Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I Fell In Love With A Murderer ❯ Death ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey!!! Next chapter is here!
Four months have passed. Sakura is five months along. In three months, she will deal with the most epic battle of her life. But she had the support of two Akatsuki members and her boyfriend Itachi Uchiha. Not only that, but Konoha and Suna were also on her side…
Sakura gathered more chakra in her hands, delivering a fearsome blow to Itachi, only for him to poof away.
“Damn…another clone…EEP!”
A kunai knife was pressed to her throat. Sakura sighed in annoyance. It was hard. She couldn't lie. Training and being five months pregnant was quite the challenge.
“Mommy!!! Look what Deidei-kun made for me!”
Sakura and Itachi turned and saw Sephira running to them, a huge grin plastered on her face. She showed them a beautiful clay sculpture of a butterfly.
“Beautiful…it'll go perfect with the dog, cat, horse, beetle, ladybug, prayer mantis,-
“Leave her alone Itachi-kun. It's nice sweetie. Did you say thank you?”
“Oh…Deidei-kun!!!”she yelled.
Deidara poofed beside her and grinned.
“GOMEN!!”she yelled happily.
“You're very welcome, un. Uh-oh…here comes mascot-kun, un.”
Kisame glared and Sephira and Sakura giggled.
“I'm so glad you're my mommy now. And Chichi-kun should be my daddy cuz you two are always together. Deidei-kun should be uncle. Mascot should be mascot. *giggle*”
“Mom…Dad…”Sakura mumbled, grabbing everyone's attention.
“OH MY GOD MY PARENTS!!! THEY WERE ON A MISSION AND NOW I'M MISSING!!!!” Sakura screamed and dashed inside the base. Itachi's eyes widened and he quickly caught up to her.
“You stupid woman…you can't just run inside remember. The other don't know-
“Don't know what Itachi?”
Sakura barley stifled a gasp at the mutant plant thing that stood before them. She could feel Itachi stiffen and she looked up at his emotionless face. He always has that up when they aren't alone…
“Who is this girl Itachi?”
“I am not obliged to answer Zetsu.”he spat venomously.
“Well maybe you will answer to Leader-san…if that's what you want.”
Itachi cursed under his breath. Sakura held her breath…a terrified look on her face.
“You will start with this young lady here…”
“She is…” Itachi started, but then stopped. “Breath kunoichi.”he whispered.
Sakura resumed quiet breaths. Zetsu's eyes traveled to her enlarged stomach. They widened.
“So it's true then. The infamous Itachi Uchiha finally got knocked up.”
Sakura turned and saw Tobi standing right beside her. She screamed, but Itachi covered her mouth.
“She could be useful, ne? I mean, she's carrying a healthy baby no doubt, and this child could come of use.” Said Zetsu.
Itachi moved backwards, pushing Sakura behind him.
“No.”he said sternly.
Sakura's breath quickened. This wasn't happening. She whimpered in fear at Zetsu's piercing eyes. Itachi looked down at her, and back at Zetsu. Sakura pushed Itachi and made a run for it. Itachi slammed into the wall. He got up and started after her, but Tobi and Zetsu held him back.
Sakura ran through hallways. The exit was just there. If she could just get Deidara and Kisame for help. She turned and let out a blood curdling scream. There stood a a holographic image and piercing eyes blocking her path. She screamed.
“S**T!!!!” cussed Itachi.
Sakura busted through walls, horrified. She punched through another wall and reappeared in the hallway with Itachi.
“Itachi-kun*sob*” She fell to the floor sobbing heavily.
“Who would've thought that Itachi would get such a wimp pregnant.”
Silence. Itachi broke free and ran to Sakura. She froze and looked over at Zetsu. She screamed and charged. Zetsu barley dodged a punch. Sakura lifted her leg high above the ground in a split, and slammed her heal down with tremendous force. The earth cracked, almost splitting the hallway completely in two. Itachi stood there, and appeared next to her panting body.
