Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Forget the Past, Look to the Future ❯ Freeze! Prison on the Highroad! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own FFX or Naruto.
I had gotten two reviews within one hour of putting the first chapter of this up…THANK YOU!
School starts Monday…DAMN IT ALL!
Power Standings: 1-50 (as of Now)
Naruto (With Kyuubi): 23, 30
Gaara (With Shukaku): 23, 28
Auron: 21
Seymour (Fiend ver. 1,2,3): 21, 23, 26, 32, 41
Yuna (With Aeons): 5, 21
Tidus: 18
Wakka: 19
Lulu (With Magic): 2, 17
Kimihari: 20
Rikku: 14
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Luca: Seaside Viewing Deck
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After the little tussle in the stadium, Yuna's gang, along with Auron, Gaara, and Naruto, had gone to the seaside deck, waiting for Yuna's decision on where to go. She had decided to go to the Mi'hen Highroad.
Tidus was brooding off to the side as he looked over the ocean. Walking over to him, Yuna and previously mentioned boy started talking before they faked laughter.
“OI! If you want to laugh, ask Gaara to tell you a joke!” yelled Nauto at the annoying scene.
*Twitch* *Twitch, Twitch* “What was that Uzumaki?”
“You heard me Sandman!”
“Panda-Eyed Lunatic!”
Ignoring the arguing duo, Auron walked over to Yuna, who was talking to Tidus about something unimportant, and tapped on her shoulder. Moving her gaze to the guardian of her father she asked what he wanted.
“I would like to become your guardian, along with fox-boy and Mr. Sandman.”
Confusion spread through Lulu, Yuna, Wakka, and Tidus as they all asked the same question. “Again?”
Completely ignorant of the question, Naruto jerked his thumb towards Tidus. “I don't want Blondie here to pull another Jecht. I'm pretty sure that one Shoopuf is still made at him.”
Chuckling at the memory, Auron told them what Naruto was talking about. “At the Moonflow, Jecht had gotten drunk. He saw a Shoopuf and thought it was fiend. He drew his blade and struck it. Then he passed out. We offered all our gil as repentance. Jecht never drank again. So do you except my invitation?”
Getting over the shock that one of her own father's guardians (She doesn't know about Naruto and Gaara) wanted to become hers, she slowly nodded with her eyes widened.
“Good. Then it looks like we're off to the Mi'hen Highroad. Wakka, get your ball, Kimihari, quit being silent, Tidus, stop checking out Yuna, Lulu…just do always do. Gaara, fix that crack in your gourd, and Auron, I've got nothing to say to you. Yuna, let's go!” Naruto said grinning as he began walking off.
*Twitch* *Twitch, Twitch* *Group Twitch*
“*Sigh* Why do I have a feeling this will feel like an agonizingly long trip?” Auron asked to no one in particular.
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Mi'hen Highroad
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Arriving on the start of the Mi'hen Highroad, Naruto was bouncing up and down while everyone else (Not including Auron, Gaara, Kimihari) were panting from the long trek up the mountain just to get there.
“Oi! Auron! You remember this place?! Remember when Gaara dropped his gourd off the cliff and had to climb down the whole thing, get his gourd and then climb back up?”
Smiling, Auron completed the memory. “And then he remembered he could've made a cloud of sand and fly back up!”
*Twitch* *Twitch, Twitch* “Uzumaki…Auron…”
Shrinking away from the crazy tanuki container, previously mentioned people started sweating profusely, scared of what he might do.
Sweat drops went around the group as they watched the pitiful scene. Was this really the Sir Auron that guarded Braska on his journey? This man that was currently cowering in fear from a scorned panda-wanna be?
Suddenly, Naruto jumped up in front of them. “Yosh. Let's go.”
Jumping back from the blonde who was half way down the Mi'hen Highroad, they took off after him.
Gaara, after finally noticing that Naruto was half way gone and Auron ran away, got onto a sand cloud and started flying towards them.
