Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Heart no Kuni no Naruto ❯ Chapter 7
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Heart no Kuni no Naruto
by Sakura (aka L-sama no Miko)
Chapter 7
“Less scary, huh?” the taller one echoed, “Then how about this?” There was a flash of light and when Naruto could see again, a silver furred rabbit wearing Kakashi's clothes stood before him.
`N-N-No way!' he sputtered, `Kakashi's that rabbit I saw before?!'
“Do you love me now?” the rabbit asked, using the most feared weapon known to man - the dreaded sad puppy look.
“You…I…” the blond sputtered, “You're that rabbit from our orchard!”
“Guilty as charged,” the White Rabbit drawled, “You should have told me sooner you preferred the more kawaii me, I never would have bothered switching forms.”
“Um… Kakashi, look,” Naruto started.
“I'm much cuter,” interrupted Kakashi, “than a certain rogue rabbit I know. So if you want the cute and small me, then I'll keep this form. As long as that'll get you to love me back.”
`Why does he have to be sooooo damn kawaii?!!' the boy moaned, once again fighting against his obsession with all things small and furry.
“You can pet me if you want,” the silver furred rabbit said, noticing the now much taller blond's dilemma.
That was it, he couldn't hold back any longer. The blond sprung forward and scooped up Kakashi, holding the rabbit as if he were a prized stuffed toy, cooing and fussing all the while. `He's so soft and fluffy!' he inwardly squealed. `Even if he is a pervy stalker rabbit.'
“Oh Naru-chan!” cried Kakashi, elated at finally being held by his beloved, “You don't know how happy you've made me! I'll stay like this forever just for you, so please come stay with me at the castle.” He pulled out the big guns again, looking even more cute and helpless if that was even possible.
`Can you believe this guy?!' Naruto said, inwardly sighing, `He says he'd try to change but he's still the same Kakashi! But he's soooooo damned kawaii!!!'
“You can move in right away,” beamed the White Rabbit, “Even her majesty will be happy to see you. She's been going on and on about how much she wants to spend more time with you.”
“The queen?” he echoed. The boy frowned slightly at the memory of seeing the pink haired girl having a secret tryst with a certain yakuza head. “Hey, Kakashi,” he said, putting down the silver furred rabbit, much to his disappointment. “I need to ask ya something. I saw Queen Sakura at Itachi's yesterday, so what's up with that? I thought they hated each other.”
“The queen at the Hatter's?! You must have been seeing things, Naru-chan. Otherwise there'd be some serious trouble. Her majesty never goes anywhere alone and if she did it would be to meet to discuss land negotiations. The queen and that man usually try to kill each other as soon as they set eyes on them.”
“But, I could've sworn…”
“You could ask her, if you're so worried,” suggested the White Rabbit, “it'll be another reason to come to the castle right away.”
“Look, Kakashi,” Naruto replied seriously, “I'm not gonna leave Sasori's so just give up already.”
“B-But Naru-chan!” he begged, his ears drooping and tears glistening in his visible eye, “I'll stay like this!”
“Not gonna work, buddy,” the blond retorted, “I'm helping Sasori with his work, and I'm not gonna quit just `cause of a cute bunny.” `Even if he is soft and cuddly,' he added silently. “I was kinda on my way back there, so I'd better hurry before Sasori gets any crankier. But I'll stop visit ya, sometime maybe.”
“Will you visit if I'm like this?” the extremely cute rabbit pleaded.
`I've gotta hand it to him,' Naruto quipped, `he really knows how to blackmail a guy.' “Uh, ok I guess.”
“Great!” Kakashi beamed, almost jumping for joy, his ears twitching in excitement, “I'll be waiting, Naru-chan so don't stay away too long.” He then half hopped, half strode down the cobble-stoned street and back toward the castle.
