Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Consume My Thoughts ❯ Consume My Thoughts ( One-Shot )
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Disclaimer-I don't own Naruto.
Naruto: Bold
Sasuke: Italics
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I want this pain…to consume me. Take over my body in a whirlwind of pure hatred.
Love…I loved you…I wanted you to love me too…
Why…? Leave me alone…in my darkness. It's wrapping me up in its cocoon...
The light is leaving your eyes…I'm scared…
I am waiting…almost painfully aware…why…?
I am ready…for the inevitable…but I don't want to be…
Thoughts…swirling over me…suffocating me…choking my heart…
Opposites…I suppose…some could call us that…
You…were the only…one…my…
But…I could never let you go…because you're my…
Death sets in motion two things: Hatred and Mourning
Its causes: Depression and an unwilling thoughtless need for Revenge
Half of the world's population feels the need to remedy it.
The other half lives in solitude to strengthen their hearts
Will we, the next generation of our world, simply let humanity die?
Will we step up, and learn to comfort each other?
There are five kinds of love: Life-Long, One Night, Friendship, Family, and Unrequited.
When you experience the type of love that you can just tell in your heart will last a lifetime, hold on to it.
One night stands are frowned upon in our natural society, but when you need comfort, take it in any form you can.
The kind of love you acquire from your friends is something to treasure for the next hundred reincarnations.
Families are placed on earth with us to provide us with love so that we don't turn into heartless inhuman beings.
But if you fall victim to the kind of love that tears your heart in pieces, I hold the greatest empathy.
Hold you head up high, and walk through your life with a glorious smile on your face.
One that lights up everyone's world, and makes them glad that they have what they do.
Darkness teases us with our own weaknesses.
It toys with our minds till we can no longer think clearly.
Until the person we are now comes not even close to a shadow of what we once were.
We leave behind our hearts, our loves, our hopes, our dreams, and, essentially, our souls.
The light that made us who we were diminishes.
Live through life in the light.
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I hope you enjoyed this! Reviews are, of course, welcome.