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Outside Al-Bhed Shop
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“I'm telling you! We could've made it here faster if Yuna had just turned down that challenge!”
“Shut up Uzumaki! She needed the experience!”
A loud bonk was heard as the jinchuuriki in the party butted their heads together as steam blew out of their ears. Giving a group sigh, they stopped in front of an Al-Bhed shop.
“We're resting here.” Auron said to the group, turning to go in.
“We can't! It's an Al-Bhed shop!” Wakka said to the red cloaked person.
“And? We are resting here. Yuna is tired from exerting herself in the summon battle, and the rest of you, not including Gaara, Naruto, and Kimihari, are not used to this, since some of you have been out of action for a while.”
“Oro? We're staying at Rin's shop? Yatta!” Said Naruto as he bounced into the store.
Following the energetic blonde inside, they began resting, talking about the day's past events and where to go next. Then, a person dressed in yellow walked into the store.
Breaking off his one-sided conversation with the blue skinned Rohnso, Naruto looked towards the person in the store.
“Well, well. It's quite crowded today, isn't it?”
Looking at the bouncy blonde running at him, he side stepped and let him collapse on to the floor. “Hello Naruto. How have you been these past ten years?”
“Great! Have you heard? There's a fiend that's been attacking around here. We learned about it from some Crusaders.”
“Rin, sir! A fiend is attacking the Chocobo Stables!”
All eyes turned to Naruto as Wakka spoke up. “You just had to jinx it, didn't you?”
Scratching his head sheepishly, the group ran outside.
Pointing his finger at the fiend, which had jumped out of nowhere and landed on the roof, Wakka made an obvious statement.
Charging at the thing, Tidus and Kimihari, both tried knocking the thing off the roof. Jumping over the humans head, the `over grown gorilla' landed behind them.
After about 20 minutes of constant spell casting, spear strikes, healing, ball throwing, and name calling, Auron, who hadn't been participating, walked over to the two demon containers who had been studying the fight.
“Your not going to help?”
Getting up from his seat on the grass, Naruto dusted off his sleeve and cracked his knuckles. “Yeah, I'll help. I've got a good understanding of their capabilities now. Oi, Gaara. Want me to save a piece for you?”
His answer was a fake snore from the red head. Taking that as a no, he walked over to the panting (Not including Kimihari) group as he walked past them to the slightly winded fiend.
Stopping about 5 meters in front of the gorilla, he asked it a question. “Do you mind if I use you as a test subject for a new technique of mine?”
His answer was sneeze from the great thing in front of. Taking that as a yes, Naruto matched his pinky, index, and thumb fingers together as the others were curled clamped down on the back of his hands (Like Chouji's Body expansion jutsu.).
Aisu Hitoya Jinchi Maruyane: Reika Meibatsu (Ice Prison Encampment Dome: Sub-Zero Retribution)!”
Suddenly, everyone noticed the temperature go down as transparent ice rose out of the ground and trapped the fiend inside it.
“I've been working on this technique for the past seven years, and I've been dying to try and find someone to test it on. But no one was willing to die. So I really must thank you Mr. Fiend.”
Breaking the seal, Naruto spreaded his arms, so that if he pushed them back together, the fingers would intertwine. Suddenly, spikes came out of the dome as the poor creature inside didn't know what was going on. Everyone watched on in interest as Naruto pushed his hands together and the spikes impaled the fiend.
Gaara had cracked open an eye when he felt the temperature decrease and watched what the blonde did. “Gruesome, but efficient.”
Wakka and Tidus had turned a pale green color as Yuna and Lulu covered their mouths.
And Kimihari along with Auron…were already walking back into the shop.
Turning to Yuna, Auron spoke.
“Tomorrow, we go to mushroom rock road.”
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A/N: WHEEEEEEEE! Yay! I have no idea what cheering for!!!! Now I remember! I'm going to add a couple of twists to this story! Can you say battle the Maesters of Yevon?
I own Aisu Hitoya Jinchi Maruyane: Reika Meibatsu