The blond sat at the tea table, trying hard not to think about what he'd seen at Itachi's mansion the previous day. The fact that Kakashi denied that Queen Sakura would even think of associating with the admittedly hot man hadn't helped at all. It only served to add more doubt to the boy's already confused mind. `If Kakashi said she doesn't go anywhere by herself, then the queen must have snuck out. And Itachi sure did look happy to see her too. They've got to be having an affair! Believe it! Why else would they look so happy?!'
“…Naruto!” the redheaded clock fixer snapped, “Pay attention when I'm talking to you! What is with you? You've been spacing out on me all day!”
Naruto blinked and snapped out of his reverie. “S-Sorry, Sasori!” he apologized, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly and grinning, “Guess I kinda got lost in thought there. What was it ya wanted?”
The taller teen sighed, shaking his head. “I was asking why your clothes are covered in hair.”
“They are?” The boy quick looked down at the jacket of his jumpsuit and sure enough tons of white hairs were almost completely covering the front. `Oops,' he thought, `looks like that pervy rabbit shed on me.' “I-I… uh… you see there was a really kawaii fox… yeah a fox, and I just had to pick `im up!” he explained, trying not to sound too suspicious.”
“So you were goofing off,” muttered Sasori, “No wonder it took so long for you to get a simple and quick part purchase for me.”
“I'm really sorry about that, Sasori,” the blond said, apologizing profusely, “I'll be much quicker next time. Believe it!”
“There's no need to apologize,” the Mortician replied, “Thanks to the parts you got me, I was able to get rid of the backlog. If you weren't here, I wouldn't be having this break, so thank you Naruto.”
“Y-You're welcome,” he stammered, blushing at the taller one's praise, “I'm glad you think I'm helpful, Sasori.”
“To some extent,” the redhead interjected, “You can take a break as well. I don't have any clocks to fix at the moment.”
“Sure thing, Sasori!”
Naruto stood before the small bookshelf that was in one of the empty rooms in the Clock Tower. “I've read all these already,” he stated, frowning. “So now what?” He stood there in thought, pondering what he should do now that he didn't have any errands to run for the Mortician.
`What did I do on days off back home?' he asked himself, trying to remember, `Oh yeah! I used to read! Especially on Sundays. Ino-nee-chan and I would pack a lunch and some tea and bring it to the orchard. Then we'd sit and read a whole bunch of books together. It's been so long, I hope she's not too freaked out.'
At the thought of his older sister, a sudden and sharp agonizing pain shot through his chest. The blond staggered against the books and clutched the orange fabric of his jumpsuit. “Naruto!” Sasori called upon spying the stricken boy as he was passing by, “What's wrong?! Naruto!!”
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“It's too soon for you to remember,” Neji said as he watched the heaving and panting blond from the dreamscape that was his domain. “Just forget, Naruto dear. Forget and remain in your dream for now.”
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“Naruto!” the redheaded Mortician shouted, grabbing hold of the boy lest he unintentionally hurt himself. “What's wrong?! Tell me!”
The blond suddenly blinked, the searing pain vanishing as quickly as it had come. “Huh? Sasori?” `The pain's gone!' he noted, surprised.
“Are you alright?” the taller teen queried, concern still lacing his voice.
“Y-Yeah. Thanks Sasori,” he said letting the clock fixer to help him stand, “But now I've forgot what I was thinking about. Silly huh?” he said, scratching the back of his head and grinning sheepishly. The Mortician continued to stare at the boy as Naruto tried to remember what it was he'd forgotten. “Oh yeah!” Naruto piped, “I was thinking how I've read all your books, Sasori.” `Guess I could borrow some from Itachi, but…' He frowned as the picture of the Hatter and the Queen of Hearts smiling together popped into his head, unbidden.
“What is it?” Sasori pressed at the boy's sudden silence, “Are you still feeling ill?”
“N-No,” he stammered, “I was thinking of Itachi.”
“Uchiha?” the redhead asked, frowning slightly, “Why?”
“I was just thinking about borrowing some of his books since I've read all these already,” Naruto explained hastily. “See ya Sasori,” he yelled dashing out of the room before the taller one could even think of protesting, “I'll be back before ya need me, `k?!”
