Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kekkei Genkai Aura Manipulation ❯ Break ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own.

Saiya has found Jenna, but at what price? She infiltrated the Yakuza hideout and got her out. During the escape, Saiya was hit buy a bullet. The injury was healed over hours of excruciating torment. While still in the hospital, Kakashi broke up with her. In front of several people.

Chapter 9. Break

I spent the next couple of days explaining to Jenna everything that has happened to me and listening to her life story as well. You didn’t need to be an empath to know that I was upset, still, I tried to look happy. I just found my sister, who I haven’t seen in ten years. Why shouldn’t I be happy?

Jenna’s life was much like mine. She moved a lot, took several classes on defending herself, and the like. Apparently, she didn’t have much restraint when using her powers. She used them all the time, and that’s how the Yakuza found her.

“Hey,” Jenna said, “Are you thinking of Kakashi again, Sai?”


“I’ll cut’em,” she teased.

“No,” I laughed.

I was finally able to leave the hospital that day. My shoulder was fine. Jenna, Tenten, and Sakura came to get me. We walked out and I could feel Kakashi’s aura. That was strange since I didn’t need a guard and Jenna was being watched by Kurenai-sensei.

I sighed.

“Alright, enough, Sai,” Tenten stopped.


“I agree! You’ve been sulking for week!” Sakura added.

“I’m sorry,” I sighed.

“I’m gonna kill that baka!” Jenna said.

We laughed.

Before I could get through the door to Sakura’s, I was grabbed and pulled against someone.

“Can we talk?” Kakashi said in my ear.

I looked at the others who nodded and I followed Kakashi. He took me to the bridge where we talked.

“So? What do you want?”

“…You,” he told me. Then he grabbed me and kissed me.

We went back to his house where we talked like we always had. He was happy. I knew he was. Things got a little heated between the two of us, and I ended up staying the night.
That morning, I was laying on my stomach half asleep. My back wasn’t covered by the blankets and Kakashi began to trace his fingers up and down it.

I shifted my head to face him, “Mm. Morning.”

He smiled, “Good morning.” He kissed me.

“What time is it?”

“Almost 8.”

“Sakura’s gonna freak…” I whined.

“Maybe. I’ll walk you home,” He offered.

“What if I don’t want to go yet?” I turned over and sat up. Kakashi’s eyes immediately fell to my chest. Typical guy.

“Then don’t,” he said before I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him on top of me.

It was noon when I finally showered.

Kakashi was called to Tsunade’s so he didn’t walk me home. I walked in the door and was immediately bombarded with questions from Sakura, Tenten, and Jenna.

“All right, all right!” We went to my room where I told them what happened, minus details.

“You had sex?” Sakura asked disbelieving.

“Yes…” It wasn’t like it was my first time or anything. It wasn’t that big of a deal.

“Ew! That’s my sensei!” She teased.

“So, I guess you’re back together,” Tenten smiled.

I smiled back, “Yeah.”

“That reminds me,” Sakura said. “We’ve got a mission. You, Naruto, me, and Kakashi-sensei.”

“Yeah? What is it?”

“Just to break up some ring of bandits. Nothing we can’t handle,” she smiled.

“Sai,” Jenna said. “My training starts tomorrow. Will you be there?”

“Wouldn’t miss it!”


“One more thing. Jen?” I said to my sister.


“Kiba asked you out, huh?”

She blushed, “How did you…?” I pointed to my head, indicating I had read her mind. “Eh? Stay outta my head, Sai!”

Sakura and Tenten teased her too.

Since Jen was living with Tenten, the two of them headed home as Sakura and I went to meet the guys. I noticed immediately that Kakashi was pulling his usual “we’re on a mission so I hate you” crap. I ignored it, as usual.

We got to the bandit’s hideout fast. Kakashi used the Hidden Mist Jutsu for cover. We opened the door, but a Kibakufuda went off and forced us back. Several high ranking ninja came out.

“Kait Saiya,” The leader said. She had short green hair with eyes to match. “I’m Tull, and I’ll be your captor today.”

“A trap,” a spat the words as if they were poison.

“Yep,” she charged me while the others went for my teammates.

Now, I’m only a genin, but I was doing pretty damn well against this bitch. Maybe I spoke too soon, because a poison tipped kunai was thrust into my stomach.

“Looks like I win,” Tull bragged.

“Lightning Blade!” Kakashi’s fist came right through her chest from her back. “I disagree.”

Tull laughed as she melted away. It was just a clone. Her laugh faded as she ran off.

I yanked the blade out, “Sakura…”

Sakura came over, “What is it?”

“Poison,” I managed to say. Sakura got busy healing me. We went home when she finished. Naruto had to help me walk. Kakashi was walking in front of us, his back was tense with anger.

“Great,” I thought. “He’s gonna yell again…”

Kakashi didn’t say anything to me after we reported to Tsunade. He just disappeared.

“Sakura,” I said, “I’ve gotta make sure he isn’t mad. I’ll see you later.” I left and went to his house. I walked in without knocking like I always did. He was sitting on his bed.

“Hey,” I said walking up to him. I positioned myself in between his legs and ran my hands through his hair.

“Hey,” he rested his hands on my hips.

“You okay?”


“What‘s wrong?”

“You’re always getting hurt around me. The people I love always get hurt.”

“That’s not true…” I tried to argue, but he shook his head.

“We need to break up.”

I put my hands down, “Don’t do this to me again.”

“I’m sorry, Sai. We can’t see each other anymore.”


“Pleas e, just go,” he let me go.

“…If that’s what you want.” I was surprised to hear myself sounding so cold. I was equally surprised when I saw him flinch at what I said. I turned around and walked out. As soon as I closed the door, it started to rain. “What a cliché,” I thought.

Thanks for reading. Geez, Saiya just can’t get a break. Anyway, please review, please!!!!!!!!!