Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kohona High Trip ❯ Sound part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

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As they finished the teams a ninja appeared and told something to Sankage. "Sir the field is ready for the demonstration." "Good we'll take them now." he turned to the sound ninja's.He put his hand out and they left. "Where are they going?" the hokage asked "You'll see, follow me." He said and started to walk off.They followed him. There bags were taken to one the Sankages room. A few minutes later they had come to opening in the forest they had walked through.The sound ninjas were there with their weapons. Some had swords,and sickels,and some had the basic stuff but mega sized. "cool." Naruto said amazed "What are they doing?" Tenten asked. "It's a demontration of their strength."Gai answered he smiled and showed his not so impressive muscles. Everyone felt like throwing up.But instead back away. "Sanna your first.Bring it out."The Sankage demanded.Sanna walked into the middle with three swords. "they use real weapons when we get these crappy ones."Shikamaru said looking at his mangy weapons. "well if it wasnt for somebody,"Ino looks over at Naruto "we would have them." One ninja let a few hundred wolves out of the cages and a huge cage appeared over Sanna and the wolves. The wolves started to run towards her blood thirsty. Sanna waited awhile. "why is she just standing there?" Sakura said. Then ok of no where Sanna Disappeared and showed up in between the wolves "Now Sanna." Zane shouted. And Sanna listened she spun around and knelt down still spinning the blades extending killing all the wolves she stood up still spinning and her swords coming back to the original size.But of course the wolves were illusions still they were solid.They disappeared.