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The boy stood before the Hatter yakuza's gate, trying to work up the courage to ask a certain raven haired boss to let him borrow some books. “Hiya nii-san!” Obito cheered, as he and his twin came running up to greet him.
“Did you come to play with Tobi and Obito?” Tobi asked, bouncing for joy at spying his new favorite person.
“Hey guys,” greeted Naruto. He then blanched at the sight before him. “W-What happened?! Are you two okay?!” The Bloody Twins were living up to their title, for they were both currently covered head to foot in blood.
“Tobi was playing with Sakura-chan's soldiers!” the orange clad twin said proudly, “Obito-nii too!”
“Yep,” agreed the red clad twin, “But it was over way too quick since they're no good at playing.”
“P-P-Playing?!” parroted a horrified blond. Apparently their clothes weren't the only things drenched in blood, for their halberds were soaked in the red liquid as well. “W-W-With those things?!”
“Uh-huh,” Obito chirped, “You can't play `Kill or be Killed' without weapons!”
“Oh wonderful,” Naruto muttered under his breath, “They're as bad as Gaara.”
“Gaara?” parroted Tobi, “Tobi's nii-san's been to Gaara-nii's?!”
“U-Uh yeah. He got hurt and I had to help him home.”
“Aw, no fair!” whined Obito, “Why'd you have go play with just Gaara?!”
“Hey!” the taller boy defended, backing away from the two in case they decided to sick those wicked looking weapons on him. “I stopped here too, but I you guys weren't around.”
“Tobi's nii-san should have told us he was stopping by,” the younger of the twins said, pouting.
“Yeah, guess I should've,” agreed the blond, still fearing for his life, “I… uh... wanted to borrow some books from Itachi but I couldn't find him last time. So is he here today?”
“Aww, ya just missed him,” Obito replied, “Boss Itachi went out with Chickie Rabbit.”
“Jeez, why'd I get stuck with lousy timing?” the tallest of the three complained.
“Tobi's nii-san should stay!” Tobi piped, grabbing onto one arm.
“Yeah,” agreed the red clad twin, attaching himself to Naruto's other arm, “You can wait in our room until Boss Itachi gets back. They said it was a quick job too!”
“Guess I have no choice, huh?” the taller blond said, resigning himself.
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“C'mon nii-san!” Obito called as the Bloody Twins led the older boy through the grounds of Itachi's mansion.
“Tobi wants to show Tobi's nii-san our treasures!” Tobi added.
“Hey, guys,” Naruto began, recognizing a familiar area, “What's in those woods? It's Hatter land right?” `I'm sure that's where Queen Sakura and Itachi were.'
“The woods?” Obito repeated, “We don't go there, Boss Itachi said to never go near there.”
“Yep, yep!” the youngest of the three concurred, “Even Dei-dei-nii-san and the workers don't go in!”
“That's Boss Itachi's rules so we gotta listen or we'll get our pay docked.”
`Itachi must really not want anyone to see him and the queen together,' Naruto mused, `Why else would he go through all that trouble to keep people away? I knew they were having an affair!'
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“You sit here nii-san,” Obito said as the Bloody Twins ushered the blond over to a couch and pushed him down onto the plush cushions.
“Tobi and Obito are gonna change now!” the orange clad twin then dashed off somewhere to get cleaned up, his older brother in tow.
Looking around, Naruto got increasingly nervous. Crammed into every nook and cranny, were various weapons of all kinds and sizes. It was a miracle the twins were able to have not only one but two comfy looking sofas, equally comfy chairs, two buffet tables, two wardrobes, and a fireplace amongst the multitude of arms. `I'd bet Gaara would die of envy if he ever saw this place,' the blond pondered. `I'd hate to find out what they'd call treasures.'
A short while later, Obito and Tobi came bounding in, their hair still damp from showering off the blood. “Lookit, nii-san!” Tobi crowed plopping on the blond's left and shoving a grenade in his face. “Aren't our treasures awesome?!” asked Obito, sitting on his right and brandishing a kunai.
