Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Espionage ❯ First day of School Part II ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Sasuke is a spy specialist that is sent to guard the #1 hyperactive blond of Konoha High School. For what reason he doesn't know at first, but when he finds out, he'll realize there'll never be a dull moment with Naruto Uzumaki.
Parings: Naruto/Sasuke, Iruka/Kakashi, Neji/Ten-ten, Gaara/Neji 
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
Chapter 2: First day of School Part II
Naruto came to lunch that day sporting a nice large bump at the top of his, compliments to Sakura. “Damn women. You would think I told them Santa Clause didn't exist they way they chased me.” Gaara, Kiba, and Shino were already sitting down; Kiba and Shino were talking, while Gaara had a weird look on his face as he stared at something in the distance. Gaara rarely had this look, but when he does, Naruto knows, it's never anything good. Naruto took a seat next to weird behaving red head.
“Okay what happened now, Gaara?” Gaara smiled. `Oh yeah, something defiantly is going on if Gaara's smiling. Maybe I should be afraid…'
“What are you talking? Nothing happened.” He replied innocently. `Bullshit!'
“Don't give me that, Sabaku. Something's up, you have that look.” Naruto thought about what the problem could be. “Are you in love again?” remembering the time his red head friend went all starry eyed when he first met Rock Lee. Gaara grinned but didn't reply. “Oh my god! You are! Who is it?”
“Some new kid that transferred in today. As soon as Gaara saw him, he was sprung.” Kiba teased. Gaara ignored him.
“Don't tell me it's that Sasuke bastard!” Naruto cried.
“No. He's a senior in our World History class. His name is Neji Hyuuga. And he's coming over to eat lunch with us.” The dog-lover informed the blond and pointed towards a guy approaching the table.
Naruto could see why Gaara was so attracted. This Neji person was tall with long brunette hair tied into a low ponytail. His skin was pale and he had a handsome face. The only thing he found weird was the guy's eyes which were silver and they had no pupils. Other than that, he looked really good.
Naruto suddenly felt himself being pushed backwards. With a shout, he fell ungracefully onto the floor. Neji lifted an elegant eyebrow but said nothing. “Hey Neji, you can sit here.” Gaara said in an almost scary sweet voice.
“Uh, isn't he sitting here?” he asked indicating the blond still sitting on the floor.
“Go ahead. I was going to move anyway.” Naruto lied and glared at his best friend. `At asshole is gonna pay for pushing me!' Naruto took a seat across from the red head as he continued to scowl at him.
“So Neji, where are you from?” Gaara asked.
“I'm an exchange student from Japan. I'll be staying here for the rest of the school year.”
“Japan? But you speak English so well. Usually exchange students have a heard time with a new language and you speak it as if it were a native language.” Naruto commented.
“Well technically, it is native. My mother was American and she would speak in English.”
Gaara continued to ask the senior questions as the others did other things. Kiba and Shino started to talk to each other once again and Naruto started working on his homework that was due next period. While working, he felt a presence behind him and turned around to face the last person he wanted to see. “Sasuke teme.” He growled.
“Hn. Dobe.” The raven replied.
“Sasuke.” Neji nodded as a greeting.
“Hey. Neji.”
“You two know each other?” Gaara asked, looking back and forth between the two new students.
“We're living together.” Sasuke answered. He took a seat next to Naruto who was still glaring at him. After realizing that the raven haired boy wasn't going to move by glaring at him, he turned back to his homework. `Teme…'
“I live with Sasuke and his guardian, Kakashi.”
“You mean Kakashi-sensei? The new Literacy teacher?” Shino asked. The two both nodded. “No offense, but that guy's a pervert. He recommended us to read one of the `Icha Icha Paradise' books for extra credit.”
Neji sighed. “That's definitely sounds like something Kakashi would do. He's obsessed with `Icha Icha Paradise'.”
“Well let's hope he doesn't meet your old man, Naruto.” Kiba teased.
“Naruto's dad is the author of the `Icha Icha Paradise' series.” Gaara explained to the new comers.
