Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ First Love ❯ First Love ( Chapter 1 )
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First Love
“You know what, I'uka-sensei?” Naruto said one even as the two had sat down for their usual load of ramen that day. “I'm in love!”
Iruka almost choked on his ramen, and he coughed as he stared down at the six-year-old boy at his side. “I-in love?” he asked.
“Yeah! There's this girl in class that I like really, really much! She's really pretty, and her hair has this unusual colour… it's all pink…”
“You mean Haruno Sakura?” the brunette asked carefully.
“Is that her name?” Naruto took another mouthful of his food. “Yeah, I think it was.” He swallowed, and then he turned his smiling face to his teacher again. “Tomorrow I'm gonna bring her flowers and ask her out, and we're gonna get married and have lots and lots of kids!” he decided.
Iruka gaped. Was such a young child really supposed to think like this?
He wasn't sure, so he kept quiet about it.
“I'm in love, I'uka-sensei!” Naruto called again, only a few days later. Iruka blinked.
“Yeah, you told me awhile ago…” he said slowly.
Naruto rolled his eyes. “That was a long time ago!” he said. “Sakura-chan wasn't the one - and besides, her punches are a lot too hard for it to be funny…” he trailed of, leaving his teacher to stare at him with a bewildered look on his features.
“So… who's the lucky one this time?” he finally asked.
“It's Ayame-nee-chan!” he announced. The man behind the disk made a sound that could very well had been an attempt to force back laugh. “I mean, it's perfect! She already knows how to make perfect ramen, so it won't be any problem to teach her later when we're married and our kids are going to have to eat…” The boy kept describing the looks and other traits of his new love, as Iruka could only stare.
Was it really normal for a child to think like this?
The third time that Naruto told him that he was in love, he just wanted to slap his forehead.
“So who's the lucky girl this time?” Iruka asked. He was getting used to these kinds of confessions and didn't get as surprised anymore.
Naruto smiled softly. “Oh, that's not it…” he said dreamily. Iruka raised a brow.
“What's not it?” he asked.
The small boy leaned over the disk and placed his cheek against his arms, peering happily up at the man. “It's not a girl this time, it's a boy.”
Iruka almost fell backwards out of the ramen stand. He choked a couple of times before he got his usual breathing-pattern started again and managed to get himself to sit don beside the young boy.
“You do realize that you won't be able to get married and have children, as with the other two, right?” he asked carefully, not being sure about hat he should say. Naruto shrugged and smiled.
“I don't really care…” he mumbled. “He's pretty anyway… And he's always the best at all the exercises, and he's always being a real bastard.”
Iruka understood at once ho the boy in question was. “But I thought that you hated Sasuke,” he stated in a low voice.
Naruto bit his lip. “I did. And I do. He's a real prick, and he's such a bastard most of the time, it makes me want to beat him to a pulp.” Iruka grimaced at the child's choice of word, but he didn't say anything as the blonde kept going. “But… You know, I get this feeling sometimes… I wanna make him smile you know? I want him to show that he's happy. Isn't that to love someone? To want to make them happy?”
Iruka nodded thoughtfully. “I guess it is…”
“He doesn't even know that I exist,” Naruto continued. “Actually, I think that he doesn't care about people. He's always acting cocky and stuff… Like he's the king of the world.”
Yeah, that sounded like Sasuke alright. Iruka had many times tried to get through to the boy, but he was always met with the same cold façade.
“I'uka-sensei?” Naruto asked.
“Can't you make it so that I get on the same team as him when we graduate? Like that I'd get many chances to be with him and get to know him. And maybe become good enough to be his friend. And…” He trailed of, a slight blush covering his cheekbones.
Iruka looked away, a strange feeling twisting his gut. This was wrong, he told himself. He couldn't be the one to encourage Naruto to take the step into this kind of unnatural way of thinking. But at the same time… The boy was only six years old; when the time of graduating came, he would probably have forgotten all about his recent crush on the young Uchiha.
“I'll see what I can do,” he answered the boy's question.
When the time of graduation came, Iruka had forgotten all about his chat with Naruto about the child's love life. He paired him together with Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke not because of that old promise but because he could se an overwhelming strength slumber in the three of them together.
Naruto, however, had not forgotten about his feelings. And while he clung to Sakura and tried to make her acknowledge him, he always spared those special looks, full of emotion, not always good, however always true, for his other teammate, still trying to figure out a way to make Sasuke smile.
Just wait, you stuck-up bastard!
AN: Written for chibisasunaru's challenge, a long time ago. I found it on my hardware and thought it was cute and that I might upload it... I hope you don't mind ^^
Disclaimer: I don't own the magnificent world or characters of Naruto, of which we are all very grateful ^^
Disclaimer: I don't own the magnificent world or characters of Naruto, of which we are all very grateful ^^