`I should have known,' the eldest of the three inwardly groaned.
“Tobi says this grenade's real comfy in his hand!”
“And this kunai's the awesomest!” piped Obito. “You like it don't you, nii-san?”
“Tobi says nii-san likes Tobi's grenade more!”
The Bloody Twins then glared at each other venomously and began to argue over which weapon Naruto liked best. “It's the kunai!” shouted Obito.
“The grenade!” protested his younger twin.
“The kunai!”
“The grenade!”
This went on for several moments then Obito had gotten the brainstorm of the century. “Tobi,” he said, “let's settle this by fighting. Whoever doesn't die is the one nii-san likes best.”
“Tobi is gonna kill you Obito-nii!” the orange clad twin shot, grinning maniacally.
“H-H-Hey!” Naruto yelled, dashing between the two as the twins got into battle stances after grabbing a few all too handy weapons. “I-I-I DON'T LIKE EITHER OF `EM!!!”
“EH?!” the shorter boys chorused.
“Tobi's nii-san doesn't like Tobi!” he cried, tears pooling in his crimson eyes and bottom lip quivering.
“Do you really not like us anymore, nii-san?!” asked Obito, looking as he was going to cry as well.
“I-I didn't say that!” the blond protested. Naruto never could figure out what to do when a kid started to cry. “I like you guys!”
“YAY!!!” they squealed in unison and immediately glomped the taller boy, pinning him to the couch. “Nii-san likes Tobi!!!” the orange twin shouted with glee.
“We loooooooooooooooove nii-san!!!!” the red clad twin crowed. “Ne, Tobi how `bout we show the nii-san our special, special treasure?”
“Tobi's gonna get it!” the youngest of the three barked and bounced off Naruto's lap and ran to one of the far corners. In mere seconds he dashed back carrying a pair of nodaichi. “Here they are Obito-nii! Tobi's a good boy! He got the special, special treasure for the nii-san!”
Naruto let out a nervous giggle. `They're kinda cute for kids, but this weapon kick of theirs really freaks me out! What kinda parent lets their kids collect weapons?!'
“Tobi wants to test the treasure on the nii-san, can we Obito-nii?!”
“Great idea Tobi!” beamed the older twin, drawing one of the swords and placed the rather sharp looking blade millimeters away from the blond's neck.
“H-H-Hey!!” Naruto shouted in horror.
“Hold still Tobi's nii-san,” Tobi said dangerously as he mimicked his twin.
“Just what the heck are you two doing, un?!” Deidara bellowed from the doorway, having slammed it open. “You brats are nothing but a major pain, un! Ya okay, kiddo, hmm?” the March Hare asked, rushing over to the frightened boy and shoving the twins off to the side. “They didn't hurt ya did they, un? I was freakin' out when they said these freaks took you to their room.”
“I-I-I'm fine, Deidara!” the boy stammered, shaking as the taller blond held him protectively in his arms. “I-I'm glad you showed up though.”
“'S good, Naru-kun.”
“Well, well, well” Itachi called dryly from the hall, leaning against the door frame, “It looks like my men just can't keep away from you can they?”
“Itachi!” eeped Naruto, causing the taller blond to immediately let go of the boy.
“I hope the gatekeepers weren't causing you any trouble,” the yakuza head said icily, glaring at the twins. There'd be two more clocks for the Mortician if they'd so much as have harmed one hair on his prey's head.
“Nuh-uh!” Obito denied.
“Tobi's a good boy!” the younger twin wailed, “we were just playing with the nice nii-san!!”
“Puh-leeeze,” scoffed the March Hare “Your idea of play is nothin' but trouble, un!”
“Aw what do you know?!” spat the red clad twin.
“Tobi says the stupid bunny should shut up and mind his own business!”
