Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I want to be with you always ❯ The Country of Death ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~Country of Death~
Meanwhile, council members of the country are debating about the manifestation of naruto in their village.
They argue why naruto suddenly appear to their village.
“Is it possible that there's a secret pathway that can penetrate the barrier that was put unto us by the outsiders?” another council member answer.
“Our forces have gathered up in the location where the `outsider' has been found and were scanned the whole place and there's no passageway that leads into the outside world.”
“so then how does this `outsider' came across through our country?” the council leader commented; Crossing his hands together while he leans it on the table. The silver haired guy replied orderly.
“I believe that after a long time, the barrier has finally weakened” another fat-ass council member replied grumpily. “does it mean if we apply some force into the barrier it will finally rupture?”
“I believe so, but it will need a huge amount of chakra to penetrate the barrier”
the council leader barge in the conversation of the fat-ass and the silver haired guy. “So where are we going to get that chakra that we need? The people of this country was sealed from manifesting chakra because of the barrier, besides only few people can actually accumulate a little amount chakra in this country…”
“I have a proposal sir, I have seen the 'outsider' in my own eyes, and judging by the looks of that guy, he has a huge amount of chakra in his body and basically he's not from this country so free from the curse of this village..”
“I guess you have a point Ryu, I will inform the Onikage about the situation, for now monitor the actions of the outsider and analyze him if he has the chakra that we need to destroy the barrier, make a full report after two days…… Dismissed” after the meeting, all of the council members head out of the office.
Ryu walked towards his home after the meeting. As he walk towards the gate, he sees naruto sitting on a hill at the side of their garden. He decided to join him.
“what are you doing here?” he spoke as he sit right next to him
“I'm just looking at the village…by the way what your name?”
“Me? I'm Ryu, Ryu Kusanagi”
“Kusanagi? So, it means that aya is related to you right?”
“yes, she's my little sister, what about you? What's your name?”
Naruto didn't replied. He just look up in the sky. Ryu instantly remember that naruto forgot his memory.
“I—I'm sorry, I totally forgot that you have no memory about your past,”
“that's okay, you don't need to apologize…..your sister give me the name of touya”
“touya you'd say, that's typical of aya, he named you in one of her favorite show, I think its name is ayashi no ceres or somethi'n like that…” both guy just look at the scenery; birds chirping in the sky…..wind blowing in their faces, the surrounding was perfect. Aya suddenly interrupted the peace and tranquility of the two; she was shouting the name of her brother. “Brother! Father has arrived and wanted to talk to you about something, as well as touya….” As she get close to them she then cling to the arm of naruto and pulled him towards the mansion. After awhile, they reached the room where their father was waiting for them. Aya was the one who opened the door. Ryu sat on the far left corner of the table. Naruto on the other hand, sat on the opposite side of Ryu. Aya sat right next to naruto.
“So, you're the outsider…let me introduce myself I'm Lord. Scneider Von Gates, the current daimyo of this Country. Feel free to use my mansion for the time being” surprisingly he didn't resemble Aya nor Ryu in appearance, her hair was yellow and he's eye is crimson red in color. Ryu and his father talked a lot about the current situation about the village. Aya drowse off the table; he cannot relate on what his brother and dad was talking about. Naruto just sat there and eat some soup on the table. He feel sleepy too but he didn't want to be rude.
“your name is touya right?” naruto instantly replied yes to the question of Mr. Scneider “I will go to a social gathering with Ryu tomorrow, why don't you come with us? The whole aristocrats are eager to see you when they heard that you are living in my manor”
“Certainly sir, it will be my pleasure to accompany you” naruto replied with an aristocratic accent.
He gets the accent by talking to the people around the manor. He adapts easily to the environment around him. Considering the fact that he lost his memory.
“well if that's the case then I will go too!” aya excitedly bellow after she heard that naruto will go to the festivity. She quickly run in her room to start preparing for the gathering.
The day quickly passed by. Naruto slept in the guest room. “S….sa….sakura……” he whispered while he slept in the king sized bed in the room.
The gathering will start at exactly 7:00 in the afternoon. There was still plenty of time so aya asked naruto to go shopping to find him a dress for the party. They enter the carriage that was pulled by eight black horses.
When they arrive in the shopping center they swiftly head towards the dress section. Aya purchased a black dress with a lot of ribbon into it. It was like a dress that aristocratic women usually wear in medieval age.
The time was 5:00 so they quickly go back to the mansion. as they opened the door. They first spotted Ryu wearing a elegant matrix-style dress.
A/N: [the one that Neo usually wore in the movie]
All of the maid's in the house was staring at his façade. Everyone was amazed on him. “Touya, do you have a dress for the party?” he asked
“Yes I have, aya bought me this dress when we go out…”
“Good, then go dressed up we will leave in an hour you too aya”
Both walk towards their respective rooms and started to dressed up. After half an hour aya walked out of her room. He was so elegant on that dress. It really fits her. Everyone was stunned upon her. She didn't care on what other thinks; she just wants a complement from a certain blonde. After a minute, he noticed a guy standing at a cherry tree in their garden. The view was so astounding. He is not wearing his forehead protector so his bangs were loosed down on his face; his hair was dancing with the wind,
His enchanting blue eyes sparkle like 24-carat diamond, his tuxedo really looks good in him. There's noting a women could wished for. He was perfect. She thought
as she walk towards naruto, a bird suddenly land on naruto's finger; that makes the scenery more perfect
she was captivated on naruto.
“oh, aya! I didn't notice that you were there……………aya?.......Hey Aya?” aya was fantasizing naruto…she was in her own world. After awhile she finally gets back in `earth'
“Huh? Wha—where? oh, h—hi there! What are you doing here!?” aya replied really dense
“I was the one that should be asking that question, what are you doing here?”
“me!? Uhh I was just…I..I was here to inform you that we will gonna leave soon so we should be getting back by now”
“really? But its just 5:30 and Ryu-san said that we will leave at exactly 6:30” naruto replied while he looked at the big clock in the village
“ w—well…”
“Why don't you join me for awhile? If you want”
Aya cheerfully replied with a huge smile “Sure!”
Both just looked in the village without saying a word with each other and aya is getting impatient so she decided to start a conversation. She asked if naruto remembered anything about his past. Naruto just shake his head. Time passed by quickly and its starting to get dark so they head back to the mansion.
As they walked they notice Ryu waving his hand. He asked both to ride the carriage so that they can go to the gathering.
“Both of you go to the gathering first, father and I will catch up with you later.”
“what happened brother?”
“Some urgent news came in and father and I discuss about it, don't worry it will not take long so go ahead”
aya and naruto enter the carriage to head into the party.
Next Chapter:
~The Bloodline Awakened~