Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kinds of Love ❯ Sex ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Three: Sex
May 5-May 8

Monday, 5:56

"How is it he gets to be captain, anyway?" Raidou complained in barely a whisper, cramped in the shadow between trunk and branch. "He's all of twelve."

"Fifteen," Genma corrected quietly, watching the forest floor. The birds had started chirping again, accustomed to their presence.

"Whatever. You think he's even killed anyone?" Raidou's eyes shifted, checking for movement.

The younger man spared him a glance. "He's been a Jounin for two years, Raidou."

Raidou made a face. "I just don't like him."


Raidou sighed. He and Genma had been paired several times for missions now; they got along well, though the other man was only nineteen, and only a Chuunin. He was also sometimes *so* serious.

Drove Raidou nuts.

Sweat dripped down Raidou's back, slowly soaking his shirt. The forest was humid; it took effort just to breathe. Summer was bad for that. Bugs buzzed, glorying in the heat, breeding in puddles. He watched a mosquito bite his hand, and knew he couldn't do anything. Any movement could give them away.

Stupid bugs.

"Here he comes," Genma murmured.

"Skinny little worm-bait," Raidou groused.

A silver-haired blur streaked by below them, leaping onto lower branches and making enough noise to raise the dead. Enough noise to cover the sound of Genma and Raidou preparing to attack the small unit of ninja behind the teenager, enemy ninja who had been scouting the area for days now.

Drawing them away from their base seemed the easiest way to attack them. The most dangerous part was getting them to follow someone, and then that someone keeping far enough ahead not to get killed, but not so far that the other ninja gave up and ran. That was why Kakashi had insisted on the job. Word was the kid hated giving anyone else anything dangerous.

Not that it mattered. Raidou and Genma were plenty dangerous; as long as the little Jounin got to them, they would finish things.

Kakashi ran on, and five Lightning ninja appeared below. Raidou shifted, flinging himself down, whipping around as he fell and releasing five kunai. The first two hit. At least one man dead. He continued the movement, twisting and catching a vine he'd already marked from above.  To one side, he heard Genma spit. The man had just killed another ninja.

There was a reason they could send only a Chuunin and Raidou against five other shinobi. Within minutes the squad was dead, bodies broken and punctured.

Kakashi was long gone, back to the village to report success.

"He just leaves so he doesn't have to help with the corpses," Raidou muttered, adrenaline making his hands shake as he knelt next to a dead woman. Efficiently, he started stripping her of weapons, checking for seals or anything else unusual.

Genma laughed quietly, brown eyes sparkling.

They worked in silence for a time, piling the dead ninja and circling them with burning seals. 

"You know anything about Touji Michio?" Raidou asked, mind wandering back to the boy he'd tracked down two days before.

"Only that he's brutal. Not someone you want against you in a fight," Genma answered absently.

"Huh," Raidou muttered.

"His only kid's a Chuunin now. Not bad. I figure Michio'll go back to full time duty, since his boy's on missions," Genma added.

"But you don't know anything about him personally?" Raidou pressed.

Genma shook his head, and said the word to light the first of the seals.

Raidou frowned at the blaze, watching the bodies go up in smoke.


Tuesday, 5:56

"It's all right," Michio said soothingly, a hand stroking up and down his back. "It's okay. Relax." He leaned in, kissing Iruka's neck and under his jaw, tilting the boy's head up slightly to reach a bit farther.

Iruka took a deep breath--this shouldn't be hard anymore, they'd been dating for over a week, and making out nearly every night--and slid his hand over Michio's thigh, fingers curling over material and into creases of muscle. Michio breathed into his ear, nipped gently at the lobe.

They'd done this twice before, too. It wasn't a big deal. It didn't change. It wasn't a big deal. Iruka slid his hand up, where the man's pants were unzipped and unbuttoned, and wrapped little fingers around the hard penis.

Michio slipped an arm around his waist and pulled, lifting the preteen effortlessly, arranging him like a doll, straddling the man's knees.

Iruka stroked up the length, rubbing his thumb over the head like Michio had shown him.

Michio groaned into his hair, hands tightening against Iruka's shirt. "That's right," Michio sighed, feathering kisses over the side of Iruka's face. "That's right. That feels so good. You're amazing at this." He kissed the boy's temple and whispered, "I love you."

Iruka looked up. The last time someone had said that to him had been when his parents were alive. Michio's hands engulfed his head, pulling him closer, and Iruka closed his eyes while the big mouth kissed him. He felt a tongue probe and hesitantly parted his lips.

It filled him completely, made him want to gag as it moved, wet and slimy, against his teeth.

Michio loved him. They were dating--sort of. Michio *loved* him.

He moved his hand faster, stroking up and down the length of the man's penis, feeling skin slide. A big hand drifted down his body, settling on his hip for a moment before going lower, unbuttoning his pants and sliding in. The last time, Michio had managed to stroke and fondle long enough that his wiener had actually twitched, much to Iruka's embarrassment. Michio said it was all right; it was good, Iruka was just young still and not used to it.

"Wait," Michio breathed, shifting the boy until he was standing. Michio kept kissing him, tonguing his ear, behind the lobe, breathing into the shell. His hands slid down, tucking under Iruka's shirt and pulling it up and over his head. "You're so beautiful," Michio murmured, licking the hollow between his collarbones.

