Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konna Ni Chikaku De... ❯ Odd Jobs ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Okay I was sitting at my computer after I posted the Last chapter of We Always know(Which is my fic i was doing if u didn't know) and something told my to go through my reviews. Sooooo I did, appearently on 5/9/07 I got a request to do a one-shot with Sai *scratches head nervously* Sorry to the person who requested it. But then i said okay so who the hell can I pair Sai up with? So i went to look for some pics to use 'cause as you have probably noticed i put a pic at the begining of each one shot and well I found two but couldn't decid so I said why not make it a threesome!!! But yeah this is my 1st ever 3 guy threesome so please don't kill me if it's not what u expected!

Warning: There is no warning if you're this far in you should know what the hell to expect so no need for me to really do these anymore.

Okay I meant to have this up yesterday(sunday) but something came up. My cousin had a real bad seizure on Friday so I babysat all weekend, and it's nearly impossible to work on a chapter while watching a 3 year old and a 11 month old. So please forgive me for not sticking to my words, if it makes you any happier to those wo read my fic I'm doing the sequal! I don't know when the 1st chap will be up but hopefuly it will be soon! so on with the one-shot I hope you enjoy. And sorry for any spelling errors my microsoft office got deleated from the comp so i'm stuck using wordpad.
Odd Jobs
Sai thre off his shirt and answered his ringing phone.
"Where the hell are they?" Sai stated calmly yet with a hint of agitation in his voice.
"They should be there soon have some faith in me i'm not a total idiot." Said the voice from the other line.
"You may not be a total idiot but they're late, 2 hours and 45 minutes late to be exact," Sai threw his darwing and painting supplies onto the table and pulled up his falling pants. "they were supposed to be here at 5, just because they're top models doesn't mean that I have to work my life around their fucking scheduals."
"Well actually when you think about it you did because today was the only day they were free."
"Naruto if I were you I would be smart and shut up before I sick your rabid boyfriend on you." Sai said with the hint of a smile in his voice.
"Kiba does not have rabies you bastard."
"So says you," *Ding Dong* "Door bell, and it better be those stupid models you booked if not i'm pulling a Freddie and jumping through this phone."
Naruto laughed. "I'd love for you to do that."
"Unfortunately you won't be able to it's them I'll talk to you later."
Sai hung up the phone and opened the door. "You're late." Twin pairs of onyx eyes stared at him unphased, Sai sighed and moved out of the door way to allow the models to enter his studio. "You can lay your coats on the chair over there, changeing rooms are over there, of course i don't see why you need them you're poseing nude today anway."
Sai watched as the two threw their coats on the back of a chair and walked over to the changeing rooms. He headed over to the kitchen and grabbed 3 bottles of water, and a 'amp'. He grabbed two straws and headed back into the other room, he nearly dropped the drinks asa he saw the smaller of the two pushed up against a wall mouth being ravished by the older male. Sai cleared his throat and the two slowly seperated, the younger of the two had a glazed look to his eyes, while the older held a look of agitation at being interrupted.
"I brought you some water to have before we start, by the looks of things you need it." The older of the two walked over to Sai and grabbed 2 of the waters and tossed one to the younger. "I never caught your names, my idiotic friend never told me."
"Itachi." Said the oldest one
"Sai, well lets get to it then. Okay you Itachi I want you to stand here Sasuke come here okay get on your knees by his right side, place your hand open palm right above his belly button, and bend your arm down so it's covering his...yeah. Okay now take your left leg unbend it and place your foot flat on the ground. Itachi I want you to take your righ hand and grab his hair and make it look like your forceing him to look at you, I need ou to look as if you take some sick twisted pleasure from seeing him like this. Sasuke I need you to look as if you're scared but yet you're getting pleasure from this." Sai tweaked and nudged them into place and was soon working.
2 hours later he had a light sketch done and was working on the shadeing process, when his cell phone rang. He checked his caller ID and saw it was Naruto and answered it. "You two take a break I'll repostition you to finish when I come back." He opened the phone and began to walk away. "Say words."
Sasuke stood from his position on the floor and whispered into Itachi's ear. "Give him to me."
"Why would I give him to you when I told you earlier that he was mine."Itachi stated calmly.
"Give. Him. To. Me." Sasuke growled into his ear.
Itachi grabbed Sasuke's neck and pushed him up against the wall. "I will NOT give him to you"
"But I want him. I can't do it myself you made sure of that, now GIVE HIM TO ME!" Sasuke gripped Itachi wrist until his nail began to cut through the skin.
"It would be wise for you to let me go, I want him and you want him and he has no idea we do."
Sasuke gave a look to the entrance way where he could hear Sai returning. "There was never any harm in shareing."he said with a smirk. The two seperated when they heared footsteps coming back into the room.
"Okay that was my friend Naruto, the one who booked you two, said your manager called and said that I have to make sure I have you two out of here by two am at the latest, not to late for you I hope. Okay now I have to remember where the hell I had you standing." Sai stared at the light sketch before he went to go move them into position. He grabbed Itachi's hand and moved him into position and went to reach for Sasuke when a grip on his arm stopped him. He looked at Itachi confused for a second before he tried to pull his arm free. Itachi began to step closer and he began to step back, he walked into a body and saw Sasuke was behind him.