“I'm no wimp you disgusting scum. Do not call me names when you're not even human you fly trap.”she spat with pure hatred.
Itachi pulled her close to him as an eerie shadow passed before them. It was the same holographic figure from before. Sakura recognized those eyes. She clutched Itachi's arm.
“Explain yourself Itachi.”
“Very well.” He disappeared. In less than two minutes he appeared with a battered Deidara and a screaming Sephira. The little girl was thrown against the wall and Sakura almost fainted at the site of Deidara coughing up blood. He staggered over to Sephira and blocked her from view. Kisame came into view, a dirty grin on his face.
“Sorry Itachi…but what goes around comes around. You treated me like crap so I ratted you out.”
“You will be awarded Kisame. Now, for the rest of you, meet me in the conference room in 5 minutes. We will discuss your fate there.”
He disappeared with Zetsu and Tobi behind him. Silence. Sakura fell and crawled over to Sephira and Deidara. Sephira ran over and sobbed on Itachi's leg, while Sakura tended to Deidara's wounds.
“This sucks, un. To think I trusted Kisame for a second, un.*couch hack*”
Sakura sighed and finished up, helping Deidara stand.
“You must leave…”
Sakura turned toward Itachi with frightened eyes.
“It isn't safe for you to be around anymore…these men are dangerous.”
“But, we have a child on the way, I can't just leave…we…we have to talk to my parent and get married and live happy lives together…Itach-kun…don't do this…*sniff*”
Itachi's face remained that of a stone and he walked toward her slowly. He backed her to the wall and looked down at her. His stony lips met hers and she looked up into his eyes. The Mangekyou activated and her eyes widened slightly, before everything began to fade.
“I'm sorry, my Kunoichi.”
That was the last she heard.
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“What happened to her!?”
“Shhh…she'll wake up…we were lucky to find her when we did…”
“She has signs of trauma and abuse…”
“I told you we couldn't leave her with that b*****d.”
“Now's not the time.”
“What do we do with the girl she was with?”
“Interrogation, she was with her, so she might have something to do with her condition.”
“Isn't he a bit to rough for her?”
His cerulean eyes looked up at Tsunade, shocked.
“Sakura is now an alliance with a missing ninja, we can't keep looking out for her like we always did. This whole situation is her fault. Whoever this girl is, she needs to be questioned.”
“Old woman, you know damn well I won't sit here and watch Sakura suffer. This girl doesn't need to be put through torture. Why don't we just wait till Sakura wakes up?”
“I'm awake.”
Sakura's eyes scanned everyone else's. She saw Tsunade, Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi in the room. Sephira lay on a couch at the wall. They were in Konoha's hospital.
“Alright Sakura, nice to see you're alright. First, who is this girl?”
“My daughter. She was an experiment from Orochimaru. She was to report back to him after her mission, but she stayed with us.”
Kakashi's eyes widened.
“He new where you were this whole time? How did he discover the Akatsuki's whereabouts?”
“I don't know Kakashi-sensei….I do know however that his plans must almost be complete…”
“Sakura-chan, did he hurt you?” asked Naruto.
Sakura's eyes watered slightly.
“No…he did the right thing…I was discovered by the other members and he knocked me out and probably took us away from there.”
Sasuke cursed under his breath.
“And you still love him, right?”
“Yes…he means everything to me…he's my child's father, and I love him. He loves me too…” she replied.
Shizune walked in with Tonton trudging after her. She held out some charts.
“The interrogation room is prepared, and Ibiki is ready whenever you are Tsunade-sama.” she said.
Sakura sighed and rubbed her swelling stomach. Her pregnancy was beyond obvious now. Tsunade glanced at Sakura, and looked over at the sleeping Sephira. Two anbu appeared next to her, and one of the picked her up.
“What are you doing?! Put her down!!” yelled Sakura.
“She must be interrogated. That way, we can find Orochimaru's whereabouts.”
