Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Boarding school....from HELL!!! ❯ Kissed?! By a pervert and a teacher ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer - I do not own any characters of Naruto. Damn.Chapter Two:Teacher’s from hell!Umino Iruka had brown hair in a spiky ponytail, and black eyes. He just wore a black suit, white shirt, and black tie. He was the one who rased Naru. She never knew her real parents, but Iruka was friends with her father, and he promised to take care of you when they died. About four years ago, he had to move to Kyoto, and couldn’t take Naru, so he left her with Sakura’s family. He called every week, and told her everything that happened. A day after he moved, he meet Hatake Kakashi, the history teacher. They didn’t get along too well at first, but over time they became close, and after two years of knowing each other, they become lovers. Naru was happy for her foster father/old sensai. Of course, Sakura was happy for him too, and couldn’t want to meet this Hatake Kakashi! Naru tried to keep her eyes open in science, but that didn’t work. Sakura kept throwing paper at her, and Gaara and Sasuke were amused by the two girls. “Sakura! Naru! Hall now!” yelled the science teacher, Orochimaru.
Orochimaru was. . . . Freaky! He had really pale skin, long black hair, and golden eyes look like snake’s eye! Sakura picked Naru up by her jacket and dragged her out.
“Sakura! Why are we out here?” Naru asked, confused in her eyes. Sakura hit her over the head.
“You just got us kicked out of class!” the blonde haired girl sniffed.
“I was tried! I only got like five hours!” the other girl did a anime fall. While they want back and forth arguing, they didn’t notice the bell ring, or the students coming out of the class rooms.
“Then you should go to bed around ten or something!” Naru’s mouth was wide open and her eyes as big as dinner plates.
“You’ve got to be kidding! That’s to early!” Sakura smirked.
“Then its official! We’re going to bed at ten tonight!” Naru was in a corner with her knees to her chest, rucking back and forth. Kiba was laughing his head off, and Hinata was looking between Sakura and Naru.
“Is she going to be alright?” Sakura grinned and nodded.
“She hates to go to bed before midnight.” Gaara walked up to the pink haired girl, and pulled some of her hair.
“WTF is wrong with you, panda-eyes!?” Gaara smirked.
“I still say isn’t real.” Sakura moved to punched him, but he court it, twisted it behind her back, pulls her into his chest, and whispered in her ear, “Your cute when your mad, little cherry blossom.” he lightly nibbled on her ear, let go, and left. Sakura was as red as his hair. -After Gaara showed up, Naru walked off, hoping to get to her room to catch some z’s. But that wasn’t likely. On her way, she ran into the teme.
“Damnit, teme! Let me go!” right now, Sasuke had her left arm in his right hand.
“Why should I, dope?” Naru bit her tongue to keep from saying something she might regret.
“Tell me, are you really that stupid to not say anything?” the blonde girl moved to kick him, but like Gaara, he court it.
“Let go of my foot, teme!” she yelled. He just laughed, and let go of her foot, and turned to leave, but stopped, and said over his shoulder, “Nice orange fox panties.” he left. Naru screamed and punched the wall. -Late. That’s what Uzumaki Naru was to her health class.
‘What’s importation about health? All I’m going to do is sleep.’ when she ran in, she didn’t notion that she ran into someone.
“I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking we-” she have time to finishen her sensation. A hand covered her mouth.
“No need to apologize, Uzumaki-san.” said a deep male voice. She looked up to see someone who looked like. . . . Sasuke! But, he wasn’t. He had longer black hair, in a low ponytail, black eyes, that had a hit of red in them. He was wearing a all black with a blood red tie. Naru pulled his hand off her mouth, and asked, “Er. . . . Are you the teacher?”
the man chucked. “Yes, I’m Uchiha Itachi, your health teacher. Now take a seat, Uzumaki-san, and see me after class.”
she nodded and sat down next to Lee.
“Naru, why are you late?” Lee whispered to her.
She whispered back, “I ran into the teme.” Lee nodded.
“You do know every girl in the school hates you and Sakura, right?” the blonde girl raised an eyebrow.
“Why?” Lee leaned in more.
“Every girl in the school, besides Hinata, is in love with Sasuke and Gaara.”
Naru’s eyes went the sides of dinner plates.
“WHY!?” she was so busy yelling about how stupid Sasuke and Gaara are, she didn’t notice Itachi up come behind her. “Uzumaki-san! I will not have yelling in my class! Got that!?”
Naru blushed a little and nodded. The black haired man smirked. ‘Little brothers right. . . . She’s cute.’ In Naru’s mind, it was something like this:‘Damn! He’s hotter then the teme!’‘No! Itachi-sensai isn’t hot! He’s my teacher! And teme is a bastard!’‘Doesn’t mean their not hot!’‘Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!’“Naru?” Lee tipped her on the shoulder.
