Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Finally Found ❯ Shelter Jutsu ( Chapter 10 )

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Disclaimer: Nope… don't own Naruto…
Chapter 10 - Shelter Jutsu
“It was white? Are you sure, Jiraya?”
Jiraya sat across from the Hokage's desk as he did every night. “I didn't see it myself, but they both said it was white. They would have no reason to lie about it, they don't know what it means.”
Tsunade stood up and looked out the window behind her desk at her old sensei. Jiraya could tell she was thinking back to when they were learning the Shield Jutsu with the Third. “Jiraya,” she turned back to him with an uncertain look on her face, “neither of us were ever able to create the white shield.”
“Yes, I know.” He wasn't looking at her. His eyes were closed as he imagined the white chakra shield pulsing in front of Hinata's hand. “Tsunade,” his eyes opened, “she used it to protect Naruto. I believe he is the reason she could attain that level.”
Her eyebrows shot up and she turned to face Jiraya, “Naruto?” Her eyes focused down on her desk. “Jiraya, do you think they can actually learn the Shelter Jutsu?”
“Yes…” He shifted in his chair a little. “That's why I need those…” Jiraya pointed to a small inconspicuous box on a shelf behind the Hokage's desk.
Jiraya did not need to point as Tsunade's eyes went quickly to the tiny box. She took two small steps towards the shelf and gently picked it up. She returned to her desk and placed it between Jiraya and herself, “Jiraya, are you sure?”
She slowly opened the box. Carefully held inside were two coin-shaped rocks with carved inscriptions spiraling from the center to the outer edges. The site of the two rocks made Tsunade think back to the day long ago when both her and Jiraya last held the rocks, “Jiraya, I'm sorry.”
Jiraya too had been thinking back to that day many years ago. Tsunade's apology made him smile, “Don't apologize Tsunade,” He looked into the eyes of his old friend, “You just never felt the same way I did. That was long ago.” Jiraya gently closed the box and laid his hand on top of it. “But this is different.”
Jiraya picked the small box off the desk and stood to leave. Tsunade's eyes were now closed in thought. “To think,” Jiraya was standing at the door with his back to Tsunade, “the strongest Kunoichi in Konoha couldn't even break a small rock.” He opened the door and left.
Naruto woke up and turned to face Hinata. It took him a moment to realize he was alone in his own bed, again. He had been home for three days and every time he woke up he wished she was there with him, but she never was. He climbed out of his bed and changed before heading to the Hyuuga complex.
When Naruto arrived Hinata was already waiting for him outside the gates. Naruto wanted to throw his arms around her and feel the touch of her lips on his, but all he could do was smile, “Hi Hinata.”
Hinata knew what Naruto was really thinking and she had to hold herself back too, “Hello Naruto-kun.” They walked quietly to the training grounds. Both of them had decided that they should keep their relationship a secret and forced themselves to avoid showing any affection in public. They knew that Hiashi would not allow them to be together, no matter how they felt about each other.
When they reaced the forested training ground they wrapped their arms around each other and finally embraced. After several joyful seconds Naruto pulled back and looked into Hinata's eyes, “I really missed you this morning.” He pulled her body back into his and their lips met again.
“Don't worry Naruto-kun.” Hinata said as they had finally stopped kissing and were walking hand in hand to meet Jiraya. “We'll be out on another mission soon.” She turned to him and smiled.
Both were surprised to find Jiraya waiting for them, in his hands was a small box. The two young ninja let go of each other and stood in front of Jiraya. He had made them promise to not let their relationship affect their training. “Ero-sennin, is that for us?” Naruto pointed at the box.
“Yes Naruto,” Naruto reached for the box, but Jiraya held his hand out to stop him, “but I'll only give it to you on one condition. Hinata,” he looked from Naruto to Hinata, “I want to see the white chakra shield.”
“Wha…” Hinata's eyes grew wide and she gave a little gasp. No matter how many times she had tried, she had not been able to make the white shield since the first time. “I have to this time!” she told herself. She nodded at Jiraya and concentrated. “SHIELD JUTSU!” A blue shield formed in front of her palm.
