Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Couple Trouble ❯ The exam ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Alright now after that exclusive chapter im gonna get back to the story cuz I really have fun writing it. But it'll be funner when I get to the part wit my husband (Kakashi doy) cuz if u read the exclusive then u can tell everyone is so OOC so its hecka fun to write.
Continuation beginning now…
Finally the day Naruto has been waiting for a month! The day he gets to fight Neji!
More eager than anyone else he rushed to where the exam was being held.
After everyone arrived, including Neji (who Naruto felt more than ready for), they began the exam.
Luckily him and Neji were first.
Eagerly he jumped out onto the floor, as Neji calmly walked out, and faced him.
“So you plan on getting back at me for practically killing my weak cousin. Well you can dream, but dreams hardly ever come true, and I don't mind saying this one won't!” Neji said.
“Im gonna be the next Hokage so there's no way ill lose to you! Enough talk lets do this!” Naruto shouted confidently.
He readied himself for battle.
“If you wish to die then!” Neji warned while readying himself.
As Naruto took out his knife he was thinking of the advice Kakashi Sensei had given him while they were protecting the bridge builder "Naruto be careful those are kunai knifes they are very dangerous!" he had said.
“Byakugan!” Neji said enabling his Kekkei Genkai.
“I've studied your kekkei genkai for a month.” Naruto said. “All I have to do is keep moving, and make it so that you can't touch me. Also since I can't use the gentle fist technique, that's all you can use on me!”
Surprisingly Naruto is correct. Sasuke thought.
It's only been a month, and Naruto has highly matured in battle. What suddenly made him so concious about detail, and technique? Perhaps its that girl..could it be? After all he constantly shows affection for Sakura, but during the preliminaries he did vow to avenge that hyuga girl Kakashi Sensei thought.
Sorry Kakashi Sensei, but I don't care how dangerous a kunai knife is, it'll dig into his skin just as it dug into mine! Naruto thought, then without warning, threw the kunai knife at Neji's stomach. Too low for him to bend down and dodge, too high to jump and dodge. He assured himself.
Neji laughed. “That's your master attack plan. Your as bad as my cousin.” Then just as it would have hit him he bent backwards dodging it, just as Naruto figured he would.
Right then Naruto threw a second kunai at Neji's right leg.
It was thrown with such force it hit Neji before he even realized it had been thrown.
Slowly Neji stood up, and tore it out of his leg.
“Perhaps I underestimated you… well no more. This match will be done faster than you think.” Neji calmly said. Then ran at Naruto who was amazed.
That was supposed to hit him so hard he couldn't use his leg! I wonder how much stronger he is then I remember him being. It doesn't matter ill still beat him! Naruto thought.
Naruto jumped as high as he could, and dodged Neji. Then landing behind him Naruto attacked with another kunai, that hit him square in his back, and this time he couldn't just pull it out easily, it took him a while to get it.
Then he turned around, and said “So that's your plan of attack? To constantly hit me with kunai knives until I'm too injured to move.”
It's very amateur, but if he can pull it off it could work… Kakashi Sensei thought.
“Heh amateur.” Sasuke muttered.
“Sasuke.” Kakashi Sensei said. Sasuke looked at him. “You may find Naruto to get in your way, and you may feel superior to him, but that's actually not the worst plan of attack and think about it this is Naruto. Its amazing he even has a plan of attack.”
Even Kakashi Sensei fell for it. Naruto thought.
Then he took out a shuriken, and while he was getting ready to throw it at Neji a throwing star hit his shoulder from behind. He turned around, and saw Neji standing there.
No way! When did he have time to make a doppleganger? I was watching him constantly. Naruto thought furiously.
“Heh you may have fair aim, but your not that fast.” Neji laughed.
Naruto turned back around, and realized it wasn't a doppleganger. Neji had moved so fast Naruto hadn't seen Neji move behind him. Then quickly he turned around to face Neji again, and before Neji could move he threw his shuriken. Luckily it hit his shoulder.
“That's amazing. How did you train this boy so hardy in just one month Kakashi?” Guy Sensei asked.
“Huh? Oh actually he mostly trained himself. I only trained him once a week.” Kakashi Sensei told him.
“But Nejis the fastest genin I've ever seen, and your boy just hit him easily.” Guy Sensei said.
“Don't underestimate my team Guy. Especially since Neji is your only student that made it this far, and two of my students made it.” Kakashi Sensei said.
“So like you to think so highly of yourself, and low of others.” Guy Sensei said.
Back down on the floor Neji was talking again.
“So you think a few kunai, and a shuriken can best me?” Neji asked. “Well then perhaps I overestimated you considering your so stuck on getting revenge on me for almost killing my weak cousin.”
“Don't you talk about her like that!” Naruto ahouted angrily.
“What? Are you getting angry that I'm insulting your little girlfriend?” Neji growled.
Anger rose from within Naruto. All he could think about was smashing Neji.
He forgot all his plans, and there was no sense left in him.
Kakashi Sensei's eye widened. If only that boy had known about the nine tailed demon fox perhaps he wouldn't have gone on with his taunting. It's only a matter of time before the seal is broken. As for this match its pretty much over. He thought.
What is this power? Guy Sensei wondered. It seems.. inhuman? What could it be?
“Your finished!” Naruto growled, and attacked.
Naruto threw a number of kunais at his legs causing him to collapse onto his knees, then threw his last weapon, a shuriken, right at his stomach.
It made the target, and Neji fainted.
Breathing deeply Naruto returned to his normal self, and fell onto his knees. I won. That was for you Hinata. I hope your better..
Quickly the parametics rushed Neji to the hospital, and the third proctor spoke. “The winner of this battle is Uzumaki Naruto.”
“I have an announcement.” Lord Hokage stood up, and said. “Due to what we've seen in this match it's been decided that Uzumaki Naruto will not need to continue fighting, he is to become chunin.”
YES!! Naruto thought happily. Hinata will be so happy. I really hope she is walking!
“Uzumaki Naruto.” Lord Hokage said. “You may go upstairs, and watch the others.”
Slowly he walked upstairs, and sat against the wall where Sasuke, and Kakashi Sensei were.
“You did great Naruto, but you look extremely tired, so you may not want to use too much power for a while.”
Slowly Naruto feel asleep, and stayed that way for the rest of the exam, dreaming about Hinata, until Kakashi Sensei woke him up to tell him the exam was over.