Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Gencom Naruto ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Gencom: Ninjacom

Chapter Four

Naruto seemed to have choosen to use his mouth on her nipples again as a means to promote her own orgasm, which was clever. Yet what she had planned needed preparation which she had been conducting since this lesson had begun. Once regaining her own youth back, she wanted to make up for lost time and changes. Which included making her own little family with the time and relative safety she had with the job of Hokage.

So while she was being one part teacher and one part seducer, she was also preparing the way for the sperm which was to come to fertilize one of her rejuvenated eggs. Also a trick taught to kunoichi, both forwards to get the child of a person for purposes of aiding the village as well as backwards to avoid being impregnated by the enemy. The former was useful to gain a child for blackmail or to gain genes for better ninjas for the village, like picking up bloodlines covertly. The latter was more obvious and useful if the woman was raped.

So while Naruto was licking her nipples and pumping his cock within her vagina, she was sensing the release of her egg. She had also been working on increasing the production of Naruto's cum using Chakra and pressure point. It was all up to these last few minutes for the sucess or failure of her mission. So she used the last few minutes she had before a major orgasm to push and pull Naruto to the point where he could explode into her. With a single suction of her inner muscles, and popped when the boy as his eyes closed and he grunted while he pushed his cock in at the same time. It was just a few seconds at the end of the orgasm when he fell into her, tired out from all of the sexual activity.

While Tsunade snuggled Naruto close to her, she tried to detect the any sense of new life being within her. She didn't quite sense anything yet, but she knew it could take some time to sense the new life growing within a woman from the addition of different chakra. Yet she was hopeful the impregnation had taken place, but if it didn't...

'It just means I have more time to make attempts with Naruto, which means more sex with my most snuggly genin. I might have to steal him away from the others from time to time, but being Hokage does have it's advantages. A few D-ranked missions on the other side of town every now and then wouldn't hurt them. Then I can assign Naruto his own D-rank mission of entertaining a high status woman, by which I mean myself. Entertained by methods of my own choosing, like the swimming we did toady.

I just don't think I'll tell Naruto about any child or children I might have until I'm sure I have them. He might get a little hestitant if I mention this before he had... some time to adjust to the information. Or the inability to run from the situation due to the shock, or resist my charms for fear of completing job.

So I wonder how the girls are going to react to me getting with Naruto first, before anyone of them had the change to be with him? Makes me wonder if I'm Naruto's first lover? I mean it would be a good little achievement to hold under my belt when talking with all of the young little sexy things. I wonder how I can brag about this to them, without looking like I'm bragging to them. This is going to take a lot of thought, meanwhile I can hug the sexiest genin the village has.' thought Tsunade as continued to hold on to the boy who seemed to be dozing off, all the while holding on to a large grin as if she had taken the last piece of desert from a family reunion.


The four young Kunoichi were running to wards the Hokage tower together, all of them trying to keep the other in close sight. Sakura snarled as she spoke, "Lady Tsunade isn't much of a lady, sending the four of us out with Shizune while she got alone time with Naruto. She should have told us when he came back so I... I mean, we could all welcome him."

"Face the facts, Sakura. If you knew he was coming, you would have left all of us in the dirty while you got alone time with Naruto yourself. Lady Tsunade was just luck as Hokage, she got the news first when our cutie got to the gates of the village. We just have to hope the stamina fluke he seems to have also works on his sexual stamina, causing him to be able to get his energy back quickly and get hard faster." said Ino, as she licked her lips as she seemed to be half-daydreaming while she walked.

"It's not really Lady Tsunade fault, I mean who could resist spending some alone time with him. We didn't have to do what we did with Shizune, even if she did trick us into going in the completely opposite direction of Naruto and the Hokage tower. If we could have trusted each other not to try to get alone time with him, we could have hit all other spots which our knucklehead could have been at. Like Ichiraku Ramen, our new home, and even the Academy. Naruto could be vising Iruka-sensei, going out for Ramen, or Tsukune could be showing him around our home." said Tenten as she kept in step with each other.

Hinata understood their temptations of being alone with Naruto, she had wanted to be with him so badly for so many years. He had been away from the village for two years, so he could have changes in so many ways. She tried to wonder if the fact he had been out of the picture was better for her resistance to the desire to jump his bones, or only delaying what she would do if she got the chance. To jump on Naruto's bones so fast and hard, he wouldn't be thinking straight for at least the next day.

It also made her feel a little bad what the quartet of angry sex-hungry women had done to the older medical ninja, which had included tying her up into a ball and stringing her up on the side of a building like a balloon or lantern. They also didn't have to get the red paint and all of those chicken feathers... or those copies of Icha Icha Paradise. They would likely all be paying for it. Either from Shizune, Lady Tsunade, their parents or their sensei. Was it worth all of the time and punishment just to have sex with a teen who is still just a genin while all of them were chunin?