The shield quickly disappeared and Hinata's eyes went to the floor, “I can't… I'm sorry…” Naruto grabbed her hand and gave a little squeeze. As bad as she had felt, she couldn't help but smile.
“Hinata,” she looked up to face Jiraya. “What were you feeling when you created the white shield?” Hinata closed her eyes and replayed the scene in her head. The ninja's hand was glowing with a strong chakra and he lunged at Naruot. She had to do something. She had to protect him. It wasn't until she opend her eyes that she noticed she was squeezing Naruto's hand very tightly. “I wasn't feeling anything. I just…” she looked at Naruto with a slightly embarrassed smile, “… wanted to protect Naruto-kun.” Naruto couldn't help it, he leaned over and kissed Hinata on the forehead.
Jiraya rolled his eyes, “OK you two, that's enough of that. Naruto,” Naruto turned to him, “do you trust Hinata?”
Naruto gave Hinata's hand another soft squeeze. He tried to look at Jiraya as seriously as he could, “Of course!”
“Ok,” I really hope this works, Jiraya thought. He formed a Rasengan in his hand, “Naruto don't move.”
“WHAT!” Naruto screamed. “You can't hit me with that!” Jiraya started to laugh.
“Don't worry Naruto. The white chakra shield will stop even the strongest attack, “he smiled,” even the Rasengan.” Naruto's jaw dropped and Hinata's eyes grew very wide.
Hinata stared at the Rasengan in Jiraya's hand. “But Jiraya-sama, I…” She felt a tug on her hand that made her stop talking. She looked at Naruto.
Naruto looked very serious, but she could still feel the warmth he made her feel when he smiled, “Hinata, you can do it, I trust you…” he let go of her hand and took a step back, “… with my life.” He took one last look at his love and turned to face Jiraya. She stood there, frozen.
Jiraya lunged at Naruto with the Rasengan. `Please do something Hinata!' he was screaming in his own head. Neither he nor Naruto saw it happen.
The Rasengan connected, but there was no damage. Hinata was standing between Jiraya and Naruto and the white chakra shield emitting from her palm was absorbing the Rasengan. Jiraya looked from the shield to Hinata's face, something was different. Jiraya had seen Hinata use her Byakugon plenty of times, but her face never looked like this before. Her eyes were burning with the same white chakra as the shield and she stood there in her Jukken stance bearing her teeth at him like some wild animal. He had never seen her look this fierce.
Naruot, still standing behind Hinata, threw his arms over her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “I knew you could do it.” The change was instant and dramatic as the fierce look on Hinata's face was replaced by a look of pure joy.
Jiraya stood there awestruck, “Hinata that was amazing.” `She did it,' he thought to himself, `the most powerful form of the shield jutsu.' “You two, sit down.”
Naruto and Hinata sat side by side as Jiraya picked the small box off the floor. He sat down across the two and placed the box between them all.
Naruto grew excited as he remembered that the box was for them. Jiraya placed one hand on top of the box, “Naruto, Hinata, inside this box are two items that you may be able to use to not only increase you power but also to learn the Shelter Jutsu.” Naruto grew even more excited wanting to see the box's contents. Jiraya opened the box revealing the two coin-shaped rocks. Naruto's heart sank. “So some small rocks are gonna teach us a jutsu?” Naruto eyed the rocks with a contorted face.
“No Naruto,” Jiraya removed the two rocks and handed one to each of them. “Be very careful with those.”
It had been a long time since the Third had explained how the rocks worked, but Jiraya thought he had remembered enough to explain it to Naruto and Hinata. “Hinata,” he looked at her, “hold the rock in your palm softly. Naruto,” he turned now to him, “try to crush your rock.”
Naruto laughed, “Easy…” he squeezed the rock in his hand as hard as he could. Nothing happened. “What? I can't break it.” He was confused.
“Not too easy, huh?” Jiraya started to laugh. “Now look, these are special rocks. They will only break if you meet certain criteria, and only then will they be of any use to you.” He closed his eyes for a second. “Neither I nor Tsunade ever met those criteria.” There was a hint of repressed sadness in his tone.
