Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Homosexuality ❯ The Arrival ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By: Byaku
Pairing: Eventual GaaraxLee, once life gets settled down. ^^
Author Note
Hey, what's up? This is my first fic here, so… ^^ Be nice. XD My first Naruto fic, anyway. I hope you guys enjoy this one; I've spent a long time editing this and writing it and whatnot. Be prepared; it's going to be a long story and maybe I'll do a sequel. I'm also doing a ShikamaruxChouji fic at the same time called Tabemashou, so… I don't know how long it'll take me to update. @_@ I lead a bizarre life balancing homework and enjoyment. ^^
This is the first chapter. ^^ It makes things clearer and explains how Gaara got Shukaku back as well as where the rest of the Bijuu are. This story is placed three years after the timeskip, so… Read and review! No flames, please. ^^ I'm looking for a beta reader by the way, so if you're interested message me. ^^
Byaku: Unfortunately, I do not own Naruto. Thankfully for the characters. *cackles* However, I do own Aya, Jyabu Mizu (well, it's my sister's charrie) and Tomozu-san. I also own Atsura and this idea, so DEAL WIV IT ^^
Gaara: …
Byaku: C'mon, Gaara-chan! Say something! ^^
Gaara: …
Byaku: Meh. He's no fun. ^^
Anyway, read and review!
Chapter 1: The Arrival
There came the sound of a soft and tentative knock. Gaara's dark-ringed green eyes flashed as they flew to the large oaken door, irritation easy to read on his face. “Kazekage-sama?” came a timid voice from behind the door. He relaxed slightly as he recognized the voice. It was one of the newer chuunin, a girl named Kamaio Yokura.
“Yes?” Gaara replied shortly, fighting the urge in his head to pulverize the girl with the chakra-filled gourd of sand sitting next to his desk. Shukaku worked in devious ways; that he had to admit. It was often much harder to resist the impulses when they caught him off guard.
“There is a message here from Hokage-sama's ANBU leader,” she said timorously, still outside the door.
“Bring it in.” Gaara's eyes were already back down at his paperwork as she opened the door and slipped in. Clutched in her tanned hands was the dispatch he had been waiting for, and he looked at it. Yokura stood there for a few moments before offering it to him, and he could feel her eyes on him. It made it even harder to ignore her, especially with Shukaku talking in the back of his head. Noticing that her hands were shaking he took the dispatch quickly and nodded a dismissal. She fled, neatly closing the door behind her. Thankfully she hadn't slammed it; that would have startled him in a bad way.
Sharp green eyes looked downwards at the paper now clutched in his hand, examining it perfunctorily. A quick glance at the seal told him all that he needed to know. It was indeed Morino Ibiki's seal, which meant that this dispatch had something to do with the plans being made all over in the five main shinobi countries.
Swiftly opening the envelope he pulled the message out and looked it over. It read thusly:
Plans have been made and neatly executed thus far. Rock Lee-san, an accomplished jounin you may remember from the Chuunin exams, is the leader of the train. I sincerely hope that you will be able to put up with the antics of his team and several other shinobi from various villages offered as their Kage's way of peaceful treaties. There is an ANBU from Kumogakure who is also a Jinchuuriki named Jyabu Mizu. Watch her carefully, as we do not know all of her intentions.
I received a message from Lee-san a few days ago saying that the two children, Hizaki Tomozu and Nishimotou Aya, were fairly attached to him. Therefore, it would please me to see that the three were quartered in the same general area.
On the more serious side, there have been more rumors confirming the appearance of several high-level nuke-nin we presumed to be dead. After the death of the leader of the Akatsuki and the Bijuu being let loose, we figured that the rest of the Akatsuki would get themselves killed. Apparently not.
Uchiha Itachi has been seen several times in the company of Hoshigaki Kisame and we have confirmed these sightings. The most disturbing thing is the rumor we hear of a girl named Kashamaru, who is supposed to be Orochimaru's daughter and the leader of the Akatsuki. They have been added to the Bingo book. If you see them, contact Konohagakure immediately.
