Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kinds of Power (Spit and Fire) ❯ Kinds of Power (Spit and Fire) ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kinds of Power
(Spit and Fire)
/On the inside of you and I
Burning out our true desires
With Spit and Fire/
-Rainer Maria
Sasuke wasn't sure why he did it. He wasn't sure how it happened either, but he knew it felt good. He knew it was like in his dreams only better, more real, not some fleeting pleasure that vanished when he opened his eyes. It was anger and friction, a delicious fire in his gut that, for just a few seconds, blocked out the constant smoldering ache in his chest that was named Itachi. So he did it again, and this time Naruto noticed.
They fought like wild things, teeth bared, Naruto's fingers turned to claws. Sasuke drove him back against the tree for the second time, trapping him there just briefly, chest to chest, belly to belly, hip to hip. And all of the energy he'd devoted to pounding Naruto into the dirt suddenly shifted south and became an enormous itching, throbbing pressure in his gut. He growled low in his throat, staring into Naruto's Fox eyes, and rolled his hips forward, just slightly. More pressure, just the right amount, a seam pressing against him. He took a shuddering breath and watched as Naruto realized that something was different. He hesitated, cocked his head to the side just slightly, smelling the air like a dog, red eyes narrowing.
"What are you-" He didn't finish his question, shoving Sasuke hard in the chest. The Uchiha stumbled backward, spinning around like a cat, catching himself on his hands, shifting his weight, turning and sweeping Naruto's legs out from under him. The boy went down as Sasuke sprang up and reached for Naruto's t-shirt. The ubiquitous orange jacket was hanging from a branch, the summer sun too warm for long sleeves, and for the briefest second Sasuke's eyes ran along wiry arms, tanned to a light brown. He pulled back his fist and aimed a punch at Naruto's jaw, but he blocked it on his forearms, Naruto's feet catching Sasuke in the gut and tossing him over his head. The Uchiha landed with a grunt and rolled to his feet only to see a flash of bright hair and then the treetops as Naruto laid him out. The boy was on top of him, breathing heavily, grinning, one knee between his legs, holding down Sasuke's wrists. He licked his lips, tongue sliding along extended canines. Sasuke bucked his hips and jerked his wrists and for another brief second, their bodies rubbed together and Sasuke felt like he'd explode if something didn't happen right then.
Naruto was watching him warily, sniffing every few seconds as though he were catching some odd scent he couldn't quite place. Sasuke licked his lips. "You ever been with a girl?" He murmured this with a smirk. He knew Naruto hadn't.
Naruto's brow dipped down and he was sputtering the next second. "Course I have. Lotsa girls."
Sasuke grunted and rolled them over in one smooth movement, smirk growing larger at Naruto's surprised squawk. He pinned the boy with his lower body, grinding their hips together again. The friction was excruciating. "You ever been with a guy?"
Naruto snorted and made a face. "Course not. That's gross. Why would I want to do it with a guy?"
Sasuke felt Naruto's hips push back against his just the slightest bit and he leaned down to bite the boy's neck. "You wanna get off?"
Naruto went very still and when Sasuke looked him in the eye, he noticed they were blue again and that his claws had retracted. "With you?"
"Yes." Another roll of his hips and Naruto swallowed hard.
"I- just said I didn't do it with guys."
"It'd be good. I know how to make it good." This was only true insofar as Sasuke knew how to make it feel good for himself. He could only assume that Naruto would like it too. And, really, he didn't care whether Naruto liked it or not.
Sasuke's hand wormed its way between their bodies and Naruto jumped, but he didn't move, blue eyes wide, frozen. Sasuke forced his way past glaringly orange pants and grabbed hold of Naruto through his underwear. The boy choked on a cry of surprise. Perhaps it was pain. Sasuke squeezed and rubbed Naruto's hard on and ground his hips against Naruto's thigh. He closed his eyes and groaned, finally easing the tremendous pressure that had been building since forever. He nearly shouted in alarm when timid lips brushed his and he opened his eyes to see Naruto looking at him with open wanting and admiration. Sasuke felt very proud then and secure in his thirteen-year-old expertise. He could do this. Sex was easy.
Naruto kissed him again, lips hungrier, breath harsh and warm in his mouth. Sasuke's fingers found their way into Naruto's underwear and he touched hot hard skin.
The boy under him began to beg -- softly at first. It took Sasuke a moment to realize. "Please, Sasuke. Please. Oh, god, please."
So quick and so easily. Naruto was his, strung out and gasping, writhing and mewling under him. Kissing him when he was within reach. This was power, Sasuke realized, a kind he'd never wielded before. Certainly he had power of Sakura, but not in this way, not this much control. He stroked Naruto hard and fast and the boy was choking again, not wanting to scream, but having trouble keeping quiet.
"Do you want me, Naruto?"
"God, yes. Please, Sasuke, I-"
"What would you do for me?"
"You know… ungh…. You know the answer to that."
"Tell me again."
"I'd kill for you… Die for you. Anything."
"What if I stopped right now?" His hand slowed.
Naruto growled. "I'd rip out your throat."
Sasuke grinned and picked the pace up again. He could feel his release building. It was coming. Finally, he could… maybe he could see straight again.
Beneath him, Naruto cried out, hips bucking in a jagged rhythm, eyes squeezed shut. Sasuke felt hot fluid cover his hand. He backed up onto his knees and touched himself with his other hand and loved the feel of Naruto's eyes on him, drinking him in. He squeezed Naruto again and the boy gasped. His eyes lost focus briefly and his body arched.
"I did this to you. I did it," he gritted. Finally, his release tore through him and a sharp cry jerked out of him, splitting the silence of the forest. He sagged forward and Naruto wrapped strong arms around him, pulling him close. He could hear the boy's heart racing, and he thought he heard a soft thrumming coming from his chest. Was he purring? Sasuke laid their until his breathing returned to normal, but all the while his brain raced ahead. He coldly examined how Naruto's arms felt around him, tried to determine whether this gesture of love - he knew that Naruto loved him; he recognized this - meant anything to him, whether doing what he'd done to Naruto did anything to him. It had helped him clear his head, helped release the tension that no amount of fighting could get rid of. Really, though, it just proved his power over his teammate. That was all he wanted to test.
He pulled away, kneeling in front of Naruto, watching the boy's emotions scroll openly across his face. Affection, trust, love, admiration, desire. Sasuke almost sneered down at him in disgust, but that would have ruined everything. He wiped the mess on his hands onto his shorts. Then he reached out to touch the seal just barely visible on Naruto's belly. He laid his hand over it and looked into Naruto's large trusting eyes.
“You can't tell anyone what we did.”
For one heartbreaking second, Naruto's eyes narrowed in confusion, then he puffed up his chest and shook his head. “No, of course not.”
“Even if we do it again, you can't tell.”
“I won't. I wouldn't. It's just for us.” The naked devotion and loyalty Naruto felt for him momentarily pierced his heart like one of Haku's senbon. It took him by surprise and he found his fist unconsciously clenching in his shirt.
“…Okay. Well, I'll see you at training.” Then he threw himself up into the treetops and raced towards home as quickly as his feet could carry him. He decided right then that he couldn't do that with Naruto ever again, or at least not until he was strong enough to not be affected by what Naruto felt for him.
And anyway, what did Naruto know? He hadn't even turned thirteen yet. He was just a kid.