always wanted to experiment with them,” Hiroku said. He turned to his teammates. “What about you two?”
“Sure,” Kasumi said. “Anything that gets us there faster.”
“I don't see why not,” Sumiko said shrugging her shoulders.
“Good,” Taisuke said. He reached into a small pocket in his backpack and pulled out a small bag. He handed a pill to each of them. “This will keep us going non-stop for three days and three nights straight. We will only stop to eat and drink. Is that clear?”
“Yes sir,” they said.
“Let's go then.” They soon disappeared into the woods.
“So, any idea what they are arguing over,” Hiroku said going from tree to tree.
“The Land of Fang and the Land of Claw hate each other. The neighboring countries usually hire a diplomatic ninja to shut them up temporarily from time to time. That's were we come in. We
want an alliance that will at least last two years. This time it seems they are arguing over land,” Taisuke said.
“Seems kind of stupid,” Sumiko said.
“Yeah, but if we are getting paid to do this I'll look over that,” Taisuke said looking back at Sumiko.
“So, these soldier pills, are there any side effects to them,” Kasumi asked.
“After the three days, your body will shut down from lack of rest. We'll probably be out for about a day, but since the Land of Claw and the Land of Fang do not have any shinobi villages we should be fine,” Taisuke said.
“Okay you three, turn it up a notch. I want to get there and get back as fast as we can.”
They sped up as they made their way through the trees. Kasumi looked back not even able to see the village anymore. “Taisuke, how many times have you went to the Land of Birds to form a peace treaty?” Kasumi said trying to make conversation.
Taisuke sped up a little forcing his team to move even faster. “Let's see, I've been doing this for ten years now, so this will be my fifth time,” he said finally. “I'm glad I now have apprentices that will take some of the heat off of me,” he said sighing. It went quiet again. All they could hear were birds chirping and tree branches occasionally snap. Other than that it was quiet. Kasumi turned to see Hiroku was reading the same medic book as before. She attempted to catch up with him. She eventually reached the same branch he was on.
“What do you want, Kasumi,” Hiroku said turning to see her as he landed on another tree.
“Do you... have any more books on you, Roku,” Kasumi asked shyly. Hiroku nodded. He swung his backpack over his shoulder and looked inside. He pulled out another book about genjutsu and handed it to her.
“I probably wouldn't read it anytime soon anyway,” Hiroku said putting the backpack back on his shoulders.
“Thank you,” Kasumi said looking at the book. The book was medium sized paperback. It was still in good condition. She read the title to herself, Genjutsu for Shinobi: Useful and Deadly. She looked the book over and opened it and began reading to herself mumbling the words barely making herself audible. “One of the most common types of genjutsu are the Demonic Illusion techniques,” she said becoming increasingly engrossed in the book.
“Make sure you watch where you're going, you two,” Taisuke said watching the two genin reading.
“Okay,” Kasumi said. Taisuke then saw Sumiko speeding up past the two bookworms. And was now one branch behind Taisuke.
“No book?” Taisuke said noticing nothing in Sumiko's hands. She shook her head.
“I just want to see the scroll the Hokage gave you. I want to know all about this mission from the inside out,” Sumiko said.
“You really do need to lighten up a bit Sumiko,” Taisuke said handing her the scroll. She took the scroll and began to read it carefully, etching every word into her brain. She handed it back to Taisuke. Sumiko looked up at the sun.
“Taisuke-sensei, how long have we been going at this pace?” Sumiko asked.
He looked at his stopwatch. “A little over seven hours. We left around 10:00 a.m.,” he said. After we get past the forest, we'll stop and eat then continue onwards.”
“Fine,” Sumiko said. She stretched her arms into the sky causing her to groan a bit then bought them back down to her sides.
She turned around to see Kasumi and Hiroku still engrossed in their books. “Hey, Roku?” Kasumi asked.
“Can I keep this book?” Kasumi finished shyly still reading.
“Go ahead,” he said. “I'll probably never get around to reading it anyway.
“Thank you,” she said putting a finger in the book closing it and giving Hiroku a big hug.
“Sure,” he said as Kasumi let him go from her embrace. She opened the book back up and continued reading.
“Alright, Team 7, we've reached the end of the forest,” he said jumping down going into a run on the open field. He looked at his stopwatch `Almost ten hours,' he thought.
“Are we going to stop and get something to eat soon,” Kasumi said. She and Hiroku had put their books in their backpack as darkness approached.
