Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Hunter ❯ Introductions ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Killer Hunter
By Alexeihowe
This story is a fan made fiction based off of the anime Naruto. I do not own the anime or its material. I own only my character and the changes that she shall bring.
This story will start six or so years before the beginning of the series. Around the time of the Uchiha massacre.
!Warnings! Violence, language, mature themes in general. So young adult to adult. Ye be warned.
Author's Note: This story does use ideas and traditions from feudal Japan. The considered age of adulthood (when your body could reproduce, aka 12 and up area), arranged marriages, and interfamily relationships. I do not support these ideas myself but they were real things and in some areas they still are. If you find any of these things offensive then ye be warned (again).
I believe that is it. So without further ado. Read, enjoy, and criticize at will.
Author's note: Hello!:) Nice to have you still reading and sorry if it seems to be taking so long to get to the Land of Waves and all but I don't want to forget a single detail someone might hit me with later (gets beaned by grammatical error). NOT LITERALLY! Anyway, I hope you're still enjoying the story none the less, especially in the next chap were Kira has to directly face Team 7 and Kakashi precisely. Enjoy:)
The sounds of night echoed through the peaceful forest and around the small camp, made up of team 7 and Tazuna with sleeping rolls around a fire, set up in the trees just off the road. Kira sat perched in one of the trees within sight of them but farther ahead.
"We'll head out in the morning and we should reach the coast by noon tomorrow, and your ride if it's there." Kakashi informed, turning his gaze to Tazuna toward the end.
"Yeah, yeah. He'll be there, I'm sure of it." Tazuna grumbled as he rolled over and went to sleep.
"Well. I'll take first watch. Then Naruto, then Sasuke, and Sakura will take morning. Alright." Kakashi suggested as he stood with a stretch.
"Yeah. Fine. Okay." the three youths replied as they all rolled over to go to sleep.
'I guess I'll sleep now as well. Kakashi can look after them.' Kira thought as she yawned behind the confines of her mask.
She turned to look back at the camp one last time before dozing when she saw it. Kakashi was looking right at her position over the top of his book. His single exposed shifted back to the forest before a minute later he walked off in that direction.
'Great. I'd hoped he hadn't seen me earlier today. Just great. It's not like I can just ignore him now if he knows I'm here.' she cursed as she followed after the person she now deemed a serious pain.
Kakashi stopped a little ways farther in to the trees, a far enough distance away from the camp that none of his team could overhear him.
"You can come out now." he called out as he just continued reading his book.
"I would prefer not to." Kira replied from somewhere among the trees.
"Do you plan to follow us over water then?" Kakashi smirked as he swore he could hear a growl.
"Very well." Kira snapped as she dropped to the forest floor a few feet from Kakashi. "Now what?"
"I don't know. You tell me. Why are you following us?" Kakashi shrugged as he looked over the top of his book.
"Orders. How did you know I wasn't a threat?" she replied as he straightened and looked the man in the eye.
"I figured if you were you would have made your move back when we were attacked. A different move really." Kakashi answered as he held up Kira's hari, that she had used on the mist nin, in his free hand.
Kira snatched the needles from him and slipped them back into their place in her sleeve before turning her attention back to Kakashi. "Is that all you wanted to talk about?" she barked.
"Touchy. Why is a hunter-nin of our village following us?" Kakashi sighed as he thumbed to the next page.
"Orders." was Kira's flat reply.
"That's it. Okay. Following us all the way to the Land of Waves?" Kakashi continued.
"Why do you care?" Kira snapped as she turned from the masked man.
"Plan to walk across the water behind us when we reach the coast." Kakashi smirked under his own mask.
"Like I said, why do you care?" Kira sniffed as she moved back towards the trees.
"It's just nice to know who's following us. Information stuff, like a name or face maybe?" Kakashi just shrugged as he thumbed to the next page in his book.
"Oh really." Kira chuckled. "Maybe you forgot Hatake-san, but an ANBU much less a hunter-nin can not remove their mask during a mission."
"Hm. Alright, have it your way. Just think about it." Kakashi turned and headed back toward the camp.
'Kami I want to kill that man.' Kira growled mentally as she took back to the trees.
The morning light was just beginning to peak over the horizon, marking the end of night and the beginning of dawn, and Kira was in less then a 'happy' mood. She peered back down at the small camp that she had been keeping watch over sense long before Kakashi had ever switched shifts. And she could defiantly say her night could have had some much better entertainment then watching these kids. Naruto either couldn't stay awake or stop moving around during his shift, Sasuke was as quite and as stiff as a wooden post on his, and Sakura spent more time watching Sasuke then the area around her. Like right now. Not to mention other little problems.
'Damn dream. And damn Kakashi.' she mentally growled as she also thought more about last night and who she had too look after. 'This group is a pack of kids. Kami. What was the Hokage thinking send these gaki on a higher ranked mission.' Kira mentally grumbled. 'The vessel is a hyperactive, walking, talking, orange target.' she sighed. 'Sasuke has turned in to his brother.' she shuddered. 'And the girl is a fan girl.' she grimaced. 'Why is it that girls always fall for the dark quiet ones?' she mused. 'Like you're one to talk.' a little voice in her head pointed out.