Deidara had had enough the twins had tried to harm Naruto and that didn't sit well with him - even if it was the boy's fault for being so stupid enough to let them drag him to their room to begin with. The blond rabbit man grabbed the grenade Tobi had discarded earlier and began chasing the twins around the room and then through the mansion.
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“We would like some tea and dango,” Itachi said to a passing faceless servant as they neared the library.
“Right away sir!” she piped and made her way to the kitchen.
“I apologize for not being here the other day, I could have helped you pick out a few books,” the yakuza head said opening the library door.
“No, it's my fault for not letting you know I was coming,” objected the blond.
“I usually do my work in here,” started Itachi, “but you are welcome to help yourself whatever books you like.”
“Um… thanks, Itachi,” replied Naruto, blushing.
The Hatter smirked as he removed hat and jacket, placing them on a brass hat stand just off to one side of the door. A few moments, later, the two were seated comfortably at the desk and couch, Itachi starting on a rather large pile of paperwork and Naruto reading a book.
“Ne, Itachi,” the blond began, “are you sure I'm not in the way? You look like you're really busy. I can just read these books back at the tower. I'll return `em I promise!”
“Hn. I'm the one who invited you.”
“Yeah, but…” `I know he's trying to be polite here, but I feel like I'm being ordered around. He's nothing like him,' the boy mused as he stared at the raven haired man, a certain two-timer coming to mind, `Itachi isn't as kind tho' they look a lot alike.'
“If you keep looking at me like that,” the Hatter chided, smirking all the while, “You just might burn holes right through me, cutie.”
“I-I-I didn't mean to stare!” Naruto stammered, blushing, “I-I-If I'm disturbing you, I can…”
“You're not,” the yakuza head replied, rising from his seat. He stalked over to the couch and sat next to the blond. The shorter boy gulped nervously and scooted away only to have Itachi move closer. “Let me guess,” he said, smirking, “you were thinking of a former love. Am I right?”
“H-H-How'd you know?!”
The man's grin grew, “You just told me,” he replied poking the boy in the forehead with one finger.
“D-Don't you have work to do?” Naruto asked nervously.
“Don't feel like it. You're much more interesting,” was Itachi's reply, snaking an arm around the shorter boy. “So I remind you of a lost love, huh?”
“Y-You look like him a bit,” explained the shorter one, “but you're nothing like him on the inside!”
“Hn. Good. I'd be a bit worried if there was someone exactly like me in your world. So, cutie is it normal for you to go visiting criminals on your days off?”
“Nuh-uh,” Naruto answered, blushing again, “Sasori said the other parts of this world are just as bad as yours, so I guess it wouldn't matter if I did come here.”
“My aren't we the bold one,” drawled Itachi, “Though you're not in that much danger since outsiders like you are loved by all of us here.”
“So, Itachi, have there um… been a lot of outsiders?”
“No. Outsiders are rare. From what I've been told, those of us `with roles to play' are usually able to spot an outsider just by looking at them.”
The yakuza head continued to grin. “Yes, but you Naruto are the first one I've been able to really feel anything for, that's why I'm so interested in you. You seem to be getting on fine these days.”
“I guess so,” Naruto replied, “I've been kinda busy helping Sasori though.”
“The Mortician?” the taller man echoed, a dark look coming to his face.
“Y-Yeah,” the blond replied nervously, unconsciously picking up on the taller one's jealousy. “But when I go out, all kinds of weird stuff keeps happening to me.”
“Weird? Like what?”
“Well, that pervy rabbit's always stalking me. And Gaara wanted to teach me how to shoot. And there was that time I had to spend the night with Sai in his tent when I was dumb enough to let him lead me back to the tower. Geez, it's such a pain!”
“So that's it,” Itachi announced grimly, “The reason you're doing so well is you've been driving all the men here mad with that cute act of yours.”
“N-Nanda yo?!”
“Come now,” the raven haired yakuza head chided, cupping one lightly tanned cheek, “you and I both now you used that same act to seduce that former love of yours. You're quite the little gigolo, aren't you?”
