Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I Fell In Love With A Murderer ❯ Sephira ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey guys!!! Uchihacutie here telling yu as usual that I don't own Naruto. La de da. I only own characters that I create. ^_^
Sakura dashed faster than she had ever in her life. Zooming through the forests, she burst into a small clearing…and almost threw up at the sight she saw. The scent of blood slammed into her like a train, and she moaned, catching her companion's attention. Itachi gazed upon the graphic scene in front of him, not really fazed having been the murderer of his own clan. Sakura sucked in her fear and ran over to her allies. Orochimaru. She could feel the eerie presence he left behind. Sakura looked for Gaara, and saw his sand moving slowly around him in a circle. He was trying to move. The sand moved over to a young girl she recognized from way back in her genin days.
“Matsuri-chan…”she whispered.
Sakura quickly moved to where Gaara laid, his fingers twitching, directing the sand. Tears streamed down Sakura's face, as she watched Gaara desperately try to help his friends and family.
“Please move the brown haired girl over to Gaara, it will make it easier to heal him.”
Itachi wordlessly moved the girl over, while Sakura tended to Gaara's wounds. Gaara opened his eyes slightly…and they widened.
`It's Naruto's beloved friend. I must warn her.'
“N…Naruto's beloved. *cough*.”
Sakura gasped and looked at him.
“Y…you are in great danger…*cough*…”
Gaara flinched in pain and forced himself to speak further. Itachi listened closely.
“Is it true that you are …w…with child?”
“Itachi Uchiha is the father?”
“You shouldn't speak Gaara, you need to res-`Hush.'
Sakura shut her mouth.
“Orochimaru…will come for you…when you are… 8 months pregnant…he desires the…heir.”
Sakura's eyes widened. So what Deidara said was true.
“Thank you, Gaara-sama.”
“Please save…my family…I will be fine…I just need…to…rest.”Gaara fell limp again, his breathing returned to normal. Sakura held back her tears and performed quick hand signs, 3 Shadow Clones appearing nest to her.
“Please help the others.”she whispered.
“HAI!!” they yelled and spread out to Temari, Kankuro, and Matsuri. Sakura accompanied one on Matsuri. She was on the borderline to death, and if Sakura stalled, she would lose her. Itachi watched soundlessly as Sakura performed her Medic Jutsu. She was very talented. In about 15 minutes, Sakura had closed Matsuri's wound. The girl would live…but she needed to be taken care of for at least two weeks. Suddenly, Itachi appeared by her and whispered harshly in her ear.
“Konoha ninja approach us.”
Sakura's eyes widened, as Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi burst out of the trees. Naruto gasped at seeing her so close to Itachi. Sasuke frowned and cursed aloud.
“Sakura, what the f**k are you thinking!”
Naruto just took in the rest of the scene and gasped again.
“GAARA!!!! Sakura-chan…how…how could you…”
“NO Naruto!! It wasn't me!! Orochimaru did this Naruto…I came just in time to save them.”
“You don't listen do you dobe? Tsunade told us about this before we came. We just weren't expecting to see them defeated…at least…not like this.”
Kakashi's eye narrowed at how Sakura didn't seem to be afraid of Itachi. In fact, she seemed comforted. Something else caught his attention. Itachi was out of Sharingan, and it seemed as if his eyesight was back to normal.
“Sakura…don't tell me you…”
“What happened!!”yelled Naruto and Sasuke.
“She healed his eyes…his eyesight was depleting reapidly, so much that he was dependent on the Sharingan. But now it seems as if that changed.”said Kakashi, his tone disgusted.
“Sakura…how could you help this murderer!!!”screamed Sasuke, now in full Sharingan.
Itachi flinched slightly. If only Sasuke knew what he felt for him. If only…
Naruto noticed that look Itachi gave Sasuke, even though it lasted less than a second.
“Because he is my child's father.”
“How do you trust him, I just can't accept this!”
“What do you want me to do SASUKE!!!!screamed Sakura, heavy tears falling down her face.
