Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ It's So Hard Not To Love You ❯ You Know You Love Me ( Chapter 2 )

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Sakura pulled herself up and was about to slap Sasuke when he grabbed her arm.
She stiffened and then faked a smirk. “Well Uchiha the truth is…” She looked away from his eyes trying to sound steady. “I'm not in love with you anymore…”
“Really?” He said in a matter-a-fact kind of tone. “Y-yes.” She mumbled.
“Then look me in the eye and tell me that. If you can do that, I'll let you go.”
She looked at him, but then looked away. He touched her face making her look at him.
“And you can't look away.”
Dang it, this is gonna be hard…Why didn't you just stick to my idea and tell him how you feel!?
She ignored her inner Sakura and started, “Sasuke…” Her eyes looked away, but then she remembered the rule, and kept them planted on his. “I-I…well…I don't…”
He smirked. “You don't what?” He asked mockingly.
“I…I don't…I don't hate you Sasuke…” She whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek.
His eyes softened. She couldn't do it…she still loves me…Sasuke thought. “I don't know why…everyone in the village told me to give you up…but somehow I couldn't bring myself to do it.” She mumbled.
“Sakura…Arigato.” He leaned in and kissed her gently, but activated his Sharingon making her fall into unconsciousness. He picked her up gently and laid her on the bed, pulling the sheets up to her chin. He walked out of the room, and headed to Orouchimaru's lair.
“Sasuke, I suspect your duties went well?” Orouchimaru hissed, satisfyingly. “Yes. She will begin training tomorrow morning by me.” Sasuke mumbled.
“Good. I expect to see improvement on her skills…and one more thing.” Sasuke looked up. “I need you to persuade her to join this team. But the hard part is…” Orouchimaru licked his lips. “You have to persuade her to never go back to Konoha village.” Sasuke stiffened. How will I do that? Her duties to the village mean more to her then her life…
Orouchimaru chuckled. “I have faith in you…but you must succeed or there will be severe consequences…” Orouchimaru's chuckles turned into a raging fit of laughter.
This isn't going to be easy… Sasuke walked back to the spare room Sakura was staying at.
Sakura woke up in the spare room. Sasuke was sleeping next to the wall, leaning onto it.
Maybe I can sneak out without waking him…she thought silently, getting out of her bed slowly. She hid her Chakra and made it to the door, but then someone called out.
“Where do you think your going?” It was Sasuke. She looked at him. He was now standing right behind her. She gasped. How could I not hear him? He's good…
He smirked at her surprised expression. “Your training starts today.”
“What?” she demanded. He looks so cute just standing there…
Sheesh what is your deal woman!? Of course he's cute! He's the love of your life! And you actually tried denying that…
“Well we made a deal didn't we?” She blinked, and then remembered what she had told him. “But-you…you cheated! The Sharingon is too advanced in level. No way could I have beaten that.” He smirked again. “Maybe you should have thought of that before you made the bet. You should have known I was going to use it.”
She was defeated.
“Ok, so what am I training for?” She turned around completely facing him. “It's not really for anything, Orouchimaru just ordered it.” He explained.
“Who will be training me?” She asked quietly, knowing there was no way out of this.
“I will.” She looked down. I'll be training with him? It's always been hard to keep focused when he's around…
That's because you love him sooo much!
Why do you keep bugging me? Don't you have something better to do?
Actually no. It get's kinda boring in here at times.
But even though she was a little bit disappointed, a wave of relief washed over her. At least Orouchimaru won't be training me.
“Were will we train?” She asked looking back up to his face. “In the forest located behind Orouchimaru's hide out. And don't even think about escaping. I put a chakra field around you so I can monitor your every move, and if you went beyond the forest boundaries, I would know.” He smirked. “And the only way to break the chakra field is by kissing me.” She looked away and blushed a soft shade of pink. “And I doubt you would really want to do that.”
