Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I'm Sick to DEATH ❯ "Sakura-chan HAS arrived!" ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One: "Sakura-chan HAS arrived!"

`I've never felt so anxious ever before…' Sakura Haruno thought as she came to a stop outside the towering steel gates of Osaka High school. The gates alone stood fifteen feet high, it's spokes woven up into elegant flames, as was the schools normal standard. Covered in what looked like black polish, it sparkled with the resilience and grace that millennia couldn't deface. She couldn't see the campus- probably a good thing- since she was already anxious just by seeing the gates.

She walked forward towards the long panel on the side of the gate. It was wide enough for a parade of cars to drive through and she secretly wondered if some students actually DROVE to school. She shook herself and pressed one slim finger against the dark red button along the wall. The saying "Don't touch the big red button" seemed to fit as a loud blaring suddenly blasted from the speaker to her right.

From the other end, shuffling could be heard, and then a gruff voice over the speaker, "What do you need?!" The voice sounded anxious. Sakura put on a big sincere smile, stood up straight and said, "My name is Sakura Haruna I'm the new transfer student. Student ID is 1-032-9856-23..." She was cut off as the voice interrupted gruffly- "Alright then, why did you bother me? Just enter your ID on the touch pad!" and with that, disconnected.

Sakura stood there for a moment, a little shocked- the voice on the other end seemed tense and maybe a little irritated. What could anybody at this school have to stress over, other then academics?

"Well, Whatever!" She cried indignantly sweeping the long pink hair from off the back of her neck. It flung out as her hand gracefully trailed up flipping her hair and spilling over her hand to float gently against the slimness of her waist. Just then the wind picked up, swirling the cloth around her waist.

She wore her normal attire. It wasn't exactly befitting of a school of such grandeur but it would have to do until she could get something nicer. It was a dark pink jumpsuit with two flaps of cloth extending past a slit at the highpoint on her waist. The cloth hung down the hollow of her back to the soft spot behind her knees, the front cloth hanging in much of the same way. A hollow white circle etched onto each side of the cloth without much significance. It fitted around her neck snugly and the arms were cut off, a white lining sewn on the edges, giving her a clean cut look. She wore a knee long pair of spandex shorts underneath, because without it, being uncomfortable was assured.

She looked very young, despite her 16 years of life. As the wind blew the hair back from her face her features were shown more clearly. Her long bangs were secured by a red ribbon that was tied around her head like a bandanna, causing it to be lifted and swept over the cloth. Her face wasn't round but it was soft looking, her cheeks neither fleshy nor gaunt. She had a high forehead that was partially hidden and eyebrows arched stylishly. Her skin was a warm fleshy tone, a healthy color. What were most alluring were her big green eyes. They sparkled and seemed to stretch to take everything in. It was those same eyes that held something infinitely sad, another plus to her allure.

But that didn't really matter to her- not anymore anyway. `It's just the wind…' she thought, looking up into the trees. It had been almost a year now- she could leave the past where it belonged. Back down the path she had come. It had been a long walk down the stone path to this school, the walkways paved and shadowed by trees. It made her love this place, the reality that she was far away from home, before she had even gotten inside the gates which, she had to do now, if she didn't want to be late for her first day.

"I don't understand what that mans problem was, sheesh…" She muttered under her breath, punching in her ID code onto the touch screen. She was always prepared. She thought it would be good for her, as a show off obviously, if she memorized the little things, like her ID number. Apparently, if you had to type it in when you arrived, it was already required knowledge; therefore she couldn't use that in her arsenal of "butt kissing."

"…56-230-0262-09..." she said each number slowly as she pressed the coordinating buttons. As her finger touched the last button, the huge metallic CLICK echoed. She turned, semi startled, the wind still blowing, fiercer now. The gates slowly began to swing open.

Sakura dragged one hand through her hair, her mouth opened in shock. She could see the front entrance already, a tall structure in the middle of a sweeping field of green. There wasn't a student in sight, the towering school was illuminated with sunlight and as the metal gates pealed back to reveal her new school, the bell rang.

She stood there for a moment, as the loud gong echoed throughout the empty courtyard, and just stared. She had never seen anything so pristine and clean cut before. It sparkled like a freshly polished jewel. She took one step, another, and another, finally making it inside of the school gates. She stared down at her foot as it crossed the thick black line that was etched into the ground, where the gates swung open.

"Huh?" she asked to no one in particular, finally seeing what was clearly sprayed all over the front of the beautiful building.

It seemed to be many pictures of a handful of people. Similar faces with different distortions. One pictures was of a man, clearly boasting what looked like a big ZIT on his face. Another who was discolored in the face with green splotches and red splotches. One face was sourounded in a circle of white with two big red slashes for eyes, it's mouth open and gaping. There were ugly faces, smirking faces, laughing, sickened and saddened faces. No doubt the collage had been done by a student. It was just a question of who in they're right MIND would go to OSAKA to VANDALIZE IT?

