Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Faith ❯ Early Moring Training and the start of... ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 4: Early morning training and the start of..
Kyu woke up early that morning, normally he would of just rolled back over and gone back to sleep but today was different and he couldn't go back to sleep.
Fixing a light break-fest, he slid on his sandals and went to the training grounds on the property to get some training in before anyone woke, as he walked he smelt the crispy fall air and a small sad smiled graced Kyu's face as he remember that he and his Sasuke loved the snow that came with the cold.
Shaking his head, Kyu than got into a Ta Chi stance and started to do the soft, slow peaceful movements to get his energy up and moving, about half way through he heard his name, opening his eyes he saw Sasuke walking over to him rubbing what sleep he had left in his eyes and was dressed to start the day.
"Hey Kyu what are you doing up so early this morning?"
"I couldn't sleep, so I decide to get some early training in, want to join me? I might teach you a new jutsu after wards"
That sealed the deal and also got Sasuke awake. "Really? What jutsu will you teach me?"
Kyu chuckled than ruffled Sasuke's hair. "One of my own"
"Neat, what is it called?"
"Shadow Darkness"
"Wow...what does it do?"
"It creates a dome of shadow around you and the enemy and it confuses the enemy and leaves them open for attack since they cannot see anything in front of them"
"Neat, I bet that is very useful in a battle"
"Yeah, it took me a week to think of it and a year to master it to the point that no one could break it"
"I'll break that record and master in three months!"
Kyu had chuckled than reached over and ruffled Sasuke's hair slightly.
"It will take a lot of practice, are you sure that you can do it in three months?"
"I'm sure of it!"
Kyu laughed abit than smiled abit, a few hours soon past and Kyu was now watching Sasuke contraries on making the dome for the jutsu and it seemed that everything was going well but something was brothing Kyu, it felt like someone was watching them the whole time and Kyu looked around and no one was around but him and Sasuke.
Sasuke, noticing that Kyu seemed to be off in a daze was worried about the older boy and wonder what was on the older boy's mind.
"Hey Kyu?"
Kyu blinked abit than looked over at Sasuke. "Yes?"
"Something wrong? you look like your off in another world or something like that"
Kyu laughed slightly than placed his hands into his pockets and smiled softly.
"I was just thinking about the past that’s all"
"I left a bunch of people that meant a lot to me, I didn’t even get to say goodbye"
Sasuke than notice the sad look on Kyu’s face.
"I'm sorry that I brought up some bad memories for you"
Kyu looked at Sasuke than smiled soft. "It's alright, let's head back, it's getting close to dinner and I'm starving"
Sasuke laughed as well and started to walk back to the house with Kyu..however...
Kyu looked around slightly, swearing that he had heard his true name...finding nothing he started to walk once more.
"Naruto...why did you throw yourself in front of that kunai?...It should of been me that died not you.."
Kyu turned around and saw the ghost like image of his Sasuke kneeling next to a grave covered in flowers and crying.
The ghost like Sasuke looked up and his and Naruto's eyes met and than. Both worlds went dark...