She shook her head free from all these stupid thoughts and turned back to watching the area. Before her talk with Kakashi came back to mind and she sighed inwardly. 'I can already see that smirk behind his mask.' she growled.
She pulled her cloak off, up over her head, and wadded it up before pulling her pack from her back. She stuffed the black cloak into the very bottom of the bag. She then gently slipped her mask from her face and placed it too at the bottom of her bag, before closing the bag and slinging it back over her shoulder.
'I'm going to hear about this later.' she sighed as she moved to a branch directly over the road, before softly dropping out of the tree.
She landed softly a few feet away from where Sakura currently sat upon a log, currently to busy looking at Sasuke to notice the approaching Kira.
'He looks so peaceful and handsome asleep.' Sakura sighed wistfully in daydream as she looked over her crush.
That is until the light tap on her shoulder caused her to spin around with a very girly 'eeek' as she lost her balance and fell from her log seat.
"Smooth." the figure commented as they looked/scowled down at her, their hands on their hips.
"Who...Who are you?" Sakura stammered as she tried to look up through the glare surrounding the person.
"A friend." the person replied flatly as they stepped over to Sakura's former spot and plopped down.
After moving out of the blinding light Sakura finally got a good look at the 'person'. The woman sitting before Sakura looked to be about twenty with long black hair pulled back into a ponytail at the back of her head that fell about halfway down her back. Her eyes were a matching black and set in a face of sharp, angular beauty. She wore a dark blue, long and baggy sleeved shirt. This hung loosely over a black long sleeved turtleneck shirt of a tighter fit then the first that ran all the way in to her black gloves, that covered only her palms. pointer, middle fingers, and thumb. Her pants were dark green cargo pants with loose, baggy legs that stopped just above her feet and blue sandals. In addition she had a small tan backpack slung over one shoulder and her headband had been converted to a belt hanging around her waist, several shuriken/kunai holders and pouches hanging from it.
"Well good morning." Kakashi greeted cheerfully as he appeared out of no where, scaring Sakura almost as much as Kira had.
Kira scowled at the masked man as the rest of the camp began to wake up. There was a few minutes of stares and morning mumble/groans as all present awoke to find them selves with another member.
"Who are you lady?!" Naruto was the first to ask/yawn as he stretched and rubbed his eyes.
Kira just ignored the hyperactive blonde as she looked around to study everyone else. Sakura seemed more to match Naruto at the moment as they both watched Kira intently for an answer while Sasuke seemed fine just brooding as he packed and watched her from the corner of his eye. Kakashi seemed far to smug for Kira's taste as he also went about packing with Tazuna not caring about it at all if it seemed no one else cared.
"Hello." Sakura drawled out as she began to wave her hand in front of Kira's face, Naruto suddenly to bummed about being ignored to do it him self and the fact that Kakashi had smacked him upside the head and told him to pack up.
Kira just turned her head to look the other girl in the eye before more growling then drawling out a "What?"
Sakura gulped before she moved just a little farther from the now very imposing women. Kakashi chuckle drew Kira's attention though as he put down his finished pack and sat down on the log across from Kira.
"Sakura, you still need to pack up if we are to get moving in time." Kakashi pointed out, and Sakura quickly nodded before leaving to do just that. "So decided to join us." Kakashi pointed in a low enough voice that just Kira could hear him. "Could I get a name now?" he asked with that ever present, but obscured, smile.
"Kira." was all she said as she tried her best to will time or some other force to move faster so this would be over with.
"All right." Kakashi monotoned. "Are you going to give me a back story or should I just wing it." he continued.
"I don't care. Just make something up." Kira waved him off as she continued wishing to be someplace else and doing anything else.
"Hm." Kakashi mauled over as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully, Kira's left eyebrow twitching at the over dramatics. "All right. I think I have something." Kakashi announced as she turned back to his team. "Everyone! This is Kira. She will be joining us on our mission." Kakashi announced simply, causing Kira to falter over his great idea.
"But why?" Naruto asked, curiosity filling his bright blues eyes.
"Well, Hokage-sama figured you could use just a little more help on your first C ranked mission. Isn't that right Kira-san." Kakashi's ever concealed smile on as he directed the focus back on to her.
Kira growled for a moment before she smile and a twisted glint appeared in her eyes. "Actually he sent me to keep an eye on you Hatake-san. You're such a bother when you never stay focused on the mission long enough to complete it anywhere near on time. I'm here to make sure that at least this one is completed on schedule."
"Haha! Ojiisan sent a babysitter for Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto laughed, pointing an accusing finger at the two adults.
"Naruto! That's rude! Stop that!" Sakura shouted as she punched him in the arm.
"Dobe." Sasuke muttered.
"Teme." Naruto shouted back.
"I almost pity you." Kira muttered to a nodding Kakashi. "But only almost."
'These are ninja? Kami help me and our land.' Tazuna mental shuddered.
Author's note: Hey there again. Thanks for reading a nd sticking with me and my scatter brain. We'll soon be in the Land of Waves its self, stick around and enjoy. If you've been reading along sense I started this you may want to go back and reread because I have corrected and changed a few minor things.