Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing to the Other side ❯ Itachi ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

`I don't have the answers I don't even know what the questions are but I damn sure am gonna find out what they are! Maybe somewhere along the line I forgot what it was that I was trying so hard to remember but now that I do I have a feeling that things wont be as they once where I will have to move on or back or whatever it is that normal people do in order to survive this.' Itachi glared at the scene unfolding before him. His Otou was busily engaging Orochimaru's henchmen. Kabuto, the white haired medic nin who had an unhealthy obsession with dead bodies his choice of following Orochimaru not doing anything for the man's reputation, was attempting to capture Kat.
The eldest Uchiha watched dispassionately as Jirayia blocked him from leaving the clearing then as Naruto arrived positively vibrating with suppressed rage that could have reviled his own, it was the first time he felt the stirrings of unease and it gave him a small thrill. Looking back in time to see Kabuto slam into a tree his glasses breaking in the process the oldest Uchiha smirked, now he would have to replace them and at least for the time being he wouldn't have to put up with the others annoy habit of adjusting them when he was nervous or thinking, it was one of many things the man did that got on his nerves. He waited as Kabuto gathered his chakra and disappeared leaving Orochimaru's last chance at gaining the Sharingan behind, he didn't pretend to understand the mans reasoning but he was beginning to grasp what the implications might be. Not waiting any longer then necessary to insure that Kat was safe with the blonde Jinchuuriki he left the area heading back to the camp he and Kisame currently occupied.
“So not following your leaders orders any more, Itachi-san?” he didn't bother turning around to face the toad Sannin.
“It would not be wise at this time.” His answer was dry as he faced the woods.
“And the girl?” the same level tone asked the oldest Uchiha.
“I have only a passing interest in what happens to her.” He looked over his shoulder at the older man.
“Only a passing interest…somehow I don't believe you.” The older shinobi leaned against the trunk of the nearest tree with his arms folded over his chest.
“Its not for you to believe.” His monotone voice carried to the other but for the first time in years a hint of doubt creep into it.
“She has a lot of faith in you why is that?” Itachi's posture stiffened, years ago he had someone very close to him give the type of blind faith the Sannin was referring to.
“It is misplaced.” With that he leapt away from the other safe in the thought that with Orochimaru and the rest a Akatsuki so close the man wouldn't take the chance of leaving the blonde with out add.
“I wonder.”
_________________________________________________________________ _______
Itachi paced, he had long ago returned to the camp Kisame had set up for them. His mind was racing with all the thoughts he couldn't seem to suppress. Images of his family dieing at his hands where being blurred and another's form took his place. It didn't make sense, he knew without a doubt he had killed Uchiha Shushi all those years ago other wise he wouldn't have the Maygenko Sharingan so why was his mind so troubled?
“Kisame.” His blue skinned companion inclined his head briefly as Itachi stalked off into the trees. He didn't have to ask what the other was going to do; long association and years of traveling together had given him insight into the older Uchiha's actions that no other could boast of.
The dark haired ex-ANBU made his way to the top of the ridge over looking the Valley of the End; it was risky being this close to the village but the power of the waterfall and the lingering tang of the Kyuubi in the area called to him. He recalled Zetsu's words of the Kyuubi vessels and his little brothers encounter 6 years earlier, the raw emotions in the preteen as he fought, Sasuke finally mastering the Sharingan. A half smile graced his lips it seemed Orochimaru had been correct all of Sasuke's growth had been indirectly and directly influenced by the blonde even to the point where Sasuke was forgetting his desire for revenge. Things had reached a point in his musings that he could no long distinguish what was false after image of the massacre and what was real. He hunched his shoulders lowering himself to the ground gracefully to meditate, if he couldn't figure out the truth of his own mind awake then he could do it though meditation. Relaxing he let his body and mind sink inwards, he had always been good at meditating it helped him focus and knowing deep down that what he was doing would be important to his future sharpened it.
Back at their camp Kisame waited.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
“I can make it alright.” Kat's voice reached his ears, he wasn't entirely sure what brought him into the village or to sneak to the hospital, one moment he was meditating the next he was through the woods and slipping into the village unnoticed, now he was watching a certain red headed Kunichi grunt and push herself up from the bed she had occupied for 3 days with the assistance of the Kyuubi vessel. A deep flush spread across the girls cheeks as her side came into contact with him and he wasn't the only one to notice her free hand clench in the fabric of her pants leg. He didn't stay long that first day or the ones that followed, he knew he was becoming dangerously involved and no matter how much he told himself and Kisame that he was only gathering information about the village and the Kybuui vessels patterns he knew it was only half true.
