Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Cursed Twelve ❯ Team Formed, Team Demolished 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Cursed Twelve 1 Team Formed, Team Demolished
Chapter Two
"Who's that suppose to be?" Iruka asks, his eyes bugging out of his head almost completely as his jaw hits the floor.
"My name is Naruto Uzamaki, the Lord Hokage!" Samuno states in her transformed state.
She has an older version of Naruto's face and is wearing his clothes, but on her head is the Hokage's head dress thing, she also has a pipe in her teeth and a glass ball in her hand. Sakura starts laughing along with Ino at the foolishness of Samuno's transformation. Sasuke rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, like that'll ever happen," he states.
"Is that some kind of crack at me or something?" Naruto asks, pointing a finger at Samuno who is still transformed. "'Cause it ain't funny!"
"Naruto," Samuno states in surprise.
Naruto puts his hands together in the hand sign for a transformation.
"Transform," he states, releasing his Chakra.
When the smoke clears there stands a version of Samuno wearing a diaper and sucking on a binky.
"Look at me everyone. I'm Samuno, I'm a little baby even though I'm twelve years old," Naruto taunts.
"Naruto!" Sakura screams as Samuno's head falls.
"What?" Naruto asks.
"Samuno?" Iraka asks, noticing Samuno's fists clenched and her shoulders shaking.
Naruto starts laughing as he transforms back into himself.
"That'll teach you to try and pick on me!"
Chakra starts to build inside of Samuno to a point where most Ninja can't control.
"Samuno," Sakura states as she takes a step towards the flame-haired girl.
She simple touches the girl's shoulder gently but that simple action causes an unexpected reaction. Samuno brushes Sakura's hand off her shoulder before running out the door, leaving nothing but tears to fall to the ground where she once stood.
"What's up with her?" Naruto asks.
"You are such a jerk, Naruto!" Sakura scolds.
"What do you mean?"
"You are such a loser, Naruto," Sasuke comments, turning his back on Naruto.
"But, what'd I do?" Naruto asks.
Iruka sighs. "I'm sure she'll return when she's ready. Now, everyone back to your seats, we'll begin the final testing. Your final exam will be on the Clone Jutsu."
No! That's my worst Jutsu! Naruto freaks.
"But, Iruka Sensei, what about Samuno?" Sakura asks.
"She'll be fine, there's no doubt in my mind that she'll be back before her name is called," Iruka smiles.
"But she looked upset," Sakura insists.
"Don't worry about it, Sakura, she'll forget about it in no time," the Sensei assures her. "All right, Sasuke you can go first."
Sasuke follows Iruka into the other room. There's a table set up with a great quantity of the village hidden in the leaves head bands placed in rows upon it.
"That's strange, where's Mizuki?" Iruka asks, looking around. "I guess we'll have to wait for him."