Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Her Own Little World ❯ A hair's breadth away ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Neji-kun?" His head turned slightly. "I'm done." She held up a mirror.
He eyed himself critically. In reality he didn't look very different. The only thing that had actually changed was the fact that his hair was now pulled back into a loose braid. It really wasn't as bad as he was expecting. In fact...with very little pushing he just might let her do it again...might. He lowered the mirror and found her staring at him intently, unaware that he was looking at her. "Hinata-sama?" An eyebrow rose quizzically. What could possibly have happened in the few seconds he had glanced at the mirror? The Hyuuga had heard that women had mood swings...but that fast?
Hinata's pale eyes seemed to fill with pain as she watched him. "Hinata-sama, are you alright?" Slowly she reached forward and her gentle fingers brushed the now-visible Cage seal on his forehead. Immediately the young man's spine stiffened. The moment seemed like an eternity; he swore he could hear both their hearts.
"Does it hurt?"
"No. Only when it is activated..." He remained still as she caressed the symbol that forever marked him as a slave to the main house. Inside he felt his hopes droop. One thing he did not and would never want from her was pity. He had more than enough of it as a child. Even now, when he trained alone he could feel the pity radiating from Hiashi's eyes.
But no pity crossed these pale eyes.
Sadness...but no pity. She knew she could not understand his position, she would never be able to. Saddened because of what he endured...saddened because soon Hanabi would bear that mark as well...
Then sadness turned to anger.
"Neji-kun, train me."
He blinked, the spell broken. "Wha..." Damn that girl...for once could she just do what he was EXPECTING! As it was, all this unpredictability was annoying.
"I don't just mean as a ninja, I mean in everything: how I should act, what I should say...Father will name me his heir, I know that much. But the council does not believe I have what it takes. I'll need to prove them wrong. Do this for me...and I promise you, the moment I become the Head, this will be removed."
Neji's pale eyes narrowed. "Hinata-sama..." he spoke softly, "Hinata-chan, there may not be a way." She glared stubbornly.
"Then somebody is going to have to make one."
Neji regarded her solemnly and found she was completely serious. Not since their fight in the chuunin exams had he seen her this determined. "Hinata-chan..."
"I mean it."
"...alright then. It won't be easy. You'll have to get rid of your famous stutter. Talk like this all the time. No fainting. Absolutely no fainting." Nervously she poked her index fingers together. "And DEFINATLY none of that. She immediately blushed and hid her hands behind her back.
"You do realize that we'll be spending a lot of time together, right?"
She nodded. "I...don't mind..." She smiled...and he couldn't help but smile back.
His mind leapt in ecstasy. FINALLY! Finally the perfect opportunity! Move, damn it! Move boy, move now! Slowly, as if somewhat afraid to startle her, he inched towards her. Deft fingers tilted her chin upwards to meet him. "Hinata..." Drawn by some unknown magnetic force, she leaned towards him until they were merely a breath apart. She smells nice, Neji noted. Why have I never noticed this before...then again, I've never been this close before...
Their lips touched, and for a moment, even his mind was at a loss for words. Everything about her was so irresistibly soft. There was no shock of lightning racing through his veins like Tenten had said. No blast of fireworks marked the occasion...just an undeniable feeling of utter contentment. This was right. And damn to hell anyone who said different.
Wondering what Hyuuga Hiashi would say if he caught them, Neji gingerly pulled her closer. It bothered him for a mere second before somewhere deep in his subconscious his Libido bound and gagged his Conscience. He'd worry about consequences later. He touched his tongue against her lips experimentally and immediately decided that the result was good...very good. She shivered and her lips parted slightly...just enough to tease him with her warm breath. He was ready to immerse himself completely in her...and she was ready to let him...
In the not-too-far distance, a door slammed.
Hinata pulled back...and paled at the string of colorful words that flew out of Neji's mouth...I've never heard THAT one before!!! Wonder what it means...
Both Hyuugas activated their Byakugan and spotted a swirl of green on its way up the stairs...
"And Lee-san too..." Hinata said as she spotted the smaller but equally green swirl.