“Yeah, the second we find a stream or some kind of water,” he said. Kasumi groaned as she stared up into the sky. “C'mon guys, the faster we move the faster we can find a stream,” Taisuke encouraged.
They sped through the night. The crisp air flew at their faces. “I have an idea,” Sumiko said.
“What?” Kasumi said as she tried to catch up to Sumiko. She watched as Sumiko unraveled her steel wire and sent each of the ten long strings in different directions. “Won't that cut us?” Kasumi asked.
“That's the beauty of these strings. They only cut what I want them to cut,” Sumiko said with a smirk. “They are also sensitive. I control their movements not only with my fingers, but with my chakra as well,” Sumiko said closing her eyes. “If I feel water, I'll alert you immediately.” Kasumi nodded as began to run past Sumiko. Kasumi turned around to see Hiroku.
“It's times like this that I wish you had the Byakugan, Roku,” Kasumi said.
“Same here,” Hiroku said.
“It times like these that I wish I would have bought a bottle of water,” Sumiko said mumbling to herself.
“Hey you guys, another forest dead ahead,” Taisuke said. They leapt into the trees again.
“Taisuke-sensei, do we really need food?” Hiroku asked.
“No,” Taisuke responded. “The fills boost strength and energy and a person can fight for three days. We technically don't need to stop.”
“So why are we stopping?” Hiroku said.
“I finished all my drinking water a long time ago and I need it to be refilled,” Taisuke said calmly holding up the large empty bottle.
“You guys here that?” Kasumi said. The group slowed to a stop and listened. “It's over in this direction,” Kasumi said going east. The group soon followed after her.
“I'm beginning to here it now myself,” Taisuke said as they jumped from tree to tree as fast as they could go.
Kasumi leapt over a tree and saw a large waterfall. She stared in awe as the moonlight shine on the pond below. She walked over to the water and held out a bottle. She set the bottle in the lake and filled it up. She turned to see her teammates and held the bottle high in the air grinning. “Looks like we got some water now,” she said.
“Guess so,” Taisuke said approaching the pond. “It's clear too. Don't worry it's safe to drink,” he said putting his large bottle in the water.
“Good,” Kasumi said taking a big gulp of her bottle. She sighed happily and stuck it back in the pond.
Hiroku and Sumiko soon joined them. “This water is good,” Hiroku said taking another sip.
“Okay, everyone has their water problems solved. That includes bathroom and hydration issues,” Taisuke asked. They nodded. “Good. We can eat along the way. Let's go.” They took off into the woods again. “So, how are you guys feeling?” Taisuke asked.
“Energized,” Sumiko said simply swinging on branches now.
“Yeah,” Kasumi said.
“I just want to get there,” Hiroku said.
“Agreed. Let's turn it up a notch,” Taisuke said. They began to rush through forest after forest, plain after plain, as the moon turned into sun. The group was still running across a plain never sleeping.
“Are we almost there yet?” Kasumi said.
“Almost,” Taisuke said.
“How long have we been traveling anyway?” Hiroku said.
Taisuke looked at his stopwatch. “Some thirty-two hours,” Taisuke said sighing. “We should be there in about half an hour.”
“Let's make it twenty minutes,” Hiroku said. He began to rush ahead of the group. “We just keep going straight right?”
“Right,” Taisuke said. Hiroku began to speed up.
“Alright, girls, let's catch up with him,” Taisuke said. The group sped up trying to get to the village faster.
“Hey, I see it,” Hiroku said.
“Good, slow down when we get to the gate,” Taisuke said. They group continued running ahead until they finally reached the gate of the town.
“We made it,” Kasumi said happily.
“Yeah, follow me,” Taisuke said. The genin followed behind Taisuke standing side by side looking around at the village. It was a fairly bustling village. They saw a few shops here and there and a bunch of apartments. They stopped as Taisuke walked to the nearest gate and showed the guard the scroll detailing the mission. He was wearing a blue shirt and pants underneath his white armor. His black eyes were going through the note not skipping a word. He nodded and led them outside town.
“I can't wait to get this over with so I can get some sleep,” Kasumi said stretching her hands upward.
“Why, the soldier pills don't wear off for another day,” Sumiko said.
“Trust me, once your head hits a pillow, you'll be out like a light,” Taisuke said looking back at the group.
“Just how long did it take us to get here anyway?” Hiroku said.
“Let's see,” Taisuke said looking at his stopwatch. “Thirty-three hours,” Taisuke said. “We made it here about two or three hours ahead of schedule.”