Lee-san should arrive with the train any moment, as the speed of this messenger is slow compared to him. Take care of the Jinchuuriki, please. If you need any help contact Tsunade-sama or myself, Morino Ibiki. Lee is in charge of sending reports back. If you have any questions, he is the one to ask. If he can't answer them, send a message to either Tsunade-sama or myself.
Signed, Morino Ibiki
ANBU Leader of Konohagakure's security
Gaara frowned. Things were moving much faster then he expected them to, and he wasn't ready for it. “Atsura.” His voice was quiet, barely a whisper, but he knew that the kunoichi would hear him.
“Gaara-sama.” There was a slight displacement of air as the ANBU kunoichi appeared next to Sunagakure's leader. She was dressed like a civilian with her Suna headband hidden under her coat. Atsura was the leader of all of Gaara's spies, information, and security. It was obvious she was getting ready to go investigate the party as a civilian so she could get close; she wasn't wearing her mask.
“Lee-san will be staying with the young Jinchuuriki in the spare quarters in my office.” Gaara's words were firm and Atsura nodded. She didn't question things just like a good Sunagakure shinobi. Inwardly Gaara smirked; the shinobi of this village truly were the most adaptable and resourceful.
“How many rooms should I prepare?” Icy blue eyes were level with Gaara's piercing green ones.
“Two. Make sure they connect and there's enough room for one large bed and two small ones. The two younger ones will be having lots of nightmares,” Gaara said thoughtfully. “Put them as close to my room as you can.” It wasn't like Gaara slept there, anyway. He sighed. Shukaku was giving him a headache and this issue with the Jinchuuriki and the Akatsuki was making Shukaku pry deeper into his mind. He'd have to go venture out in the desert and have a little conversation with the rocks. He hadn't made new potholes in a while; the old ones had practically vanished.
“Where will the others be quartered?”
“Put that Jyabu girl somewhere near your quarters so you can watch her. Naruto should be quartered with Lee and the little Jinchuuriki. He'll help Lee if I cannot. The others can go into the regular quarters.” Gaara nodded slightly, his mind searching for any details he missed. “That is all.”
Atsura nodded swiftly and disappeared as swiftly as she had come. Gaara stared down at his wooden desk, green eyes blinking wearily. It had been two years since he had been forced to re-seal Shukaku and he had managed to actually start sleeping. However, he could sleep an hour or two at the most without risk of Shukaku taking over. Gaara could actually go over a month without sleep though it wasn't good for his mentality. He became even more dangerous to the people of Sunagakure, though he knew he would never hurt them. Even if it cost him his life.
Giving a disdainful look to the paperwork sitting on his desk, Gaara scooted back in his chair and stared out the window. It was late afternoon; in a few hours the shinobi of Sunagakure that weren't concerned with settling the young Jinchuuriki and their caretakers would be coming out to train.
“Get out of my mind,” Gaara growled absently, involuntarily clawing at his head. He could hear Shukaku's laughter echoing between his ears and it perturbed him. After a few minutes he looked up at his door and made sure it was locked. He settled himself comfortably in his chair, making sure that he couldn't see or sense any distractions around him. Finally, he sank into his mind into the area that only he and Shukaku could share.
“Gaara-kun.” Shukaku appeared a mirror image of Gaara, though Gaara could not only feel the emotions emulating from his skin the Kazekage could literally see them. It was a disturbing place, though it was the one place that Gaara could converse with the deadly Ichibi inside of him.
“Shukaku.” Gaara merely glared at the image of himself as he stood warily. He did not venture in here casually; he only came in with a mission.
“I see you are visiting me.” All Shukaku received to that statement was a “well, duh” stare which looked rather odd and out of place considering the one shooting it at him. “And why is this? Normally you do not come here unless you have something important to say.”
