Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter One: Foes and Friends ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the character mentioned in this fiction.
Chapter One:
Konoha High: Foes and Friends
Step into the halls of the immense building that makes up Konoha High School and you will not be impressed. Konoha is just like any other school. Dingy grey-blue lockers line the hallways, and graffiti adorns the bathroom stalls. Now that we've established the ordinary-ness of the school; lets zoom in upon room 671, where instructor Iruka looks upon his students with pity.
"Honestly, how many of you are going to study for the test?" Iruka-sensei asked. One
hand shot up. "Thank you, Miss Haruno. At least now I know one of you will not grow up to be a bum or a trailer park wife." Sakura Haruno couldn't help but beam. Ino Yamanaka gave a disgusted sigh. Sakura turned to face the blonde menace.
"Got something to say to me, Billboard-brow?" Ino challenged, popping her gum at the pink-haired girl.
"Yeah, it looks that you put on a couple pounds. I'm not quite sure the girls are going to hold you up now, Ino-pig." Sakura grinned at the blonde's horrified expression. Tenten, Sakura's best friend, gave Sakura a high five. The class erupted into fits of giggles, except for Shikamaru Nara, who was sleeping, and Sasuke Uchiha, who was Ino's boyfriend.
"Sasuke-kun, you don't think I'm fat do you?" Ino asked her partner. Sasuke grumbled and let out a barely audible "no." He didn't like the constant attention his girlfriend gave him. He wouldn't have agreed to the relationship, if it wasn't for Ino and her giggle gang, who threatened his sexuality.
"People, I'd love to match wits with Sakura and Ino all day, but I'm paid to torture hormonal teenagers, so, please, turn to page 26." Iruka-sensei automatically cut the laughter. Iruka-sensei's voice droned on and on about the importance of comma usage with everyday literature, and it seemed to last for hours. Finally the teacher signaled release, "Remember, next class you have a test on commas!"
"Man, class seemed to last forever today!" Kiba Inuzuka exclaimed as he walked along side his best friend, Naruto Uzumaki.
"Yeah, you're right. Iruka-sensei's classes have been lasting forever!" The blonde practically yelled down the hall.
"Thank God, lunch is next period."
* * *
The lunch room was crowded with freshman. Sasuke, Ino and her giggle gang sat around gossiping. Sakura, Tenten, and little Hinata Hyuuga started their homework. Kiba and Naruto sat down with Shikamaru and his best friend, Choji Akamichi, who was eyeing Naruto's ramen.
"Sorry, Akamunchi, I'm hungry today." Naruto said to his chubby friend. Choji pouted sourly, but was quickly appeased by Kiba who gave him a heavily sugared cookie. A fit of giggles from across the room caught their attention very quickly.
"Troublesome girls, always laughing...ruining my lunch," Shikamaru mumble under his breath. Ino and her giggle gang stood up and walked over toward Sakura's table, with a reluctant Sasuke following.
"Hey Billboard-brow, heard you're looking for a date to the Homecoming Dance next Saturday." Ino loudly questioned Sakura getting the attention of the whole lunchroom. Her group of Ino-clones held back very obvious giggles. Sakura blushed at the attention she was getting, and found herself at a loss of words.
"So what's it to you?" Tenten said standing up face to face with Ino.
Ino raised an eyebrow. "Stay out of my way, Bun-Head, I was talking to Billboard-brow over there next to you. So I suggest you back off." Ino thought she was so smart making fun of Tenten's twin buns.
"Oh, I'm so scared, Ino. But if you have something to say to Sakura, then I'm sure you can run it passed me too. Oh but are you scared I'll make fun of your intelligence, 'cuz we all know that if you talked as fast as you thought, you'd be talking like, "Hiii....mmmyyy...nnaammess....Iiiiiinnnnooo." So I suggest you shut you your mouth to stop all the thoughtless bullshit streaming out of it before you make a fool of yourself." Tenten was pissed. No one makes fun of her buns. Ino looked embarrassed, and her groupies looked appalled, and her so called "boyfriend" smirked. The lunchroom on the other hand, had gasped, then burst into the most eclectic collection, giggles, guffaws, titters, and full out laughs. Ino turned and stormed off out of the lunchroom. Her giggle-gang soon followed, and they left Sasuke, still smirking. He just turned and turned to go back to the table.
“Wow, thanks Tenten.” Sakura gushed in appreciation. Tenten swelled with pride and sat back down.
“No problem, Sakura.”
“But Sakura's right Tenten, that was amazing. I could never do anything like that.” Hinata blushed and looked down. She was always so shy.
“Yes, you could, but you need the right motivation. I was pissed, because she dissed my hair.” Tenten touched the identical hair buns protruding from her head. Hinata gave a shy smile, and went back to her homework. Tenten ate the rest of her sandwich and asked Sakura about her Algebra.
* * *
“READY, SET, GO!!!!” Anko-sensei yelled into the gym. The start of the dodge-ball game started. Neji Hyuuga thought this whole game was pointless and swiftly avoided all the balls and managed to pelt half the other team in a manner of seconds, and the ones he missed, his friend and overly dramatic person, Rock Lee hit everyone else.
“No fair, they've got Neji and Rock Lee on their team,” one of the girls called out, once their team lost. Anko-sensei blew the whistle and she walked up to Neji and Rock Lee.
“Why don't you two sit out? Just for this class `Kay.” Anko-sensei said. Neji rolled his eyes and walked off. Rock Lee bowed real quick and followed quickly after Neji. Freshman had lunch this period so he went to go see if his cousin was in. He and Rock Lee walked into the lunchroom just in time to catch a catfight.
“…intelligence, 'cuz we all know that if you talked as fast as you thought, you'd be talking like, "Hiii....mmmyyy...nnaammess....Iiiiiinnnnooo." So I suggest you shut you your mouth to stop all the thoughtless bullshit streaming out of it before you make a fool of yourself,” A fiery brunette with two twin buns said to a red blonde, who he recognized from the cheerleading squad. Neji was impressed by the girl's attitude.
After the blonde had ran out, and the lunchroom calmed down, Lee said, “She a cute one, isn't she Neji-san?” Neji nodded looking for his cousin, Hinata. He found her sitting next to the cute Bun-head and they walked over.
“Hey, Hinata,” Neji said sitting next down to his cousin. Rock Lee sat next to him.
“Neji-niisan, you have gym now. What are you doing here?” Hinata asked timidly.
“Anko-sensei let us out, because we were ruining gym class.” Neji gestured to her friends.
“Oh please forgive me. Neji this Tenten,” she acknowledged the brunette, “and Sakura. Tenten, Sakura, this is my cousin, Neji, and his friend, Rock Lee.” Neji greeted silently to each girl, but Rock Lee was a different story.
“Sakura-sama, your name is so correct. You are as beautiful as the cherry blossoms in full bloom.” He took her hand and kissed it. Rock Lee is not the most attractive man in Konoha. His shiny black bowl cut, and bushy brows have scared off one a many girl.
“Thank you, but I'm sorry, I find you a little creepy.” Sakura said flat out. Neji smirked. He liked this girl too. Rock Lee looked disappointed.
“Come on, Lee. We must go change out, for next period. It was nice meeting you ladies.” Neji stood and bowed. Rock Lee stood and bowed his farewells as well. They left with out another word.
To Be Continued…
Authors Note:
Thanks for reading. This was my first Naruto fic, so please be kind while reviewing. I know it was kind of short but the next one will have more plot, I promise.
Regal Velvet Angel