Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I'll be there ❯ dead ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: This is my first story so have mercy on me.

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto or any of the character though I wish I did.

Chapter 1

A 15-year-old girl was running around happily. She had long, silky pink hair and huge innocent faded green eyes. Her skin color was creamy white making her look like she just stepped out of a fairy tale. Her name was Haruno Sakura.

She opened her house door filled with happiness. She couldn't wait to tell her parents the great news.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home. You won't believe what happened today," She shouted as she entered her deadly silent house. She didn't see her parents in the kitchen or the living room, which was pretty unusual because they were usually there when she got home from her mission.


Where are you guys," she shouted once again, panicking a little.

Still no answer.

"They are probably in the bedroom or something. I'm freaking out for no reason,"

she reassured herself, trying to stay calm. Her parents would have told her if they were going on a mission. She rushed upstairs to her parent's bedroom. Something just didn't feel right.

She opened the door and her eyes went wide with horror at what she saw. Her parents were in a bloody mess. They were brutally injured and cut in many places.

"N-no way." She cried out in horror as she ran up to her parent's bodies.

"Mom, dad please tell me who did this to you," she sobbed.

`S-Sakura, I'm so glad you are okay. B-but you h-have to get away from here. He'll kill you if you don't. You've to live," her mom gasped painfully.

"I-I `m so s-sorry we can't be there for you. I don't want you to go through this alone," her father whispered brokenly.

" Don't say that, just don't. I won't accept it. I'm going to find a way for you to live. I won't just watch you die without doing anything to prevent it," she whispered desperately,

her voice filled with emotion. She ran out of the house as fast as she could towards the hokage's office.

She entered Tsunde-sama's office gasping for air.

"Hokage-sama you've to come quickly with me," she said in a panicked voice.

"What's the matter Sakura. Calm down," Tsunde-sama said obviously surprised to see Sakura at this time of night.

" Please come with me. I'll explain on the way," she pleaded.

" Sure, just lead the way."

While they were on their way, Sakura explained what happened. They hurriedly entered the house and rushed to her parent's bedroom. The hokage went up to her parents, and checked their pulse but unfortunately for them there was none.

" Sakura, I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do now. They are gone," Tsunde-sama said sorrowfully. Her parent's were one of the elite ninjas of the leaf village.

Sakura sank to the floor overcome by depression. Memories of her and her parents ran trough her mind like hurricane. Life just wasn't fair.

"Don't cry, it's okay." Tsunde reassuringly as she hugged her. There was nothing else she could say.

" It's not fair. They didn't deserve to die like that," Sakura hiccuped.

"No on does but that's how life is. Let's get you to my house," tsunde said softly, knowing well how Sakura felt now since she had lost her brother and her lover.

The Hokage took Sakura to her home and let her stay the night. She informed everyone about what had happened and told them that the funeral was going to be held tomorrow afternoon.

*At the funeral*

Everyone was there. Sakura was standing next to her team, wearing a simple black shirt and a knee length skirt. Her eyes were red from crying all night but she had vowed herself that she wouldn't cry at the funeral but that didn't stop the tears from rushing down her face when the Hokage started her speech. She felt, as she was utterly weak and helpless, she didn't even know who had killed her parents. And even if she did there was nothing she could do about it.

Suddenly she felt someone put an arm around her shoulder and pulls her in a hug. She looked up to see that it was naruto.

"It's okay Sakura-chan. everything will be alright. We are all here for you,"he whispered. She couldn't help but cry. Over the years naruto had lost his crush on her and had started dating Hinata. He was one of her best friends.

Sasuke felt a little envious watching the two hug like that. Maybe it was because he wasn't the one hugging her or maybe it was because when his clan was killed there was no one there to tell him that everything was going to be all right. Maybe that's why I act so emotionless. Sasuke quickly discarded these thoughts.

This is no time for me to get sentimental but still it must be hard on her.

After the funeral ended, Sakura decided to stay even though her friends wanted for her to come along with them and not be alone. She went up to her parent's grave.

"I never really realized how lonely it is without having you guys around. Now I know how Naruto and Sasuke must feel. I just don't know what to do any more. I feel so alone" She was surprised when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see that it was Kakashi-sensei.

"Sakura, don't ever think you are alone because me, naruto and believe it or not even sasuke are always here for you when you need us. So don't ever think that." He said.

"Thanks, Kaka-sensei. I really needed that." She said with a real smile. Sometimes she forgot how great her sensei was.

"Anytime. Now lets go, the hokage is waiting for us." He said guiding her to the hokage's office.

As she entered the office, she found out that naruto and sasuke were already there along wit Hyuga Neji. She quickly sat between Neji and Sasuke.

What's neji doing here? She thought a little surprised to see him there.

" Now that all of you are here, let's get started. As you are all aware that Sakura would be living alone from now on but because she might be in danger, I don't want her living alone. So I've assigned Neji, Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi to live with her. This is your next mission. All of you are dismissed except Kakashi." The hokage finished off leaving no room for arguments.

Everyone just stared at her in shock except for Kakashi.

Chap end

A/N: I know it's a little OOC but spare with me. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Don't forget to review.