Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha boarding high school ❯ whats the problem? ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Sakura and sasuke were in English class when the teacher gave them 10 minute early dismissal from school.
“yes English is over!” sakura sighed in relief then turned to sasuke.
“You want to come to my dorm at 4:00) ish.” Sasuke asked. “you know to work on our science project”
“Oh, sure.” Sakura said a little disappointed.
“I’ll see you at 4:00 don’t be late!” sasuke grinned before walking down the opposite hall.
“Yeah see ya.” Sakura walked back to her dorm room.
“AHHHH shika-kun how do you get this its so confusing!” a frustrated blond questioned a very lazy boy.
“its easy ino just watch..” shikamaru started to explain algebra to ino. With a loud sigh ino looked up at him and smiled.
“I still don’t get it but I appreciate the attempt.” She then stood on her tippy toes and gave shikamaru a peck on the cheek when the teacher wasn’t looking.
‘ino did you say you didn’t get this?” hinanta asked walking to inos desk.
“yeah that was me.” Ino said very confused.
“here let me help you.” After five minutes ino finally started to catch on. Hinanta was smart, really smart. Instead of an elective for 7th period she helped out 9th grade algebra when she was in geometry.
“Thanks hinanta you were a huge help! I think ill be able to do the homework well most of it now.” Ino turned back to shikamaru and smiled while packing her stuff to get ready to go. “Man hinanta sure is smart! Right shika-kun.”
“yeah she’s the best.” He said sarcastically. He didn’t like the idea that hinanta taught her when he wanted to invite her to his dorm to ‘help teach’ her after school. He would help her he just wanted to spend more time with her not just explaining math.
“oh shika-kun, did you hear there’s a new coffee shop pretty close to konoha boarding school. You want to check it out with me?” ino hoped he would say yes and he did.
“Sure I’d love to!” he smiled; he still could spend time with her. ‘Didn’t that coffee shop open up a month ago?’ he thought but didn’t really care.
“Naruto stop that’s too much!” matsuri said taking the noodle bag out of his hand. She pushed him playfully and continued. “Let me finish cooking you just set up our plates and stuff Kay.”
Garaa glared at naruto and naruto felt like garaa was burning holes in his skin. Was he jealous? Garaa thought to himself. Ugh why did naruto have to be pared up with matsuri!
They were in 7th period cooking and had different randomly picked partners every class, so it was always a surprise. Garaa wished he and matsuri were partners every class.
“Class dismissed you may take your food home with you!” the teacher left without a second to spare. Garaa put his brownies him and his partner made in his bag and went to matsuri and naruto. “Hey guys.”
“Hey,” matsuri smiled. “Were almost done, just have to put the ramen in a plastic container Kay.”
“Ugh, yeah sure.” Garaa said in a monotone voice. He always talked like that which got on narutos nerve but matsuri didn’t seem to mind too much.
When they finished packing their food they headed off to their dorms.
Ino came in her dorm room to see sakura standing in front of the mirror putting on a necklace. She was wearing a white shirt that had dark blue letters saying Hollister across it. She also had light denim short shorts and dark blue flip flops and bag. She finall put a light blue neclace. “You look cute, were you going?” Ino asked sakura.
“Over to sasukes to work on the science project. Hence the cuteness!” sakura giggled. She grabbed her bag and waved good bye to ino.
“bye.” Ino said as sakura closed the door. Ino walked over to her closet and got dressed into a very cute outfit. It was a dark blue shirt that had white letters saying ‘I am SO worth it.’ Dark blue short shorts that said A&F along with dark blue flipflops and white bag. at 6:30 shikamaru knocked on inos door and they left to the coffee shop. Even thought it was fall it was very hot outside so shikamaru wasn’t surprised at what ino was wearing.

Sakura knocked on sasukes door and sasuke let her in. after about an hour they had planned out what was going into their project. When it was 6:00 they were done with all details. Now what was left was just to make the actual project into a poster board and look good.
“do you want to take a break?” sasuke asked sakura.
“sure, what do you wanna do?” sakura replied.
“well why don’t we go walk to the near by coffee shop?’
“sure lets go.”
When sakura and sasuke saw ino and shikamaru they decide to sit with them.
“Hey guys” sakura said.
“hey!” ino said.
“hi.” shikamaru mumbled.
“are we interrupting something?” sasuke asked not wanting to intrude.
“no were just hanging out so you can join us.” Ino smiled.
They all started talking about not important things when ino asked sakura and sasuke a question.
“are you guys going out?” ino asked.