The guard cleared his throat loudly gathering the four shinobi's attention. “We're here,” he said roughly. The group looked up. It looked about the size of a two story house. The meeting place looked to be built with bricks that were painted yellow. The guard then stood in front of the house. “The servants of the two countries will guide you to your rooms. Please form an alliance with them,” the guard pleaded.
“Sure,” Taisuke said. He walked past the guard toward the door and motioned his students to follow him through. Two maids welcomed them. They both looked in their late-teens. One had black hair that went to her waist; her brown eyes met theirs. The other one had neck length brown hair and black eyes. They were both wearing white yukata's.
“Welcome,” the black haired girl said bowing her head. “I'm Mitsuko and this is Hikari,” she said pointing to the other girl.
“Hello,” Hikari said bowing as well. “We will be your guides throughout the building.”
“Okay,” Taisuke said.
“I'm sure you would like to get a little rest before the negotiations begin,” Mitsuko said. “Please follow us to the rooms.” They took a right near the entrance and walked down a long hallway. The group noticed various paintings of trees and forest life.
“These paintings are nice,” Kasumi said eyeing every painting she could.
“Yes, I suppose they are,” Mitsuko said. “They're pretty old from what I hear though.”
“I wish I could draw like that,” Kasumi continued. They stopped at a door on the right side in the middle of the hallway.
“This is where the two males will sleep,” Mitsuko said aloud.
“Thank you,” Taisuke said as Mitsuko gave him the key to their room. “Well, Roku, this is where we will spend the rest of the day,” Taisuke said. “That is unless you don't want the pills to wear off yet.”
Hiroku shook his head. “No, I'm ready to sleep.” Taisuke opened the door and Hiroku soon followed. Kasumi took a peek inside to see two beds clad in white sheets with a night stand in between them, before Hiroku stood in front of the door. “See you tomorrow,” Hiroku said yawning.
“Night,” Kasumi said waving at him with a grin.
“The girls room is right over there,” Mitsuko said pointing to the next door on the left side.
“Okay,” Kasumi said.
“And here is your key,” Mitsuko said giving the key to Sumiko.
“Why does she get the key?” Kasumi asked.
“Because she seemed more mature than you,” Mitsuko said closing her eyes kindly. Sumiko smirked at the remark and unlocked the door.
“Thank you,” Sumiko said bowing before Kasumi quickly followed her in closing the door behind her.
They looked inside and saw two beds clad in white sheets with a night stand in the middle similar to the other room. There was a painting that hung over the bathroom door on the left side of the room. Kasumi walked into the bathroom. She immediately noticed that it was a full bathroom. She saw a rather large circular bathtub with a shower beside it. She looked over on the other side and saw two sinks side by side. She opened a door in the back and saw a toilet with five rolls of toilet paper on a shelf on the opposite side of the toilet. She walked out and saw another door by the entrance. She opened it and saw shelves with towels, soap, and other hygiene products. “They really do take care of their guest,” Kasumi said walking out of the bathroom.
“Sumiko, you have to see the bathroom?” Kasumi said.
“No thanks,” she said checking her gauntlet. She looked up at Kasumi and headed for the door.
“Where are you going?” Kasumi asked raising an eyebrow.
“Training,” Sumiko said. “Something you should do more often,” she said grabbing the doorknob. “Besides, the pills don't wear off for a day and a half,” she said walking out the door.
“You seriously have a one track mind,” Kasumi said. Sumiko shrugged and closed the door behind her. Kasumi stared at the door for a few seconds. She went in her backpack for her night clothes.
“I might as well enjoy the peace and quiet,” Kasumi said grabbing the book Hiroku gave her. She stretched first, then headed for the bathtub. She began running the water for the tub. “Now, where was I?”
----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Sumiko wrapped the gauntlets around the nearest tree. She moved her fingers lithely and the steel wire gripped tightly around the tree. She made a few more movements and guided the deadly strings into the branches of the trees. She rose her hands still moving her fingers and watched as the branches snapped from the trees. She threw the branches in the air and bought her hands together to form her hand signs.
“Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu.” Sumiko watched as the trees burnt to cinders from the blast. She recalled the strings to her arms but suddenly flinched as she felt the cold steel cut her cheek. “I need to pay attention more. These strings can still cut when moving at high speeds. She then began a series of punches and kicks using the air as an opponent. “I can't settle; I must get stronger constantly,” Sumiko said in between blows. She let the blood from the cut fall freely. “My teammates may be lazy, but I'm not,” Sumiko continued. She eventually slowed down. She felt her cheek again and felt the warm blood gush out. “I guess I should bandage this up,” Sumiko said returning to the house. She opened the door and saw Mitsuko and Hikari preparing dinner.
