Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ High School Fight Club ❯ Performance Night ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The past three weeks had gone past quietly... nothing had really happened... the awkward situation between Naruto and Sasuke hadn't really changed. Well, it had... it had gotten more awkward... and even though they had been told by Neji and Gaara that the other one was going through the same thing... they were pretty much oblivious to anyone else in their current state. The extended periods of time they had to spend together, along with the highly romanticised play, had broken down the walls of hatred between them, however, for some obscure reason, they chose to maintain their old attitudes towards each other, for appearance sake, and it seemed as if neither boy wanted the other to know that they didn't hate them any more. (A/N yes this is a big time skip, but really... nothing happened and it would have taken too long to get to here if I how've gone through the rehearsal stage and stuff... its really better to skip... trust me.)
It was the first day of the cultural festival. The school was fully adorned in finery, telling the traditional history of the city. There were stalls, displays, performances, everything that the students could to show off the proud history of the city and the school. The play was to be the final performance of the festival, followed by the fireworks, which marked the end of the three day event. Naruto was already nervous. So much preparation had gone into this, and he did not want to screw it up... but he didn't really want to come to the performance... in that was the dreaded kiss... with Sasuke. He had pretty much resigned himself to the idea of it, however <b> thinking </b> about it, and actually <b>doing</b> it, were two different things. He was just glad he didn't have to be the one to initiate the kiss... he wasn't sure if he could do it. He had happened to mention this during rehearsals one day, only to be shut down by a very smug Sasuke.
"What? Not confident enough in your sexuality to kiss a guy eh dobe? Think I might turn you gay?"
"Fuck off teme! As if you could turn any one gay! If its possible kissing you might turn me straighter!"
Sasuke just smirked, which pissed Naruto off even more.
Sasuke, however, wasn't as confident as he appeared to be that day. He wasn't one to just go around kissing people... it just wasn't his style. And in conjunction with the conflicting emotions he was feeling over the little blonde, he wasn't sure this was such a good idea.
'Ok, look... its not like if you kiss him you'll die or anything... its just a play... no need to worry... it'll be fine.'
For the next two days before the performance the people involved in the play worked non stop, rehearsing, finishing off sets and costumes. For some stupid reason Gai insisted that they not rehearse the kissing... apparently it would look more natural if they did it on stage for the first time during their performance... Sasuke just thought he'd probably chicken out. Oh well... in two days it would be over, and he wouldn't have to worry about kissing Naruto ever again.
--------------Time Skip the Performance-------------------
It was performance time. The show was sold out, mainly by fan girls from the area, but there were a great number of family members here too. In their nervousness, Sasuke and Naruto weren't even bought down by this... they usually were. The boys could hear the crowd outside. Sasuke was even paler than usual, if that's possible, Naruto just looked faintly ill.
"Uh, good luck, Sasuke..." Naruto said hesitantly. The boy had been back to his usual obnoxious self, but Naruto was still unsure if that was the real Sasuke.
Sasuke managed a faint smile.
"Thanks, you too."
Naruto smiled back. He knew that Sasuke couldn't be the prick he'd been these past few weeks, not after how nice he'd been those times.
"You'll probably need it dobe."
Ok... maybe not...
"Teme...!" Naruto started, but he saw that Sasuke was still smiling... and it wasn't his usual self assured smirk, it was friendly... a smile he'd never seen before from Sasuke... joking and warm... Naruto smiled back as he realised the other boy was joking, punched him lightly in the arm.
"Break a leg you asshole... goon... off you go."
And with that the show started. It was going really well, the audience laughed at the jokes, they gasped in the right places... and then it was time for... <b> that </b> scene.
------------------Time skip------------------------------
(A/N can't be buggered going through the entire scene, so ill skip to this par... mkay?)
Naruto was delivering his line... his hand began to sweat as they came to the part of the play he was dreading the most. The audience loved Naruto as Juliet. His naturally fiery nature combined with the sweetness of the character he was playing, capturing the hearts of the audience as their Juliet. That and he looked so cute in the costume the audience couldn't help but love him! The girls in the front row were going crazy... and it was getting worse as they came up to the kiss between Romeo and Juliet... aka Sasuke and Naruto.
"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."
Sasuke had been the perfect Romeo. His good looks and skills as an actor had caught everyone's attention. Even Naruto was surprised at how good he was.
"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.
Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged." Sasuke had been holding Naruto's hands during this, and was close enough to see the faint shine of perspiration on the other boy's head. Naruto could see the colour on Sasuke's cheeks as he moved in closer. The audience held their breath as the taller boy came in close... tilting his head, closing his eyes, a faint smile on his lips...
Sasuke could feel Naruto's warm breath quickening, his own heart pounding. For a second he wasn't sure if he could do it. He hesitated oh so slightly before hearing Naruto hiss at him
"Just hurry up and kiss me teme!"