“Class is over.” she nodded, telling him she’ll meet him in lunch. He nodded, and left.
“You wanted me, Itachi-sensai?” she asked him, when she got up to his desk.
“Yes. Are you close to Sasuke?”
Naru raised a blonde eyebrow. “Er. . . . No, I just meet him yesterday.”
he smirked, and walked over to her. “That’s good. . . . for me.” he grabbed her chin, pulled it up, and kissed her.
‘WTF!!??’ was Naru’s on thought. She put her hands on his chest to push him off, but that did little good. He’s stronger then, so he pushed up against the wall. As Naru tried to get away, Itachi licked her bottom, asking for entry. Instead, she bit his tong, making it bleed. He pulled away, sucking on his bleeding tong. Naru took this as the change to run out. Itachi smirked. ‘Let the game began.’-On Naru’s way to the lunch run, she ran into Sakura. “You’ll never guess what happened!” they yelled at the same time.
They blinked and smiled. They always did that.
“I just got kissed!” they yelled again.
“You first!” Sakura yelled.“No, you!”“You!”“You!”“Damnit, Naru, just tell me!” “Fine! Itachi-sensai kissed me.” she whispered. Sakura’s green eyes widen.
“A sensai?” Naru nodded.
“Now you, tell me everything.” Sakura nodded. “See, I meet two guys in Reading. . . .”*Flashback*Sakura walked into her reading class.
“Hi, I’m Haruno Sakura, the new student.” the green haired, black eyed sensai, Kohaku Masaru, nodded.
“Yes, I was told you would be in my class. Welcome, Haruno-san. Set by Koji Sai. Koji-san, raise your hand.”
when Sakura looked over at him, her mouth dropped. He looked like Sasuke! But you could clearing see the difference. Sai has black hair and black eyes, but he give off a , ‘Hey, I’m a pervert, you?’ vibe, while Sasuke give off a, ‘Get away from me.’ vibe. She walked over to him, and sat down. “Hey, I’m Koji Sai.” Sai said, holding out his hand for her to take. The pink hair girl study his hand for a moment, before taking it.
“Haruno Sakura, as you know.” Sai pulled her to him, smelling her hair.
“H-huh!? What are you doing!?” Sakura yelled, pulling away from him.
“I love your shampoo, it smells nice. Like. . . . Cherry blooms.” Sakura blushed and looked at the board. Behind her, someone giggled. She turned around to see a boy about her age. He had long snow white hair in a high ponytail, and red eyes.
“What’s so funny?” she asked him. He smiled.
“Nothing really, it’s just funny to see Sai commending someone. He just insults them, your lucky. Oh, I’m Natsumi Yoshi, by the way.” Sakura smiled.
“Nice to meet you, Yoshi-kun.” he nodded, and looked at Masaru-sensai, with a blush on his checks. Sakura noticed, and looked at Masaru-sensai to see his reaction. He smirked at Yoshi. The green eyed girl smiled.
‘A student-teacher relationship, huh? This could get interesting.’ After class, Yoshi come up to Sakura.
“Hey. Sakura-chan, you know Rock Lee, Inuzuka Kiba, and Hyuuga Hinata, right?” Sakura nodded.
“Great, I sit with them at lunch, see ya then.” he waved and ran off. Sakura was about to leave the empty class room, when someone grabbed her hand.
“Huh?” she turned around to see Sai, with a creepy smile on his face.
“Do you need something, Sai?” he pushed up against the wall, and whispered in her ear,
“Yeah, you.” then kissed her. Green eyes widened, and she kicked him where the sun don’t shine. He back away, holding the spot between his legs. “You don’t even know me! And you kissed me! Pervert!” with that, she ran.*End Flashback*“Wow. . . . Great job! You kicked him in the groan!” Sakura laughed.
“Well, duh! No one kisses me and gets away with it!” Naru laughed too.
“Come on! I’m hungry!” Sakura rolled her green eyes, and walked into the cafeteria. Naru ran past her.
“Hi, guys!” she said, setting down next to Lee.
“Naru! Your youthfulness is amazon!” Kiba groaned from next to Hinata, across from Naru.
“No! No youthful crap, Lee!” Lee blinked.
“But it’s what keeps us going!” “Hey, guys! Sorry, I’m late.” said a voice behind Naru.
She turned around and saw a boy with long white hair in a high ponytail, and red eyes.
“Who are you?” the guy laughed.
“Sorry, I’m Natsumi Yoshi, you must be Uzumaki Naruto, right?” she grinned and nodded.
“Call me Naru!” she held out her hand and he took.
“Nice to meet you!” they said at the same time. Sakura sweatdroped. ‘Great, Yoshi is a other Naru.’ “Hello, fancy seeing you here, Naru-chan.” said a very familiar voice, from behind Naru. She turned around and almost pulled at her hair. “Damnit! Why wont you leave me alone!”- R&R