“I thought you went to sleep,” Mitsuko said.
“No,” Sumiko said. “Do... you have a bandage.”
“Sure,” Mitsuko said.
“I'm on it,” Hikari said leaving the room.
“What were you doing,” Mitsuko said putting a rag on the wound.
“Training,” Sumiko said proudly.
Mitsuko made a O with her mouth and stood upright. She then began to chuckle a little.
“What?” Sumiko said arching an eyebrow.
“Nothing,” Mitsuko said. She turned to see Hikari with the bandages. She guided Sumiko to sit down. Hikari placed a swab on Sumiko's cheek causing her to flinch at the touch. Hikari took a bandage and stuck it on her cheek. She then stood up and admired her work.
“Would you like something to eat,” Mitsuko said offering her a bowl of chicken noodle soup.
“Thank you,” Sumiko said accepting the bowl. She began eating when she noticed the unusually quiet house. “Where are the analytically?”
“They won't be here til early in the morning,” Mitsuko said grinning.
“Okay,” Sumiko said.
The threesome ate their food quietly. Sumiko finished first. She set her found in the kitchen sink and looked in the refrigerator. She grabbed a bottle of water and left for her room. “Good night,” she said turning the corner.
“Good night,” the maids said. They stared at each other for a little.
“You think she knows,” Mitsuko asked when she thought the girl was out of hearing range.
“I doubt it,” Hikari said. “She seems like the uptight type. If she did, she probably would have been more direct with us. I think, however, that she might be a little suspicious though,” Hikari said analytically.
“That's the most you've said since we've gotten here,” Mitsuko said. Hikari shrugged her shoulders.
“Yeah, I just don't feel like talking these last few days,” she said looking out at the moonlight sky.
“So, who's washing dishes,” Mitsuko said.
“Good night, Mitsuko,” Hikari said wandering down the hallway to her room.
“Fine,” Mitsuko said.
“Mitsuko, I'm still behind you,” Hikari said.
“Stop, throwing your voice around,” Mitsuko said annoyed at her friends actions.
“Sorry. We'll wash them together. It'll save time and energy. After that I'm going to bed,” Hikari said grabbing an apron.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Sumiko opened the door to her room. She could faintly make out Kasumi's body. She was wearing a white t-shirt and blue shorts. Her body was bathing in the moonlight. Sumiko noticed she slept a little sloppy. She had her right arm over her head and her left arm was scratching her exposed stomach. Her left leg hung a little off the bed and her right leg was bent with her knee facing the sky.
Sumiko shook her head and grabbed her night clothes. She walked into the bathroom quietly and shut the door.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
“Are you gentlemen ready to begin?” Taisuke said. The group finally awoke. Taisuke awoke first around 12 p.m. the next day. Hiroku and Kasumi awoke later on around 2 p.m. Sumiko had just awoken when the meeting began. Taisuke looked at his stopwatch. “It's five a clock gentlemen, let's get started. First off, what is the problem?” Taisuke said looking at the two men. The man from Claw had blond hair and brown eyes. He looked in his mid forties. He had a goatee that was slowly greying. The man was wearing a red shirt and brown pants with his glasses hanging around his neck.
The Fang representative was wearing a blue shirt that did little to show his round belly and black pants. He looked in his late thirties. His grey eyes looked stern and his brown hair was wrapped in a bandanna.
The Claw representative spoke first. “As of late, the Land of Fang has been slowly amassing an army to try to take over our land. We believe that they have hired shinobi to help do their dirty work.”
“Shinobi? From what village?” Taisuke said intrigued.
“I don't know,” the Claw representative said again. The Fang representative chuckled a bit.
“What's so funny?” Taisuke said calmly putting his right hand on his chin, elbow on the table.
“How this fool could think the Land of Fang would need to hire shinobi to apparently `take their land'.” He began to laugh again.
“I wouldn't be too surprised since a ninja from Kohona gets dragged up here every couple of years,” Taisuke said turning his attention back and forth between the two men.
“Who do you think you are?” the Fang representative said standing up abruptly slamming his hands on the table.
“I know who I am. Taisuke Shibata of the Village Hidden in the Leaves and currently Negotiator for the Land of Fang and the Land of Claw. Now if you will sit down instead of acting like a bigger idiot we can continue,” he said coolly. He glanced at the door to see Kasumi and Sumiko standing near the entrance with the two maids as the Fang representative sat down staring evilly at the young man.
