Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ High School Fight Club ❯ Accidents Happen ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sasuke stayed in his room until about 5pm. By that time everyone had left... thank god. He wasn't sure what he would do if there had still been people around his house, which was moderately trashed. He hadn't moved much the entire day... he sitting on the bed, his head in his hands as he tried to sort through what had happened the previous night.
'Shit... why does this have to be so hard?'
Every time Sasuke thought about Naruto's exit he got a shooting pain of guilt in his stomach... leaving him feeling sick and even more confused.
'Why? Why was he so upset? I figured he would just want to move past this... come on... he has to conquer every girl in the school! He can't do that if he's with me... does he even want that? Do I even want that?'
It was about this point where he started to get confused. Yeah he liked the guy... he was attracted to him and such, but did he want to be in a relationship, or was it just a passing fling?
Sasuke didn't know. What he did know, however, was that every time he thought about going back to how it used to be between him and Naruto, he felt sick in his stomach, and knew that he couldn't do it. But could he do a relationship? Sasuke sighed... he better go and see what the damage was like to his house... at least the cleaning staff, who came in every afternoon, should have taken care of most of the mess by now.
Sasuke got up, and walked out of his room. On his door was a note, from Neji.
"Hey man, I had to go. I didn't want to wake you so I just left. Give us a ring later. Hope you don't feel too sick. Oh, and Naruto was so kind as to leave his friends behind... for some reason. I'm taking them home with me. Everyone else has left now. Later.
The mention of Naruto's name gave Sasuke that sick feeling again. And he forgot his friends... he must have been pretty upset...
Sasuke tried to put that out of his mind as he walked through the house. All in all, it was ok. The cleaners had fixed nearly everything up, leaving a note to say they would be back tomorrow to fix the rest. The house was clean enough for Sasuke for the mean time... he didn't check outside though... he didn't want to know what happened out there. All of the sudden, the phone rang. Sasuke didn't want to answer it... but knew he should.
"Hey, Sasuke... its Kiba here. Is Naruto there?"
Sasuke frowned. "Why would he be here?" He said, trying to keep his usual level of smug mixed with ass hole in his voice.
"Uh, well, he was supposed to give us a ride home, but we couldn't find him anywhere... and we can't get in contact with him. He isn't at home, and he isn't answering his phone... I just thought you may have known where he was... that and some one told me that they saw Naruto carry you into your room last night... and er... well he didn't come out... so uh..."
Sasuke's whole body went cold as the words washed over him... some one had seen them.
'Wait Sasuke, just calm down... all they saw was Naruto carrying me in... That's all.'
"Uh.. Sasuke?"
"What? Oh sorry... yeah he carried me in, slept on the floor. When I woke he was gone. Maybe he left without you. Is that all?"
Kiba sighed. "Uh, yeah... thanks man." And hung up the phone. Sasuke had to admit... he was a little worried... Naruto hadn't got home yet?
'I'm sure he's fine... he is just sleeping or something, and can't hear them... he'll be at school tomorrow... its fine. Just go have a shower.'
Naruto wasn't awake. Or, more to the point, he wasn't conscious. He had been in a coma for the last few hours, and wasn't showing any signs of waking.
<I> Flashback...
Tears were blurring his vision as he drove home as fast as he could. Suddenly, he realised he didn't want to be at home. He just wanted to drive as far away as he could. He didn't even know why he was so upset... but he was. He couldn't think, and he could barely see as he took the turnoff taking him out of Konoha, away from the city and everything that happened. He didn't see the other car until the last minute, swerving to avoid the crash, he didn't see the tree he hit until it was too late... </I>
He lay in the hospital bed, bandages around his head, arms, torso. His right leg was in a cast. He was lucky, he nearly broke his back. He had head trauma, and minor internal bleeding. If he made it through the next 48 hours, he had a high chance of survival. If he made it through...
Sasuke had called Naruto ten... no wait, eleven times now. He was starting to get very concerned. Naruto wasn't answering, and he hadn't returned any calls. He had rung Kiba back, as much as it had pained him to do so, and asked him to contact him if Naruto showed up, or contacted him at all. Sasuke tried to reassure himself that the blonde was fine, that he was just sleeping it off, or getting some food... that he was fine, he was just unavailable, and didn't want to talk to Sasuke right now. But he couldn't shake the strange, ominous feeling he had. To try to distract himself, he turned the news on.
"And there has been another accident at the dangerous Konoha Suna turnoff. A young man was driving along the road today at about 2pm. Another car came around the turn off, forcing the other driver to swerve to miss him, causing him to hit head on into a tree. Reports tell us that while there was no fatalities, the young man involved, Uzumaki Naruto, has sever injures..."
Sasuke didn't think. He just ran out of the house, jumped on his bike and drove into Konoha as fast as he could.
'Please be ok Naruto... please be ok...'
Upon arriving he ran into the hospital and up to the counter.
"Yes? Can I help you?"
Sasuke was panting.
"Yes, I'm here to see Uzumaki Naruto... he was in a car crash this afternoon... please... I have to see him."
"Ok, ah here it is... room 203."
Before the lady could finish talking Sasuke was running up the stairs to Room 203. He skidded to a stop as he came to the room. There, on the bed, eyes closed, was Naruto. Covered in bandages, attached to monitors, in a coma, was Naruto. Sasuke's eyes filled again. He walked over to Naruto, taking his hand and putting it to his face.
"Oh Naruto... please ok... please wake up.. Come on Naruto... wake up..."
A doctor walked into the room.
"Oh, hello there... are you a relative of Mr Uzumaki?"
Sasuke looked up. "I'm his class mate... he's a good friend of mine."
"Ah, I see... well I wont lie to you... his condition is quite serious. If he makes it through the next two days, I think he should be fine. If he wakes up, I'm almost certain of it. However, there is a chance he might not make it..."
This bought more tears to Sasuke's eyes as he realised what the doctor was saying. Naruto could die. There was a strong chance that Naruto could die. He was silent as he put his head on the bed, still holding Naruto's hand. Before the doctor could leave, Sasuke pulled out his phone, and wrote down the number's of Naruto's friends.
"Here, wait. Could you please get someone to call these people? They're very worried about Naruto."
The doctor smiled.
"Of course." And he walked out.
Sasuke sat there with his head next to Naruto's chest, holding his hand, watching the rise and fall of his chest as he took a breath. Rise, fall, rise, fall... rise... fall. Naruto drew a breath. He did not draw another.
Oops... cliffy there... well you will just have to wait and see what happens wont you? Will Naruto survive? I don't know... we'll wait and see!