Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Six: Misunderstandings ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Yeah…yeah I don't own Naruto, don't sue!
Chapter Six:
Konoha High: Misunderstandings
The next two days at Konoha were nerve-racking. Kiba had avoided Sakura at all costs, and the usually perky Sakura, sulked and brooded. She had scored the lowest on the comma test from Iruka-sensei, and Tenten and Hinata were worried.
Kiba had told Naruto everything that had happened, so Naruto, being a good friend, didn't ask Hinata out, because it might cause interaction between the two friends. Kiba had started to zone out every now and then, causing everyone around him to worry. Everyone had started to become anxious, awaiting the next move.
Friday morning, Sakura walked into class looking grubby. Her hair was messed up and she was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Tenten and Hinata looked to each other and they asked permission to talk to Sakura. Iruka-sensei nodded and they dragged her into the bathroom. Sakura fell apart into Tenten and Hinata's arms. They cooed and patted her back.
“I'm s-so sorry…I di-didn't know he was…going t-to k-kiss me. I should've known…I d-don't deserve K-Kiba after what I d-did…” Sakura sobbed into Tenten's shirt. Tenten handed Hinata a brush, and Hinata brushed her hair. Tenten sat Sakura on the bathroom sink and shushed her.
“Don't say that okay! It wasn't your fault. It was no one's fault. Lee didn't know. You didn't know, and Kiba just misunderstood. You of all people should know that. Kiba may be a great guy, but if he doesn't see how great you are, he's not worth it.” Tenten blotted her eyes with a tissue. Sakura gave a little hic and she nodded. Tenten knew her best friend better than anyone, and she knew this day was coming. She handed Sakura a pair of fresh clothes and pushed her into the bathroom stall. She came out decent enough to be seen in public. She gave a weak smile, so Hinata and Tenten hugged her.
* * *
“Oh my gosh, Kiba did you see her?” Naruto asked looking at his indifferent partner.
“Hn,” was his only reply.
“Now you're starting to sound like that Sasuke-freak.” Naruto said. Kiba shrugged. “What the hell is wrong with you? Sakura is obviously freaking out over you and you're just being an ass to her. You really need to look at yourself in a fricken' mirror. You're sulking and not doing anything about it. If you like her so damn much, then tell her.” Iruka-sensei gave Naruto a look of warning, but he just ignored it. Kiba needed some sense knocked into him.
“Whatever,” Kiba said and went back to looking at the desk in front of him. Naruto gave up on his deranged partner and asked to switch places with Shikamaru, who was looking out the window. Iruka-sensei nodded, and he gratefully switched.
Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari watched their classmates closely. They were all so…odd. Or at least that's what Gaara thought. He didn't usually interact with others. His brother and sister did. Temari used to date some guy who went to this school. `I wonder if he still goes here,' Gaara thought. He looked at his sister who was absentmindedly picking at her nails, and his brother who was staring at that blonde Ino girl, who was leaning against her boy toy of hers, Sasuke. That didn't make sense to Gaara either. Why would he agree to be her boyfriend, if he can't stand being around her? Gaara shook his head lightly and focused his attention on Iruka-sensei.
Sakura walked into the classroom followed by Tenten and Hinata. She held her head high. Hinata went to sit by Shino Aburame, and let Tenten and Sakura sit together. Sakura gave Hinata a grateful smile, and she just waved it off. Sakura could feel the glances on her, and she looked to the one person she wanted to impress, and he was staring at his desk. Sakura felt another wave of tears coming on, but she swallowed them down, and waited for Iruka-sensei to finish his lesson.
* * *
Later on that day, Neji had walked down the hall during free period. He was aimlessly wandering around, looking for something to do. His homework was practically done, and he couldn't sit down for another five minutes. His mind was busy with someone else anyway. He hadn't spoken with Tenten since that awkward meeting at his house. `Maybe she realized that I'm not worth her time or something,' Neji thought. He suddenly found his shoes interesting, and he didn't see the approaching figure, who apparently wasn't looking either. The two figures bumped together, causing the smaller one to fall. Neji looked at the girl who was shell-shocked and on the floor.
“Temari…” he whispered. Temari looked up at the sound of her name and saw her ex-boyfriend Neji standing in front of her. He offered her a hand and she took it willingly.
Temari stood, and looked him straight in the eye, “Neji.” He grinned and nodded and she threw her arms around his neck. He had to admit he missed her. They met at a school Kendo match, and Temari was in the stands cheering on the other school to piss off her school. The only reason they broke up was because of the distance the two schools were, and how long the drive was to each of their houses. Neji smiled and hugged her back. Now they were together again.
* * *
“Oh no,” Hinata whispered to herself. Tenten, Sakura, and herself, were going to go in the courtyard and talk.
“What is it, Hinata?” Sakura turned around. Tenten had walked ahead to find a picnic table in the courtyard. She saw the same thing Hinata did, a smiling Neji hugging a very affectionate blonde. “Who is that?”
“Temari; Neji dated her a while back, but they broke up because of the distance.” Hinata sighed and put her face in her hands. Tenten would be devastated. Sakura was obviously thinking the same thing.
“Should we tell her?” Hinata nodded. It was only right, that she should know. Solemnly they walked into the courtyard to tell their friend the news.
“Hey guys, what's wrong?” Tenten obviously noticed the change in their attitudes. Hinata looked away, and Sakura decided she should tell her friend.
“Tenten, Neji's old girlfriend has transferred to this school, and we saw them hugging in the hallway.” Sakura and Hinata sat in front of their friend on the picnic table.
“I'm sorry, Tenten,” Hinata said meekly. Tenten looked down at the table. A single tear slid from her face onto the table.
She looked up at them, “It's okay. I'm glad Neji is happy, and I'm happy for Temari. If they like each other, it is not my place to ruin it.” She gave them a smile, and wiped the tear from her face. Hinata and Sakura were proud of their friend. She was so strong. “Thanks for telling me, guys. I know you didn't want to.”
* * *
Neji suddenly felt something shift inside him, like something was missing. He was hugging one of the greatest things that happened to him, but he wasn't happy. Neji looked down at the girl he was hugging. She smiled up at him, and he smiled back.
To Be Continued…
Author's note: Yeah…I still haven't figured out what's going to happen yet. So just keep on reading and I'll think about it, but please leave a review.