“So, according to this your name is Toshi Daichi,” Taisuke said pointing to the Fang representative.
“And you're Osamu Hirata,” Taisuke asked the Claw representative.
“Okay, Daichi, how do you plead to his accusations?”
“Innocent,” he said firmly.
“Why?” Taisuke said asking him another question.
“Because, he's lying,” Osamu rudely interrupted.
“What was that,” Toshi said jumping out of his seat again. Taisuke leaned back in his chair and began nibbling on his pencil. He turned around and motioned Kasumi towards him.
“Where is Roku?” Taisuke asked.
“He said that this would probably take more than a day so he went out to go get some herbs.” Taisuke sighed and stared at his stopwatch.
`We've been in here for half an hour and no progress yet. They gave me two incredibly stubborn people to work with this time,' Taisuke thought to himself as he listened to the two men arguing. He looked out the window and stared at the sun. `Well, I'm not going to make progress listening to these two argue.' “It's time to use it,” Taisuke said loudly.
“What's it?” the two representatives turned to stare at Taisuke fear riddling their faces.
“Nothing. I just said that to shut you two up. Now let's continue,” Taisuke said gathering his papers. `Remember the pay, remember the pay, remember the pay,” Taisuke thought in his head trying not to snap at the gentlemen.
“Okay, gentlemen, it's obvious to me that...” Taisuke stopped mid sentence as he watched the window near the Claw representative.
“What?” Kasumi said loudly.
“Attackers,” Sumiko said as she blocked a kunai aimed at the man of Claw with her steel wire. She sent a wire from the fresh hole in the window hoping to hit a target. When she realized there was none she turned toward the door and ran out.
“Wait up, Sumiko,” Kasumi said running after her.
Taisuke put his hand back on his cheek. “Great, someone has some explaining to do, and it ain't me,” he said looking uninterested. `Great, just what I needed. Why can't this negotiation go as smoothly as the others? Next, I have to hope that my students survive whoever is attacking the representatives. But what sucks the most is I have to, for the moment, stay put,' Taisuke thought.
“Should we,” Mitsuko said nudging her friend.
“Yeah, let's go,” Hikari said quietly. They sneaked out of the room and left an annoyed Taisuke with two stubborn men.
Sumiko and Kasumi raced through the trees. “We have to catch up to Roku,” Kasumi yelled.
“I know,” Sumiko said.
“I hope he isn't dead,” Kasumi said.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
“So this herb is a component for healing paralysis caused by jutsu,” Hiroku said. He turned to hear some men running through the trees.
“Did they attack the mansion?” Hiroku said under his breath. He jumped into the trees and waited for them to pass. He saw three shinobi rushing through the forest soon after.
“We almost got caught thanks to you,” one of them said.
“Well we didn't so there,” another said.
“I have to bide time. I'm sure the others will soon be here. Until then, I have to hold them down some,” Hiroku said making the hand signs following them until they reached a small plain not to far from the mansion.
“Wind Style: Air Bullet,” Hiroku said as he fired the recently learned attack toward them. The middle shinobi was hit full on with the blast behind the head and was knocked out cold. Hiroku immediately ducked to one of the trees on the opposite side of the plain.
“What was that?”
“I don't know. Whatever it was that person's going to die.” Hiroku prepared for the jutsu again.
“Wind Style: Air Bullet,” he said as the wind attack came from out of the trees. The two remaining shinobi dodged the attack easily. The one on the left threw a kunai from where he thought the kunai was from.
“Did I get him?”
“No,” Hiroku said coming from out of the bushes.
“What, it's just a kid,” one of the shinobi yelled.
“You really want to die don't you,” the other one yelled. “I'll be happy to comply to your wish.” He began forming hand signs. He threw a shuriken at Hiroku. “Shadow Shuriken Jutsu.” The single shuriken transformed to several shuriken heading toward Hiroku. Hiroku quickly did hand signs again.
