Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kill The Kitsune ❯ The Job ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Kill The Kitzune   Author: Silver Ookami   Type: Yaoi/Shonen-ai  

WARNING: It have action, gore, character death, maybe a little of OC, hentai between hot bishounen and if you don’t like this kind of things do not read it.

Spoiler: A year after Orochimaru’s shit, and Naruto’s training with Jiraya. And Gaara never lost Shukaku

A/n: Hi! Thanks for stopping by and read my first fic of Naruto and of whatever kind of, I usually write stories, but my boyfriend and I are Naruto’s obsessed fans and he convinced me in writing. So enjoy!

    Prologue   The Job      

The sun was burning they skin, as teenage group journey to Sunagakure. There in that village, a man was waiting for them. Say he got a job that will give them good money and could satisfied their own sick pleasure out of it. The teenage group was a demons hunter band called *Hanta Gin or * Getsuei Dageki, like a lot of people called them.

They always do every job at night, when Noneone was watching and the demon’s blood ran more rapidly with their night activities. They usually killed full youkai or hanyous, but this time, this time they got lucky. They were gonna have the pleasure of killing a * Jinchuuriki.

“- I will give you all the details once you are here.-” Said the voice of a man on the phone, probably in his 50’s. The only male member of the band sighed in frustation. He didn’t liked to much his job, but it was the only thing he was good at, except in seducing any person he wanted.

His name was Toji Uchiha. He never use his last name. He hated everything that has to do with that clan He was very, very handsome, with long-until-his- waist, brown silky hair, braided in a loose braid. Brown bangs framed his face. His green eyes were intense and observed everything. Toji was dressed in a light green muscular shirt without sleeves, a black vest, black gi pants and black kong fu slippers. He had his hands completely bandage except his finger tips. His head band was in his right arm, showing the insignia of Kirigakure. He’s a master in Taijutsu and… I wont tell you now. At his right was a insane young woman, she’s younger than him for two years, making her 15. She had blond hair with red and violet tips, it was short and spiky. Her orange eyes sparkle with her insanity, she was cute and her name was Ketzia Shinuky. She was dressed in lavender, a very short t-shirt that made her round bosom look bigger, a skirt so short, that Toji couldn’t believe that she could fight without showing her panties.

He really liked her, so much that Ketzia called him Aniki. She was a cold blood killer, but a sweet and kind person. Toji cringed at that. It didn’t make any sense. Then, there was … Sae Habiky. She was the ‘leader’ of the band. Cold hearted, evil, greedy, low life whore! Toji hated her with all his heart and soul. She was a long haired redhead. With cold blue eyes, so cold that could almost freeze red hot lava with her gaze. Was dressed like a man, black gi pants, black shirt and sandals. She was a hunter for the money, she didn’t do it for the sake of the people. Demons were evil and death, they need to get rid of them, or mankind can be destroyed.

“- We’re here.-” Said the deep voice of Sae. The Guards let them pass, having orders. Ketzia danced beside Sae, singing an old drinking song from her village. She came from Takigakure.

“- Were this mystery man will meet us?-” Sang the loony girl.

“- In the inn near the plaza.-”Replay Sae in her dry tone. The people of Sunagakure were a happy and noisy crowd. They said that ever since the young Kazekage was ruling, they were in peace and protected, in a way that the other kages never did. They finally arrived to the inn. Inside, it was refreshing. The walls were painted in blue and white, cooling colors. The table and chairs were made of oak and the counter too, the fans were made of steel and had three razors.

In a table, near a window, a man was sitting in a table for two. He was very attractive for being in his 50’s. He had brown hair and dark eyes. He was dressed in black and on his forehead had his headband with the insignia of his village. The hunters walked toward him and Sae sat in front of the man, while Toji and Ketzia stood in each side of her.

“- Getsuei Dageki?-” He asked in a smooth voice.

“- Hai. What kind of job will be this?-” Asked Toji in a tone that say don’t-mess-with-me-and-go-to-the-point. The man chuckle and reclined on his chair.

“- One of the young Chunin of my village is a Jinchuuriki. He start to become really powerful and the Elders of my village are afraid that one day he become Kage.-” He pushed a green portfolio at Sae’s reach. She grab it and opened it.

“- There you have almost all the info of the boy. Except his fighting skills and his photograph.-” Sae looked through it and handle it to Ketzia, so she and Toji could look at it.

“- Don’t worry. This Naruto Uzamaki is going down.-” And a evil smirk skated across her lips.



Hanta Gin- Silver Hunters

Getsuei Dageki- Moon Strike

Jinchuuriki- container

A/N: Hey! Thanks a lot of reading the prologue! My Japanese is not really good, but if you review my fic and you guys actually knows Japanese, please are more than welcome to help me. Next chap… soon!