It was around the 5th day that things came to a head. Kisame sat moodily on the cliff edge beside him the aura of discontent radiating off the blue skinned ex-mist nin, affecting his concentration.
“Kisame.” His voice was its usual monotone with a warning buried in it.
“Itachi-sama its not my place to tell you what decisions to make but,” he hesitated for a moment, “…I should advise you that if you're planning on returning to the village you should do it soon…I wont interfere.” It was the largest concession the man could give him a mark of the esteem he held for his companion. The Uchiha sat for several more seconds with his eyes closed no words of false care passed his lips as he stood turning to head in the direction of the village, before he was completely swallowed by the trees Kisame's voice reached him.
“Tomorrow, I look forward to fighting you.”
“Hn.” It was less of a trial than he thought it would be, his decision was one he hadn't
reached until that moment, it was the weight lifting from his shoulders that he had
unknowingly carried that surprised him tightness in his chest he had ignored for years was easing making breathing easier and for the first time since the massacre of his clan he could think with a clarity that was as alarming as it was comforting.
A dam seemed to break on his memories as he dropped the red and black cloak he had worn, things he had held true for years blurred and vanished as he walked closer to his destination he was within sight of the gates without a clear route to take when he felt the immense chakra of the toad sannin a few seconds later the man dropped to the leaf strewn ground.
“So what's your plan now?” his voice was low and gravelly. The dark haired ex-shinobi looked to the gates before shrugging his shoulders.
“You know for a Uchiha you are showing an blatant lack of planning. Either way wait here.” With that the man leap into the trees leaving him alone to stare at the gates and wait, mulling over the things his once clouded mind presented him. It was as he replayed the massacre that he felt the others return two extra chakra signatures with him.
“So this is the brat.” It was a statement not a question and the second formidable chakra came from the Godaime Hokage, her blonde hair swaying in the breeze down her back in to pale blonde pigtails. Her chocolate brown eyes narrowed and hard as she regarded the young man. “Jirayia tells me you want to return to the village…does that mean you no longer want to help Akatsuki or are you trying to get close to him? You see I can't just let you walk back into the village no matter what Katsuo-chan may say. You're going to have to prove to me and the rest of the village you can be trusted.” He could see behind the Godiame the red head, she was standing straight and stiff not looking at him. The white haired sannin was leaning against a tree with his arms folded, the Hokage was standing directly in front of him. He didn't hold much hope she would let him in the village he would not have been able to respect her if she had. He glanced at Kat it was all thanks to her that he had found the memories so lost and distorted.
“…chance.” He had missed the Godiame's words entirely but the last was enough to clue him in, bowing his head and inclining his body to her slightly.
“Hokage-sama.” It was a small concession the blonde thought to herself, much like Sasuke's, so much pride and stubborn arrogance in one clan and now she had to deal with 3 of them, though admittedly Katsuo was easier to deal with she could still give the same condescending attitude and she secretly(openly) accused Sasuke of that.
“For the time being set your camp out side the gates though I strongly advise not to be in sight, but I warn you ANBU will be watching and if you try to betray this village I will personally ripe your head off and use it for a volley ball.” She smiled sweetly at him, she could feel the glare from Kat on the back of her head, turning to walk away she was meet by Kat's determined hazel eyes.
“ Oh no young lady you are Not staying!” Squaring her shoulders Kat glared with the trademark Uchiha death glare while crossing her arms over her chest. It was in that moment the blonde woman devised a plan, smirking evilly she addressed the stubborn Kunichi.
“You'll have to ask Sasuke since he is head of the clan.” Kat's cheeks paled and her eyes widened. They were far enough away that Itachi couldn't hear the exchange but he could guess what the request was and was curious to see what would happen.
Kat was appalled, to have her family ties turned against her so effectively, her anxiety swiftly vanished, surfacing her anger. Fighting to keep it in check, she reminded her self this wasn't Bethany nor her mother or father, this was the Godiame Hokage and the machinations weren't the same. The older woman wasn't trying to hurt her nor could she know how much that had hurt, swallowing she nodded her head before trusting her voice.
“Hai.” She bowed to her leader and leap into the trees, her face a blank. She could trust Sasuke she knew that but old ghosts that had yet to be exorcised from her heart leapt up to give her a bitter imprint.
The Hokage sighed as she watched the young woman leave, she hadn't missed the paling of her cheeks or the brief flash of distress in her hazel eyes. The Godaime looked back at Itachi were he stood.
“Don't waste my time.” She warned him before leaving with Jirayia.
It took one hour to find him, one hour in which her old fears and reserved closed off attitude reared its ugly head. She found him with Sakura and Naruto on the
Yondaime's stone head talking and planning.