Neji let a few more creative words sound. " may want to get up before they get in here..."
"OH!" She turned bright red and jumped back, sliding off Neji and landing on her rear on the floor. He remained cross-legged on the bed, amazed at her utter lack of coordination.
"My beloved pupil!!" Gai grinned from the doorway, apparently oblivious to what he had just interrupted. "My dearest flower has informed me of your burning desire for a more youthful hairstyle! I am here with Lee-kun to offer my assistance on your quest for the power of youth!!"
Tenten...I will kill you when we next train... Neji somehow managed to keep his irritation out of his voice.
"Unfortunately Gai-sensei Tenten-chan was mistaken. I do not now, nor ever will, wish to have my hair even vaguely resembling yours..." Gai ignored him.
"To think that I would live to see this day when another of my students would discover the joys of the pursuit of youth!"
"Yosh! Gai-sensei! This is a truly momentous occasion! It will go down in history! Now we merely have to convert Tenten-chan to our way and our mission is complete!"
"Yes dear Lee, this truly is a happy day! The second pupil has finally seen the light!"
Amid their ramblings Hinata stayed unnoticed in the corner of the room, not sure whether to back away or laugh. She glanced at Neji and saw him barely moving his lips.
"Byakugan," she whispered. Sure enough, he was speaking to her, lip sync that couldn't be picked up by his overly enthusiastic team members.
Go, they won't notice you. Just hurry and go before they finish you at the training grounds tonight. She nodded even though he wasn't looking at her and slipped out the door, leaving Neji to deal with the only two men in existence who could get a sugar high from the air they breathed.
The green beasts of Konoha rambled for another five minutes before going into their trademark salutation.
They fell sobbing into each others embrace. Neji shuddered...certain he could hear waves but not sure where the hell the sound came from. He remembered a trick he had back when they were first assigned to Gai-sensei. He always hoped that if he sat very still they wouldn't notice him...and would leave. Usually it was not his lucky day.
Suddenly Gai jerked away and slammed his fist into his clone's cheek, leaving a very stunned, very bruised Lee. "Gai-sensei?" Tears fell like a waterfall from the teacher's eyes.
"It cannot be my dear student! We cannot relish the joys of youth and ignore the very focal point of our mission! We must refrain for the moment!"
Lee joined him in sobbing. "Yes, I know it is difficult to become used to the fact that you will no longer be able to enjoy my undivided attention, but this day had to come! We must not celebrate life without the guest of honor who has himself just discovered his youth!"
Lee's plain eyes lit up as he discovered a solution. "I understand the purpose of this training Gai-sensei! We must invite Neji-kun into our youthful embrace!"
"Perfect my student! A most splendid idea!" Both men turned to the glaring Hyuuga.
"No." are dead...
Gai sighed. "Neji-kun, dear student..."
Lee pleaded. "It will not kill you!"
"It is a celebration of youth!" Neji wondered if Lee even heard what was coming out of his mouth.
"Do not force him Lee." Silently Neji thanked him. "We will embrace after we remove the unnecessary locks!" Hyuuga Neji glared pure venom...but years of practice made the two immune. They managed to pull scissors and ...disturbingly...a fruit bowl out of random bags.
I wonder what kind of flowers they want on their tombstones? They chatted between themselves, unaware that their deaths would be written in stone the moment one cut anything off his hair...
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx< br> Hinata smiled and practically floated home. Neji-kun...
"Details!!!" Hanabi pounced on her from a tree. "Tell me everything!" Tenten followed close behind, equally excited.
Hinata blinked innocently. "I just washed his hair...its nothing to get excited over." The girls' faces fell.
"That's it? That's...all?" Secretly, the heir was having a wonderful time with the two matchmakers.
Tenten fumed. "You mean, Hanabi-chan and I leave you alone with a naked Neji and all you do is wash his hair? Do you have no feminine pride?!"
"I don't understand Tenten-chan...what does this have to do with pride?"
The weapons mistress sighed. "You...are completely and utterly hopeless."
Her sister stared at her suspiciously. "Are you SURE nothing happened I should know about?"
