Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Daughter of Mine ❯ In the Years to Come... ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

hey, sry it's been awhile, I've been on a GaaraxHinata phase latly. It's just that they're such a cute couple! Plus Yesterday was my Birthday and I'm now 14 years old! We went to a Japanese joint and I got the Nigiri Deluxe. It had all kinds of different Sushi and Samashi on it and one that looked like dog throw-up and large fish eggs.(EEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!) My dad bet $20 that I couldn't eat it. Well lets just say I won the bet. Come to find out later that it was Sea Urchin and Salmon Roe (Salmon Eggs), any way, hope you like the chapter!
P.S. Instead of a quote, I have a song.
Song: Desert Rose- Sting (I have Gaara and Hinata in mind every time I listen to it!)
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Chapter $
In the Years to Come
1 Month Passes-
Sakura took a deep breath and pushed as hard as she could.
`Kami, it's like giving birth to a ROCK!' she screamed inside her head as she herd Ino tell her to push harder.
“Would you please stop saying that, I'm pushing as hard as I can!”
Sakura screamed and a seconed later she herd the Medical nin say it was a girl.
She handed Sakura the surprisingly quiet baby.
“ there anything wrong with her, she's so quiet. I thought babies were supose to cry when they're born.” Ino asked.
“On occastion, some babies are born and do not cry. But rest assured she is a perfectly heathy baby girl.”
“Good” Sakura breathed happily.
“So, what are yo gonna name her?”
Sakura thought a seconded, “...Aiko.”
“Beloved,” said the medical nin as she nodded her head writing down the name “ that's a good name.”
as the medical nin walked out, she barly doged Hinata as she ran in the room with her own red headed baby bouncing on her hip.
`Wait...RED HEADED!!!'
“Hinata, who's baby is that?” Sakura asked, not believing what she was about to hear.
“Mine and Gaara's.”
“Well, we decided that it wasn't working out and broke up, but we're still close friends, we just decided to stay that way. Soon after the break up, my father told me of an aranged marrage with Gaara to create a bond with the Sand Village and the Hidden Leaf Village. Well, thankfully we acctualy started to like each other and eventually fell in love and had little Ichiro here.” Hinata said gesturing the last part to the baby on her hip.
`Wow, I didn't think it would ever be possible!' Sakura thought in awe.
Just then Aiko and Ichiro both looked at each other and started laughing.
5 Year Later-
The girl with black hair and pink streaks going through it closed her eyes and blough out her candles on the birthday cake.
She opened her eye's to see Ichiro smiling and handing her a present wrapped in black paper with a pink bow on top.
“Here, Aiko open mine first!” He wasn't usually this excited, but he was so sure that she would love the present he picked for her.
She wondered at the hot pink bow against the shiny black paper, but curiosity and excitment took her over as she tore open the paper and tossed aside te bow, opening a box to reveal a snow white dragon plushie.
“KAWIIIIII!!!!” She squeeled as she ran over and squeezed Ichiro in an tight hug.
`Aiko-chan is hugging me!!!!' he thought blushing furiously.
`I'm hugging Ichiro-kun!!!' She thought as she, too, blush the shade of a rose.
Quickly sobering, they broke apart, both faces still the shade of a beet.
2 Years Pass-
“Mama, do you have any batteries?”
“Yeah, there should be some in my dresser, do you need help to get them?”
“No, I can do it.”
Aiko ran into her mothers room and reached up to pull open the top drore. She felt around to the bottom and felt an odd slick paper make contact with her hand. She Pulled out the paper and looked at it.
There was a young woman who looked to be her mother. But next to her stode a man that seemed familiar, but she didn't recognize him directly. He had long back hair about mid- shoulderblade length pulled back into a low pony tail. He had black eye's just like her's and the facial lines under his eye's looked alot like her's too. Then it hit her, Aiko wasn't stupid, she knew this was her father. The man her mother never talked about. Just then she herd her mother call. She snatched up the picture, completely forgetting about the batteries. She would confront her about this later.
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A/N: hehe, cliffe. I thought about doing more but decided to end it here!
Ja ne!