Sakura sobbed heavily now. This was crazy. In one simple night, one simple night of pleasure, her life went spiraling downwards. Pregnant, forced to love a murderer, being hunted by an insane gay snake…it was just too much. Sakura couldn't handle it. Her head started to pound, and so did her lower abdomen. Team seven started to make their way over in concern, but they stopped still when Itachi quickly moved and wrapped his arms around sobbing girl's expanding waist. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.
“Sleep, my kunoichi.”
Sakura gazed up into his eyes. Eyes that usually held hatred, held compassion. She touched his face, her eyes blurring in and out of vision. The pain was getting worse, and Sakura felt herself drifting away.
`He…he loves us.' Said Inner Sakura.
Sakura felt him catch her, and darkness overtook her.
Itachi gazed at his angel. He never felt this way about another person before. In one moment, when he watched her sob in pain, all the barriers he had built around his heart collapsed, making enough space for her and his brother to occupy. (Whoever is keeping up with the manga online should understand this last statement.)
He looked up and saw the noisy blonde standing before him, all playfulness gone from his eyes. Instead, a serious `I don't take s**t' mask overtook his features.
“Promise me…promise me that you'll take care of her. Promise me that she won't suffer another agonizing heartbreak. Promise me that you will protect her with you're life.”
“Promise me, that you will protect her, like you would protect your brother.”
Itachi's eyes widened. So he wasn't a complete jackass after all.
“I promise, Kyubi.”
Kakashi smirked under the mask. Sasuke however, was completely oblivious.
“Naruto, Sasuke, each of you take one injured.”
Naruto bit his thumb, and clompleted the summoning for Gamabunta. The overgrown miserable toad appeared.
“Whaddaya want this time!!?”
“Take us to Konoha. We have injured and we need to make it there quickly.”said Naruto.
“And why should I?”
They carefully moved the injured onto the toad. Before they hopped away, Naruto took one lat look over at Sakura and Itachi. Itachi turned and vanished, running with blinding speed. Naruto turned back around and they were off as well.
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Naruto and co finally made it to Konoha. Medics awaited their return, so when they arrived, they went right to work. Team seven reported to Tsunade's office, and filled her in.
“I see…”
“TSUBADE-SAMA!!!” Shizune busted into the office, wide-eyed. Beside her was Gaara.
“Tell her what you heard Kazekage-sama.”
Gaara told her everything that happened, and they all gasped in unison.
“So as of now, we only have about 7 months. In 7 months, we must be prepared to protect Sakura. This could be war. We cannot let Orochimaru's hands fall on that child, or Konoha is doomed.”
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A girl with long green hair that reached her shins, walked quietly into Orochimaru's chambers. She had a fishnet top, with only a bra for coverage, and mini shorts. She also had on fishnet leggings, and bandages on her shins, and her ninja shoes. Bright pink eyes scanned the area, falling on the figure sitting on the throne.
“Ahhh, Ssssephira… sssso you made it.”
“Yes, my master.”she answered in a monotone voise.
“Do you have the vile?”he asked.
She brought out a small glass tube, with a suspicious purple liquid.
“Wonderful. With this, most of the work will be complete. Just have the pink haired kunoichi swallow it, and we will be victorious. I will get the child…”
“And Konoha will be destroyed.” She finished, an emotionless mask on her face.
Sephira poofed away, and appeared at the Akatsuki base. She took out a sack, that had a strange powder inside it. She jumped up about 50 ft into the sky and poured it into her hand. Then she spun at a fast speed, spreading the powder everywhere.
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Inner Sakura explored the rest of the Akatsuki's underground base. There were so many rooms, and she spied on a lot of the members she wasn't familiar with. Suddenly, something didn't seem right. She looked into one of the rooms, to see the occupant writhing in pain on the floor. She heard a feminine laugh from outside, and ran back to Itachi's room.
Inner Sakura POV…
“This can't be good.'I think to myself.
Every room I passed, it was the same thing. Could this be an ambush? I bolted down the hallways, and ran through a couple walls till I reached Itachi-kun's. I gasp, and see him lying on the floor, eyes wide opened. Deidara was wrestling with a ugly-ass little girl, but it seemed to me like he was being affected with this `thing' too.
