Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I'm Still Hurting ❯ Kitsa ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Kitsa, what's happening?” yelled Kas. The 17-year-old ANBU Shadows high captain banged on the younger girl's door. “Kitsa! What's going on?!”
“Don't...don't come-in,” came the 14-year-old's voice, choppy. “D-don't l-l-look at me, Kas...”
“Oh, snap...” murmured Kas. She took a step back as blue chakra began leaking out of the doorframe. “Try not to do anything, Kitsa!” Kas yelled. “I'm getting Iruka!”
“No, no one can see me like this...” Kitsa said, her voice raised, yet still cracking. “`Ruka-senpei wouldn't...”
“Don't worry; he'll take care of you! He knows how you break, what you do!” yelled Kas. She turned and ran to Iruka's place, cursing under her breath.
When the red-haired woman got to Iruka's flat, Kakashi, Genma, and Raidou were also there. “IRUKA!” yelled Kas, letting her stress overtake her for a moment. “I need you at Kitsa's place, NOW!” She turned to the other three men. “You three stay here! Kitsa doesn't need you!” The woman turned on her heel and ran, Iruka close behind.
“What's happening?” Iruka asked. “Is she breaking?” He frowned slightly.
“Yes!” Kas answered, grimacing too. “It's not medic chakra this time, though! She's got attack chakra swarming through her doorframe like bees!”
“Nonononono...” Kitsa pleaded, her head buried in the crook of her elbows. Green chakra surrounded her like a cloak. Iruka had his arm around her shoulders, trying desperately not to set off the girl's breaking period even more. Kas stood by, chakra diminished so that Kitsa wouldn't break at her presence. “Go `way, `Ruka-senpei...go `way...”
“Calm down, Kitsa,” said Iruka quietly. “It's okay. You're not in danger. You're safe.”

”No...they're still there...” Tendrils of chakra began probing the air, then-
Kas and Iruka were blown back into the wall, the burst of chakra from the younger girl still pulsing slightly, but growing less and less with every passing second.
Iruka looked down at the arm that he had wrapped around Kitsa's shoulders. It was red, inflamed... “Oh, God!” he yelled. “IT'S BURNING!”
Iruka and Kas charged through Kitsa's door. Blue chakra surrounded them, pulsing thickly, faster then the last time. It was buzzing incessantly. “KITSA!” yelled Iruka. “What's going on?”

Kitsa didn't answer. Instead, the black-haired girl screamed, a shrill sound that grated on everyone's ears. She continued to scream, chakra writhing and covering the apartment with a blue that was rapidly becoming darker and thicker.
“KITSA!” roared Iruka over the loud buzzing of her chakra. “STOP IT! YOU'RE GOING TO DESTROY YOUR APARTMENT!” He ran to the girl's side and, covering his hands with his long sleeves, grabbed Kitsa's hands. He wrenched them away from her face and stared into her eyes, trying to get her out of her breaking period. “Calm down, Kitsa!” Iruka commanded.
“Can't...” whispered Kitsa. “Won't...let me...they...demons...too...strong...” The girl passed out, but her chakra continued to pulse furiously.
“Oh, duck,” said Kas. She looked at Kitsa's prone form. “Iruka-kun...we are in deep trouble.” Iruka looked up at her and nodded solemnly, then turned on Kitsa's stereo and began to play a slow, sad song...'Whiskey Lullaby'.
Iruka, Genma, Raidou, Kakashi and Kas sat on Kitsa's living room couch, the table before them. “How did this one happen?” asked Raidou. “She usually only gives up her medic chakra. It must have been serious. Iruka?”
Iruka sighed. “Tsunade said that Kitsa went on a mission a few weeks ago,” he reported. “Apparently it was to one of the lands adjoining the Sound. She didn't say what the objective was, but...” He trailed off slightly, then sighed and shook his head. “It seems that she saw Sasuke, and he tried to kill her. She made it out all right, but she started acting...well, strange. Seeing things, referring to demons, stuff like that. And then...this.” He motioned to Kitsa's room, where the girl slept with the door closed. “I don't know what Sasuke did to her, and I don't think that I want to know, either. But hopefully it'll pass now that she's broken.”

Genma shrugged slightly. “With something this big, it'll take her a while for her to get over it,” he answered. “I've known her for a few years longer than `Ruka-san, and it usually will take about three to four more breaks for her to get it out of her system.”
Kas turned to Raidou. “Rai-san,” she said, “you said that Kitsa usually only gives up medic chakra. Has she given up attack chakra before?”
Raidou nodded. “I didn't see it,” he answered, “but Genma told me about it. Luckily that one wasn't too bad since Genma was there-she's most used to his chakra-but she was giving up attack chakra like no tomorrow. She only burst the water pumps in this half of the apartment complex.”
Kakashi laughed slightly. “I remember that,” he said. “I had to bathe in the river for a week until someone could fix the water pumps.” The others all laughed too.
“Luckily,” Raidou continued, in answer to Kas's question, “whatever caused that one was pretty minor. Otherwise-who knows what she would have done. Nothing like today's-or rather, yesterday's.” He looked at the clock. The hands read 12:30 am. “Let's get home, guys,” he said. He looked over at Kas. “Stay here with Kitsa tonight, will you?” She nodded.
As Kas waved the four men good night, she yawned. Returning to lie down on the couch, the seventeen-year-old smiled slightly. Good luck, Kitsa, she thought wearily before she drifted off to sleep.
A pale blue web of chakra slowly seeped out from Kitsa's door.