She couldn't help the strange expression that crossed her face when she saw it. Her first instinct was to burst out with laughter. She had never seen anything so funny in her entire life. However, she knew that something outrageous, as far as reactions would go, would not suit the character she was trying to play. In order to sucede in this school, one had to be perfectly poised and well spoken, mannered and polite, intelligent and CHARMING. So she acted like it was nothing. She didn't pay it any mind and after a moment filed the information about the vandalized building into the giant catalogue in the back of her mind, wiping the estranged expression from her face and fixing the "polite, well mannered, well spoken, charming young lady" face.

Now, what really concerned her was getting inside, which at this moment, anxiety had already kicked back in. The bell that had not stopped ringing sounded it's final call, then disappearing into the sound of the wind through the trees. The silence caused her to be brought back to reality, focused again. It was only then that she-

"Oh no! I'm LATE for the first DAY?!" she cried. With a toss of her hair, and a tighter grip on her bag, she leapt away from the gate, which was slowly swinging closed and sped as fast as she could down the sweeping walkway, her feet kicking up dust and her clothing flaring out behind her.

She was an athletic girl, of that there was no doubt. Her speed was top notch, her sheer agility enough for any coach to want her to play for they're sport. She could run a mile in a minute and could jump PAST the sand! There was only one thing holding her back, though. No matter what she did, no matter how many laps, how many sprints, how many power drinks, how many SODAS, she just COULD NOT KEEP GOING.




This time, she would not be had! She would make it to class as quickly as possible, regardless of her lack of stamina and unruly appearance. This is what she was thinking at least, as she came up to the tall door. She reached a hand out to grasp the handle, noticing only slightly, the silky smooth texture of it and the swirl of the carved wood under her fingertips. She tugged with all her one armed might and burst inside. She slipped, her feet sliding but she quickly righted herself, her bag flapping wildly against her side. (think of her bag as a black handbag. They have become popular among the high school students, at least where I live. They're like an over sized purse, only WAY cooler!)

She was off again, her feet barely touching the floor, like she was running on water. She was by far the loveliest of runners, and she had the best technique too. She wasn't able to take in her surroundings though, as she moved, but she knew from memorizing the school map (another one of those, kiss butt things…) that her next turn would be a right and that her class room would be at the end of the hall.

Overhead the intercom blared, an announcement of some sort she caught only few words of it: "miscreant," "loose," and "the front building." She was almost there; she had only this last turn to make before her class, at the end of the hall. She disregarded the message, her filing cabinent's usefulness appearing once again.

As she neared the turn she slowed just a little, preparing to pivot and sprint off in the other direction. She made the turn, breezing through it, gaining velocity and even more speed then before. She felt her legs turning into liquid her feet felt like bricks. She stared down at them, willing them to move FASTER. She looked up just in time to see another person running down the hallway, with much less grace and way more noise. Whoever the person was, he wasn't looking and they were going to crash into each other if he didn't turn around soon!

`Too late.'


"Ow!" She yelled, slamming full force into him and crumbling to the floor, her eyes instantly tearing. She scratched at her head gingerly, a bump already forming. She pushed herself up and off of her elbows to a sitting position. She pressed her knees together and rubbed at her eyes and her head at the same time. (Now: Rub your stomach and PAT your head!). She blinked several times in effort to clear her vision. She tried to focus on the person who was moaning on the floor in front of her.

"Are you alright?" she asked gingerly, her eyes still fuzzy.

`You better watch where your going next time you jerk!!!' she raged mentally.

He was regaining what composure he had and was sitting up. The first thing she saw was his bright blond hair, that much she could tell, without really looking closely at him.

He leaned forward and asked her, "fine. Your okay?" he asked looking behind him and standing. She looked at him, and made no move to get up as she watched him dust off his knees.


"Yeah but why were you running are you late too…" she began, but was interrupted by the sound of shouts that could be heard in the direction the boy had come from. Sakura knew instantly that this had to be the one who spray painted on the school and who the intercom message had been regarding. It was HIGHLY unlikely that the intercom would be used for something anyless then an emergency…


"Hurry up, you stupid girl!" he yelled, grabbing at her arm. She gasped, outraged, as he pulled her from the ground and onto her feet. He jerked her towards him, in the direction he was running, and she yelled, "ESCUSE ME for being a WOMAN!!!" She looked behind her, her long bangs obscuring her view, and realized she had left her bag behind. She reached despairingly for it, but the obnoxious BOY was too busy running that he didn't listen to her request to STOP. It didn't help that she was spent from her running only the moment before.

"Now wait a second- who ARE you?!" She cried, as they wheeled the turn she had just taken. They were going down a different corridor now and she could see academic trophies lining the walls. This was a school for academics after all, and shouldn't have surprised her like it did. But she was so busy just trying to remember how to breath that she could barely notice that and the sound of the boy's voice who…

"My name is -"

"UZUMAKI NARUTO," a booming voice came from in front them. He froze and she, like she had a habit of doing when she was around this guy, ran into him. She reached out and grabbed his shirt to steady herself, and he took one halting step forward, thrown off balance by her weight. She peered over the side of the boy and saw an old man standing at the end of the hall, a large smoking pipe in his mouth.

Dressed in robes of the purest white, she realized who it was instantly. Without hesitation, she stepped out from the side of who she could only assume was "UZUMAKI NARUTO" and cried with joy, "Headmaster Hokage!"