'HELL YEAH !' thought Hinata as they got to the Hokage Tower and began to search it, all of them together. It would have been easier to split up, but that would risk a lucky girl running off with Naruto. It was slower, but eventually gained the same result. Naruto was not currently in the tower, so was likely in another location. Since Tsunade was missing as well, it was likely she was in some place where the two of them could be intimate with each other. A ninja school and a fast food restaurant was not places where, to put it simply, one could fuck without a distrubance.

"Tsunade must have taken to our home if she's not here either. Which means she's likely had become Naruto's... first. Unless he become intimate with a woman outside of the village." Said Hinata, a little uncomfortable due to her shyness. She had gained enough training and confidence not to stutter in front of the other women, to avoid showing weakness even to these friendly rivals. It was a ninja training tactic.

"Just means we're going to have to find a way to make our time with him special if different way. If we want to get that special time with him as soon as possible, we had better get to the house as soon as possible. With any luck, Tsunade has finished fucking him and he's just recharging his batteries. We're not sure how many times Naruto can screw straight, so better get over there before Tsunade fucks his lights out." said Ino as they all nodded as they moved to ninja leap to the building they lived in.

Meanwhile, at the home...

Tsunade knew she could have fuck Naruto over and over again, but she might then have to face a four women mutiny. She was currently let Naruto rest on the bed, while he got a second wind. She had found his things, and started to put them away when she found the computer. She opened it and found it on a program called Gencom.

What Naruto and the Hokage didn't know was the computer program was aware and could make the computer itself aware, it could effect the machine and programming without anyone typing or wishing. It also wanted to insure the most sex as possible, which while entertaining to it also had the effect of increasing it's powers. It also would protect it's master, Naruto in this case, but it also helped. Help which the master might not want, initally. Help to get more and more laid.

So Tsunade was reading the recent history and the profile of Naruto himself, access code being 'jinxed' open for the sex-loving hokage. She realized there must be some kind of instruction in the computer to look for the most perverted manner for the wishes to be granted, since the 'love' command was likely meant for love between friends and family then lovers. Testing out the powers of the device, she created her own copy of the computer with the program in the same green as her usual jacket.

She switched to this second one and loaded everything up to match the other one, then froze time with the device. The silence was deafening, as she noticed a few items which seemed to hint at the frozen time. Like the chakra frozen in Naruto.

'If he was dead, he wouldn't have chakra and if he wasn't frozen, it should be moving. So I have unlimited power. The computer seems to have been programmed by someone like Jiraiya, which seems to be to Naruto's benefit. Or a benefit to his love life.

So how can I help out Naruto with all of this further attention. The basic thing would be to make a modification to him so he's more then willing to date and love multiple women. A few quick changes for that and then Naruto will be able to accept this. I doubt he would be willing to increase his good fortune, it might be helpful for the rebuilding of the noble clan of Namikaze.

Best to bring up the record of all of the women connected to Naruto including those which could be interested in him sexually. Names emerged of those who loved, admire or were attracted to him. Sasame of Rice Country, Toki of Bird Country, Koyuki Kazahana of Snow Country, Haruna of Vegetable Country, Isaribi from Sea Country.' These were the first few names which come on the screen, followed by others. She also took up names she thought would be helpful to Naruto in the future. Names of sexy and powerful woman. One popped out with Mei Terumi.

'Beautiful women in her thirties, auburn hair and green eyes... quite striking. Sizable breasts, nothing on me but still good size. Skilled Kunoichi with two kekkei genkai as well as earth, fire and water natures. Lava Release and Boil Release ninjutsu. A strategist which covers Naruto's tendency to be impulsive, calm while Naruto is easily angered. The fact she has many abilities and leadership skills from being the Fifth Mizukage would help Naruto if he was to become Hokage, or even if he didn't want to.

A little cut and paste of the templates placed on the chunin as well as myself. A few added bonuses and smoothing the relations between leaf and mist would make things easier, plus Naruto would be happier in the long run if people are allowed more peace.' thought the women as she typed in the new template macro.

She then experimented with other role and role-playing templates for herself and the other ladies. The first being the Naughty Nurse template, with the ability to pull out any medicine and medical equipment at will. As well as tight and clingy uniforms. She kept all of the medical knowledge Naruto had given to the girls in the template to compliment it. Other experiments were a Furry Ninja template, Sci-fi Shinobi template, and a Fantasy Kunoichi template. Each one being designed so the women using the template would take on role which would fit with their personal image and those of the template. Each template was overlayed with the original girl's form, so could be dismissed and the women would return to her normal form.

Adding a few things like this as well as a willingness for Naruto to accept them, she made a few personal changes. Like Naruto letting her have access to the second program as well as trusting her with his profile. Accepting her advice and wisedom like adding Mei and the others to the mix... eventually.

