Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer With The Perfect Weapons ❯ Forgotten Faces ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nori: Chapter three! Chapter three!
Nori: Let's make Kakashi do the disclaimer today.
Tama: (nods vigorously)
Kakashi: (looks up from Make Out Paradise) What? Oh, um, Noriko does not own Naruto, any of it's characters, or the chapter titles, but she does own all the OC's and ideas. (Begins to read again)
Nori: (in country western voice) COME ON!
Zora was in Konoha now. She couldn't believe who Itachi had just sent her to kill. She didn't want to do it. She couldn't do it.
She ran through the streets looking for her victim. So far he was nowhere to be found. Zora was thankful for that. Maybe she just wouldn't be able to find him, and then she would have an excuse for why she didn't kill him.
Zora quietly turned a corner…and then, speak of the devil, there he was. Zora just stared at him. She hadn't seen him in months now…
His spiky silver hair shone in the moonlight. He wore the traditional ANBU combat clothes that showed off his toned body. His headband at his hip, and an ANBU mask at the side of his head. Another cloth mask covered from his neck up to the bridge of his nose. He looked to be only nineteen.
His eyes looked bored, but Zora saw in their depths that there was anger and hurt. It looked as if someone he cared about in his past had hurt him. One of his hurt eyes were black, the other was Sharingan. A scar went through his Sharingan eye. It was Kakashi Hatake, the Copy Ninja.
Zora was hypnotized, just by seeing him. She slowly moved closer, trying not to make a sound. By accident she stepped on a twig that she didn't see. Kakashi spun around, ready to attack with the katana that was at his hip. Almost all ANBU had one.
Kakashi just looked at Zora and hesitated. She couldn't tell if he recognized her or not, she was still all covered up.
“Who are you?” he asked in a calm tone. Zora could tell that he knew she was someone he would know. She just stood there. Slowly, she moved her hand up to the fabric that covered her eyes. She pulled it off and let it fall to the ground.
Zora's eyes gleamed in the light shining off of the moon. They were bright blue with a white pupil. She had a small scar under her right eye.
Kakashi stared at her. He was breathless. He couldn't believe who was standing in front of him right then and there.
“Azora?” he asked, sheathing his katana. He slowly walked over to her. He wasn't sure if this was a trick. It could just be someone using genjutsu. Kakashi stopped walking once he was only a couple inches away from Zora.
He brought his hand up to Zora's face and touched her cheek.
“It's me, Kakashi,” Zora said and half smiled. Kakashi hugged her.
“I thought you left Konoha for good,” he told her. “It killed me when you left.”
“I'm sorry,” Zora said. “I just had to, I couldn't stand being here after he killed my parents.” Kakashi pulled out of the hug to look at her straight in the eyes.
“You're back to stay,” he said. “Right?” Zora looked down. “Zora?”
“I can't,” she said. She looked back up at Kakashi. He was much taller than she.
“Why?” he asked, hurt filled his voice now. Zora sighed. She knew he would get even madder if she told him why she was there.
“Kakashi, promise you won't get mad at me,” Zora wanted to make sure he wouldn't get angry with her once she told him what was going on.
“Who'd you kill this time?” he asked. Zora giggled, but became serious again.
“No one, this time,” she said. “I just…I just joined Itachi's group…” Kakashi's mouth almost fell open.
“What?” he asked completely shocked. “He killed your whole family, why the hell would you do that!?” Kakashi now had a firm grip on both of Zora's arms. She just looked up at the Copy Ninja.
“I had to,” she said. “It's the only way I could get my revenge.” Kakashi calmed down a bit, at least she didn't join just for the hell of it. She wanted to kill Itachi Uchiha and that was perfectly fine by Kakashi. Except for one thing…
“What if he finds out your plan for revenge?” he asked. “He would kill you before you could blink, I can't let that happen to you. Let me get the Hokage, we can round up some of Konoha's strongest ninja and take him out. I can't let you go again.”
Zora looked down. She couldn't let Kakashi do this. It was her duty to kill Itachi and only hers. Plus, what happened if he was hurt or even killed in the process. She cared about him too much for that to happen.
“No,” she told him. “It's my job to kill him; I'm responsible for it, not you.”
“I'm responsible for you, though,” Kakashi said. “Remember?” Zora looked away and nodded.
When she was only ten and Kakashi was fourteen (A/n: Yea, I know weird age difference, only way it would work though.) Zora's dad had told Kakashi to always take care of his oldest daughter. He said that if anything happened to Zora that he would hold part of the blame.