“What?” Naruto eyes lit up. “Not even you or Granny Tsunade could break them?” He had to do it now. “Well what are these criteria, Ero-sennin?” Naruto was trying his hardest to crush the rock again.
“Well…” Jiraya stood up and looked down at the two. “That's something I want you two to figure out on your own.” He turned and started walking away, leaving the two young ninja staring at his back in disbelief. “I'll be back tonight… OH!” He turned again to face them, “If you two don't figure it out before I return, I'll take the rocks back.” He tried to give them a reassuring smile. He turned back around and disappeared behind the trees.
Naruto and Hinata turned to each other and started discussing ideas on how to break the rocks. “I'll just use my rasengan!” was Naruto's first great idea. His eyes hit the floor as the Rasengan failed to even crack the rock. Hinata used her Byakugon to see if she could see anything different about the rocks, but saw nothing special. After only a few short moments they were both out of ideas. They spent the next four hours trying to think of anything to break their own rocks with no luck.
Finally, Hinata looked at the rock in her hand with her normal eyes. “Naruto-kun come here, I need to see your rock.” She reached out her empty hand to him and he placed his rock into it. He stood behind her, placed his chin on her shoulder, and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“What is it Hinata?” Naruto could see both rocks in her hands, but he could see nothing different about the two. “They look exactly the same.”
“Exactly…” Naruto had noticed what she had. The two rocks were identical. “I think this means that we have to do the same thing, maybe achieve the same level of power.” This thought scared her, how could she ever hope to reach Naruto's level?
“What? That's impossible.” Hinata's heart dropped as she believed Naruto was thinking the same thing. He turned his head and kissed her on the cheek, “I could never be as powerful as you Hinata.”
Hinata spun around in Naruto's arms and they stood face to face only inches apart. “Wha…” Hinata's face was full of bewilderment.
Naruto just smiled at her and softly pressed his lips to hers. “You heard Ero-sennin, that white shield that you used to save me was super powerful. Hinata, you could even stop my strongest move. I'm actually,” his face grew an almost evil smile, “kind of afraid of you…” He grabbed his own rock from her hand and jumped back.
Hinata reached out and grabbed the sides of Naruto's body pulling him into her again, “Naruto-kun… don't be afraid of me.” She laughed softly, “I would never hurt you, I love you.” She was looking into his eyes.
Naruto's evil smile vanished and his soft, affectionate smile returned, “I love you too, Hinata.” They both leaned in and lovingly embraced. As both of them usually felt like their insides were burning when they embraced neither paid any mind to the burning sensations in their hand or back. This kiss lasted longer then any other they had had before, both wanted to make it last. Finally they pulled apart and looked at each other.
“Come on Hinata, let's find a way to crush these rocks.” Naruto held his hand up in front of him, but it was empty. Hinata noticed and looked into her own empty hand. They were both dumbfounded as they started to feel the burning in the hand where the rock once laid. “Hinata, my hand…” Naruto held his steaming hand out, but suddenly his free hand shot to his right shoulder, “and my back… it burns!”
Hinata too was holding her right shoulder in pain. They both keeled over onto their knees and tried to do something about the burning, but before they could do anything the pain subsided. “Naruto-kun…” Hinata was looking at him from her knees, “what was that?”
Naruto stood up. He rubbed his shoulder and then his hand, “I don't know Hinata.” He walked over and helped her up. “Hinata where are the rocks?”
Hinata looked at the floor around her, “I don't know Naruto-kun. I was holding it in my hand, but then my hand started burning.” She held her once burning hand out in front of them. “Naruto-kun what are we going to do?”
“Well… we could tell Ero-sennin that…” but Naruto had no time to think of a lie as a voice echoed out from the trees.
“Good job you two.”
The two had been so distracted with trying to break the rocks that neither had noticed that Jiraya had never really left. Instead, he had been watching from the cover of the trees the entire time. He leaped down from his hiding spot and walked towards the two ninja while clapping his hands. “So you two actually did it? How did it feel?” The confused look that Naruto and Hinata both had when they lost the rocks reappeared on their face.