Inwardly Hinata grinned. If all else fails, use the stutter... "I-I d-don't know...I-I m-mean..w-was there s-something I-I should h-have..."
"Aw damn Hinata-chan... could you at least tell us what he looks like? Birthmarks, moles, anything? I don't have a Byakugan to check for myself..."
"No, none." Hinata tapped the side of her chin in mock thoughtfulness. "Although...there was that one thing..."
"What?" Two voices shouted.
" wouldn't be interested."
"YES we are!!"
"Come on One-san! Tell us!"
"Oh no, it's not that important." She opened the gate to the Hyuuga compound, well aware that her audience of two was still following her.
"Come on Hinata, I'm on his team. I won't tell least, not too many people anyway. Come on tell me!"
"It's nothing big Tenten-chan. Really." She made as if to go into her room but a stubborn foot prevented the door from sliding closed.
"You're not going anywhere until you tell me about it!" Hinata regarded the pout on her sister's face, and the matching look on Tenten's.
"Okay, alright I'll tell you. If you really must know, the only feature that isn't normally visible I could tell is that..." she leaned forward conspiratorially and both girls leaned in to hear. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "He tastes like mint." She vanished into her room and slammed the door on two open-mouthed faces. Yells of "She did WHAT!" filtered though to her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around herself. Neji-kun called me he's my Neji-kun...
A/n: longer than normal, I know. It's to make up for being gone so long. Exams are done now so hopefully I can plant my lazy arse in front of the comp and get to typing... (Sorry for ooc-ness. I wanted to show how much people have changed in the five years after the chuunin exams.) Oh, and why is Neji not a jounin yet? The council and Tsunade decided he needed a bit more time to sort out his inner demons. And the jounin exams are every 3 years...basically, he's not a jounin because I really didn't feel like it. He'd be gone on missions too often and my story would have to have all those interruptions. I believe that he could easily be a jounin at age 18 but for this story lets pretend that he's not...think of it as he's in some secret Nin organization of the Hokage...yeah, that's it. Danzou is dead and Tsunade took over so now he secretly works for ROOT. Yeah, that could work... ah well, adios.
He eyed himself critically. In reality he didn't look very different. The only thing that had actually changed was the fact that his hair was now pulled back into a loose braid. It really wasn't as bad as he was expecting. In fact...with very little pushing he just might let her do it again...might. He lowered the mirror and found her staring at him intently, unaware that he was looking at her. "Hinata-sama?" An eyebrow rose quizzically. What could possibly have happened in the few seconds he had glanced at the mirror? The Hyuuga had heard that women had mood swings...but that fast?
Hinata's pale eyes seemed to fill with pain as she watched him. "Hinata-sama, are you alright?" Slowly she reached forward and her gentle fingers brushed the now-visible Cage seal on his forehead. Immediately the young man's spine stiffened. The moment seemed like an eternity; he swore he could hear both their hearts.
"Does it hurt?"
"No. Only when it is activated..." He remained still as she caressed the symbol that forever marked him as a slave to the main house. Inside he felt his hopes droop. One thing he did not and would never want from her was pity. He had more than enough of it as a child. Even now, when he trained alone he could feel the pity radiating from Hiashi's eyes.
But no pity crossed these pale eyes.
Sadness...but no pity. She knew she could not understand his position, she would never be able to. Saddened because of what he endured...saddened because soon Hanabi would bear that mark as well...
Then sadness turned to anger.
"Neji-kun, train me."
He blinked, the spell broken. "Wha..." Damn that girl...for once could she just do what he was EXPECTING! As it was, all this unpredictability was annoying.
"I don't just mean as a ninja, I mean in everything: how I should act, what I should say...Father will name me his heir, I know that much. But the council does not believe I have what it takes. I'll need to prove them wrong. Do this for me...and I promise you, the moment I become the Head, this will be removed."
Neji's pale eyes narrowed. "Hinata-sama..." he spoke softly, "Hinata-chan, there may not be a way." She glared stubbornly.
"Then somebody is going to have to make one."
