Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Rulers: Bloody Rage Book 3 ❯ Accident ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: He's a prince, she's a princess, he's cold, she's warm, he's bad, and she's good. Their basically complete opposites but what happens if they meet and fall in love on sight? Especially when their families have been feuding for the past 100 years? Can they over come the obstacles placed in front of them or will they fail and fall apart?
Sasuke/Sakura Inner Self
Chapter Three: Accident
“You really want to know why I want to know?” He asked her, moving his mouth close to her ear once again. She shivered as his breath tickled her ear. Her face tinting to a reddish color once again. She nodded her head, looking at him from the corner of her eyes, watching his every moment, intently.
“Are you sure?” He asked and she nodded once again. He rested his head on her shoulder, staring at her reflection in the mirror. “Your pretty, you know that right?” He asked her, as he went over her reflection. She was about five foot seven, jade green eyes, and unusual pink hair that went up to her back. She wore no clothes signifying that she was a royal; she wore only commoner's clothes.
Just a plain white shirt and some black pants. Both had multiple stains of dried up blood on them and some dirt stains as well. There was only one thing that told she was a royal. Well maybe a few things but you couldn't see them too well. One visible thing was on her chest. There was a silver necklace, with three pendants. One was of a dragon, the next was of a kitsune and the last was of a snake.
The dragon was black with red, and silver eyes. Gold spikes ran down it's back and black wings were coming from it's back. It's white fangs were showing as were it's claws.
The kitsune was white with blue eyes, white ears with black tip stood atop its head. It also had multiple tails. Some were white and black, some were white and gold and other's were gold and black. There were eight tails in all.
The snake was silver with yellow eyes; it's sides having stripes of white, black and red.
Her face tinted to a pink once again but this time it was lighter, for she was getting used to him saying something that made her blush already.
“Your cute when you blush too.” He told her as he looked at her pink face from the mirror. He placed his cheek on her shoulder so his head laid side ways on it.
“Are you going to answer my question?” She asked him, trying to ignore the heat on her face as she received multiple compliments from a guy she seemed to just only meet. He just sighed.
“Yeah, I'm going to.” He said to her and she waited for him to continue. When he didn't she said, “Well? Any minute now.” He chuckled a bit at how impatient she was.
“Never said I'd tell you today right this moment.” He replied to her, his mouth moving next to her ear once again but from his new position on her shoulder. She pouted at the answer he gave her but shivered again as his breath his her ear and neck.
“That's not fair. You said you'd tell me.” Sakura complained, and he smirked at her.
“So? I don't have to tell you right now. I said I would but when I'm ready.” Sasuke told her and she pouted even more. She wanted to know why he was so interested in what she and Itachi were to each other. I mean why would he care if she were with him?
“And when will you be ready to tell me?” She asked him.
“When I'm ready.” He replied.
“And that will be when?”
He shrugged, not knowing himself when he was going to tell her. In truth he was not planning on even talking to her from the start, but when he saw her he just became entranced, he wanted to know her for some reason.
He had the chance to now but he had to be careful for his father would not be pleased to know that he was keeping her with him. He sighed into her neck, making her shiver once again. He smirked at the reaction.
He liked that he could get that reaction from her already. He then brought his mouth up to her ear and nipped at it, earning a gasp from Sakura. She was more than surprise when he did that. Not to mention a bit mad. Why would he do that when he only just met her? Something in her mind clicked as she thought that.
`He's probably been watching me for a while now. Damn him.' She though.
She turned her head around to look at him fully, wanting to ask him a question, face to face. That was a mistake though. For his head was right where her head went, making them collide into each other, meaning their lips crashed together….
(A/N: End of chapter 3. Sorry I haven't updated in a while but my dad punished me cause I went out later than I was suppose to. It really sucked; I got a whole lecher and everything. He's so annoying. Not to mention in the same week my mother got pneumonia. Anyway I hoped you like this chapter. It was shorter than the other too though. Sorry bout that. Well please review, and for those who have I appreciate it. Thank you.)