“Tsunade-sama. You know me well enough to know that I'm not stupid!! I asked all these things already!! Here memory was wiped clean!! I examined her and I could tell that this was no accident. Orochimaru knows what he's doing!”
“Ibiki has special talents. He can get the information out.”
“With torture!? She's a child!”
“Sasuke wasn't exempt from the interrogation either. Why should she…if I don't do this the council will be on my ass…and…*sniff*”
Tsunade lunged herself at Sakura and embraced her in a tight hug.
“I'm just so glad you're alright Sakura. You've had me worried sick.”
“I'm fine Tsunade-sama. Itachi wouldn't hurt me on purpose.”
Tsunade moved away and told the anbu to put Sephira down. At that moment she woke up.
Sakura looked over.
“I'm right here…”
“Mommy!!” she ran and sobbed on Sakura, clutching at her hospital gown.”
“They…they hurt Deidei-kun and…and I don't remember the other stuff…”
“Shhh, it's okay sweetie.”
“Tsunade-sama, should I tell Ibiki that the interrogation has been cancelled?”
“Yes Shizune, there's no need for it anymore. Sakura, I take it you don't remember where the hideout is anyways.”
“Yeah, I remember the people, but nothing about how to get there it what it looks like. But I'm sure if I saw it again I would remember…”
Ibiki busted into the hospital room with an annoyed look.
“What the hell, why's the interrogation cancelled?”
“There's no need for it anymore.”
“There's always a need for it. There are no rules against who gets interrogated. Sasuke had to do it, Sakura has to do it, and so does the freaky looking brat over there.”
“Sasuke had a choice, and I had a choice, but SEPHIRA didn't. Leave her out of this…”
Ibiki looked over at Sephira and his eyes widened.
“You look familiar, do you have any siblings?”
“Do you know the name?”
“Aoi Rokusho…he's my older brother…”
Sakura's eyes widened.
“That was Idate-kun's ex-sensei…”
“Hm…Anbu, bring Aoi Rokusho here from the prison. When naruto defeated him, he was thrown off a cliff. We managed to find him and we've kept him here in Konoha Prison.”
The anbu reappeared with a man with short green hair, the exact same hair color as Sephira's. Aoi looked up and his eyes widened.
Sephira ran over to him and hugged him.
“Explain this situation.”
“My mother was poor, and one night while traveling with us, she was attacked by rouge ninja. She was 8 months pregnant at the time. A man I assume to be Orochimaru saved us. The day my sister was born, he reappeared to collect something from us, which we didn't have. He took a picture of me for my sister to remember me by, and disappeared with her. I never saw her again until now.”
“Where is your mother now?”
“She killed herself.”
“And why did you take your hatred upon those of the Hidden Leaf Village?”
“I despise this village for being so prosperous while many others are suffering. When I hears about the Hokage's powerful sword, I had to get it. I had to have this power, so I wouldn't have to suffer alone anymore, so that people would respect me, SO THAT I COULD BE SOMEBODY!!!!!!”
Sephira was quiet now. She started rubbing her brother's face, and stopped suddenly, making a gagging noise.
“Sephira?” called Aoi.
“W…what's happening to me?”
Sakura jumped out of the bed and ran over to the hurting child.
Sephira's eyes widened. She couldn't breath, and she felt herself going numb.
“Mommy…Aoi…help…me…I want to live…I want to play…with brother…mommy…I love…you…Aoi…mommy…”
Sakura wached in horror as Sephira's eyes started to turn from bright pink to a dull grey.
“Sephira! SEPHIRA!?” Aoi broke free from his chains and clutched the still girl.
“No…you're all I have left…” he looked at her still face, and noticed something in her ear. An earing with writing on it. “An expiration date…she had and expiration date.”
Sakura sat unmoving, staring into space. She clutched her hair tugging at it, tears streaming down her face. She let out a bloodcurdling scream, and Naruto ran over and embraced her. The room remained silent, everyone listening to Sakura's screams and Aoi's quiet sob's.