“That's what I thought. Now follow me.” She followed him out of Orouchimaru's lair into a heavily wooded area. Sasuke stopped and looked at Sakura. “The first thing I'm going to teach you is regular combat skills; moves that might help you when you fight.”
She looked at him weirdly. “I thought you were going to teach me chakra control and other cool moves I can do with my chakra; you know different Jutsu's too.”
“No, we need to focus on your strength first.” She nodded.
Sasuke then grabbed her by the arm and pinned her down. “Always be on your guard.” He said, smirking. “Who's talking?” She asked, flipping him over. Her hair ticked his face. “Don't underestimate me Uchiha.” He smirked and pushed her off him, and she let him. “Who said I was? Now follow my moves.” He did a backward flip, and then landed skidding to a stop. “Easy…” She muttered. She did the back flip and landed just like Sasuke. Impressive. I wonder who has been teaching her…
He then appeared behind her and grabbed her wrists. She flipped him over and slid underneath him. She was about to punch him when he grabbed her hand, stopping it.
He has improved too I see…She thought. She released blue chakra from her hand, making him let go. She back flipped and did some hand seals. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” She yelled. They all started attacking Sasuke. He easily destroyed them. “This is a strength test, not a Jutsu one.” Sasuke told her.
“Forget about the test, fight me!” She said. He was shocked at this but quickly recovered and started fighting her. He shot a fire ball Jutsu at her, which she easily dodged.
She then yelled out, “Forbidden Haruno technique! Sakura Vine Jutsu!” She yelled. Sasuke gasped in shock. Vines shot out from the ground twisting around his body, and tying him up. He tried his hardest to get out of their clutches but he couldn't.
She walked over to him and smirked. “Surprised?” She then saw a gash across his cheek that she had made. She lifted her hand up as green chakra started glowing from it. She placed her hand on his cheek, healing his wound.
What is this feeling? Sasuke wondered to himself. A tinge of pink appeared in his cheeks. When she finished healing him, they looked at each other for what seemed like hours. She then spoke up. “Hey guess what?” Sasuke smirked. “What?”
“I win.” She said. She then pressed her lips against his. When she pulled away, she giggled. She then disappeared. Sasuke then realized what she had done.
Oh no, she broke the Chakra Field! He thought. Then the vines dropped. He got up and started jumping through the trees. She can't be that far away, unless she has really gotten that fast. He thought.
He then saw a flash of pink. He looked around. There was no sign of her anywhere.
Sakura jumped through the trees gracefully. I have to get out of here! I need to get back to Konoha Village! She thought. But then someone grabbed her and threw her to the ground. Expecting it to be Sasuke, she looked up, but saw someone who looked like him…yet…”Itachi!” She cried. He frowned. He pulled out his Kunai, but she spoke up. “Stop! What the heck did I ever do to you!?” She said, pulling herself up, but then Itachi grabbed her, and put the blade to her throat. She gasped shortly, but he put his hand over her mouth. “Give me some of your Chakra, or ill kill you.” He said. Boy, he sounds desperate…She quickly gave him some of her chakra. When it was finished, he disappeared. She then stumbled, and fell unconscious.
Stupid Sharingon…
Sasuke ran through the forest at lightning speed, when he saw pink…Sakura! She was leaning against a tree, but she was unmoving. He jumped down next to her leaning down.
He picked her up and started walking.
Sakura's eyes flew open as she sat up slowly. She saw Sasuke sitting beside her. They where still in the forest. She looked at Sasuke in the eye. Still no emotion…how does he hide it all? She thought, still looking at him. “Why did you run?” He suddenly asked sternly. She looked down. She honestly didn't know what to say. Then she remembered her encounter with Itachi. She gasped and stood up. Sasuke stood up beside her.
“Itachi is here…” She whispered. “What?” He asked, shocked at this sudden statement.
“I saw him…he told me to give him some of chakra. I don't know why but I did it…” She said, looking up. She could tell that Sasuke was concerned about this, but he decided to brush it off for now. “We have to get back to Orouchimaru. He will be angry.”
