Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Hunter ❯ Tazuna the Bridge Builder ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Killer Hunter
By Alexeihowe
This story is a fan made fiction based off of the anime Naruto. I do not own the anime or its material. I own only my character and the changes that she shall bring.
This story will start six or so years before the beginning of the series. Around the time of the Uchiha massacre.
!Warnings! Violence, language, mature themes in general. So young adult to adult. Ye be warned.
Author's Note: This story does use ideas and traditions from feudal Japan. The considered age of adulthood (when your body could reproduce, aka 12 and up area), arranged marriages, and interfamily relationships. I do not support these ideas myself but they were real things and in some areas they still are. If you find any of these things offensive then ye be warned (again).
I believe that is it. So without further ado. Read, enjoy, and criticize at will.
Ch. 6
Tazuna the Bridge Builder
A few days later. The forests of the Land of Fire on a clear blue sky day.
"Sasuke. I'm at point B."
"Sakura. I'm at point C."
"Naruto. I'm at point A. Believe it!"
"You're slow Naruto." Kakashi pointed out. "Okay squad 7. Hm." A shadow shot through the trees and into the bushes. "The target has moved! Follow it!"
Deeper into the forest squad 7 moved up.
"Over there." Naruto reported.
"What's your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked over the radio.
"Five meters. I'm ready. Just give the signal." Naruto replied.
"I'm ready too." Sasuke reported in.
"So am I." Sakura also reported.
"Okay...Now!" Kakashi ordered and the three gennin leapt out of cover toward the shadow.
"I got him! I got him!" Naruto called out as he grabbed a hold of the brown cat with the red ribbon on its right ear.
"Can you verify ribbon on right ear?" Kakashi asked.
"Affirmative. We've got a positive ID." Sasuke answered while Naruto was being viciously assaulted by said cat.
"Right. Lost pet Tora captured. Mission accomplished." Kakashi stated.
"Can't we get a better mission then this! I hate cats!" Naruto shouted over the radio blowing out ear drums.
'Damn he's loud.' Kira growled as she brought the radio she had been using to listen in with away from her now sore ear.
Back at the assignment center of the Hokage tower. Kira stood outside on the balcony as Team 7 were inside reporting in. She listened in as Naruto let off a temper tantrum for a better mission.
'And this kid plans on being the Hokage.' she sighed as she tuned him out and listened for what their next mission would be. To hear the Hokage start laughing.
'Why don't I like that laugh.' she thought as her memories returned to when she was first tricked into this mission. She leaned around the corner to look inside to see what he was planning.
"So be it. Sense you are so determined. I'm going to give you a C ranked mission. You'll be bodyguards on a journey." the old man announced.
"Really? Yes! Who?! Who?! Are we guarding a princess?! Or some big wig councilor?!" Naruto asked excitably as he jumped to his feet.
"Don't be so impatient. I will bring him in now. Send in our visitor." the Hokage called out and everyone turned to the door.
And in stepped an old man in rough work clothes with gray receding hairline and goatee.
"What the? A bunch of little snot nosed kids." he exclaimed before taking a swig from his drink. "And you, the little one with the idiotic look on your face, you really expect me to believe you're a ninja."
"Hahaha. Who's the little one with the idiotic look on his..." Naruto began before he noticed his teammates next to him were taller then he. "I'll demolish you!" he shouted as he leapt up before Kakashi grabbed the back of his collar.
"You can't demolish the client Naruto. It doesn't work that way." Kakashi sighed right along with everyone else present.
"I am Tazuna, a master bridge builder, and I must return to my country. I'm building a bridge there that will change our world and I expect you to get me there safely even if it means giving up your own life." Tazuna stated seriously.
'What's with this guy? It's like he's expecting to be attacked.' Kira thought as she leaned back against the wall again.
I few moments later the Hokage stepped outside and over to the railing in front of Kira.
"You heard all of that?" he asked as he looked out over the village.
"Mostly." Kira answered without moving.
"Let them do most of the work. Only step in if it appears necessary." he continued.
"Hai Hokage-sama." Kira replied as she stepped away from the wall and bowed her head.
"Is something wrong?" he asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked over his shoulder at her.
"That man, Tazuna, he seems like he expects to be attacked by someone." Kira pointed out to the older ninja.
"And you're still sending them?" Kira asked in surprise
"Yes." he stated simply as he stepped over to the door and right beside her. "That's what you're there for." the old man smirked.
Kira frowned at that line of thought but couldn't argue with it either. She shifted uneasily as she straightened to leave before the old man stopped her.
"Is there something else the matter?" he asked, concern lining his aged features and gentle words.
"Huh? No, nothing." Kira cocked a lazy eyebrow at the older man, from under the safety of her mask.
"Are you sure? You seem unusually, stretched." the Hokage turned a piercing eye on her as he stretched out the word.
"Stretched? I guess. I... I haven't slept well for the last few nights. But it is nothing to worry about Hokage-sama. I will not let it affect me." Kira admitted and reassured with a bow.
"Alright. Just get some rest before this mission." the old man advised with a kind smile.
"Hai. Hokage-sama." and Kira was gone in a puff of smoke and leaves.
Author's note: Hey there everyone! Sorry for the delay but I wasn't feeling the drive for a while so I wasn't writing. But I'm back baby! And we're into the Land of Waves Arc which I hope to have done not long after posting this (maybe). Anyway this last chap and the next originally went together but I felt it was to long. Let me know what you think. Later:)