“Wind Style: Air Bullet,” he said. He blew the shuriken away from him, sending them to various trees that surrounded them. Hiroku jumped off the ledge and headed for one of the opponent that fired the recent jutsu. Hiroku outstretched his right fist toward his head. His opponent threw a kunai toward him smirking as he threw. Hiroku reached into his pouch and pulled out his own kunai and threw it effectively canceling them out. The man then blocked the punch and grabbed his arm. As he let go of him to throw him, Hiroku caught his arm and swung around for a quick hit to the ribs. The man staggered backwards as Hiroku landed on his feet. He reacted quickly and slashed the man across his stomach with his Mystical Palm technique. The man fell over in shock. Hiroku could feel his body sweating from fear and excitement. Trying to catch his breath, he didn't notice the other shinobi close in with a kunai ready to slit his throat. Hiroku turned in time to see him. His eyes widened; his body immobilized with fear. He noticed at the last second steel wire wrap around his opponents limbs and neck and pulled against the nearest tree. Hiroku staggered backwards as the man threw the kunai at his arm before he was thrown to the nearest tree.
He looked up and saw his teammates. “Roku, are you okay; you're hurt,” Kasumi said coming to his aid.
“I'm fine,” he said pulling the kunai out of his arm and placing his hand there as he applied the healing chakra.
They both stared at Sumiko who had the man tied to a tree. The man stared at her then smirked. “Hey, boy, I bet you never killed before,” he said.
“Why's that?” Sumiko said tightening her grip.
“Because, those in Kohona are spineless wimps that let their new generation ninja not even have to kill.”
“Oh really,” Sumiko said tightening the wires on his arm. There was a loud snap followed by several smaller ones that could be heard throughout the forest. Soon followed an ear-piercing scream was heard.
“What was...” Kasumi said fear gripping her.
“She broke his right arm in several places from the sound of it,” Hiroku explained.
“Still think Kohona's weak,” Sumiko said licking the wire sadistically.
“Heh,” the man grunted. “Yeah I do.” Snap. Sumiko broke his other arm eliciting another scream from her captive.
“You still don't have the balls to kill me.”
“I'll let you in on a little secret,” Sumiko said as she moved her fingers causing the wire to wrap around his entire body, mainly his vital organs.
“I'm a girl. Just thought I'd let you know that before you die,” Sumiko said working her fingers. They watched as blood began to ooze from the man. His eyes widened a bit.
“Now die,” Sumiko said finally ending the mans existence. She pulled her hands back and the strings tightened around the tree. The man's body fell into several pieces around around his own blood. Kasumi fell over and began to throw up.
Sumiko recalled her wire and walked over to Kasumi and Hiroku. “A ninja must learn to kill eventually. Maybe you're not cut out to be a ninja after all, Kasumi,” Sumiko said folding her arms.
“Don't. Don't. Don't you. Don't you ever say, I can't be a ninja!” Kasumi yelled at her. “Sound Style: Shockwave Jutsu,” Kasumi yelled as she sent Sumiko toward the blood and flesh pool she had made a minute ago. She stood up and wiped a bit of throw up off her chin. “You have no right, to make such judgments,” Kasumi said hurt and anger in her eyes. She began to rush toward Sumiko. She soon felt Hiroku's arms around her waist. Kasumi struggled to get out of his grasp.
“No, Kasumi. There is no point in continuing this. Let it go,” Hiroku said tightening his grip. He watched Sumiko pick herself off the ground covered in her own blood and the blood of her victim. Kasumi fell over and began to cry and hiccup taking Hiroku with her.
“I understand,” she said. "I understand,” she continued repeating. Hiroku rubbed her back quietly.
“It's alright,” Hiroku said. He looked over his shoulder as the last man was trying to pick himself up. Hiroku readied a kunai with killing intent.
Taisuke looked out the window as the room was in silence. He sighed and sat up in his chair. “Okay, gentlemen, shall we continue.”
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A/N: Okay, there goes another chapter. I was having conflicts with how long this chapter should be. At first, it was going to be the whole mission, but then it would take at least a week or two to get done. So instead, I decided to split the chapter into two and leave with a cliff hanger. During this chapter, especially toward the end I could feel a little of “Crimson” a one-shot that I wrote a couple of months ago reappear. Mainly, the whole disgusting angsty overly bloody feeling I got writing it. I know I'm starting to make Sumiko look like the bad guy and Kasumi look like a wuss, but I feel it was needed to get my point across. Sumiko seemed like the perfect role to kill the guy off with. Speaking of which, Sumiko's weapon is from Yashamaru from Basilisk, another ninja anime. I even got the licking the wire thing from him. One last thing with Sumiko. I wanted to show how ambiguous she actually is when she doesn't talk. Think a female version of Haku and there you go. Next chapter should wrap up this mission and in a couple more chapters the chunin exam will be up. Let me know what you think of it so far. Until next chapter.