“NO!” sakura yelled
“why would you think that?” sasuke said in a monotone. This bothered sakura he didn’t say no but he acted like it was no big deal. ‘Does he like me or not!’ sakura thought impatiently.
“well because me and shika-kun are here together and were going out and then you too came in so I thought maybe.” Ino answered with the same monotone sasuke used to ask the question.
It was 8:40 and the four of them decided it was time to go home. Sasuke and shikamaru walked the girls to their dorm room.
“g’nite sasuke.” Sakura said smiling.
“nite.” He said.
“sweet dreams shika-kun!” ino said giving him a quick kiss on his lips.
“don’t let the bed bugs bite.” He said walking away with sasuke.
“ahhh. That was fun wasn’t it sakura?” ino said falling into her bed.
“yeah it was. I think im going to go take a shower.” She took her Pj’s and headed out.
Ino changed into her pj’s and started to finish her homework. Hinanta walked in her hair wet and In her pajamas. She sat at her desk and did her math homework.
“hey hinanta.” Ino said wondering why hinanta hadn’t greeted her first.
“hello.” She replied. Then she put away her homework and tried to go to sleep.’okay’ ino tought. ‘something must have happened!’ sakura walked in.
“mn im tired!” she yawned and climbed up on her bed.
“shhh hinantas sleeping.” Ino shushed. She saw hinantas face smile when she heard what ino said. Ino confusingly put her stuff away and turned out the lights. She couldn’t wait till tomaro to find out wat happened to hinanta. Ino heard her cell phone beep and looked to see sakura had sent her a text message.
Sakura: whatswrong with hinanta?
Ino looked up and saw sakura holding her celly.
Ino: I don’t know shes really quite and didn’t say hi to me until I said hi to her.
Sakura: that’s weird shes usually really happy.
Ino: I know let’s talk to her tomorrow.
Sakura: kay. G’nite.
Ino: nite.
Beep beep beep. Shikamarus hand swiftly ran across his nightstand looking for the noise machine.when he couldn’t find it he decided it was time to open his eye. He saw naruto holding his alarm clock while waiting for shikamaru to get up.
“sasuke went to get coffee and breakfast get ready before he comes!” naruto informed and demanded shikamaru. Too lazy to disagree shikamaru grabbed his towel and uniform and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
Im the first one to wake up like always. I was eating cereal in my bed when sajkura jumped of the bed. She grabbed her uniform and left. I decided this would be a good time to wake ino up so I grabbed my ipod and blasted music in her ear for the first couple of seconds this had no affect on ino but then the noise finally seemed to reach her ears. She jumped up and looked at me. She smiled and said,
“whats up hinanta?”
“but you weren’t normal yesterday.”
“oh… that.” I sighed I guess I could tell her, but it would ruin her fun. “ill tell you just little of why, I HATE the cold.” With that said I left the dorm. I saw sakura and said bye.
“I HATE the cold.” Hinanta left.
“but first of all its warm out, second who doesn’t like the cold? And third what does that have to do with whats bothering her?” sakura walked in and asked me whats up. I told her everything and she looked just as confused as I did.
“that’s weird…” was all sakura said before grabbing her bookbag. “ill wait outside you get dressed kay.”
“yeah yeah!” I sighed. I got dressed in my yellow uniform and left with sakura to eat breakfast.
SHIKAMARUS PROV. [last periode for school.
“and that’s why…” the teacher stopped. I thought about opening my eyes to see why but decided not to. Not a minute lateri got hit in the head with a book. I open my eyes.
“hello teacher.” She glared at me.
“hello shikamaru, and to make this clear because you’ve been asleep all periode you ill stay for detention. I heard sasuke laugh at me. I was about to protest when she started again. “no but shikamaru your staying after class!”
“hey shikamaru that sucks because look.” Sasuke pointed at the window and my eyes opend wide. [a/n: youll find out later.]
“this sucks!” I complained before closing my eyes once again.
The bell rang and I stayed seated. The teacher handed me simework to do but it was so easy I finished in 5 minutes. While she was checking it I just stared out side wishing I was out there and not in here.
“sasuke,” sakura greeted the chicken but black haired boy.
“hey sakura, ino.”
“weres shika-kun?” I asked hopping we could do something.
“hes got detention!” he smirked. “hey have you guys looked out side lately?”
“no why?” me sakura both asked.
“just look.” He said leading us toward a window.
“OMG YES!!!!” sakura screamed.
“AHH ITS SNOWING!!” I yelled dancing my happy dance. I quickly stopped remembering that shika-kun wouldn’t be able to go outside because of detention. I thought about it and came to a conclusion. Shika-kun IS going outside with me! NOW!!