Naruto had to fight back the urge to lung at Jiraya, “THOSE DAMN ROCKS BURNED OUR HANDS!” His face was angry and he had his open palm in front of him.
“HA HA HA! Well, to tell you the truth, I really had no idea what was going to happen…” Jiraya was smiling but Naruto's jaw dropped. “I'm just happy you two found out how to break them.”
“WHAT! YOU DIDN'T KNOW?” Naruto's voice lost its edge as Jiraya's words sunk in, “Wait, what did we do? We tried everything…” Naruto's eyes went to his formerly burning hand.
Jiraya walked towards Hinata and placed his hand on her shoulder, “Hinata, you were very close. You don't have to reach the same power level.” He paused and stepped back, “To break the rocks the two people holding them have to share a bond of love and utter devotion to each other. Only then will they be able to use the Shelter Jutsu.” Naruto and Hinata's eyes met for a moment and they both knew what the other was thinking. Their love was true. The moment was broken though as Jiraya wanted to tell them the true powers of the rocks. “You two…” their gazes finally broke and they looked at Jiraya, “did you feel part of your back burning?”
Hinata reached over her shoulder and rubbed the area where it had burned. “Yes, Jiraya-sama. It was the same feeling as my hand.”
“Naruto, take your shirt off… Oh come on…” Naruto eyes had quickly grown wide as he looked over to Hinata, “like you two haven't seen each other's bodies yet.” Naruto knew he couldn't argue and unzipped his jacket. He laid it on the floor and removed his shirt. “Now turn around. Hinata do you see that?”
Hinata's eyes lit up as she saw the strange tattoo on the upper right corner of Naruto's back. “Jiraya-sama what is it?” She reached out and felt the area. The tattoo looked exactly like the inscriptions on the rocks except they were blue.
“WHAT?” Naruto was craning his head to try to see where Hinata was touching. “What's on my back Ero-sennin?”
“Naruto, calm down. You and Hinata now share proof of your bond.” Jiraya smiled, effectively hiding his fear.
Hinata's hand went back over her shoulder, “Jiraya-sama, so I have that on my back too?”
“Yes Hinata, it is the only way you two can use the Shield Jutsu.”
“But Ero-sennin,” Naruto finally stopped trying to look at his back, “you said you were never able to do that jutsu.”
Jiraya's face grew angry and he screamed, “THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO IT NARUTO!” He quickly regained his composure, “The Shelter Jutsu is the ultimate defense. It protects both users and anything between them.” He quickly taught the two the hand signs and begun to practice the jutsu.
“SHELTER JUTSU!” they yelled in unison. Nothing happened.
“Ero-sennin, we've been doing this for hours already! Why can't we get it?” Naruto was clearly upset at not being able to learn the Jutsu. Hinata too was showing signs of disappointment.
“Well…” Jiraya hadn't been too honest with them. He had remembered most of what the Third had told him when he was trying to learn the Jutsu, but since he had never been able to perform it he had never really understood. “Naruto, what are you thinking of when you perform the Jutsu?”
“Huh?” Naruto hadn't been expecting the question, “I guess I'm thinking of trying to put a shelter over myself. Right?”
“Naruto…” Jiraya looked down and shook his head. “This jutsu requires that the two users share an unbreakable bond. To perform the jutsu both need to be thinking not of saving themselves, but saving the other person and anyone else nearby. The two users must be thinking the same thing, or else nothing will happen.” He reached into his bag and removed a kunai with an explosive tag wrapped around it. He threw it very high into the air and it started coming down towards the two. “You two must think about protecting the other.”
Both Naruto and Hinata's eyes followed the kunai as it rose in the air and hovered over them at its apex. The both looked at each other and formed the hand signs. The same thought ran threw both heads, “I must protect you, I will protect you.”
The explosive tag exploded filling the entire clearing in black smoke. When the smoke finally cleared, a blue chakra dome was encompassing both Naruto and Hinata. The dome had protected them from the blast and was pulsing, sending out waves of chakra. Jiraya could only stare; he had been told about the shelter jutsu, but he had never seen it. “Amazing…”
Naruto and Hinata had both closed their eyes when they cast the Jutsu. They opened their eyes, turned, and ran into each other's arms. Naruto lifted Hinata off the ground and spun her around before putting her back on her feet and kissing her. The two were extremely pleased to have learned the Shelter Jutsu, but they both knew that being able to do this jutsu showed their true emotions for each other.
