Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Flying ❯ Flying ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sparring with Sakura was a completely different experience now than it had been when they were twelve.
When they were twelve, Sakura had been delicate. Naruto had been stronger, and Sasuke had been faster.
When they were twelve, Sakura only know the most basic moves. She had been skilled in chakra control, but little else.
Naruto had been careful with her, and Sasuke avoided hitting her. Both didn't want to break her, as if she really were the flower she was named after.
Sakura herself had to be careful, careful not to get in the way, careful not to get hurt, careful not to cry.
Sparring with Sakura was a completely different experience when they were twelve.
And Naruto and Sasuke were now wondering why the hell it had had to change as they go flying through the air.