“We are receiving four Jinchuuriki into Sunagakure today. Kyuubi and three others; I do not know their identities; all I know is their names.” Gaara's voice was harsh, rattling emptily in the space of the “room”.
“And what does that have to do with me?” Shukaku chuckled. “Afraid I'll convince them to do something?”
Gaara shot him a Look and Shukaku smirked. “I know you bijuu cannot talk to each other except through their hosts, and I have no intentions of letting you get a hold on me.”
“I know,” Shukaku said with a wistful sigh. How he missed the chaos and sheer destruction allowed to him by an easily overpowered human body. “What did you want?”
Two sets of piercing green eyes stared, locked in a battle of wills. “You know well what I want.” Gaara answered simply.
“And I also know you will not get it.” Shukaku let out the raspy, empty sound that counted as a laugh from him. “I refuse to leave you alone to deal with these little Jinchuuriki. If anything, I shall encourage them to come out. With you distracted, I can take over.”
“I will not allow that for the sake of Sunagakure,” Gaara stated firmly, jade eyes flashing.
“Whatever you say.” Shukaku seemed untroubled by Gaara's words and they stared at each other, locked in a battle of wills. Finally Shukaku looked away. “I'll leave you to your little ones.” With another raspy laugh Shukaku disappeared, leaving Gaara alone in his own mind.
“I'll get you, Shukaku,” Gaara muttered, totally out of character from Shukaku's beating on his head. From all around him he heard a raspy laugh as he exited. It continued echoing for a few moments as he gathered his bearings. “My little ones?” Though he spoke aloud, it wasn't sent to anyone but Shukaku.
“Gaara? Hey, where is he?” A loud voice echoed throughout the entire complex in the middle of Sunagakure containing Gaara's office, causing Gaara to stare at his desk so hard he was afraid that it would burst into flames. There was a brief knock on his door before Atsura appeared.
“Kazekage-sama, did you hear that the train from Konohagakure is here?” The kunoichi's voice was sarcastic and dry so she presumed that he had heard the familiar shout from Uzumaki Naruto as he attempted to find the Kazekage.
Gaara just looked at her for a few seconds, not even dignifying that question with a comment. How could anyone not notice with Naruto yelling all over the place? “I will meet them in a few minutes. I need to finish up what I was doing.” She nodded and disappeared as Gaara sat at his desk, filing a few papers before another shout caused him to glare fiercely at the door. Well, time for work was over. Time to get the hard stuff done. Standing up, he grabbed his gourd, slung it onto his back, and strode out the door to find the screaming Konohagakure shinobi to shut him up.
It didn't take that much searching to locate the blond boy. “Hey, Gaara! How are you?” Bounding effortlessly down the hall Naruto nearly bowled the emotionless Kazekage over.
“Why are you calling me?” Gaara cut straight to the point, like normal. The entire “How are you” thing he didn't quite get just yet. If someone needed to know how he was, he'd tell that person. No one else needed to know. Naruto was so shocked that he skidded a few feet before landing almost on his head.
“Oh, yeah. That one ANBU told me to find you. You need to show us where we're staying and you need to meet the kids. The little Jinchuuriki.” Several emotions flashed over Naruto's face and Gaara studied him steadily. This trip had been certainly taxing on Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki. Gaara suspected him that the little humans reminded him of his own past and how it could have been much better had someone cared for him.
“Which ANBU? There are several here in Sunagakure, if you haven't noticed.” Gaara stared at Naruto, rather confused. He was still a little bewildered by human irony, as he wasn't always sure whether or not they were teasing or not.
“That one… the kunoichi.” Naruto scratched his head thoughtfully as Gaara strode down the hallway.
“Ah, yes. Atsura.” It made sense that she would want to talk to Naruto. Naruto and Lee would be the first defense for the Jinchuuriki that had arrived.