“And he's an absolute pervert too.” Naruto added.
Kiba grinned. “Speaking of pervert…”
The blond let of a surprised shout when he felt someone sit on his lap. Neji and Sasuke blinked in surprise while Gaara, Kiba and Shino rolled their eyes at the raven haired senior now sitting on Naruto's lap.
“Sai! Warn a person next time, will ya!”
“Sorry Naruto.” Sai replied with an eerie smile, but didn't get up. Instead he turned to look at Sasuke and Neji. “Who are you guys?” he asked quite rudely.
Sasuke gave him his best Uchiha glare, but stopped when he realized it had no affect on the other raven haired teen. Sasuke gave an `Hn' and looked away. `If he wants to act rude, so will I.'
“I'm Neji and that's Sasuke. You'll have to excuse him.” Neji introduced them; figuring Sasuke wasn't going to do it.
“Yeah, he's an uptight bastard.” Naruto added.
Sasuke threw a nasty glare at Naruto which the blond gladly returned. `Damn that Uzumaki. He's such a loser. And why is he still letting that guy sit on him like that!' Sasuke questioned, but shook the thought out of his head. He convinced himself that he really didn't care.
“Hey, are you doing math homework, Naruto?” Sai said, interrupted their staring match, and looked down at the sheet only half done.
“Aw crap! I forgot about that!” He looked up at Sai. “Hey, you're good in Geometry! Will you help me please?” The blond gave his best puppy dog pout he could make although he knew Sai would've helped anyway.
“Sure, anything for you Naru-chan!” Sai replied with a huge grin on his face placing in finger underneath the blond's chin, causing Sasuke to frown slightly.
“Thanks, Sai, I owe you one. If you need anything, just ask.”
Sai raised an eyebrow. “Anything?”
“Please, can you keep it PG? This whole Boy on Boy crap is too much for my hetero eyes.” Kiba said in a mocking disgusted voice. “Besides, you're scaring the new kids.” Truth be told, he was use to Sai and Naruto's playful flirting, well at least playful on Naruto's side. But just because he was use to it, doesn't mean he liked it.
Sasuke and Neji gave each other glances. Though Sasuke didn't show it, he was quite uncomfortable with this whole situation. Was Naruto gay? The way he allowed Sai to sit on his lap like that made it seem that way. He looked to see Sai explaining a problem on his homework to Naruto; the older boy's arms wrapped intimately around Naruto's waist, causing Sasuke to narrow his eyes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sasuke and Neji met up with Kakashi right outside of the principal's office after school. Because she was in a meeting, the three had to wait outside her office.
“So how was your first day of school?” Kakashi asked the two teenagers. Sasuke said nothing but continued to glare at the older man. “Glad it went so well…” The silver haired spy said sarcastically. “What about you, Neji?”
The brunette shrugged. “It was okay, I guess.”
“Geez, you two are so boring…” Kakashi commented more to himself than to the other two.
“Well what made your day so much better?” Sasuke snapped.
Because Kakashi wasn't wearing his mask, you could see the smile on his face. “I made a new friend.” Was his reply. He looked past the two and waved.
Neji and Sasuke looked at each other before turning around to see who he was waving to. Down the hall was a teacher Sasuke recognized to be Iruka-sensei. The Social Studies teacher was average height with tan skin and a scar that ran across his nose. Though you could barely see it, Iruka started to blush and with a quick, nervous wave, dashed off into a different direction.
“Kakashi, what did you do?” Sasuke asked. “He ran away like he just saw the devil.”
Kakashi tried to look innocent. “I have no idea what you're talking about…”
The door opened and a few people walked out. A blonde, big breasted woman poked her head out; Tsunade. “Come in.” She ordered. They obeyed and went into her office in single file. Kakashi, being the last, closed the door.
“So how did it go today?” She asked the three.
“It was alright. We sat with him and his friends at lunch. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, at least, nothing threatening to his life.” Neji reported. He didn't mention what he saw at lunch. Although it was quite out of the ordinary for him, Neji was pretty sure that was something normal for the blonde junior.
