Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Four: Beating the Crap out of Someone with a Stick ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any of its characters.
Chapter Four:
Konoha High: Beating the Crap out of Someone with a Stick
Naruto lay down on his bed, his head hanging off the sides. He held the phone his ear listening to the 5th ring.
“Hello.” A familiar voice answered the phone.
“Kiba?” Naruto asked.
“Yeah, what's up?”
“Nothing really, just playing with Akamaru. What about you?” Kiba asked.
“Not much, just talking to you. Hey I wanted to ask you something.” Naruto
watched a spider crawl across his ceiling.
“Spit.” That was Kiba language for “talk.”
“Did you ask Sakura to the dance?”
“Okay, so do you think I should ask Hinata?”
“Do you like her?”
“She's cute and really nice, but I don't know. She might take it the wrong way. You know how girls are.”
Kiba pondered this for a moment. “Ask her anyways. Hinata's sweet and she'd probably say yes, even if she thought it was just because y'all are friends.”
“I don't want to ask her as just friends.”
“Well, I don't think she likes you just as a friend. I saw her blush today in gym. She sure as hell doesn't blush that way for me when I ask for a pencil.”
Naruto flipped over and sat up. “You're right. I'll ask Hinata, but if she says no, you owe me a month's supply of ramen.”
“Whatever. Hey Akamaru's chewing on something. I've got to go. Hey, what are you chewing on boy!” Kiba's voice faded out and Naruto hung up his phone.
He smiled to himself, “Hinata it is then!”
* * *
“Tenten, you sit in the front with Neji. I never get to sit in the back of Neji's car.” Hinata said climbing in the back of the car with Sakura. Tenten shrugged. Neji on the other hand was suspicious. His cousin was up to something. Neji opened the door for Tenten, since it was only nice.
“Thank you, Neji,” Tenten said, a faint blush covering her cheeks. Neji took notice of this, and shrugged it off. `She couldn't like me. She's too…fiery. There's no way I could make this one blush,' Neji thought. Neji thought of his past girlfriends…like that Temari from Sand Village High. She was fiery, but easily submissive. Tenten doesn't seem like that kind of person. He slid into the driver's side, and started up his car.
“So Tenten…what do you like to do for fun?” Neji asked, trying to make it sound like polite conversation.
“I'm really into archery. My dad says I'm a good shot. It's too bad they don't have a club here for it.” Tenten answered politely. “What do you like to do for fun, Neji?” She smiled when she said his name.
“Like you saw today, I'm into Kendo. I like to beat the crap out of others with a stick.” Neji tried his hand at joking.
Tenten was horror stricken for a moment then laughed as she realized he was joking. Neji smiled, and turned up the radio, so he didn't have to face almost embarrassing himself with small talk.
`He doesn't want to talk to me,' Tenten thought. She looked somberly at the radio. `It's because I didn't get his joke right away. Damn it, Tenten, of all times to be a ditz.' She looked down and listened to the radio for the rest of the way.
Dinner at the Hyuuga household was as awkward as sitting through the car ride with Neji and Tenten. Sakura looked down at her plate, and noticed it was clean. Mr. Hyuuga was very polite and made pleasant conversation, but the tension between Tenten and Neji was making the whole table nervous. When Hanabi asked Tenten when Neji should pick her up for the dance, they both choked on their salad. Tenten properly avoided the question by saying that she didn't know. On the way home, Tenten insisted sitting in the back with Sakura and Hinata sat up front. She waved her polite goodbye and walked inside her empty house.
* * *
“Hey you're name's Rock Lee, right?” Ino said in her most sickly sweet voice.
“Yeah, what's your name?” Rock Lee held onto the punching bag, so it wouldn't run into the blonde girl.
“My name's Ino. Well, I have a favor to ask.”
“Ask away,” he said, looking Ino in the eye.
“I have a friend, who sort of has a friend, and she says that her friends needs a date to the dance,” Ino batted her eyelashes that worked on her Asuma-sensei.
“What's her name?”
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: If you liked this story at all, please leave a REVIEW!!! Or if you thought it could be better, tell me what you want to happen. Please, I really need feedback!