“HEY! SAVE IT FOR LATER!” Jiraya was proud of them for achieving the jutsu, but they were making him sick. The two pulled away from each other slowly and both wore a light pink shade of embarrassment on their face. “That was very, very good you two, but I don't wanna see you two do that every time you do the jutsu.” He laughed at his own observation.
For hours they two trained by creating the Shelter Jutsu. After several hours they were even able to protect Jiraya who stood in between them. Midway through the training the rain started to come down.
“Ok you two…” Jiraya's long white hair clung to his back. “I'm sure that took a lot out of both of you, go home and rest up. Tomorrow I'll show you another unique ability of those new markings of yours.” He waved goodbye to the young ninjas and started off towards the Hokage's office to inform Tsunade of their progress.
Naruto and Hinata headed off towards the Hyuuga complex, embracing before they left the concealment of the training grounds. They walked slowly though the rain guessing what Jiraya meant by `unique ability.' Finally they arrived at the gates and stopped; neither wanted to leave.
Naruto wrapped his arms around Hinata and whispered into her ear, “I love you.” Hinata responded by giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before letting go. They both walked backwards from each other wanting to see the other for as long as possible. Naruto turned the corner and headed off to his apartment through the rain.
The flashes of lightning and the tremendous shakes of thunder did not faze Naruto as he lay in bed. He could only think of Hinata and how he felt when he learned how the markings on their back proved their love. A thunderous blast shook his apartment followed by several small bangs. Naruto sat up in bed. The small bangs were coming from his door. He reached for a shirt and headed for the door.
He opened the door and his jaw dropped. Hinata was standing in the doorway drenched from the rain. Despite the water dripping from her face Naruto could tell she was crying. He grabbed her and pulled her in from the rain. “Hinata, what's wrong? What happened?” She threw her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. Hinata's body was soaking wet and cold, but Naruto still put his arms around her and squeezed tightly.
“Na…Na…” she was crying and sobbing so hard that she couldn't speak. She cried into Naruto's chest for almost ten minutes before she finally pulled her face from his chest and looked him in the eyes. Naruto's heart broke as he saw the look on her face. Hinata's eyes were bloodshot and tears were running down her cheeks; her face showed a mix a sadness and despair. Naruto tried to wipe the tears from her eyes, but they kept coming. “Naruto-kun…” she had calmed down enough to talk, “my father saw me kiss you…”
Naruto's eyes lit up. The idea that Hinata's crying was his fault was devastating. “Hinata…” She dug her head face back into his chest and started crying again.
“and…” she shifted her head so that she could speak, “he saw the markings on my back.” Her arms tightened around Naruto, “He told me I couldn't see you anymore Naruto-kun…”
“Hinata…” Naruto was stunned. Her father had told her not to see him anymore, but here she was in his arms.
“Naruto-kun…” she was sobbing again. “I can't be without you… I love you…” She started crying harder than before. Naruto tightened his arms around her. “Naruto-kun… I can't go back…” He understood.
Hinata was afraid when Naruto released his hold on her and walked away. `He doesn't want me here,” she thought to herself as she started crying again.
Naruto returned with several towels and started to dry Hinata's soaked hair. He helped her remove her damp clothes and tossed them aside. Hinata stood there completely naked, her cold, dripping body shivering as Naruto started to dry her off. Her insides grew hot as she could feel his hands softly edge over every inch and curve of her body. Finally dry, Naruto grabbed her hand and led her into his bedroom.
Hinata lay on the bed and Naruto covered her body with his blanket before sliding in next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered into her ear, “Hinata, I love you… stay here with me…” he kissed her shoulder. For the first time he noticed the inscriptions on her back, the proof of their love.
Hinata was still crying softly, “Thank you Naruto-kun…” Hinata felt Naruto's grip tighten around her as they fell asleep.