“She's one heck of a shinobi! She's amazing!” Naruto's blue eyes glowed with admiration as Gaara stopped and stared at him. Ah, no wonder he never got these silly human emotions. They made no sense. “Anyway. Fuzzy-brows wanted to meet you; you guys haven't seen each other in a long time. Not since Kimimaro, I don't think.” Gaara stepped back to allow Naruto to take the lead and the blonde boy bounded off gratefully. The Kazekage followed at a more sedate pace, not in a hurry to get anywhere.
Gaara tuned whatever Naruto was saying as they walked towards their destination. All the villagers were walking around him, murmuring “Kazekage-sama” when they said anything. Twitching his nose, he adjusted the gourd on his back and walked faster. Naruto could talk just as fast as he walked, a fact that amazed Gaara. He had never seen the point in talking and walking at the same time unless it conserved energy or made time efficiency more useful.
“Ahh! Kazekage-sama!” A rather tall man wearing a green jumpsuit and orange legwarmers came into the view of Gaara's green pupils. Precisely Gaara narrowed his eyes and gave the Konohagakure Jounin The Look. The other man, a four-year-old girl balanced on his hip, looked sheepish. “Gaara. Sorry.” Ignoring him for a second, Gaara let his eyes take in everything around him.
It was just a group of people, nothing more. They must have walked the entire way, Gaara decided. He doubted that they made it in three days, even with Lee as a leader. Tall and short, skinny and fat, with various hitai-ate all over the place, the shinobi that composed the train were obviously from several different villages. He recognized most of them, however.
A blonde girl he recognized as Yamanaka Ino was balancing another child, this one older then the girl-child the green jumpsuit man was carrying, on her hip. It seemed that her entire team was here; Gaara caught sight of Akimichi Chouji and Nara Shikamaru as well as various other shinobi from other Villages he had seen before. What caught in his sight was the tall girl that was 16 years old at the most. The way she carried herself immediately caused Gaara to suspect she was carrying a Bijuu.
“That girl is Jyabu Mizu,” Atsura whispered in Gaara's ear. He had felt her approach so she didn't startle him at all. After working with someone a while one would acquire a feel for their chakra patterns. That was what had happened with Atsura. She had been head of security since he had become Kazekage. He merely nodded his reply as Naruto bounded enthusiastically up to the Konoha jounin carrying the girl before turning to gesture wildly at Gaara.
Gaara walked swiftly to the two men and looked at both of them. He didn't bother with pleasantries, like normal. “This is?” Green eyes flickered to the child before flickering back to her holder.
Rock Lee blushed minimally under the intense gaze of the Kazekage before answering. “Gaara, this is Nishimotou Aya. She is a Jinchuuriki of Rokubi.”
The four-year-old turned around in his arms to get a good view of the man wearing the black coat. Suddenly, Aya squealed and tried to wriggle her way out of Lee's grasp unsuccessfully. Gaara watched, slightly fascinated, as Lee talked to her quietly in hushed tones. The way the girl answered petulantly signified that she wasn't getting what she wanted. In return, Gaara caught words like “youth”, “springtime,” “Kazekage-sama,” and “doesn't play with kids.”
Finally Lee set the girl down and she ran towards Gaara before he realized it and attached to his leg. A ripple of shock ripped through his body at the sudden contact and Gaara had to fight to control his instincts in this case. Naruto and Lee were watching him, worried, though inwardly they wondered what Rokubi would do to protect his host in case Shukaku threatened Aya and him.
His eyes wide with shock Gaara stared down at the little girl. Where is Rokubi? He should be present; she does not seem to be old enough to properly control him. Gaara's thoughts were rushed, frantic, as he used all his mentality to suppress Shukaku's familiar desires.
“Ah, the springtime of youth!” Lee struck a rather obnoxious pose, his thumb pointed towards Gaara's general direction. Gaara merely stared at him quizzically, unsure of what to say or do. Finally, he got irritated enough to do something.
“Get off my leg,” he said, shaking it slightly. The little girl, Aya, looked up at him with puppy-dog eyes, hoping to get her way. Gaara merely stared down at her, his face unmoved. She pouted and let go of his leg.
