Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Eight Below ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: Sup. I just now decided to write this, though I'd had the idea for a while now... I hope you like it. No, I won't have very many A/Ns (author's notes), so you'll have to find things out yourself. I'm not exactly a very open person, so... I'm much like Hinata Hyuga, but she and I have many differences... So I created my own Naruto Girl. She's in this story, too. Her name is Kairi and her personality is much like mine. You'll meet her soon enough. Well, that's all I have to say, I guess.

A/A (author's action[s]): Listening to "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis. It's a wonderful song. I need to buy it... And I highly recommend that you listen to it. Take a break from reading this (since you obviously haven't started reading the story yet) and look it up on YouTube.



"What is it, Gaara? Please, answer me!"
"It took me a while to find it... Do you like it?"
"What? Gaara, it's Temari."
"No! Don't touch her!"
"Who? Gaara, please!"
Sabaku no Temari turned to the nurse behind her. "What's wrong with him?" she demanded, but didn't hear the woman's answer, for Gaara shouted just as she opened her mouth and began to twist and turn in the king-sized bed.
Temari was growing desprite. This wasn't like her brother at all! Something was wrong, but what was it? Maybe he... Her thoughts were cut off as she shook her head fiercly: refusing to belive it.
Tears streamed down his cheeks and his expression was strained. He looked as if he were in pain, but it seemed to be emotional, not physical: much to Temari's relief.
"KAIRI!!" He sat up instatly as the word escaped his lips. His pale-blue eyes were wide and he panted heavily. Every inch of his body trembled and his face was flushed with a color that almost matched his tan skin's color and yet was slightly darker. His red hair stuck to his skin with sweat. He wore no shirt and, though his body was fit and muscular, he looked quite sick.
Temari looked innocently at her little brother. "Please, Gaara," she said softly, concerned greatly of his well being, "what's going on? Who is Kairi?"
Gaara looked down at his quivering hands and shook his head slowly. "N-no one," he stammered, though he managed to keep his deep voice in tact. "K-Kairi's dead. I s-saw it..."
For a moment both Temari and the nurse just stared at him; the words "dead" and "I saw it" running through their confused and wondering minds. Finally Temari spoke, but it wasn't towards Gaara. Instead she turned and spoke to the nurse.
"I know you're not a messenger," she said, "but could you possibly tell the others that the mission in which Gaara and I were assigned to attend tomorrow will be canceled?"
Before the nurse could even open her mouth, Gaara grabbed Temari's arm and forced her to face him. "No!" he half-shouted. "D-don't cancel the m-mission!"
"Are you kidding?!" she retorted. "You're stuttering, Gaara!"
Gaara still had a hold of her wrist and he started to squeeze it; glaring at his older sister as she winced in pain. "Don't cancel the mission." His words were final and Temari knew this. She also knew that he'd given extra effort not to fumble over his words.
"Fine," she gave in. He let go of her her arm and she turned to the nurse. "Forget it," she told her. "He's too stuborn."
The nurse nodded her head. "Very well," she said; finally able to say something without being interrupted. She paused before going on. "May I be excused now, Miss, if I am no longer of any assistance?"
Temari excused her and Gaara went back to looking down at the sheets.
"You sure you want to go through with this mission, Gaara?" she asked after a long pause. She sat down on the bed beside him. "You still have some internal injuries that might cause uncontrollable bleeding if put under too much pressure, you know."
"I know that." His voice was monotone, but there was a hint in the pitch that informed Temari that he was still trying to overcome the stuttering.
For a while they just sat in silence, until Gaara decided to speek up this time. He was tired of her staring at him.
"I know what you're wondering," he said.
She smiled a small smile. "Well," she sighed, "you don't have to tell me if you really don't want to. Though I really don't see what it'd hurt..."
"She was the only one...that..." He was frowning, but it wasn't angry exactly. "I used to think she might just be... But they...she..." Now he clenched his teeth and his frown did become angry. "Those bastards! They... She told them she didn't want to go back, but..." He looked away as if in complete digust. "And what was worse..." His fist clenched the sheets tightly. "I failed her! If she were alive, I'd..." Suddenly he seemed to relax as if excepting something. "But she isn't, so I...I can't."
He'd looked back down at the sheets soon after he'd looked the other way in disgust, so Temari could see his face now. And, from what she did see, it was obvious that he was crying again.
"Oh, Gaara," she said simpathetically, placing her hand on his cheek.

Later, when Temari had gone and Gaara was alone in the room, lying in bed, he whispered so quietly not even someone with perfect hearing could have heard it. "Kairi...I'll avenge you. I promise." He wore a necklace she'd given him all those years ago and placed his fingers on it; feeling the smooth metal on his skin. "I promise."


Well... Yeah, that was the Prologue. Sorry it's so short. You don't like it, fuck off. Sorry, I'm not in a good mood right now... Anyways, Chapter One will be here shortly. R&R (read and review). Thanks.