She then took this moment to access the files on her enemies and threats. Like Orochimaru, Danzo and the Akatsuki. She managed to find out more the Jiraiya had in a long time, and were able to make plans for Orochimaru and the Akastsuki. Danzo was more interesting.

'Definately something which I can use if need be for development of a future which my loveable fox boy can show off what he's made of. Best to store these profiles and make notes in case of emergancy. Wonder how long it will be before the girls arrive, once I restart time again.' thought the hokage as she typed away on the computer as she prepared herself.

Once time started, at the home...

The quartet of women arrived at the home they shared and would share with a certain blond male. They were trying to find their way to this man, while keeping the others from getting their first. They were moving like a pack of wolves after a prized deer, and were moving fast through out the entire building. Soon they were in the bedroom which they had assigned to Naruto, decorating it with the items from his apartment. Tsunade was typing out on a computer in a robe. She turned to face the girls, each with a glare on their face as they could see the nude man on the bed. A young man who seemed to have been worn out from something.

Tsunade looked up and was kind enough to look shamed face for all of the trouble which she had caused by sending them all on the wild goose hunt. She began to speak, "I know you're made, but we all know if we were the first one to get the news of Naruto coming back we would have done this. I can give you some helpful tips for once he regains his strength from his love making lesson."

The girls looked at each other as they tried to make a choice on the matter, before they all nodded in agreement. Sakura spoke up and said, "Alright, but it better be good."

"There are four of you, and only one of him. Normally this would mean that you would have to wait one at a time to be with Naruto, even given his fast recovery time and stamina. He does have a trump card which would counter this, the Shadow Clone jutsu. It wasn't made for this situation, it was more for combat and scouting. The bonus is it can be used for sexual play if you want the chakra drain, but Naruto's stamina is a bonus here as well.

Even if the original Naruto is worn out by sex, his clone's chakra reserve should remain until it was drain. Which tends to happen at orgasm for shadow clones. Which is why I'm going to give you a few pointers on how to delay an orgasm. The extra benefit is that even if three of you don't have sex with the original Naruto, the shadow clone will give Naruto the memories of sex with you to the original one. Plus it would be a lot of fun to have your own personal naruto based orgy, wouldn't it?" asked Tsunade as she closed down her computer.

The girl's eyes glazed over a little at the thought of having an orgy with their beloved blond, with Hinata getting a little weak at the knees. Ino was licking her lips, Sakura was drooling a little and Tenten had pulled out a kunai which she was fingering in a manner which made it look like she was thinking of something else. Something a little more intimate on Naruto's body. Tsunade was planning a lesson as she plotted ways to help Naruto out with the computer.

Elsewhere in the world of Naruto...

Women across the continent which the elemental countries stood, there were changes and alterations in the fabric of reality. Changes which had their source in a fast typing hokage and a reality warping computer, which is why most of these changes were of a sexual nature and effecting women for the most part. However because of the retroactive changes which Tsunade he check off, there were larger changes connected with the sexual changes.

Relationships between the Land of Fire and the Village Hidden in the Leaves had improved with certain other lands. Especially between the Land of Birds, the Land of Snow and the Land of Vegetables. There was also a boost in the relations between the Village Hidden in the Leaves and the Village Hidden in the Mist, similar to the former's relationship with the Village Hidden in the Sands. Which seemed to have a smoothing effect of more peace between some of the other nations.

Which was caused by certain women in charge of those nations having a more friendly attitude towards the Hidden Leaf village due to their feelings for one man, which in most cases were not new but instead just enhanced. The one exception was in the Hidden Mist village. Messages were being sent out to those women in power about the return of the certain ninja they cared about.

We turn to one of those women...

The Fifth Mizukage, a woman with power and beauty, was currently taking a moment of privicy to focus on her own needs. Womanly needs for companionship and sexual fulfillment, which were focused on the image she had gained when Tsunade had visited the Chunin exam which had occurred in their village. They had taken some time to drink and discuss being kunoichi in a field mainly controlled by male ninja. Tsunade had told her the tales of Naruto and even show off a picture of the young man. The tales had made him look like a romantic hero, the fact he had a similarity to the Fourth Hokage had also helped.

The fact he had been of another village and a possible enemy, this didn't stop Mei from having an admiration of Minato Namikaze. He was a sexy, smart and powerful man. This Naruto seemed to be following in the footsteps of his former leader, with the smart aspect of latter being replaced by working on instinct. The auburn haired woman was looking forward to meeting this young man to see if this desire she was feeling for this young man should be followed or if it should be ignored for something more practical. Still it could be good for the village if managed right, even if she ignored it.

She got back to her paper work as she waited for the news from Tsunade about the return of Naruto so she could get a better look at him and see what he was made of. She made this prediction as she wrote out the mission list for her ninja, "If he's half the man who Minato was, he would be a catch. Even if he didn't get the hokage hat, as Tsunade expects." .