“Spoilsport,” Aya muttered darkly, sounding a lot older then four. Lee's dark eyes shot up to the Kazekage's face. One did not get away with calling the Kazekage a spoilsport!
Gaara stood there, not understanding what she said. But at least she had let go of his leg. He merely dismissed it as a silly human custom he would never get. “Atsura.” His dark-ringed green eyes were focused intently on Lee's face as he summoned the leader of his ANBU. She was at his side in less then a second.
“Yes, Kazekage-sama?” Having discarded the civilian clothes Atsura was dressed like a true ANBU, dark clothes and mask included.
“Get everyone besides that Jyabu girl and Lee, Naruto, and the two little ones settled.” Acute emerald eyes never left Lee's face as he gave the kunoichi orders.
“Will do.” She gave one sharp nod before dashing off, calling orders that she knew the ANBU and Jounin around her would hear.
“Where is the other one?” Gaara asked calmly. Lee's dark eyes wavered towards the child Ino was carrying briefly before returning to Gaara's face.
“Ino has him,” Lee replied calmly, picking up Aya and balancing her on his hip carefully. She shot a whiny look at Gaara before nestling against Lee's chest and sucking her thumb.
“What is his name?” Gaara asked. He was staring a bit oddly at Aya, not comprehending her behavior. Very rarely had the Kazekage of Sunagakure had to encounter human children before; this meeting was the most peculiar he had ever seen. What child without a death wish ran up to Sabaku no Gaara and grabbed his leg? Gaara certainly had never met one.
“His name is Hizaki Tomozu,” Lee answered, shooting a worried glance over at the seven-year-old boy cuddled against the kunoichi chuunin's torso. “I don't know how much you two will get along…”
“We are not sure how much interaction between the children Jinchuuriki and Gaara-sama is required,” Atsura said stiffly, reappearing at Gaara's side.
“Are they settled?” Gaara asked, turning his torso and listening to the black coat rustle as he talked to his ANBU. He was quite shocked if her answer was yes. Unless they walked very fast it would take about ten minutes to reach their quarters in Suna.
“I've got a group of Jounin and Chuunin getting them so.” It was then that Gaara noticed the boy-child clutching Atsura's arms in a death vice.
“Is that Tomozu?” Gaara looked at the little boy who shrank farther back away from him.
“Ah, yes. Tomozu, are you okay?” Lee set Aya down where she turned her eyes to Gaara before walking over to Atsura and taking Tomozu from her. The boy glared hatred at Gaara who returned the gaze with a certain lack of understanding in his eyes. “Tomozu, please don't glare at him.” Lee shot a worried glance to the intrigued Gaara before stepping a few steps back. “Gaara, would you please take Aya, or at least keep an eye on her?” Lee's eyes begged as Tomozu had pinned himself around Lee's torso, not allowing even a finger free.
Rather cynically amused by the sight in front of him, Gaara crouched down and became eye level with the four-year-old. “You're a Jinchuuriki, just like me, right?” the little girl asked him, shining crystal blue eyes now level with the much taller man. Gaara nodded. “See, we have something in common!” Aya said excitedly. Lee shot Gaara a worried glance, now concerned that he had even made the offer.
Blinking, Gaara stared at the scrap of humanity that could do so much damage if she released the monster inside her. “Stay next to me, but don't grab my leg or my coat.” It wasn't a request as much as an order, and Aya pouted as she started following the Kazekage. Eventually the pout changed to a smile as she skipped instead of walked, being a naturally happy four-year-old instead of one harboring a dangerous creature.
Atsura was following the two at a distance, keeping a close eye on Gaara-sama as well as the way he acted around Lee. There was something about Lee that she just couldn't place. It might have been the way he acted, or some other little thing. It intrigued her, and it was something she planned to figure out before leaving him alone. Mentally she made a note to place one of her more trusted ANBU on watch over him, hopefully with Gaara-sama's permission.