“Oi Kat-chan where ya been?” Naruto greeted throwing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her into a hug. He kissed the top of her head before letting his arm travel to loop around her waist holding her close in their circle. She listened half heartedly as they talked occasionally someone would drop in and address Naruto then leave or talk to Sasuke or Sakura all of it varied from time to time but mostly dealing with Akatsuki's presences and Orochimaru. She felt her body tense every time Akasuki was mentioned, Naruto would hold her tighter reading her bodies tension and Sasuke would superstitiously regard his brother and Kat before continuing. The sun had long ago set when her opportunity presented itself.
“Sakura-chaaan, Sasuke-teme lets get some dinner.” He smiled down at Kat with bright deep blue eyes and she had to work even harder not to forget her intent and drown in those beautiful blues.
“I need to talk to Sasuke for a moment.” She said, the dark haired shinobi nodded his head at her. “In private.” She smiled gentle up at the blonde his arm tightened briefly then he let her go with a grin walking away with Sakura a few paces to wait for them.
Turning back around she meet Sasuke's even gaze, he wasn't that hard to read anymore especially after the help she had gotten from his two teammates who where fluent in Sasuke'ease.
“ I would like to camp out side of the gates tonight.” He blinked at her and arched a brow, aside from the fact that Orochimaru was within striking distance of the village and Itachi was nearby with Akatsuki waiting to capture his best friend he was curious as to why the red head was asking him if she could do something completely unsafe considering it was an order from the Hokage.
“Why?” Kat flinched slightly, a twitch of her head, but Sasuke caught it. She had been hoping he wouldn't ask that, this was not going as she planned and on top of that he would be pissed that she had meet with Itachi twice without his knowledge especially since both of those meetings where out side the gates of the village and regardless of the fact that she had been with the Godiame and the Toad Sannin he wouldn't take it well. How could she work this to her advantage, before she could answer his question Naruto called to both of them.
“Come on you two I'm starving! I could Shrivel up and blow away waiting for you!” The blonde slumped forward folding his arms across his stomach and moaning trying to garner sympathy from his teammates.
“Ursatonchi.” Sasuke called to the blonde.
“Oi Teme don't call me that!” The blonde growled. Straightening up he shot Sasuke a glare marching over to them he wrapped an arm around Kat and slung her over his shoulder and took off at a run to Ichiruka's laughing and calling out to Sasuke and Sakura to hurry up.
Kat rolled her eyes and braced her hands above his butt bunching the fabric of his orange and black jacket as he ran, unabashedly enjoying the view this time since she was conscious and they weren't fighting anyone.
“You know I can run,”
“No.” his voice was tense and biting but didn't carry beyond the two of them.
“Huh?” It took a moment for her to figure out what he was telling her.
“You heard.” She wasn't ashamed of asking she felt certain that Itachi was here now because he wanted to come back home and be part of the village and her's and Sasuke's life. Naruto leapt from the path to the rooftops coming to a halt on a roof that was in deep shadow from the Hospital and Hokage tower.
“I believe in second even third and forth chances Kat, but it's far safer to let him prove he can be trusted even Sasuke had to go through a period of surveillance and questioning before they let him back in the village.” He held her close both arms around her, she let herself lean on him resting her head on his chest. “But don't ask Sasuke for this…not yet. I know you want to help but…if you want this to work then they have to heal separately.” She could hear his voice rumbling in his chest where her ear rested, it wasn't at all surprising how much the blonde understood his friends. He placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face up to kiss her on the lips, her arms traveled to wrap around his neck while his arms went around her waist pulling her tight against him. She would trust him in this it was safe for the time being and though she wanted to go she would let it go as he asked he wasn't the Rokudaime for nothing. The kiss would have gone farther but they where interrupted.
“I thought you wanted Ramen, Dobe.” The blonde pulled away laughing sheepishly at his friend while still holding Kat.
“Naruto roof tops are not conducive to romance.” Sakura added making them both blush. Kat's face felt warm and she crossed her eyes at them, Sakura responded in kind and Sasuke rolled his eyes.
Authors Notes
I do sincerely apologize for the long delay it was harder than I thought it would be to get this out and I had a lot of ground to cover if you have an questions or I have missed anything in explanation I will try to answer it in the next chapter or directly or both! Things being as they are now I don't have another Chapter for Sequel yet but I do have some ideas floating around in the cesspool I call a brain so it should be interesting translating them. I hope the next chapter wont take as long to get done so wish me luck if you are still following this, I want to say one thing though I have noticed that I have been ending a lot of my chapters in a dark place so I am making an effort to not do that to often. Thanks again for reading Ja Ne!