Iruka put his hands on the man's shoulders for balance, feeling a blush rise as his pants were tugged down and off. He'd only been naked once before with Michio; the last time, when he'd gotten sort of hard.

Michio licked his stomach, and Iruka jumped. The man was still whispering about how beautiful he was, how strong and pretty and everything a man should be. Iruka listened to the outpouring of words, basking in the warmth of them, trying to notice less the way a big hand was fondling him, rolling his balls in a palm, the other hand stroking his wiener.

"Come here," Michio said, hands leaving Iruka's privates to go up and around, settling on his hips and pulling him close again.

Straddling the man's lap while naked left him feeling frighteningly vulnerable, and he wasn't sure he liked it. He wasn't sure he liked any of it, but his body responded, and Michio said that meant he did like it. He didn't want to say anything bad, because Michio might think he was a baby. He wasn't. And he loved Michio, and Michio liked it, so . . .

So he straddled the man's lap, settling his weight carefully on powerful thighs, hands back at Michio's privates.

"I love you," Michio said again, fingers sliding down the crease of Iruka's hips.

"I love you, too," Iruka whispered back, stroking the man's length, rubbing the top. It was starting to seep, veins big and purple. He pumped faster.

Michio groaned, fingers travelling over the backs of Iruka's thighs, up the crack of his butt. Iruka tensed slightly, then relaxed. Fingers drifted over sensitive skin, his flesh prickling.

Michio's head came forward, ducking down to catch Iruka's mouth with his own, tongue thrusting in and out and nearly gagging the boy. After a moment Michio stopped, lips against Iruka's, whispering. His hand slid up, to the back of Iruka's head, holding him there.  "Put your mouth on it," Michio murmured.

Iruka twitched and looked down, where the hand was tugging. He yanked back, shaking his head quickly. "I don't think--I--" It was big, and Michio *peed* out of that thing, and--it just seemed *gross.*

"All right, all right, calm down," Michio said, breath coming in fast little pants now.

"I'm sorry," Iruka whispered, eyes burning. He didn't want Michio to leave. He didn't want the man to think he was a baby, but--

He shook his head and pumped his hand faster, until he felt the big body under him tense suddenly, and thick, white fluid came spurting out.

Iruka slowed the pace, knowing it would hurt if he didn't, and tried not to shake.

Michio might leave now, because he wouldn't put his mouth on the man's wiener. But--he didn't want to. It was big, and he didn't think it would all fit, and--

Michio wrapped both arms around Iruka and pulled him closer, rocking him carefully. "It's all right," he said, rubbing the boy's back. "It's okay if you can't do it right now." He kissed Iruka's ear, ran his fingers through the boy's hair. "But think about it. All right?"

Iruka nodded against the big chest. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's okay." Michio kissed his head, cuddling him closer. "You're the most beautiful thing in my life, Iruka. I love you so much. Every time I see you I want to pull you somewhere private and just strip you down, you're so gorgeous."

Iruka curled his arms in-between them, seeking warmth, and snuggled closer. He ignored the wet spreading over his skin, smearing across his belly and thighs. "Maybe I can do it next time," he said softly. He loved Michio. He wanted Michio to be happy. Michio was big and strong and respected by everyone, and Iruka was proud that Michio loved *him.*

Michio kissed the top of his head again, settling them both back against the couch.


Thursday, 1:24

Michio had been sent out on a mission, but Mizuki had come back. Iruka found himself sitting on a low wall surrounding a swamp, watching ducks and geese trundle across the water, looking for bugs.

"How're your missions going?" Mizuki asked absently.

Iruka shrugged. "Taro-Sensei twisted his ankle yesterday, so we don't have any today."

Mizuki snorted. "You're never going to make Chuunin at this rate."

Iruka only hmm'ed, mind elsewhere. He glanced over when Mizuki moved, bending to look at the younger boy.

"What's with you?" Mizuki asked finally.

Iruka looked up. He debated for a long moment, then finally shrugged and sighed. "Remember I said that me and your dad were . . . you know?"

Mizuki nodded slowly. 

Iruka looked down at his hands, embarrassed. "Well, he asked me . . . he wanted me to put my mouth on his . . ." he gestured toward his crotch. "Wiener."

Mizuki sat back, scowling. "It's a dick, not a wiener," he muttered. "Only babies call them wieners."

Iruka shrugged. "My mom didn't like the word dick," he said quietly.

Mizuki rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. "You mother wouldn't like you sucking my dad's cock, either, but you're gonna do that."

Iruka turned bright red. "I don't know that yet," he said defensively. "He said I don't have to."

Mizuki peered at him. "Don't be such a baby," he said finally. "Of course you're gonna suck it. He loves you, right?"

Iruka nodded.

"So, there you go. You do things you don't like sometimes, when you love someone."

Iruka glared blackly at the swamp. His hands drifted over the rough rock, feeling dust come off on his fingers.

"Don't be stupid. Adults do things like this."

Iruka kept staring at the swamp.

"Look, it's not so bad," Mizuki said, sounding exasperated.

Iruka eyed him. "How do you know?"

Mizuki's annoyed expression fled, replaced by a carefully blank one. "I'm a grown up," he said after a short while. He looked at Iruka superiorly. "I know these things. If you want my dad to keep loving you, you'll just have to do things like this. It's not like it's gonna hurt. Might just taste gross."

Iruka swung his legs, heels thumping against the wall. "Yeah," he said slowly. "I guess."
