Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Boarding school....from HELL!!! ❯ Sasuke finds out! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer - I do not own any characters of Naruto. Damn.Chapter FiveSasuke Finds out!It was dark, the only light was from the bright moon, shining through a small window. A boy with reddish-brown hair with golden eyes, about eleven, was looking coldly at the blond haired girl with blue eyes, who was about eight, that was crying on the floor. Her blue eyes has tears in them, but she wouldn’t let them fall. Not in front of her Nii-san.
“You are worthless, brat. Why do you try?”The girl sniffed and looked up at the boy with eyes that held no fear in them.
“I try because I want to prove to you that I am someone!” she yelled, tears ready to poor out.
The boy just glared harshly at his little sister. “It’s your fault, you know. It’s because of you that mother and father died. Mother died bringing you into this world. Father died keeping you into this world.” the blue-eyed girl shook her head, blond hair flowing around her. “That’s not true! Why are you lying to me, Nii-san??” the boy just give a cold smirk and laugh. “Mother told me she never wanted another child.”“Please, Nii-san! Don’t lie to me!” one tear came from each of her blue eyes, rolling down her chibi cheeks. Her older brother pushed her back when she grabbed his leg. “I hate you, brat! Understand that no one will ever want you!” he took out a knife.
The girl backed away in fear. He grabbed her right shoulder, and pinned her to the white wall. “N-nii-san?” “Shut up, brat!”He set the knife to her left check and made three-whisker like marks. She screamed out in agony.
He repeated the same thing to the other check. Her tears mixed in with the blood that was going down her face and neck, dripping onto her orange sunflower dress. He dropped her to the floor, wiping the knife on his black shirt, slid the knife in a case and put it in his black pants. “Remember, you are nothing. No one will ever want you. Those marks will remind you of that.” with that said, he kicked her, and walked out of the tiny room, and out of the apartment. “N-nii-san. . . .” ““NII-SAN!!”-
“Nii-san!” Naru shot up from her spot on the top bonk, her hand out in front of her, as if reaching out for something. Tears were poring down her face.
“Why, Nii-san? Why did you leave me?” she spoke in a whisper, but Sakura heard her, got off the bottom bonk, and climbed up to Naru, as said girl looked at her. “S-Sakura? Why does he hate me? What did I do?” Sakura hugged her tightly, and held her like a mother would. “I don’t know. I guess he was upset about losing your parents.” Naru held onto Sakura’s panda night shirt. “But why did he give me these marks? He told me no one would want me. Why do I believe it?” Sakura was running her fingers threw Naru’s long blond hair. “I don’t know. I wish I did, though.” Naru cried harder.
Just then, someone else wrapped their arms around Naru. “W-what?” Sakura and Naru both turned to Hinata, who was rubbing Naru’s back, a sad smile on her face. “I don’t know what happened, but could I help?” Naru smiled at her.
They’ve only known each other for a few days, and their acting like sisters. Naru give a fox-like grin through the tears. “Thanks.”-By morning, Naru was fast asleep, and Sakura was explaining to Hinata what happened.
“Naru has an older brother named Kyuubi, who blames her for the death of their mother and father. Her mother died giving birth to her, and Kyuubi thought it was Naru’s fault.”
Hinata looked at Naru with sad eyes as acted like a father to her. Hinata couldn’t believe it. Naru always seemed so happy, it’s hard to believe she had a horrible past like this. “Were is Kyuubi now?” the Hyuuga asked. “We don’t know. He was last seen in Yokohama (a port city just south of Tokyo).”
Hinata nodded and glanced over at Naru. “Should we wake her? It’s almost time for school.” Sakura shook her head.
“No, I’ll just tell Iruka-sensei what happened, and he’ll tell Tsunade-sama.” Hinata nodded, and they both got ready for school. When they got to third period class, Sasuke asked where the blond girl was.
“She’s not feeling well, and if you know what’s good for you, you won’t go near our room, chicken ass.” Sakura sat down next to Lee and Hinata with a frown. Gaara was in the back, smirking. ‘That’s my kind of woman. A women who will stand up to anyone.’
Sasuke, on the other hand, was ready to sneak out. ‘I got to know what’s wrong with her. I know she’s not sick.’
Iruka came in and told the class they will be going on a field trip next week and to have a partner you will stay with when they go to the big temple.
Sasuke didn’t even bother listening, he was to busy thinking about HIS little fox.
‘I’ve got to go to her room after class! Good thing I got her times table last night,’ stalker much? As Iruka was talking, the bell rung, and Sasuke was the first one out the door. “Why is he here in a hurry?” Kiba asked, leading the others out. Sakura paused and yelled. “If he goes near our room, I’ll cut off his dick and shove it up his ass!”
Behind her, someone laughed. The pink haired girl turned around, and frowned.
“What the hell do you want, jackass?”“Nothing. It’s just funny the way you insulted Sasuke without him being here.” the red-haired boy replied.
Sakura glared and flipped him the bird, and left, as Kiba laughed. “You know, she won’t be easy, and we won make it easy for you, Gaara.” Gaara glared at him and left. Hinata latched onto Kiba’s arm and held it tightly. “Do you think Sasuke-sama went to go see Naru-chan?” the dog lover sighed. His girlfriend took that as a yes. Room 400. Sasuke stood in front of Naru’s room, ready to walk right in. His hand was on the knob, turning it.
