Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Hunter ❯ Pain of Betrayal ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Killer Hunter
By Alexeihowe
This story is a fan made fiction based off of the show Naruto. I do not own the show or its material. I own only this fiction idea.
This story takes place the six or so years before the beginning of the series. Around the time of the Uchiha massacre.
!Warnings! Violence, language, mature themes in general. So young adult to adult. Ye be warned.
Author's Note: This story does use ideas and traditions from feudal Japan. The considered age of adulthood (when your body could reproduce, aka 12 and up area), arranged marriages, and interfamily relationships. I do not support this ideas but they were real things and in some areas they still are. If you find any of these things offensive then ye be warned (again).
I believe that is it. So without further ado. Read, enjoy, and criticize at will.
Pain of Betrayal
Darkness. Within the darkness a twelve year old girl with long black hair and matching eyes stood. She stood in the darkness that surrounded her as people's screams and deaths seemed to come through a thick fog. All lost on her as she stood looking at him.
He was her most trusted friend, her family, and love. And yet his shadowy outline showed something quite different. From the sick grin that split his face to the piercing red eyes characteristic of their family.
"No. This can't be right. What's going on?!" she shouted at the darkness.
"Oh, but it is dear Kira-chan. This is what it really is." the shadowy figure suddenly appeared in front of her. The long side bangs of his short black hair brushing across her forehead as his eyes drilled into her.
"Itachi-kun! Why?! This can't be real!" Kira shouted back. She was cut off as pain filled her gut. Her blood ran to the floor as Itachi dug the kunai deeper into her stomach.
"But it is real. They're all dead. You'll join them soon enough love. But first, a fare well kiss." Itachi hissed as he slide his tongue along her neck. Kira shuddered as that tongue ran across her cheek.
"NO!!!" she pushed away and kicked him in the stomach before running off into the darkness. Her blood seemed to spill forth from her stomach even faster, to run over the ground causing her to slip in her own life and fall to the ground in pain.
"You can't escape. None of them could. Neither of you can. Not Sasuke and not you." and laughter filled the bloody darkness as she screamed.
She screamed as she sat bolt up right in the hospital bed causing the tiger masked ANBU standing guard to fall from his chair. Tears ran down her cheeks to mingle with her sweat and soaked the sheets where they landed.
"Hey. Are you all right miss?" tiger asked after he righted his chair.
Her eyes shoot up with a flash of red at the man. This was soon followed by a nearby bedpan. "GET OUT!!!" Kira shouted as she started grabbing other things.
"But I can't... OW!!! Hey! Stop that! AH!!!" tiger ducked into the small haven of the entrance hall of the small hospital room. And right into the Hokage as he and wolf puffed into the same space.