Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kaka/Saku Drabbles ❯ Every Time ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters.
Every Time
Kakashi crouched on a branch as he lay his hand on the trunk of the tree. Sakura was in the field across from him training by herself. With a small chuckle covered by his mask he watched Sakura huff and flop onto the ground with her arms crossed. She was trying to create a new jutsu, but it seemed as if it wasn't going as planned.
She let her arms fall to her sides as she looked up at the clear blue sky, the sun highlighting her features. After a moment she sat up and took a lock of hair into her fingers, twirling it around the tip of one. She was thinking as Kakashi had come to realize that was her way of thoughtfulness. Kakashi's eyes remained transfixed on her beautiful heart shaped face. She had matured into a very intelligent and beautiful woman, now being 23 years old.
He suddenly felt old. After training Sakura when she was only twelve it tended to do things like that to him. But he was far from being over the hill yet. He was sure he had a few more decades to cover before then. Kakashi snapped from his thoughts when Sakura began to laugh out loud. It was an oddly wonderful and amazing sight at that. After a few seconds tears started to fall from her closed eyes as she grasped her stomach.
Her voice was music to Kakashi's ears, as he remained silent. Her hair shook with her laughter, causing it to bounce around her shoulders. Kakashi remained transfixed on her figure when she shot up from the ground and jumped out of her sandals. She threw her arms out to the side and twirled in her spot. She was dancing; he quickly came to realize as it made an odd feeling start at the bottom of his stomach.

He knew that he was starting to have feelings for his favorite student. And it seemed that when they were together then she noticed this too because she became more straightforward. She knew what her simplest actions did to him and he loved every minute of it. Her not so subtle flirting and adamant listening skills, which were always very considerate of his feelings, got to him every time.
She was so trusting of him that he had to be truthful with her or he would feel guilty. Her caring words and quick touches would send his heart racing and the walls he had built around his heart would become bendable. Sakura would lay her heart and love out on the line, risking being hurt again. But he wasn't going to let that happen, not if he had anything to say about it.
Kakashi lay in bed with his arms around Sakura. He had finally accepted her advances and he thought it was the best thing he had ever done in his entire life. He listened to her soft voice as she told her fears out loud with a hesitant tone. He smiled softly and turning her face up to his, he kissed her gently. That was all she needed to extinguish her fears as she turned her eyes up to meet his. They were shining with the love of a lifetime, only for him. He felt like the luckiest man in the world and he wouldn't have it any other way.
He stroked her satin skin and delved his long fingers into her soft hair. Lips colliding he could feel the love and power behind her kiss. Kakashi smiled against her skin when she surrendered to his touch. He would never let her go. She now belonged to him and no other. He knew he was sounding selfish but she had told him herself that she would have it no other way.
His heart was now unprotected. He lay his thoughts out on the line knowing that she wouldn't leave him. As they reached their heavenly euphoria together Kakashi whispered huskily that he loved her.