“Could you tell us what we should be looking out for so we'll know?” Sasuke asked her, secretly annoyed that he doesn't even know why the dobe blond needs protection. From what he could tell was a (semi) normal teen.
“There are people after him. We don't know who, so don't ask. However, there has been an attempt to capture him. Luckily it failed.” Tsunade frowned. “His father and I are afraid that he'll be taken away when we aren't there to protect him. That's why I asked Sarutobi to hire you to protect him.”
“What's so important about him though? Does he know something that he shouldn't?” Neji asked.
“No it's nothing like that. It's more of what he is that's the problem.”
“What he is? Don't you mean `who' he is?” Kakashi asked, speaking for the first time since they came into the room.
“No, I mean `what' he is. Kakashi, though you were young at the time, do you remember when Shinobi spies were being killed one by one. At first we didn't know why. But we came to find out that there was a group of scientist testing their experiments on the spies.”
Kakashi nodded. “Yes, I do. The experiments were to enhance the body's physical state to go past its limit by placing a man-made virus into the body system, causing the changes. Not only was the person physical state stronger, their conscience was cut off completely, allowing them to be completely obedient to whomever, whether right or wrong. They would be perfect killing machines.” He turned to Tsunade. “But what does that have to do with Naruto Uzumaki?”
“Well, the scientist conducting the experiments began to grow desperate. Their targets went from adult, fully-trained spies to young, ordinary children. Like the others, the children died during testing. However there was one child to pass the experiments. He was the only person who had been used to survive.”
“So Naruto is this newly reformed human?” Kakashi asked.
Tsunade nodded. “But things still went wrong. Although Naruto survived the tests, they found out that their calculations were off. So instead of Naruto becoming an empty murderous shell, he developed another side to him; a second personality. They dubbed this second part of Naruto, Kyuubi.”
Sasuke interrupted the blonde. “Well why is something as dangerous as that roaming around freely. If something happens, this Kyuubi can serious hurt, if not kill, someone.”
Tsunade's eyes sharpened. “This is no fault of Naruto's and yet, you are telling me to lock him up like some wild animal just because he was an experiment for some fucked up scientists?” Sasuke remained silent. “To cage him up, would probably be even worse than leaving him free. Kyuubi is triggered by an extreme emotion, be it fear, anger and hate. However, Kyuubi has not shown up in a very long time and Naruto is able to live a normal life.”
“So what happened to the scientist that did this to him?” Neji asked.
“Kyuubi killed them. When we reached the lab, we found Naruto crying his eyes out with blood all over him. There were bodies everywhere; it was hard to imagine that a two year old would be able to do all that.”
“Naruto was two?” Sasuke said in his most passive voice he could make but deep down, he knew he was surprised. Neji and Kakashi hid their shock and fear as well. She nodded. “Well, does he know about Kyuubi?”
“Fortunately, he shows no signs of knowing and because he was so young, he doesn't remember killing any of those scientists.”
“So that also means he knows nothing about Shinobi Inc. then?”
“No. we're afraid if he comes in contact with anything spy related, Kyuubi will come out.”
“So you hire spies to protect him from other spies and expect him not to realize what's going on.” Sasuke said with some of his usual bite to the tone. “How smart.”
“You seem very cheeky, Uchiha.” Tsunade spat in an irritated voice. “Just to let you know, I have the power to make your life a living hell for the next seven months. Don't get smart with me.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes and looked elsewhere. The blonde bitch…
She got up and waked towards the door. “Anyway gentlemen, I think this meeting is over. I'll see you in school tomorrow.” Opening the door for her guest, she allowed them to get out before shutting the door in their faces.
“I don't like her.” Sasuke growled as the three walked out of the building.
“What's new? You never like anyone.” Kakashi reminded him.
Sasuke replied by flipping him off.
A/N: Don't think that Naruto and Sai are going out, okay? I just put that in their because I can imagine the two flirting with each other. Besides, If possible, imagine their relationship like the one Shigure and Ayame from “Fruits Basket” have. They are constantly flirting with each other, but they actually don't mean anything by it.