Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams ❯ Chapter 28 ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own.
So this won the poll. Very few people guessed correctly what Harry is but I did oops in the description that has now been corrected.
Chapter 28
Harry reappeared a few feet from Sasuke and looked around curiously.
“What happened?” The Uchiha shrugged in answer.
“We were fighting and then this; they just suddenly lost their cursed forms and collapsed.” Sakura answered as she scanned one of the writhing ninja.
“Must have been when Kisame beheaded Orochimaru.” Harry murmured as he moved to study the downed Sound-nin.
“Kisame killed the snake freak?” Naruto looked over at his brother who nodded.
“He stabbed Itachi, who will be fine Sasuke, I kind of lost it and while he was busy fighting me off Kisame got behind him and.” Harry made a chopping motion with his hand.
“Itachi is okay though?”Sasuke asked quietly, wanting to be sure. Harry smiled and nodded.
“He's fine now, there isn't even a scar.”
“So the old lady sent you to check up on us?” Naruto asked as they began clearing the bodies away since most of them were dead now.
“Not exactly…I might of apparated away when she asked for an explanation. Itachi or Kisame can easily fill her in.” The three teens stared at him.
“Itachi will not be impressed.” Sasuke stated, smirking.
Iruka bolted from the shelter as soon as the signal for them to leave was given. He ran across the rooftops towards the last area he had seen signs of Team 7 fighting in, hoping he'd be able to track them from there. But there was no need, Naruto ran straight to him as he dropped down to the ground.
“Naruto! Are you all okay?” Iruka asked, wrapping the teen in a hug as he visually checked them all over.
“They're okay. Kakashi was okay when I left the others as well.” Harry told the older chuunin. Iruka nodded and pulled him into a quick hug as well before moving to Sakura and Sasuke.
“We should probably do something with the bodies before the civilians see them.” He commented and the others nodded. They gathered the bodies and began sealing them in scrolls for easy transport since someone would want them for study after their odd deaths.
Kakashi froze as a kunai came to rest against his heart and a sword at his throat.
“Yo.” He gulped and the weapons vanished. Warm arms wrapped around him from behind.
“Don't do that again.” Iruka murmured into his neck while Harry chuckled, re-sheathing his sword.
“He's right; a bit of warning next time would be good. Or where you looking to lose body parts? What's the rush?” Kakashi sighed and ran a hand through his hair, reluctantly separating from Iruka.
“Somehow, don't ask me how, the Council knows Itachi and Kisame are here and are calling for their deaths. Tsunade has gone to hold them off. She thought you'd want to help.”
“Over my dead body.” Harry hissed and Sasuke glared in agreement.
“Council Chambers.” Kakashi answered, slightly unlevered by his two students.
“Everyone who's coming grab on.” Harry told them and they all did, even Sakura who had no clue what was going on. With a quiet pop they vanished.
Several council members jumped in shock as with a near silent crack Team 7 plus one suddenly appeared in the room. Seeing the murderous looks on two of the team members faces they all shifted in their seats.
“How did you get in here?” One called out.
“Does it really matter?” Harry all but purred, Iruka putting a gentle yet restraining hand on his shoulder.
“You plan to kill my brother?” Sasuke asked coldly and there was agreement all around.
“We are here to say otherwise.”
“But he killed your clan!” Someone called from the back of the room.
“No he didn't.” Harry and Sasuke stated firmly. They tensed as the doors flew open but relaxed as Tsunade and Jiraiya walked in.
“What is going on?” Tsunade levelled the room with a glare, making a lot of the occupants squirm uncomfortably.
“They shouldn't be here!” One of the Council members called out angrily.
“Why not? Seeing as you've gone over my head to lock up the two people in question there needs to be someone here who knows the whole story. Both Harry and Sasuke know the truth so they should be here. As for the others consider them moral support and hopefully reason considering the glares you are getting. They should be able to hold the two back if you make the any madder.” The council fell silent at that except for the occasional mutter.
“Any more complaints? Then bring them in.” Harry growled slightly at the sight of his two friends in chakra restricting chains but Iruka was still keeping a firm hold on him. Sasuke settled for glaring murderously at the council. Itachi's eyes went wide as he noticed them. Harry mustered a smile for his lover, no matter what he wasn't letting the older male die. If that meant grabbing him and apparating away from Konoha then so be it.
Short I know but at least it's something to tide you all over until after exams. Forgotten how much I hate studying!