A red handprint began to form on the Hatter's finely sculpted cheek. “Look who's talking, pal!” a very angry Naruto shouted.
“I beg your pardon,” Itachi asked, his dark eyes narrowing dangerously.
“I saw you, you womanizer! You were with Queen Sakura in the rose garden!”
“That place is off limits,” the taller man said icily, a hint of red beginning to bleed into his normally ebony pools.
“Hey! How was I supposed to know that if I'm not the one living here?!” the blond shot back.
“Hn. You still broke the rule, Naruto. Rule breakers are punished around here.” With speed born from years of practice, Itachi lashed out and wrapped one of his much larger hands around the boy's slim neck and forcibly shoved the blond to lie on the couch. “I'll have you know,” the Hatter said, starting to squeeze, “I've always wondered what it'd be like to kill an outsider.” The boy grabbed Itachi's arm with both hands and desperately struggled to get the much stronger man to release him. “To wrap my fingers around their throat and destroy what everyone here loved so much. But you were different, Naruto. I found myself liking you, liking you so much that I didn't want to see you dead. Yet, here I am, doing the very thing I've fantasized about.”
“Y-You're n-n-ut… uts!” the blond choked, “H-H-How can… you… s-s-say you… l-l-love… someone while… y-y-y-you're t-t-try… ing to… ki…ill them?! Y-Y-Ya g-g-gon…na kill… the qu..een next… `cause… y-y-you l-l-lo…ove her?”
“Love Sakura?” he parroted nonplussed, and released the boy. “I see. So that's what you were thinking.” Naruto began coughing and gasping, trying to get his breath back while rubbing his now sore throat. Itachi rose from the couch, turning back toward his desk. “I don't love her,” he replied, coldly.
“Sure didn't…” the shorter one snapped between coughs, “look like that to me!”
“Hn. Believe what you want. No one else will.”
“Tell me Itachi! What's the head of the yakuza doin' with the queen if you're supposed to be hating each other?!”
“None of your concern,” was the Hatter's curt response, “I suggest you walk away right now before you fall for me any further. I'm no one's replacement lover.”
“Y-Y-You bastard!!” screamed the blond. Naruto shot up from the couch and grabbed the book that had been knocked away during the struggle and he threw it at the taller man with all of his might. The rectangular object sailed through the air and sped toward the man's head, however, Itachi just smirked as he whirled around and grabbed the book before it could do any damage.
“As if I'd ever fall for a sicko like you!” Naruto yelled, tears threatening to fall from his lovely ocean like orbs. “And FYI buddy, I made a promise to myself that I'm NEVER EVER gonna fall in love again! So there!” He promptly gave the yakuza head a raspberry. “It's just too much of a hassle.”
“Hn. One less pest for me to bother with.”
The shorter boy glared at the raven haired man, tears streaming from his sapphire eyes and bottom lip quivering. Itachi paid him no attention, instead proceeded to return to his desk and pile of paperwork. Naruto let out a frustrated scream then rushed out of the library slamming the door behind him.
“Naru-kun?” the March Hare called as the blond maelstrom blew past him. Deidara grabbed the boy's arm, worry flooding his cerulean eyes. “You're… crying, un?! Ita did something didn't he?” The shorter blond stiffened then yanked his arm out of the rabbit man's grasp. “Naru-kun,” he tried again. The boy ignored the older one and ran off before Deidara could grab him again. The rabbit man's eyes narrowed in anger and concern. How dare Itachi make the kid cry!
The blond promptly marched to the library and burst through the door. “Itachi!” he shouted, causing the yakuza head to look up from his work, his face expressionless as always. “What just did you do?! The kid was crying his eyes out, un!”
“Your point being?” he replied coldly.
“Argh! I just don't understand ya, un! You say you don't care for him, but Naru-kun's still alive, un. You wouldn't let him live if ya didn't care for him. So what gives, hmm?”
“Deidara,” warned Itachi, the barest hint of crimson flashing in his jet black orbs, “I'm trying to get some work down, unlike some people around here.”