He told her as he grabbed her by the wrist. “And if you run away again, I'll have no choice but to kill you.” He said. She frowned. “You wouldn't.” But she listened to him despite her disgust in what he had said.
Over the past several weeks Sakura trained hard with Sasuke, and both of them had seen the improvement. But today was going to be a big day for Sakura, because Sasuke was going to introduce her to his team, Snake.
“Sakura, we're going on a mission today.” Sasuke told her. She nodded without saying a word. Please, please, please I really don't want to go on a murder mission! She begged him mentally. I don't want to help kill or kill anyone!
“We are going to The Village hidden in the Mist to capture their princess.” She breathed out mentally. At least we won't have to kill anyone.
She packed her kunai's and shurikuns, and tightened her Leaf Village forehead protector.
She was so nervous by the time they were ready she was shaking. I'm freaked out! I have to be introduced and work along side Sasuke's new teammates, and I'm helping them commit a crime! What would Lady Tsunade say?
Sasuke looked at her. “Are you ready?” She forced herself to stop shaking and nodded wearily. I have every right to be scared! She thought to herself. But still, I need to get a hold of myself.
They started jumping through the tree's until they came across Sasuke's teammates. There was a giant man, who she was uncomfortable around, a man with silver hair who was carrying a large sword, and a girl with red hair and crimson eyes.
“Everyone this is Sakura Haruno, she is going to be part of our team now.”
Sasuke explained to everyone. “Why?” The girl with red hair asked. It was obvious she was a fangirl, because she talked and acted like it. “Because it was Orouchimaru's orders Karin.” Sasuke said coldly, obviously annoyed. She took a step back and stood beside the man with the large sword. “That's Zabuza's sword.” Sakura told him. He nodded.
“Yea it is. How'd you know?” He asked. “I have seen him before.” She said.
He smirked. “My name's Suigetsu.” He said. She nodded throwing him a small smile.
The big man stepped out from behind Karin and Suigetsu. She stepped back a little.
“Don't be afraid. I'm Juugo.” He said. She nodded again. Karin frowned. I really don't like this girl. Why did Sasuke invite her on this team!? Karin thought, huffing. No one seemed to notice her attitude, so they started on their way. After awhile they stopped to rest, it was getting dark. “Karin, set up the makeshift beds.” Sasuke ordered her. She smiled, nodding. “Karin you're so annoying; Sasuke doesn't like you.” Suigetsu said smirking down at her. She stepped on his foot. “You're just Jealous.” She said. His smirk grew wider. “I'm jealous? Man, I should have taken a picture of your face when you saw Sakura. You're the one who's jealous.” That gave him a punch in the face.
“Stop it you two.” Sasuke said. When the beds had been rolled out they all laid down and went to sleep. Except for Sakura; she couldn't sleep. She turned over and over, but she couldn't fall asleep. “Do you mind? You're keeping everyone awake.” She heard Karin call out. Sakura muttered a `Sorry' and sat up. She sat there for hours until she heard someone walk over. The next thing she knew Sasuke was leaning down looking at her, his crimson eyes glowing in the darkness.
“Can't sleep?” He said. She nodded. “Come with me.” He stood up and so did she. She followed him through the woods until they came to a large shining lake. He sat down and so did she. “Did I keep you awake?” She asked him guiltily. He shook his head. “I had trouble sleeping too.” She looked down, blushing. Never in all the time she had spent with Sasuke when she was 12 had she just sat down and talked to him, and he listened.
“Is Karin always so rude?” She asked him. “Most of the time to Suigetsu. She's just jealous that I let another girl on the team.” He explained. “She's a fangirl isn't she?”
He nodded, frowning. After that they just sat there, not saying anything, until Sasuke heard rhythmic breathing. Sakura had fallen asleep, leaning on Sasuke's shoulder. He picked her up and walked back to camp, placing her on her makeshift bed.
Karin was awake though and saw the whole thing. I will get revenge…She thought to herself scowling.