Neji regarded her solemnly and found she was completely serious. Not since their fight in the chuunin exams had he seen her this determined. "Hinata-chan..."
"I mean it."
"...alright then. It won't be easy. You'll have to get rid of your famous stutter. Talk like this all the time. No fainting. Absolutely no fainting." Nervously she poked her index fingers together. "And DEFINATLY none of that. She immediately blushed and hid her hands behind her back.
"You do realize that we'll be spending a lot of time together, right?"
She nodded. "I...don't mind..." She smiled...and he couldn't help but smile back.
His mind leapt in ecstasy. FINALLY! Finally the perfect opportunity! Move, damn it! Move boy, move now! Slowly, as if somewhat afraid to startle her, he inched towards her. Deft fingers tilted her chin upwards to meet him. "Hinata..." Drawn by some unknown magnetic force, she leaned towards him until they were merely a breath apart. She smells nice, Neji noted. Why have I never noticed this before...then again, I've never been this close before...
Their lips touched, and for a moment, even his mind was at a loss for words. Everything about her was so irresistibly soft. There was no shock of lightning racing through his veins like Tenten had said. No blast of fireworks marked the occasion...just an undeniable feeling of utter contentment. This was right. And damn to hell anyone who said different.
Wondering what Hyuuga Hiashi would say if he caught them, Neji gingerly pulled her closer. It bothered him for a mere second before somewhere deep in his subconscious his Libido bound and gagged his Conscience. He'd worry about consequences later. He touched his tongue against her lips experimentally and immediately decided that the result was good...very good. She shivered and her lips parted slightly...just enough to tease him with her warm breath. He was ready to immerse himself completely in her...and she was ready to let him...
In the not-too-far distance, a door slammed.
Hinata pulled back...and paled at the string of colorful words that flew out of Neji's mouth...I've never heard THAT one before!!! Wonder what it means...
Both Hyuugas activated their Byakugan and spotted a swirl of green on its way up the stairs...
"And Lee-san too..." Hinata said as she spotted the smaller but equally green swirl.
Neji let a few more creative words sound. " may want to get up before they get in here..."
"OH!" She turned bright red and jumped back, sliding off Neji and landing on her rear on the floor. He remained cross-legged on the bed, amazed at her utter lack of coordination.
"My beloved pupil!!" Gai grinned from the doorway, apparently oblivious to what he had just interrupted. "My dearest flower has informed me of your burning desire for a more youthful hairstyle! I am here with Lee-kun to offer my assistance on your quest for the power of youth!!"
Tenten...I will kill you when we next train... Neji somehow managed to keep his irritation out of his voice.
"Unfortunately Gai-sensei Tenten-chan was mistaken. I do not now, nor ever will, wish to have my hair even vaguely resembling yours..." Gai ignored him.
"To think that I would live to see this day when another of my students would discover the joys of the pursuit of youth!"
"Yosh! Gai-sensei! This is a truly momentous occasion! It will go down in history! Now we merely have to convert Tenten-chan to our way and our mission is complete!"
"Yes dear Lee, this truly is a happy day! The second pupil has finally seen the light!"
Amid their ramblings Hinata stayed unnoticed in the corner of the room, not sure whether to back away or laugh. She glanced at Neji and saw him barely moving his lips.
"Byakugan," she whispered. Sure enough, he was speaking to her, lip sync that couldn't be picked up by his overly enthusiastic team members.
Go, they won't notice you. Just hurry and go before they finish you at the training grounds tonight. She nodded even though he wasn't looking at her and slipped out the door, leaving Neji to deal with the only two men in existence who could get a sugar high from the air they breathed.
The green beasts of Konoha rambled for another five minutes before going into their trademark salutation.
They fell sobbing into each others embrace. Neji shuddered...certain he could hear waves but not sure where the hell the sound came from. He remembered a trick he had back when they were first assigned to Gai-sensei. He always hoped that if he sat very still they wouldn't notice him...and would leave. Usually it was not his lucky day.
Suddenly Gai jerked away and slammed his fist into his clone's cheek, leaving a very stunned, very bruised Lee. "Gai-sensei?" Tears fell like a waterfall from the teacher's eyes.