Sasuke couldn't help himself; he smiled just a little before leaning in to kiss Naruto. It didn't last long; of course... it wasn't supposed to be a protracted kiss. It wasn't bad, like Sasuke thought it would be. Naruto was actually beginning to enjoy it as Sasuke pulled away... though why he was enjoying it he didn't know. It wasn't a passionate kiss... it was chaste, and innocent, nothing like he was used to... maybe that's why it felt so nice... it was so different. Sasuke didn't really kiss people... in fact, though he didn't admit it, Naruto had been his first kiss... and at this rate his second, third and fourth! (A/N this is due to the play... obviously!)But Sasuke had to admit, as far as kisses went... if they all got his heart beating that fast, he should do it more often! He was still red from embarrassment, but they were both able to move on with the show.
"Then have my lips the sin that they have took." Naruto said, slightly blushing from the kiss... which only added to the innocence of the character.
"Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again."
Once again Sasuke leaned in, kissing Naruto. He had sort of figured this whole thing out... just do it, don't think about it, and you'll be fine. That turned out to be the attitude of both boys as they stood on stage, kissing. This one was a more passionate kiss, as was in the play. Naruto had been instructed to put his hands around Sasuke, making it look more believable. However, he went a little further.
Naruto wrapped his hands around Sasuke's neck, pulling him in deeper. Sasuke was surprised... more than surprised, but a gentle kick from Naruto under his dress was enough to convince Sasuke to go with it. Sasuke put his hands around Naruto's waist, pulling, making the smaller boy go on tip toes as Sasuke pulled in into him. Heat raced between them, and the audience lapped it up. To the boys it seemed as if time stopped... they were just there on stage, kissing... as Naruto thought about this he nearly started laughing... which would have ruined the entire thing... luckily Sasuke pulled away. Naruto delivered his line, and Shikamaru took this as his cue to enter.
All in all, the play went perfectly! Many of the girls in the audience were reduced to tears at the ending, and there was a standing ovation to the two stars during the bows.
Everyone was backstage after the show, to get changed and help pack away the set. The cast and crew had been subject to a speech from Gai about the success of the play, which was as embarrassing as it was long and loud.
Sasuke and Naruto were the last in the dressing room to get changed. Most of the actors had gotten changed during Gai's speech... not caring to listen. However, Gai had singled out Naruto and Sasuke, forcing them to stay through the entire thing.
"You know, for such an idiot, you actually did a good job dobe." Sasuke said as he pulled his clothes out of his bag.
Naruto grinned at him.
"Weren't too bad yourself... I mean... clearly I was better... but you know... if you're just not as skilled then you're just not as skilled... what can you do?"
"Hn." Was all Sasuke had to say to that as they began to get changed.
Something had been playing on Naruto's mind for a while now... and now seemed as good a time as any to get it out in the open.
"Hey Sasuke?"
"Remember that time my car broke down and you gave me a lift home?"
"Yeah... what about it?"
"Well, you said you needed to get some food and stuff... that's why you offered me a lift..."
"Yeah... and?"
"Why did you lie?"
Sasuke looked over at him.
"Why did you lie? I saw your fridge... it was full... I was just wondering why you lied..."
Sasuke looked slightly embarrassed, before the familiar mask settled in over his face.
"Oh, that, you see I didn't want to wait while a taxi came... the quicker you left, the better... and I enjoy going on rides... so it wasn't really any trouble."
Naruto looked down
"Oh... I see."
'So that was the reason... not because he wanted to do me a favour... but because he just wanted me gone...' Naruto thought to himself... trying to convince himself it was the case.
"So, dobe... enjoyed that little kiss did you?"
Sasuke's signature smirk was back on his face.
"What? Don't be sick... as if I did... and anyway, you were the one that seemed to enjoy it... I could feel your heart beating, you sicko!"
Sasuke's smirk faltered for a micro second.
"Hn, you were breathing so heavily it was if you ran all the way to your house and back!"
"Yeah! Well... um... yeah!"
"Oh good come back dobe... really... well done."
Both boys were silent. It was kind of awkward now, after that little outburst.
'Shit... why did I say that? Oh well... maybe he'll leave me alone again if we start acting like normal...'
"So dobe, you coming to the after party?"
'Oops... that's not normal.... fuck... oh well to late now.'
"The after party... you know... at my house?"
"Oh yeah, that! Well I wasn't sure if I was, like invited."
Sasuke looked at him in disbelief... since when did you need to be invited to a party to go? And since when would that have bothered Naruto.
"Dobe, it's an after party, not a tea party. Everyone's invited... Jesus... so are you coming or not?"
"Oh... hahaha, yeah in that case I might make an appearance... your place right?"
Sasuke was about to leave.
"Yeah, my place... people will be crashing there... you're welcome to too if you want. Try to stop your mutt friend from drooling on my carpet though. Later loser."
And with that he walked out of the room.
'Hmmmmmm... I didn't even think about the after party... and at Sasuke's? Who would have thought he'd let his place get used as a party house... oh well... better than my house!'
Naruto quickly shoved the last of his things in his bag, and went home to shower and change... maybe he could pick up... if he played his cards right...
Ok, lovely well sorry if that chapters crap but I think its definitely worth reading the next one... if you catch my drift! I might even write it now... not like I have anything else to do!