Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kaka/Saku Drabbles ❯ A New Day Has Come ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the song: A new day has come by Celine Dion.
A New Day Has Come
I was waiting for so long for a miracle to come.
I stood outside in the early morning hours as I watched the sun rise above the snow-capped mountains. I was thinking about how Sasuke had left. I was waiting for him to come back. But I knew that he wouldn't.
Everyone told me to be strong.
Hold on, and don't shed tears.
Everyone sees me as a strong willed girl that won't let anything escape my grasp. That I am so strong that I will not cry and when I do then they tell me that I am stronger than this.
Through the darkness and good times
I knew I made it through.
From Sasuke's departure to the war between Fire and Sound I knew that I would not endure a harder time such as this. I was relieved beyond anything I could hope for when the war came to an end. But I was still empty inside.
And the world thought I had it all.
But I was waiting for you.
Everyone thought that I was over Sasuke, but I can never be over my first love. They think that I have bigger and better things to do in life. But there is one person that has always been there for me. I am now waiting for him in front of the memorial stone.
Hush now, I see a light in the sky, oh.
It's almost blinding me.
As I watch the light spread across the sky I have to squint my eyes to keep the rays of sunlight from obscuring my vision.
I can't believe that I've been touched by an angel with love.
I remember it clearly how he first confessed his love to me. As time progressed I knew that I loved him also. It surprised me that for all the troubles I have gone through; that Kami gifted me with someone that loves me.
Let the rain come down and wash away my tears.
As the day wanes on large clouds seem to hover above me that shed their own tears. I tip my face up to the sky so that if anyone came along then they would not know the rain from my tears.
Let it fill my soul and drone my fears.
The loud pounding of the rain pouring down makes my thoughts jumble in my mind. My saddened memories are swept away by the rain. Is he all right?
Let it shatter the walls for a new sun
A new day has come.
I lower my head from the rain and up ahead I see the light outline of a person coming my way. The clouds then break and a ray of sunlight captures the form of the person. My eyes light up in hope as I make out his silver hair.
Where it was dark now, there's light.
I am certain now of the person. The light seems like a stray of hope that shines on my savior.
Where there was pain there's now hope.
My heart expands. I'm glad now that I do not have to worry any longer. He is back, safe from a deadly mission.
Where there was weakness I found my strength.
In my loneliness I am able to feed from it and become stronger. People do say that time makes the heart grow fonder.
All in the eyes of a boy.
Sasuke that I once loved is now in the back of my mind, but his eyes still haunt me to this day.
Let the rain come down and wash away my tears.
Tears come from my eyes again but this time they are tears of happiness.
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears.
My fear of him not returning is gone. It becomes replaced by joy filling my soul.
Let it shatter the walls for a new sun.
A new day has come.
The sun shines brighter as he stops in front of me and takes me into his arms.
Hush now, I see the light in your eyes.
"I'm here now," he whispers as he looks into my eyes. I can see the love shining in their depths. It fills me with the same kind of love.
Holding me out, up above.
He then lets out a laugh and taking me into his arms twirls me around as I join in with his laughter. I am glad that he returned without any life threatening injuries. I am glad that he returned to me.
I can't believe how I've been touched by an angel with love.
My prayers to Kami have come true.
I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love.
'Thank you God for bringing him home.'
A new day has come
A new kind of day will be open to me now that he has returned.
Hush now, A new day
He caresses my face as he whispers loving words to me.
Hush now, A new day.
My life is not all darkness. For in that black pit of hell is a ray of light that comes in the form of Kakashi. He is my savior from the dark, my savior from loneliness, and my savior from Sasuke.