"Whatever you two fuckers had planned while I was gone you need to quickly decided against it." Sasuke wrapped his hands around Sai's waist and began to kiss his neck. Sai's eyes widened a fraction before he began to yank his arm with more force from Itachi's grip. Itachi only smirked and leaned forward and captured Sai in a kiss.
'Relax, you're struggeling only will make it worse.' Sai unwillingly relaxed into the assult on his body. Itachi moved from his lips to the other side of his neck that wasn't already occupied and began to kiss and suck there as well. Sai's knees went weak for a moment. 'This will only hurt for a moment I promise.' Sai could feel the smirk from both pair of lips on his neck.
Sai felt his body moving backwards he let out a soft grunt when his back conected with a wall. "Okay you two r-really need to stop." Sai tried to push them away but fail miserably when itachi took the hand he still held and placed it above his head while Sasuke took the other and dit the same. Sai felt a particularl hard bite and began to struggle more. "Get the fuck off me!!" He kneed Itachi in the crotch and used his now free hand to punch Sasuke.
He ran for the door that lead out but a hand grabing his short hair stopped him. He was dragged back into the room, grabbing his phone accidently in his attemp to fight against the force. he dialed blindly before the phone was grabbed snapped shut and tossed. He was dropped into the floor, and pushed himself up onto his forearms. He glared at the two boys who looked at him as if he were their dinner.
"What the fuck are you two doing?"
"You were givein to us as a option to add to our little family. And appaerently we both want you for more then just a brother." Itachi answered as if it were the most obvious answer in the world.
"Given to you? By who? And what are you dickheads talking about?"
"Yes given by that friend of yours, Naruto as you call him but we call him Kyuubi. He the Head Master, our creator."
"Naruto? Are you cocksuckers sure we're talking about the same person because there is no way that Naru-"
Sasuke crouched down neck to Sai and grabbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger. "Yes it's the same Naruto, yes were serious, yes we're vampires, yes we're going to change you, and yes we're gonna fuck you until you can't walk. Any other question?"
"How did you-"
"Know what you were thinking and gonna say? the magic of telethapy now shut up." Sasuke captured Sai in a kiss. He nipped Sai's bottom lip until he granted him entrance. Sai let out a sigh and allowed himself to be lowered the rest of the way to the floor. He wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck. Sasuke stratteled his stomach and continued the kiss.
Itachi bored removed Sai's pants with little difficultly. Itachi ran his hands along Sai's thighs in teaseing motions before gently grabbing his cock and coaxing it into hardness. He pulled Sasuke from Sai's lips and captured his swollen lips in his own. Sai closed his eyes at the sensation on his cock. Not to hard but not to soft, not to slow not to fast. He let out a low hiss and arched slightly as Itachi scraped the tip of his dick with nail that he just noticed were kinda long.
He opened his eyes when he could no longer hear the two kissing and the hand on his dick almost stopped moving competely. He looked back at the two pairs of eyes that were no longer onyx but red. He could feel him self drowning in those eyes, eyes that he never thought he would see on person, but when he thought back to what they said they aren't human. He watched as Sasuke switched places with his brother.
Itachi captured Sigh in a demanding kiss. Sai instantly could tell the diffrence between the two. where Sasuke was coaking and a tad aggressive, Itachi was forceful and demanding. Sai had jus began to get used to the kiss when he pulled apart and made a sound between a hiss and a kiss. he racked his nails down Itachi's arm as he gasped. "Holy shit!" Sai could no longer function properly, Sasuke hadenveloped his cock in a moist vacuum.
He let out a moan as racked his teeth against his sensitive organ as he came up. he could feel Sasuke bobbing rapidly on hs cock. "Fuck!" He tightly shut his eyes, and he soon felt Itachi kissing, sucking, and nipping at his neck. He brought one hand up to pull at Itachi's hair in attempt to bring him closer. He let out a sqeak(that he would later deny) when itachi began to tweak and pull at his nipple. His breaths began to come out ragged as he could feelhis climax approaching.
"St-stop. I'm gonna cum." Sai scratched at the floor for some sort of leverage as his climax came. he shuddered and spasmed almost violently as the organs took over his body. after a few moments he lied there panting. his head lolled to the sied as he gasped for breath. "That was definatly...diffrent." he said after regaining breaths. He turned his head back to see what the brothers were doing and saw them in a heated lip lock. He watched as Itachi ran his hand along Sasuke's back to grope his ass. after a few gropes he ran his fingers along his crack before slipping 2 fingers into his entrance, that was soon followed by a 3rd and a 4th.
He watched in fascination as Itachi stretched his brother. Sasuke moaned into their kiss, and arched a few times as Itachi purposely hit his sweet spot aggressively. Itachi removed himself from the kiss and Sasuke placed his forehead against Itachi's shoulder where he kissed and lightly sucked while Itachi still fingered his ass. Itachi smirked at Sai as he with once foreful thrust of his finger sent Sasuke over the edge. He watched as Sasuke bit into his brothers shoulder and drew blood and all Itachi did was smile. He released Sasuke and allowed him to crawl over to Sai.
