Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kitsune Play ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Kitsune Play

Summary: Naruto wakes up one morning to discover he’s not quite himself anymore. Worse, he hasn’t got a clue on how to fix it. A chain of events lands him in the house of his best friend, who is just as clueless.

Warnings: SasuNaru, Shonen-Ai,

Disclaimer: Naruto and co. is copywriter to Masashi Kishimoto.

Prologue: It’s one of those mornings.

A loud yawn sounded through a dark apartment as its resident sluggishly made his way into the bedroom.

“Two weeks. Two freaking long, sleepless, boring as hell weeks. The next time that old hag decides to send me on a mission that involves escorting ANY kind of noble, alone, I’ve got to remember to say no.” Naruto grumbled as he threw his pack into the corner of his bedroom. He was tired, cranky, smelly, and all he wanted was to sleep and not wake up for a very long.

Stripping himself of his Chuunin uniforms, not even bothering with a shower, Naruto collapsed onto his bed, burring his face into his pillow. Closing his eyes, Naruto calmed his stressed mind down. As he slipped into unconsciousness, he could hear the faint sound of the Kyuubi laughing mischievously in the back of his mind. However his brain had already shut down far past the point to care.


The sound of birds chirping roused the tired ninja from his deep slumber. Cracking an eye open, he quickly shut them again as bright sunlight shone all around him. Groaning, he was vaguely aware of how cold he suddenly felt. His mind slowly pieced the clues together.

‘Noisy birds + blazing sunlight + chilly morning wind = I forgot to close my window and curtain last night.’ Which was odd because he didn’t even remember opening it.

Cracking an eye open again, he let his eyes adjust to the light….and then closed them again. Pausing, he opened them once more.

‘The HELL!?’ Around him was not the familiar walls of his bedroom, but instead he was now lying in the middle of a forest. Looking around, Naruto noticed that this forest…was huge. The trees were at least 5 times taller and wider then the ones near Konoha. Why the hell was he in a forest?

Attempting to stand he quickly fell over face first, as he was unable to get his balance. His whole body felt weird. Rolling onto his belly, he attempted to stand once more, when something out of place finally clicked in his head. Was that a…paw?

‘Wha..wha….what the hell is this!!??’ Naruto mentally screeched. His hand was not that of a human, but that of an animal. His hands had turned into paws! Looking at the rest of his body, Naruto almost screamed bloody murder. His whole body had changed! Deep golden almost orange fur now covered his entire body, with the exception of his hands/feet turned paws, which were black. His tail ‘Holy shit…I have a tail!?’ was semi-long and with very bushy fur, and at the tip was also black.

‘Ok, this is nothing but a weird dream. Yeah….a weird dream!’ Naruto tried to convince himself.

Attempting to stand once more, Naruto was able to shakily get to his feet (now that he knew he had to stand on all four feet, not just two). Taking a hesitant step, he was glad -almost horrified- to find out that it was relatively easy for him to walk in his new body. Calming his already confused and anxiety-filled mind, Naruto spotted a stream near by. Awkwardly walking over to it, Naruto peered over the edge of the bank, and stared down into the water. Looking back up at him, was not the face of he saw every morning in the bathroom mirror, but was the face of a fox. The same orange/gold fir framed his face, with his muzzle having a shade of black at the tip. Large ears twitched nervously, each also having black fur on the tips. Black whisker-like marking were on each side of his face, and pure sky-blue eyes stared back up at him.

Time froze for that one moment as Naruto’s brain came to a screeching halt.

‘I’M A FOX!?’


And…that ends the prologue. Short, I know, but necessary. This is the 2nd fan fiction I’ve ever written, so I’m still working on developing a comfortable writing style. Note - This chapter has not been beta’d in any way, so there are mistakes probably present. My grammar isn’t exactly perfect.

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