`She must be after Sakura. Damn, I'm still a spirit like being, so there's nothing I can do. It's best for me to just wake Sakura up now. Hopefully she's not affected by this stuff since she's sleeping.' I thought.
I quickly lay down on top of Sakura, just as Deidara-kun collapsed. I felt my invisible body numbing, and I was again confined in Sakura's mind.
`CHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
I could feel Sakura's senses coming to. Good, now, I'll just leave the rest to her.
Sakura stirred and woke up. Sephira stood in front of her, holding a strange looking liquid. Sakura looked and saw Itachi and Deidara on the ground. She quickly jumped up catching Sephira by surprise. Gathering chakra, Sakura rammed her fist into Sephira's face, causing her to fly back into a wall.
“Ahhhh!” she screamed.
Jumping up, she kicked Sakura's stomach, causing Sakura to double over in pain. She then grabbed Sakura, holding her in a headlock. Sakura struggled, screaming and kicking. Sephira quickly yanked the cork off using her teeth and forcing the vile down Sakura's throat.
`NOOOO!!!' Sakura screamed in her thoughts.
Sakura was thrown into the wall. Something didn't feel right.. She could almost hear the infant in her womb crying, screaming. To Sakura, this felt worse than death. She slid to the floor, staring at the grinning Sephira, terrified. Millions of images filled her head. It was like she could see the child within her. The infant was in pain. She could feel it. Sakura just lay against the wall, tears flowing, motionless, eyes wide.
“I'm sorry, but my master has commanded me to do this, so I must.” Sephira said as she looked down on Sakura sadly.. Suddenly, Sephira couldn't breath. Itachi held her by her neck, his face the scariest Sakura had ever seen him. His eyes were in full Sharingan, and his face was filled with such an extreme rage, that Sephira didn't have the strength to fight against his insane chokehold.
“What did you do.”he spat venomously.
Sephira remained quiet, and Itachi slammed her face into a wall. Her nose cracked, and blood dripped down from it, onto the floor. He then activated his Mangekyou, but Sakura screamed, getting his attention.
“Don't do anything to her, just let her go…”
`WHAT!? Am I hearing correctly. Let her go, God knows what we swallowed and what it's doing. Let her pay with her life. Karma…'fumed Inner Sakura.
`There's no point in killing her. What's done is done…'
`What's done is done my ass. What's happening to us, what's happening to the baby? For f**k's sake, why are you so damn kind hearted!? She shouldn't live, look what she did, and-`ENOUGH!!!!!'
Sakura blocked Inner Sakura out of her mind and looked over at Itachi and the cowering little girl on the floor. Sakura didn't notice how young she was until now. Sephira covered her head and curled up into a ball, shivering in fear.
`My master said I would'nt get hurt. But it hurts.'she thought.'she thought.
Itachi glared down hard at the scared child. He looked at her unnatural eyecolor, and his face hardened even more in rage.
“She's an experiment. A child being used by Orochimaru.”he said.
Sakura gasped. Poor child looked no younger than 8 years old. She was abnormally strong for that age. The girl looked back and forth between the two.
“What did you do to my comrades?”
“Will they live?”
“Yes…They should wake up soon. I…I'm sorry!!! Master told me to do it!!!! If I don't do what he says he hits me and then I have to go in the tube with water!!!! It hurts and I don't wanna get in trouble!!!! *SOB*”
“It's ok sweetie.”said Sakura, now standing. “Come here. I promise I won't hurt you.”she said.
The girl slowly stood up, still sobbing and walked over to Sakura, who knelt down and soothed her tears.
“Sakura…we also need to prepare for the oncoming attack from Orochimaru…”
“Right. Listen sweetie.”
“You can stay with us, do you want that?”
“But…what if Master gets mad and he hurts me again?”
“We'll protect you, ok.”
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Orochimaru watched and laughed, grinning wildly.
“So, that stupid brat is with them, she wass a useless pawn anyways. Soon, she will expire. What matters is that now, that child is in my grasp. All I need is to add the finishing touch, and that will be completed in 7 months time. Kukukuku.”