“There's more to this though,” Zora told him. “Itachi told me that I…um…I have to kill you.” Kakashi's eyes widened.
“What? You would really kill me because of that dick?” More hurt came into Kakashi's eyes. Zora hated seeing him like this. He already has been through enough in his lifetime. She didn't want to bring him more pain and suffering.
“I would never do that,” she told him. “I'm going to trick him, but I need your help.” Kakashi nodded.
“What do you want me to do?” he asked. Zora looked a bit nervous.
“I need some of your blood,” she said. She pulled a kunai from a pouch under her cloak. “He wants your blood on this kunai for proof that I killed you.” Kakashi grabbed the kunai from Zora. He pulled off one of his long gloves, part of his ANBU uniform, and then careful not to hit any arteries he slashed a part of his arm.
Zora was shocked…she couldn't believe Kakashi just did that. He didn't even wince.
Kakashi handed the kunai back to Zora and slid his glove back on. Blood seeped through the material.
“I'm sorry, I thought we could just get an animals blood to trick him,” she said. “I didn't want you to do that.” Kakashi just looked at her.
“Itachi is smart for his age,” he said. “He would know if you tricked him by using animal's blood.” Zora nodded.
“I should get back to him, before he finds out,” Zora said. “First, let me bandage that up for you.”
Zora searched through one of the pockets on her cloak. In it was some gauze and bandages. She held the bandages in her mouth as she pulled off Kakashi's glove again and applied some medicine and put the gauze on it. Then she wrapped it up, carefully.
Kakashi didn't object. If it was anyone else but Zora, he would've. He could never say no to her though.
Once she was finished she helped him put his glove back on and looked up at Kakashi.
“I need to ask you one more thing,” she said. Kakashi tilted his head to the side.
“I don't need to give any more blood do I?” he asked. Zora smiled and shook her head.
“You know my little sister, Avalai Rouge, right? She's seven right now,” she asked. Kakashi nodded. “Is she still alive? I heard rumors that she had survived.”
Again, Kakashi nodded.
“Everyone thinks you're dead, though,” he said. “I was the only one who saw you escape.” Zora looked down and nodded. She had a feeling that everyone though she had died.
“I expected that,” she said. “But, I need you to do me something. I want you to keep an eye on my sister. Make sure nothing happens to her, please. But, don't let her see you. Then, once she turns twelve I need you to somehow convince the Hokage to let you be her sensei and train her. You're the only one who knows about our bloodline trait, now, beside myself. Teach her the basics. Once she turns fifteen I'll try to come back. Itachi will hopefully be dead by then. Do you think you can do that? For me?”
Kakashi sighed. Of course he would do that. He was so close to her family that he almost felt like a part of it. He always helped watch over Avalai ever since she was born.
“Yea,” he said. “I'll make sure she's alright.” Zora smiled and hugged him again.
“Thank you so much!” she said. She bent down to pick up the fabric she dropped. Quickly she tied it so it covered her eyes again. “I'll try to visit if I can, don't worry about me!”
Kakashi just watched as she turned to leave. He didn't speak a word. He was hurt that she was leaving again. But, soon his hurt turned to anger. He stepped forward and grabbed her arm tightly and whipped her around.
Zora stood in front of Kakashi with wide eyes. She didn't expect him to do that. He held her arm firmly, again and glared at her.
“You better come back,” he said in a dangerous tone. “If you don't, I'll hunt you down and kill you.” Zora looked up at him and smirked.
“Do it,” she said. “I dare you to.” He kept glaring at the young girl in front of him. Then he leaned in and kissed her through his mask. At first, Zora was shocked. She knew Kakashi liked her, and well she liked Kakashi, obviously, but he had never kissed her. She didn't mind it actually. She wrapped her arms around his neck.
The two pulled away.
“I'll be back, don't worry,” Zora told him. “And when I get back, your mask is coming off!” she winked at him, turned, and ran off. Kakashi stood there, shocked by his own actions. He was so glad he did that though; he had always waited for the right time. God, he couldn't wait until she came back.
Azora Rouge. Oh the spell she put Kakashi in.
Nori: Sorry guys, kind of a boring chapter. I needed to explain how Zora and Kakashi tricked Itachi and I had to put a little about Kakashi and Zora's relationship, but don't worry! Next chapter will have some funny and action! And Kakashi will be more of his normal self, I promise! Read and review please!