Sau watched Sasuke approach him. He felt a small tingel of pleasure as Sasuke ran his fingers over his cock which he hadn't realized was hard again until he did that. Sasuke straddeled Sai, and gave him a small smirk before he grabbed his cock positionied him at his entranced and dropped down. The pleasure of the sudden velvet heat that surrounded his dick almost out weighed the pain he felt of the fingers entering and streaching him. Wait, what?
"What the fuck dude?!" Sai went to sit him but Sasuke's pushed him back down. "Get your fucking fingers out of my ass-ah!" Sai's toes curled as Itachi hit his sweet spot. "What the fuck was that?"
"It's called your prostate. fully little thing hat bundel of nerves send the most amazing pleasure shooting down your spine." Sasuke said with a smile.
Sai bit his lip as Itachi hit it again whle he opened his three fingers as he thrust then in and out of his entrance. After a few more minutes, Itachi removed his fingers and that made Sai nervous. He only waited a few seconds for the blunt head os Itachi's dick to nudge at his entrance, He instantly tensed. SAsuke leaned down to whisper into Sai's ear. "Don't tense only makes it worse." Sasuke looked behind himself to see Itachi began to enter him. in an attempt to distract Sai from the pain he finally moved.
Sasuke's movement was enough to surpise Sai that he forgot he was tenseing and he relaxed and let out a moan. Sasuke set a slow pace for himself, all the while strokeing his cock softly. Itachi omce fully in thrusted one forceful time to see what would happen. He heard Sai gasp and he realized he wasn't as uncomfortable as he had thought.
Itachi began a slow but hard pace. Sai tossed hi head side to side with nothing else to do. he couldn't grabb Itachi to bring him closer because he was to far, he couldn't grab Sasuke because he had grabbed the back of Itachi's head and had him sucking on his neck. Itachi shifted slightly and was no longer brushing his prostate but was now hitting it dead on. He let out a yelp(that he again later denied) and SAsuke smirked. Sasuke quickened his pace and began to pump himself momre furiously. Itachi sped up his thrusts, and grabbed Sai's hips to help him meet his thrusts with more power.
"Oh god stop, I'm g-gonna c-cum. It's to much i can't..." Sai couldn't even form a full sentence. Sasuke pulled Sai up and grabbed his hair and forced his head to the side. he began to bite at neck. Itachi grabbed one of Sai's wrists that he too kissed. Sai haveing had to much blew his load for a second time. The same time he shot his load Sasuke and Itachi bit into his skin, The taste of the blood, the feel of Sai up his ass and the pressure against his prostate sent Sasuke over the edge. Itachi soon followed with an orgasm of his own.
The two drank a while longer then released Sai who fell to the floor with a thud. Sasuke licked the remains of his blood from his lips and turned to Itachi.
"Give him to me now." Sasuke hissed.
"I will not give him to you, but to us." Itachi bit into his own wrist and allowed the blood to fill Sai's mouth who reluctantly swallowed out of refelx. He bit into Sasuke's wrist and gave a small amout to Sai, before he filled hi mouth with his own blood once again. Sai soon felt pain and let out a low whimper.
"Will he be okay?" Sasuke asked. he had never witnessed a turning.
"He'll be fine, it's only the body that dies, come lets get changed."
Sai sat up in bed blankets pooling around his waist. He looked around the room in search of other occupants but didn't have to search far as a graon reached his ears. "What are you doing?" Sasuke mummbled.
"I had a dream about the day you small penised fucker turned me 3 years ago." He answered.
"Oh." Was Sasuke's only reply. he sighed and pulled at Sai's arm. "Lay back down you're letting in cold air." Sai did as he was told and rolled over to face SAsuke.
"When is Itachi-Danna coming back?" he sad while running his thumb along Sasuke's bottom lip.
"I don't know when ever Kyuubi is done with him I suppose, why?" Sasuke answered eyes still closed.
"He's been gone 3 months and has hardly called. who could possibly take this long to change and then move in?"
"Kiba." sasuke answered with a yawn.
"Mhmm. he doesn't know about Naruto slash Kyuubi, a real simple Simon that one. I don't really know what Master see's in him besides being a good fuck. But what do I care I have you and Itachi."
"What if I don't want you?" Sai asked rolling onto his back to stare at the ceiling until a pair of onyx eys pale skin, and black hair blocked his view.
"You're stuck with us, now will you shut up and go back to sleep the sun is still up."
"I'm not tired."
"How about I make you tired." Sasuke said with a smrik.
"I'd love to see you try."
Sasuke's head dissappeared under tha blanket and sai was soon short a pair of boxers.
'Having a boyfriend who technically doesn't need to breath comes in real handy.' Sai smiled as Sasuke got to work.
I personally think this one sucks and i'm really sorry about that. My mind is completely jumbled, job, school, babysitting, sick cousin, testing. god i'm swamped well anyway i hope you enjoyed this fic and if not wel......I'm sorry.