“Where are we going, Gaara?” Lee's voice was curious and it startled Gaara out of the reverie he had drifted into. The Kazekage stopped suddenly and with a small THUD Aya ran into the back of his leg and fell. A slight bruise could be seen on her forehead as she started to cry and Lee inwardly groaned and rolled his eyes. “Aya, it's okay, you'll be fine,” the Konohagakure jounin said, trying to soothe the little girl. Aya's blue eyes filled with tears as she looked up at Gaara who was, in turn, staring down at her with a rather confused expression.
“I didn't hurt you,” Gaara said quizzically, face steady as his mind raced. Getting thrust into new situations was not his forte, but he was certainly going to try. He hoped.
“I know,” Aya said, bounding back up. Both Lee and Gaara stared at the little girl as she smiled cheekily and bounced ahead. Shaking his head, Gaara resumed leading the little party.
“Gaara! Hey, where are you?” A blonde head poked out of the door to a nearby tavern and out bounded Naruto, bright-eyed and literally bushy-tailed.
“Right in front of you.” Green eyes stared unblinkingly at the overenthusiastic Konoha jounin as Gaara tried to figure out what to do with him.
“Ahh, I see ya now. Where are we going?” Naruto didn't miss a beat as he swept Aya up and settled her on his shoulders.
“My house,” Gaara responded, starting to walk again with his gaze focused forwards.
“Why are we going there?” Lee, afraid of being left behind, caught up on the right side of Gaara while Naruto took the right.
“That is where you will be sleeping,” answered Gaara shortly. Lee and Naruto stopped, staring at Gaara. The Kazekage was going to room with them. Gaara paused momentarily, obviously shocked by their reactions. “There are several rooms for your use, of course,” he added lucidly.
“Fine with me,” Naruto said cheerfully, walking quickly.
“Are the training grounds near?” Hizaki Tomozu spoke for the first time to Gaara, his intense brown eyes focused with a slight hatred on the much taller man in front of him.
Gaara stared back, slightly curious why such a little boy would be interested in those details before nodding curtly. “Only a few minutes away.” The little boy seemed satisfied with the answer and curled closer to Lee, much to Gaara's annoyance. “Atsura,” Gaara whispered, ignoring everyone else for these few moments. The shinobi appeared quickly, nearly landing on top of Aya who squealed in annoyance. “Get Jyabu Mizu settled. I will talk to you afterwards,” he said sharply. She nodded and disappeared again.
“Gaara?” Somehow the little Aya girl had escaped from Naruto's grasp and was tugging on the edges of Gaara's black coat. Harsh green eyes looked into the girl's blue ones but she didn't move an inch. “Will you train with me?”
On a purely logical aspect Gaara considered this. The girl needed training and he doubted that she should be put anywhere near the academy. However, it would probably take the three of them (when Gaara could escape his Kazekage duties) to train the two little Jinchuuriki. It was also a good chance to find out what that Jyabu girl could do. “I suppose, if I have the spare time.” It would benefit both Suna and Gaara in more ways then Gaara cared to think about.
Lee and Naruto looked shocked but Aya hopped happily in circles, seeming thrilled by the shinobi's decision. “Yay!” she cheered, throwing her hands up in the air. “Gaara, are you sure?” Lee's voice was tentative. He wasn't quite sure how to treat Gaara. Last time Gaara had saved Lee. Now Lee felt that it was his duty to return the favor, though a time to do so hadn't quite presented itself yet.
A swift nod saved Gaara from saying anything else as they arrived at his “house”. It wasn't like he spent that much time in it, anyway. The group stood there, silent, until another inquiry from Aya broke the silence. “What is on your back?” she asked, blue eyes round as she stared up at the gourd made of hardened sand.
A cursory glance at Gaara made Lee realize that he was more amazed that someone was talking to him normally then anything else. I guess all the “Kazekage-sama” he gets from the villagers and the shinobi really get tiring after a while, the black-haired shinobi thought, intrigued.