"It cannot be my dear student! We cannot relish the joys of youth and ignore the very focal point of our mission! We must refrain for the moment!"
Lee joined him in sobbing. "Yes, I know it is difficult to become used to the fact that you will no longer be able to enjoy my undivided attention, but this day had to come! We must not celebrate life without the guest of honor who has himself just discovered his youth!"
Lee's plain eyes lit up as he discovered a solution. "I understand the purpose of this training Gai-sensei! We must invite Neji-kun into our youthful embrace!"
"Perfect my student! A most splendid idea!" Both men turned to the glaring Hyuuga.
"No." are dead...
Gai sighed. "Neji-kun, dear student..."
Lee pleaded. "It will not kill you!"
"It is a celebration of youth!" Neji wondered if Lee even heard what was coming out of his mouth.
"Do not force him Lee." Silently Neji thanked him. "We will embrace after we remove the unnecessary locks!" Hyuuga Neji glared pure venom...but years of practice made the two immune. They managed to pull scissors and ...disturbingly...a fruit bowl out of random bags.
I wonder what kind of flowers they want on their tombstones? They chatted between themselves, unaware that their deaths would be written in stone the moment one cut anything off his hair...
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx< br> Hinata smiled and practically floated home. Neji-kun...
"Details!!!" Hanabi pounced on her from a tree. "Tell me everything!" Tenten followed close behind, equally excited.
Hinata blinked innocently. "I just washed his hair...its nothing to get excited over." The girls' faces fell.
"That's it? That's...all?" Secretly, the heir was having a wonderful time with the two matchmakers.
Tenten fumed. "You mean, Hanabi-chan and I leave you alone with a naked Neji and all you do is wash his hair? Do you have no feminine pride?!"
"I don't understand Tenten-chan...what does this have to do with pride?"
The weapons mistress sighed. "You...are completely and utterly hopeless."
Her sister stared at her suspiciously. "Are you SURE nothing happened I should know about?"
Inwardly Hinata grinned. If all else fails, use the stutter... "I-I d-don't know...I-I m-mean..w-was there s-something I-I should h-have..."
"Aw damn Hinata-chan... could you at least tell us what he looks like? Birthmarks, moles, anything? I don't have a Byakugan to check for myself..."
"No, none." Hinata tapped the side of her chin in mock thoughtfulness. "Although...there was that one thing..."
"What?" Two voices shouted.
" wouldn't be interested."
"YES we are!!"
"Come on One-san! Tell us!"
"Oh no, it's not that important." She opened the gate to the Hyuuga compound, well aware that her audience of two was still following her.
"Come on Hinata, I'm on his team. I won't tell least, not too many people anyway. Come on tell me!"
"It's nothing big Tenten-chan. Really." She made as if to go into her room but a stubborn foot prevented the door from sliding closed.
"You're not going anywhere until you tell me about it!" Hinata regarded the pout on her sister's face, and the matching look on Tenten's.
"Okay, alright I'll tell you. If you really must know, the only feature that isn't normally visible I could tell is that..." she leaned forward conspiratorially and both girls leaned in to hear. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "He tastes like mint." She vanished into her room and slammed the door on two open-mouthed faces. Yells of "She did WHAT!" filtered though to her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around herself. Neji-kun called me he's my Neji-kun...
A/n: longer than normal, I know. It's to make up for being gone so long. Exams are done now so hopefully I can plant my lazy arse in front of the comp and get to typing... (Sorry for ooc-ness. I wanted to show how much people have changed in the five years after the chuunin exams.) Oh, and why is Neji not a jounin yet? The council and Tsunade decided he needed a bit more time to sort out his inner demons. And the jounin exams are every 3 years...basically, he's not a jounin because I really didn't feel like it. He'd be gone on missions too often and my story would have to have all those interruptions. I believe that he could easily be a jounin at age 18 but for this story lets pretend that he's not...think of it as he's in some secret Nin organization of the Hokage...yeah, that's it. Danzou is dead and Tsunade took over so now he secretly works for ROOT. Yeah, that could work... ah well, adios.