Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Knock on Wood Konoha ❯ Title: Knock on Wood Konoha ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Knock on Wood Konoha
Author: Last of Prince, Llewellynprince
Chapter 4: Symudol ar
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In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular. 
~Kathy Norris
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Eight year old Naruto stared as people walked past him in the street. Stares and whispers and no matter how Naruto attempted to get their attention no one stopped.
No one spoke to him.
No one looked at him.
Naruto turned his face to the ground, hot tears falling down his cheeks.
Why did everyone hate him?
He reached out to a young woman with a dirty hand, only to have her recoil violently and hurry off.
The next one didn't even acknowledge that he was there.
“Am I invisible?”
“Why on earth would you think that?”
It's a warm voice, like chocolate. It matches the skin he sees when he looks up. And the eyes. Warm, dark eyes like melted chocolate. And the first thing he thinks is the first thing out of his mouth.
“I'm hungry.”
The older boy with the chocolate skin and his companion, younger with pale skin and dark eyes, look at him in surprise.
Then the chocolate skinned one smiles.
“Really? Well we'll have to do something about that wont we?” He says kindly. His companion rolled his eyes, obviously the chocolate skinned one had a habit of doing this and his companion finds it amusing.
Or annoying, Naruto really couldn't tell which.
At the moment he is more occupied with the fact that someone was speaking to him.
And being nice.
“I know exactly were to go. Have you ever had ramen before?”
His companion groaned.
Naruto shook his head.
***End of Flashback***
Sasuke twitched. So he had Iruka to thank for the damn ramen obsession.
Come to think of it the sensei was the only one who didn't seem annoyed by Naruto's obsession.
The bastard.
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***Yamanaka Flower Shop***
“They were talking about what?!” Ino screeched, staring at Sakura in disbelief.
Sakura hissed, “Be quiet, I don't want anyone else to hear yet.”
“Mom, I'm going out for a while!” Ino yelled over her shoulder, grabbing Sakura and dragging her out of the store.
***An Hour Later***
Sakura took a ship of her juice and sighed, Ino sat down next to her on the bench. Tenten and Hinata, whom they'd run into on their way out of the flower shop, were sitting on the other side of the table.
“Wait, they were talking about what?” Tenten exclaimed, leaning forward over the table.
“She was talking to some guy named Denzo about exiling Naruto when he turns 18!”
“Wait, do you mean Danzo?”
The three girls turned to Hinata.
“You know who that is?” Ino asked, eyes blazing.
Hinata nodded, blushing. “I-I heard Ir-Iruka-sensei talking about him once.”
“Damn bastard! Who the hell does he think he is? The Hokage!?”
Hinata stared at Iruka, as the young teacher muttered angrily to himself and stomped around the room, picking up papers and kunai and sorting everything into drawers and stacks.
“Um, sensei?” Hinata squeaked.
“Sick son of bi-HINATA!” Iruka froze when he saw the shy student in the doorway. How long had she been there? Had she heard him? “Crap, er, um, heh, sorry, can I help you with something Hinata?”
Hinata watched her teacher have a mild panic attack when he finally noticed her. “Is so-something wrong sensei?”
“Um, no, why would you think that?” Iruka sweat dropped.
“You're muttering curses.”
“Oh, that. That…was just me blowing off steam. Don't worry about it.” Iruka laughed nervously.
“Who are yo-you mad at?” Hinata blushed.
“Bloody, mud eating bastard, Danzo. Er…You didn't hear that,” Iruka muttered, making another stack of papers.
***End of Flashback***
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Kakashi frowned as he sipped his tea and listened to Kurenai and Anko debate over something, he didn't remember what. He'd tuned out of the conversation almost immediately after it started.
“Anyway, I heard they're having a hard time replacing Umino at the academy,” Asuma commented, eyeing Kakashi.
The lazy jounin gazed back at him. “I'll bet he was a good teacher.”
“He was an amazing teacher,” Kurenai interrupted. “You should have seen him with the children. He had gift for making you understand what he was teaching you.”
Kakashi stared into his tea for moment before swallowing the rest of the cups contents.
“You miss him don't you?” Kurenai softly asked.
Kakashi looked at her.
“You two were together for quite a while,” she continued. “It seemed like you two genuinely liked each other.”
“We did, but the break up was mutual before he died,” Kakashi pointed out.
“Still, you haven't been with anyone else since,” Anko broke in.
Kakashi glared at her and when she grinned back viciously decided he wasn't going to ask how she knew that.
After a few more minutes of meaningless conversation Anko stood, tossing a few coins on the table to cover her lunch and headed for the door.
At the doorway she paused and tossed over her shoulder. “Kakashi, if you had gotten over Iruka-kun this quickly, I would have killed you.”
AHAH, finally the jounin make an appearance! Betcha were wondering what they were doing all this time!