The March Hare stood silent for several moments before deciding to leave his friend be. He'd known the other for so long that there'd be no changing the Hatter's mind once he clammed up like that. Sighing, Deidara sighed as he closed the library door behind him.
`Why am I such a dobe?!' Naruto berated himself as he slowly made his way back to the Clock Tower, `Just what the hell was I thinking?! How the heck could I have any feelings for that teme?!'
“Hello, Naruto,” greeted the Cheshire Cat, the Bloody Twins at his side.
The slightly shorter blond blinked, having been drawn out of his reverie. “Gaara!” he replied, “Are you sure you should be out like this?”
The redheaded cat boy gave a low chuckle and grinned. “I'm fine,” he replied, “Thank you again for helping me the other day.”
“I was just doin' what anyone `normal' would've,” the blond said, blushing slightly, “Anyway, you really gotta start taking better care of yourself, Gaara.”
A mischievous smile was gleaming in those aquamarine pools, “Too late,” he teased, “I was just coming from the castle.” Naruto got ready to rip the Cheshire Cat a new one for being reckless again. “Relax,” he said, chuckling again, “I was more careful, so there's not a scratch on me this time.”
“Honestly, Gaara!” chided the blond in mock anger.
“Is Tobi's nii-san going back to the nasty Clock Tower, now?” the orange clad twin queried.
“We wanted to have some more fun, nii-san,” Obito complained, “It's not fair Boss Itachi had to go and ruin it!”
“Eh-he, sorry guys,” excused Naruto, “but I've gotta get back. Sasori's probably wondering where I've been all this time.”
Gaara stared at the boy intently, finally noticing the blond's red and puffy eyes. “Do you like riddles, Naruto?” he asked, an ingenious idea coming to his mind.
“I guess, why?”
The cat boy grinned. “By myself, I am a bloom, but when there are two of me, I jump for joy. What flower am I?” he asked.
The blond hmmed in thought, trying to figure out the answer. “I don't get it,” he said, drawing a complete blank.
Gaara continued to grin. “It's this,” he replied, producing a single crimson flower.
“A rose?” the boy queried, “I still don't get it.”
“It's simple, Naruto,” the cat boy explained, still grinning, “First try saying it like this, a rose.”
“A rose…”
“Now put it together.”
“Like this… arose?” The shorter blond suddenly started laughing his head off when it finally clicked in his head. “Geez that's the lamest pun I've ever heard!” he cried between guffaws.
Gaara laughed, the blond's mirth contagious. “I know,” he said, “But I like riddles, even really lame ones. Feeling better?” he asked, placing the rose in the boy's hair.
`Gaara…were you trying to cheer me up?'
“I like seeing you laugh, Naruto,” the redhead said, “I love how your face lights up.”
“T-T-Thanks, Gaara,” the blond replied, blushing.
“Hey!” whined Obito, “We love the nii-san too!”
“Tobi loves Naruto-nii lots!” the younger twin added.
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Itachi Uchiha sighed, and once again left his ever-growing pile of paperwork. He strode over to the coffee table where he had placed the book Naruto had thrown at him. Picking it up, he brought it to his face. The boy's lingering scent still clung to the cloth cover and he inhaled the intoxicating aroma. “Even now, you still hold my interest,” he spoke to no one in particular, “As they would say, curiouser and curiouser.”
Sakura: Is it me or are things getting intense here?
Naru: Yeah what gives, lady?! I thought you liked me!
Sakura: I do, Naru-chan. It's just that…
Ita: She thought it'd be more interesting if she stuck to the original manga plot when it came to my part. She's quite taken with the Hatter it would seem.
Naru: Interesting?! You call me almost dying interesting?! You're nuttier than that Madara guy!
Sakura: Now, I wouldn't say that Naru. I'm not that mad.
Chessur: Yet. Though you are pretty close.
Sakura: Oh hush up, cat! Who asked for your opinion! Go annoy the red queen or something!