“It's a gourd, made of sand.” Curtly the words left Gaara's mouth, allowing him to switch the position of said gourd on his back without notice.
“What do you use it for?” Aya continued her questions.
“To fight, and to protect Suna.” His green gaze flickered to Lee. “Does she normally ask this many questions?”
Lee hung his head and nodded, or as well as he could manage with Tomozu's death grip/stranglehold preventing him from moving.
“Makes sense,” Aya said thoughtfully, standing in place with a hand attentively placed on her chin. She looked much older then her four years of age, though Gaara knew that having a Jinchuuriki did things like that. He had gone through much a similar process, many years ago.
“Can we go in now?” Having obviously gotten bored, Naruto was impatiently waiting to get in the house.
Nodding, Gaara gently forced the door open and led the way into the multi-story building. “Stop.” His voice was loud and firm and even Tomozu looked at him. “There are conditions. My room and office is not to be touched. If you need anything, talk to Kairyu. He will get you what you need. Other then that, keep it silent.”
Naruto and Lee nodded their understanding while Aya merely examined the room and Tomozu didn't move. It would be the senior shinobi's responsibility to make sure that the young ones upheld that promise, and Gaara knew that at least Lee would try to keep it quiet. “Naruto. Stay here.” Motioning for Lee and the two little ones to follow him, Gaara started up the stairs, minimally adjusting the gourd to fit through the slightly small flight.
“Where is your room, Gaara?” Aya asked cheerfully. A tendril of sand escaped from Gaara's gourd and gestured to the first door they passed on the left. “Ooh! Can I see inside it?” Much to Lee's surprise (not) Gaara didn't even dignify that question with an answer, leaving Aya looking sad.
“Aya, this is your room.” A single, elegant gesture led to a door practically opposite from Gaara's. Aya squealed and reached out to grab Gaara's leg only to realize that he had moved out of her reach. Pouting, she sat, sulking, by her door. “None of that.” Intelligent green eyes stared harshly down at the girl as she stared back up at him, resilient in her decision. Turning back towards Lee and Tomozu, Gaara nodded to another door farther down on the same side. “Lee, you will share that room with Tomozu. The two rooms are connected with a bathroom in between.” Lee nodded, still trying to pry Tomozu off of him. When that was unsuccessful, Lee opened the door and disappeared inside, towing Aya behind him.
Returning for Naruto, Gaara got him settled noisily but quickly. It had been taxing for him and Shukaku was acting up, harassing him in an effort to break his control and provoke the other Jinchuuriki with their bijuu. So far none of the four bijuu visiting Suna had made any effort to show themselves so Gaara had to assume that they had fairly decent control over themselves.
Gaara debated between locking himself in his bedroom or going out and wandering around Sunagakure. Seeing as it was heading towards evening and the sun was disappearing he chose the latter of the two options. “Lee!” Gaara barked the command, knowing that Lee would respond to it immediately.
“Yes?” Lee said, poking his head out the door that connected to his and Tomozu's shared room.
“I'm leaving to patrol Suna.” Gaara's flat jade eyes drilled into Lee's as he gestured to the stairs, indicating that he'd be gone for a while and that Lee was to watch the children. “I will be back later.”
“Ah, I'll come with you; let me get Naruto to keep an eye on Aya and Tomozu,” Lee said, hurryingly running across the hall into Naruto's room. Gaara, stunned that someone had offered to keep him company, ignored the heated exchange of words between the two Konoha shinobi as Lee managed somehow to manipulate Naruto into watching the two Jinchuuriki. Somehow Gaara felt that Lee knew that Naruto could take better care of them then Lee could. Naruto could relate to them more.
“Let's go!” Lee said, appearing dressed in his typical green jumpsuit as he prepared to follow Gaara all around Suna. Gaara, shaking his head in defeat, merely led his way out the door.