Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Eleven: Anatomy Lessons ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, so don't sue.
Chapter Eleven:
Konoha High: Anatomy Lessons
Sakura, Hinata, and Tenten sat in the back of the classroom. It was health, and they were scared to sit in front, especially with Jiraiya-sensei explaining the female anatomy. He was accompanied by a visiting teacher, Kakashi-sensei, who head was stuck in an anatomy book, written by Jiraiya-sensei. Some of the girls in the class had tried to get the attention of the younger male sitting at the front of the room. The men in the classroom had opted for sitting as close to the front as possible. Sakura and Hinata were relived that their dates weren't in this class, and Tenten was longing to see her Neji-kun next period. Sakura looked to the male sitting beside her. He was one of Temari's brothers, Gaara. He was kind of scary, in a Goth that looks like he's going to bite your head off if you talk to him kind of way.
“Hi,” he said in a low voice. Sakura noticed he was looking at her.
“Hi,” she said back. She decided to introduce herself, so she stuck out her hand, “I'm Sakura.”
He didn't take it, “I'm Gaara.” Sakura smiled and moved her hand back to its original spot. By this time, Tenten and Hinata looked over to see who Sakura was talking to. Sakura saw her friends staring.
“These are my friends, Tenten and Hinata. Guys, this is Gaara.” Sakura leaned back so they could each see Gaara. He nodded in acknowledgement. After they turned back to front of the classroom, he tapped Sakura on the shoulder.
“Hn?” She asked, turning to him.
“I need to talk to you during free period. I have something that might interest you. Meet me outside the library,” He said bluntly and turned back to the front without another word from Sakura. She shrugged and turned back to the front.
“Okay, now observe that the woman's nipples are much more sensitive then the males. But ladies don't forget that men's nipples are also sensitive.” Sakura let out a groan.
* * *
Sakura told Kiba that she had to go turn some books back into the library, and that she'd be back soon. He nodded and said he'd be in the courtyard with everyone. With that, Sakura rushed up the stairs and into the library. She saw Gaara blending in the shadows.
“Hey,” Sakura said, “What's all this about?”
“I know why all of this drama has been happening.”
Sakura blinked once, then twice. “Why?”
“Ino Yamanaka. She made Rock Lee kiss you in the courtyard. She made sure my sister bumped into Neji. And now she is the one that's making Shino do all of this to make Hinata not like him.”
“Why would Shino want that?”
“I talked to Uchiha today during lunch. He told me that Ino made Shino think that Sasuke wanted to get back with him.”
“Sasuke's gay? So is Shino?”
“No, Shino is bi, and Sasuke gave up on boys a long time ago. That's why he's with Ino though, because she found a picture of him and Shino kissing, so now she's blackmailing him to be her boyfriend. But not anymore, she wants Hinata to be all sad over Shino, then break his heart when Sasuke tells him that he doesn't like him.”
“Whoa…Ino is a bigger bitch than I thought. Well first off her plans are ruined, because if Hinata is dumped by Shino, Naruto is there to pick up the pieces, but why does this all matter to you?”
“I like Shino.” He said it with a straight face.
“Whoa, even bigger surprise. Okay, so all we have to do is get Shino off Sasuke and onto you. Then get Hinata to see that Naruto is so much better than Shino.” Gaara nodded. Sakura thought for a moment. “How about I talk this over with Neji, Kiba, and Tenten? Hinata would be devastated if we told her straight out. If we figure out a good plan, we'll take it through you.” Gaara nodded and with a small goodbye he disappeared into the shadows. `Whoa that guy is creepy,' Sakura thought. She turned around and ran to the courtyard.
It was a beautiful day. Shikamaru and Temari were lying out on the ground. Kiba was sitting with Naruto opposite the cuddling Tenten and Neji. Shino was nowhere to be found and Hinata just sat on the edge of the table.
“Hey guys,” Sakura said walking up. Kiba turned around and pounced on her. “Hey to you too, Kiba-kun.” After the assault, Sakura turned to Hinata, “where's Shino?”
“He said he was going to look for a caterpillar for me.” She gave a weak smile. She did obviously not like this. `I guess his plan is working on its own,' Sakura thought. `Maybe I should just leave it alone…”
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: Sorry I know it's short, but school started today and I've been stressing. Let me know what you think, because I love reviews!
Regal Velvet Angel