‘Why is this taking so damn long?!’ he screamed at himself.
When he opened the door, no one was there, but he did hear the shower going. She’s taking a shower. He licked his lips, but didn’t enter the bathroom. Instead, he went through her stuff. What he found was a picture of a man with blond hair and blue eyes, next to him was a boy around ten so with reddish-brown hair and golden eyes. Want really got his attention, was the little blond haired girl with brightest blue eyes he had ever seen. Then it hit him. That girl is Naru, the man, who had a fox grin on like Naru, must be her father. But the boy looked out of place. He had on a frown, and stood away from them. But the coldness in eyes were colder then his fathers, and his eyes would scare the grim reaper. He seemed so familiar. He had seen those eyes and reddish-brown hair, but where? Sasuke set the picture back; he’d think about it later. Next, he looked inside, what he guessed to be, her desk. Inside he found a orange journal with Naru’s name on the front. He opened it, but he couldn’t read it. It was in German. He frowned.
‘Should have listened to mom and taken German instead of French.’ he thought.
‘ But Gaara did take it. . . .’ he looked behind him to see if Naru was out of the shower. Nope. He put the journal in his black backpack. Just as he stood up, Naru walk out of the bathroom, in only a towel.
“T-teme! What the hell are you doing here?!” she yelled. Sasuke just smirked. “Well, I was walking by when I heard the shower going, and I just couldn’t keep away.’ he moved closer to her.
She back up, her heart beating fast. Sasuke’s smirk just got bigger.
“Are you afraid of me, little fox?”
Naru got a annoyed look on her face. “I really hate you!” she crossed her arms. “Now, get out.”“Why?”“I’m only in a towel!”“So? I wanna see.”“You pervert!” Sasuke just smirked. “Only for you.”
the blond haired girl screamed.
“You know, your scream would sound better if you were screaming my name, little fox.” she blushed a little.
‘She’s blushing. Cute.’ he backed her up against the wall. Naru hit his chest. “Iruka-sensei will be mad if you touch me!” the raven haired boy laughed. Naru raised an blond eyebrow. “Stop laughing!” “How cute. You think I care if Iruka is mad? How stupid! Why would I care?” Naru smirked a little. “He’s like my father. Never lets any boy touch me without him beating the crap out of them.” Sasuke frowned.
“And Kakashi-sensei’s his boyfriend! All he as to do is snap fingers and your dead!” Sasuke’s frowned deepen.
Naru smiled, opened the door and pushed him out.
“Bye bye, chicken ass!” she slammed and locked it.
She had a huge blush on her face. ‘He saw me in a towel!!” was what her only thought was. She backed away from the door, and got dressed in blue jeans, black shirt, and a orange jacket that ended a little below her chest. She unlocked the door and looked out. No one. Naru sighed. But when she walked out, she ran into a chest. A really hard chest. “Huh?” she looked up and saw. . . . Back with Sakura, she and Yoshi were talking about a book, Copper Sun (1). “I think it’s the most amazing book I’ve ever read!” Sakura said, putting a hand over her heart. “It was so touching.” Yoshi did the same thing. “I’ve read it more then three times. I’ll never get tired of it.’ the green eyed girl nodded.
They moved their conversation to a book series called The Five Ancestors (2). By the time class was over, they were in a pose like Gai-sensei and Lee-kun: Hugging. “I never thought anyone else would like those books, Yoshi-chan!” Sakura cried out. “I know!” Yoshi cried back. Their sensei, Masaru-sensei, pulled them apart.
“Class is over you two. Get to lunch.” he put them down, patting Yoshi on the head and left, leaving Yoshi blushing.
“Aw!”“Shut up, Sakura!” he grabbed his stuff and ran out. Sakura just laughed as she got her stuff. On her way out, she heard Sasuke and Gaara’s voices.“Can you read it for me?” chicken ass asked. The red haired boy nodded.“It’s in German. Of cause I can.” Sakura poked her head around the corner to see Sasuke give Gaara a orange journal that said ‘Naru’ on the front.
“That bastard stroll that from Naru-chan! I’ll kill him!” Sakura was about to yell at them, when a hand gabbed her arm and the other over her mouth, dragging her away. When Gaara was done translating the journal, it was in Sasuke’s hands. October 11th, 2000Sakura just give me this journal yesterday for my 9th birthday. I guess I’ll write in it. It’s been a year sense Nii-san left. I still have the whisker marks he made on my face. Iruka-sensei said I look like a fox. He is the man who took me in after my father died and my Nii-san left. He’s really nice to me. I met Sakura over the summer and we’ve became the best of friends! Well, it’s bed time for me, so bye! Sasuke had a little frown on his face, but then his frowned deepened when he turned to one that was just written last night, October 8th, 2007 I had the dream again. The one where my Nii-san put the whisker marks on me. He told me I was useless and that no one would want me. Believe it. I don’t want Sakura-chan or Hinata-chan to know that I think that! Sakura-chan will be mad at me, but I wish Nii-san was still here with me, he did care about me before daddy died. It was before my 8th birthday. He was trying to keep me from being raped by some big guys. Daddy told me to run and that was the last time I saw him... I miss him and when my Nii-san was nice.Oh, was Sasuke pissed. -1) Copper Sun - A book by Sharon Draper, one of the best I’ve ever read. 2) The Five Ancestors - A book series by Jeff Stone, also one of the best.